This study contributes to the existing body of research by examining the mediating effect of ethics in the relationship between mathematics teacher cooperation and readiness. It fills a gap in the literature by investigating the ethical dimensions of collaboration and their impact on readiness for the industrial revolution. This study aims to determine the mediator effect of ethics between the relationship of Mathematics Teacher Cooperation and Readiness in Facing the Era of Industrial Revolution. The study involved a total of 231 mathematics teachers in Indonesia and a total of 384 mathematics teachers in Malaysia using simple random sampling. A survey was conducted to determine the readiness of mathematics teachers in facing the industrial revolution. This study used SEM analysis (using AMOS software) to determine the model of teacher readiness facing the era of industrial revolution such as the direct effect of mathematics teacher cooperation and readiness in facing the era of industrial revolution, the essence of ethics as mediators of the relationship between mathematics teacher cooperation and readiness in facing the era of industrial revolution. The study findings showed collaboration has significant effect on IR4.0 readiness and the direct effect of collaboration on ethics was also significant. Indirectly, ethics has a significant mediating effect in the contribution between collaboration on the readiness of IR4.0 among mathematics teachers in Indonesia and Malaysia. A partial mediator occurred in the results of this study. In conclusion, the study's implications and recommendations emphasize the importance of collaborative practices, ethics, and cross-cultural considerations in preparing mathematics teachers for the Industrial Revolution era in Indonesia and Malaysia. These recommendations highlight the significance of policy support, professional development, ethical guidelines, and research-informed practices to enhance readiness for the challenges brought about by technological advancements.