Toxoplasma gondii is a public health risk in developing countries, especially those located in the tropics. Widespread infection may inflict a substantial burden on state resources, as patients can develop severe neurological defects and ocular diseases that result in lifelong loss of economic independence. We tested sera for IgG antibody from 493 eye patients in Malaysia. Overall age-adjusted seroprevalence was estimated to be 25% (95% CI: [21%, 29%]). We found approximately equal age-adjusted seroprevalence in Chinese (31%; 95% CI: [25%, 38%]) and Malays (29%; 95% CI: [21%, 36%]), followed by Indians (19%; 95% CI: [13%, 25%]). A logistic regression of the odds for T. gondii seroprevalence against age, gender, ethnicity and the occurrence of six types of ocular diseases showed that only age and ethnicity were significant predictors. The odds for T. gondii seroprevalence were 2.7 (95% CI for OR: [1.9, 4.0]) times higher for a patient twice as old as the other, with ethnicity held constant. In Malays, we estimated the odds for T. gondii seroprevalence to be 2.9 (95% CI for OR: [1.8, 4.5]) times higher compared to non-Malays, with age held constant. Previous studies of T. gondii seroprevalence in Malaysia did not explicitly adjust for age, rendering comparisons difficult. Our study highlights the need to adopt a more rigorous epidemiological approach in monitoring T. gondii seroprevalence in Malaysia.
Ocular tuberculosis is an ocular infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB). About 5-10% of ocular inflammation cases are caused by ocular TB. Spectrum of ocular TB is diverse, affecting any part of the adnexa, different layers and structures of the globe, orbital contents, optic nerve to the orbital apex posteriorly. It can be associated with or without systemic manifestation. Posterior uveitis is the most common presentation of ocular tuberculosis. Subretinal haemorrhage secondary to choroidal neovascularization (CNV) is a rare complication in ocular tuberculosis. We report a rare case of secondary choroidal neovascularization in a 9-year-old boy with bilateral eye choroidal tuberculoma with underlying miliary tuberculosis. He was treated with intravitreal ranibizumab and intravitreal recombinant-tissue plasminogen activator (r-TPA) injection. The CNV resolved, however, vision was poor due to atrophic fovea.