Adipose tissue is an abundant source of extracellular substances that support the tissue repair process. This pilot study was carried out to determine the efficacy of 3D-bioprinted autologous adipose tissue grafts on diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), with fibrin gel used to stabilise the graft. This was a single-arm pilot study in a tertiary hospital that provides diabetic wound care services. A total of 10 patients with a DFU were enrolled, and the primary endpoint was complete healing within 12 weeks. The secondary endpoints were wound size reduction, time to healing, and adverse events. Seven out of ten patients showed complete healing of their DFU within 12 weeks (at 2, 4, 5, 10, and 12 weeks, respectively). The wound size reduction rate was significantly and progressively reduced over time. According to our data, autologous adipose tissue grafting using a 3D bioprinter, with the addition of fibrin gel that acts as a scaffold, promotes wound healing with high-quality skin reconstruction. Throughout this study period, no adverse events were observed.