Information about the sex of individuals is important for human identification. This study was conducted to quantify classification rates of sex prediction models for Malaysians using odontometric profiles. Mesiodistal (MD) and buccolingual (BL) crown dimensions of the permanent dentition were studied in 400 young adult Malaysians, giving a total of 28 tooth size variables. The sample consisted of three major ethnic groups, the Malays, Chinese and Tamils, since the aim was to assess sex dimorphism in Malaysians as a whole. Results showed that the mesiodistal diameter of the lower canine was the most sexually dimorphic dimension in Malaysian Malays and Tamils. Univariate analyses showed that the magnitude and pattern of sex dimorphism varies between these three ethnic groups, with Malaysian Chinese and Tamils being more dimorphic than the Malaysian Malays. Stepwise discriminant functions were generated bearing in mind their application in practical forensic situations. The range of classification rates was from 70.2% to 78.5% for the composite Malaysian group, and 83.8%, 77.9%, 72.4% for Malaysian Chinese, Malays and Tamils, respectively. The 'Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve statistics' indicated good classification rates for three prediction models obtained using a combination of all tooth size variables, mandibular teeth, and mesiodistal dimensions in the composite Malaysian group, and for all tooth size variables in each ethnic group. The present study provides strong support for the value of odontometry as an adjunct scientific method for sex prediction in human identification.
To explore how many millimeters of tooth size discrepancy (TSD) are clinically significant, to determine what percentage of a representative orthodontic population has such a tooth size discrepancy, and to determine the ability of simple visual inspection to detect such a discrepancy.
The maxillary anterior teeth are important in achieving pleasing dental aesthetics. Various methods are used to measure the size and form of them, including the golden proportion between their perceived widths, and the width-to-height ratio, referred to as the golden standard. The purpose of this study was conducted to evaluate whether consistent relationships exist between tooth width and height of the clinical crown dimensions; and to investigate the occurrence of the golden proportion of the maxillary anterior teeth.
We present new data on the prevalence and patterning of the maxillary premolar accessory ridge (MxPAR), a common but understudied morphological dental trait that is expressed as a linear elevation extending from the buccal cusp ridge to the medial sulcus of maxillary premolar teeth. A total of 579 sets of dental casts, representing six ethnic groups, were scored using the five-grade system proposed by Burnett et al. (2010). The frequency and distribution of the MxPAR were determined by tooth type, sex, side, locus and ethnicity, and the applicability of the scoring system was assessed. The MxPAR was found in approximately two-thirds of premolar teeth, more often on second than first premolars, and more often on the distal aspect of the occlusal surface than the mesial. There was some evidence that more pronounced forms of the feature occurred more often in males than females, and that there may be some directionality in its expression between sides. Variation was also noted in the frequency of occurrence and degree of expression of the MxPAR between ethnic groups. Intra- and inter-observer concordance rates for scoring the MxPAR were low, confirming that it was difficult to score the trait identically on two different occasions. Our findings have clarified the distribution of the MxPAR within the dentition and between ethnic groups, and highlighted the need for researchers to carry out thorough replicability studies and to decide on an appropriate breakpoint for determining presence or absence of this feature before embarking on genetic studies or bio-distance analyses.