Over the last decade the number of negligence cases brought against doctors, dentists and other healthcare professional has increased significantly in many countries around the world. In addition, the proliferation of the pathways of accountability in many countries means that doctors are feeling undervalued and vulnerable and are therefore seeking assistance and protection more than ever. The effect of a claim or complaint on a doctor can be devastating both personally and professionally. The relationship with the patient is damaged and an increase in defensive practice ultimately causes an increase in healthcare costs. Patient expectations have increased. Patients are more knowledgeable than they were five years ago and the demands on the professions are increasing daily. Unfortunately because of the long delays that are seen between an incident and a claim it is very difficult to predict what reserves are required in the future. We have seen a number of organisations pull out of the business over the last year and it highlights the importance of having an understanding of the needs of the professions and the ability to track trends in litigation in order to set appropriate subscription rates. Doctors and other healthcare professionals require more than just financial protection. They need support from their colleagues and assistance from experienced lawyers in order to help restore their confidence and ensure that they can continue to practice for the benefit of their patients in the future.