The Koro syndrome, a 'special cultural psychiatric syndrome', is encountered in South China, Malaysia and Indonesia, especially among people of Chinese origin. There are only eight case reports of Koro from the Western hemisphere. We present a typical primary Koro patient from Israel. Jewish cultural mores are a contributory factor.
This case report highlights Koro-like symptoms with erectile dysfunction.
Methods: We report a case of a Rohingya refugee who presented with Koro-like symptoms associated with erectile dysfunction and severe religious guilt.
Results: Sexual dysfunction, i.e. erectile dysfunction may be a predisposing factor for a Koro incidence. Religious issues complicated by superstitious beliefs pose a treatment challenge.
Conclusion: Treating patient with sexual dysfunction should involve exploring and addressing patient's conflicts to avoid worsening of symptoms. As this case illustrates, severe anxiety can present with Koro-like symptoms.
A case of Koro is described in a Malaysian Chinese man in the setting of martial dysharmony and sexual rejection. A distinction is suggested between the epidemic form of Koro and the Koro symptom occurring sporadically. Existence of the sporadic Koro syndrome is discussed and a unified classificatory system is proposed.