Oral mucosal melanoma is rare and more aggressive than cutaneous melanoma. Hard palate and maxillary alveolar crest are most commonly involved. Multidisciplinary team approach is necessary for successful management of this tumor. The main treatment modality is surgical resection, which usually results in impaired mastication, deglutition, speech, oral competence and significant cosmetic deformity. Here, a rare case of oral mucosal melanoma of mandibular gingiva in a 44-year man is reported, who was treated by en-block mandibular resection followed by adjuvant therapy with high dose interferons (IFN) - 2b. Following two weeks of healing period, prosthetic rehabilitation of the patient was done with an interim removable denture prosthesis, which effectively limited the unfavourable effects of surgery and helped him in resocialisation.
Choriocarcinoma is a rare neoplasia with a tendency of distant metastasis although highly sensitive to chemotherapy renders a good prognosis and outcome. Lungs, liver and cerebral metastasis are commonly implicated with maxillofacial region rarely involved. We illustrate a case of overwhelming metastatic choriocarcinoma to lungs, liver, brain and to the extreme of gum metastasis. Decompressive craniectomy for intracranial bleeding, multiple transfusions to correct anaemia and coagulopathy were done before high-risk-regime chemotherapy. Despite this, due to fulminant multi-organs involvement she finally succumbed to death. In conclusion, gum bleeding in choriocarcinoma may suggest metastasis and poor prognosis.