Displaying all 8 publications

  1. Lentz SR, Rangarajan S, Karim FA, Andersen PD, Arkhammar P, Rosu G, et al.
    Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis, 2017 Apr;28(3):224-229.
    PMID: 27427786 DOI: 10.1097/MBC.0000000000000584
    : Haemophilia treatment guidelines advocate early home-based treatment of acute bleeds. In the ADEPT2 trial, data were collected on the home treatment of bleeds with recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) in haemophilia patients with inhibitors and self-reported bleeding-related symptoms. A total of 93% of all bleeds, and 91.5% of joint bleeds, were treated successfully with one to three doses of 90 μg/kg rFVIIa. However, some patients self-administered additional haemostatic medication (AHM) up to 48 h after the first rFVIIa treatment. The aim of this trial was to investigate the relationship between patient-reported symptoms, time to treatment initiation, and the use of AHM. A post hoc analysis was conducted on 177 joint bleeds and the patient-reported categorical symptoms of pain, swelling, mobility, tingling, and warmth, and the pain visual analogue scale (VAS) score. Analyses were descriptive and used logistic regression modelling. Complete symptom data were available for 141, 136, and 129 joint bleeds at 0 or 1, 3, and 6 h, respectively. Pain and pain VAS assessments were the best predictors of AHM use. Patients who self-administered AHM had higher mean pain VAS scores at each time point; both pain and pain VAS scores declined over time. Time to treatment initiation was an independent predictor for AHM use. Higher initial pain scores and longer time to treatment were the best predictors for administration of AHM. The observation that some patients chose to self-infuse in the face of declining levels of pain warrants further study to better understand the reasons behind patient decision-making.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor VIIa/administration & dosage; Factor VIIa/therapeutic use*
  2. Naing C, Poovorawan Y, Mak JW, Aung K, Kamolratankul P
    Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis, 2015 Jun;26(4):403-7.
    PMID: 25692521 DOI: 10.1097/MBC.0000000000000280
    The present study aimed to assess the cost-utility analysis of using an adjunctive recombinant activated factor VIIa (rFVIIa) in children for controlling life-threatening bleeding in dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF)/dengue shock syndrome (DSS). We constructed a decision-tree model, comparing a standard care and the use of an additional adjuvant rFVIIa for controlling life-threatening bleeding in children with DHF/DSS. Cost and utility benefit were estimated from the societal perspective. The outcome measure was cost per quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). Overall, treatment with adjuvant rFVIIa gained QALYs, but the total cost was higher. The incremental cost-utility ratio for the introduction of adjuvant rFVIIa was $4241.27 per additional QALY. Sensitivity analyses showed the utility value assigned for calculation of QALY was the most sensitive parameter. We concluded that despite high cost, there is a role for rFVIIa in the treatment of life-threatening bleeding in patients with DHF/DSS.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor VIIa/economics*; Factor VIIa/therapeutic use*
  3. Teh A, Leong KW, Bosco JJ, Koong PL, Jayaranee S
    Med J Malaysia, 1995 Jun;50(2):166-70.
    PMID: 7565188
    Acquired haemophilia is a rare clinical condition arising from the spontaneous development of inhibitors to factor VIII. We describe two cases encountered in the University Hospital over the past five years. We also review the literature and discuss the therapeutic difficulties faced in dealing with patients with high levels of inhibitors. In one of these patients we also describe, for the first time in this region, a novel method in managing the acute bleeding episode in acquired haemophilia using recombinant factor VIIa.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor VIIa/therapeutic use
  4. Tan LN, Mariappa G, Voon HY, Suharjono H
    Med J Malaysia, 2017 12;72(6):380-381.
    PMID: 29308782 MyJurnal
    Severe sepsis with multi-organ failure is associated with a high mortality rate. This case report highlights the challenges and modalities available in the management of a lady with refractory shock and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) due to toxic shock syndrome (TSS) from genital tract sepsis. Early surgical intervention to remove the source of infection, the use of recombinant activated factor VII to treat intractable disseminated intravascular coagulation and intravenous immunoglobulin to neutralise the circulating exotoxins, have been employed and shown to drastically improve outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor VIIa/administration & dosage*
  5. Ng SC
    Ann Acad Med Singap, 1994 Nov;23(6):901-2.
    PMID: 7741509
    The management of haemorrhagic episodes in patients with factor VIII inhibitor is difficult and the outcome rather unpredictable. The use of an investigational drug, that is, activated recombinant factor VII (rFVIIa) in a young non-haemophiliac patient with spontaneous occurrence of factor VIII inhibitor who presented with life-threatening retroperitoneal haemorrhage is reported. There was prompt achievement of haemostasis with rFVIIa after the patient had failed conventional therapy with factor IX and Autoplex. Two further episodes of retroperitoneal bleeding again responded promptly to rFVIIa therapy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor VIIa/therapeutic use*
  6. Mahlangu JN, Weldingh KN, Lentz SR, Kaicker S, Karim FA, Matsushita T, et al.
    J Thromb Haemost, 2015 Nov;13(11):1989-98.
    PMID: 26362483 DOI: 10.1111/jth.13141
    BACKGROUND: Vatreptacog alfa, a recombinant human factor VIIa (rFVIIa) analog developed to improve the treatment of bleeds in hemophilia patients with inhibitors, differs from native FVIIa by three amino acid substitutions. In a randomized, double-blind, crossover, confirmatory phase III trial (adept(™) 2), 8/72 (11%) hemophilia A or B patients with inhibitors treated for acute bleeds developed anti-drug antibodies (ADAs) to vatreptacog alfa.

    OBJECTIVES: To characterize the formation of anti-vatreptacog alfa ADAs in hemophilia patients with inhibitors.

    METHODS/PATIENTS: This was a post hoc analysis of adept(™) 2. Immunoglobulin isotype determination, specificity analysis of rFVIIa cross-reactive antibodies, epitope mapping of rFVIIa single mutant analogs and pharmacokinetic (PK) profiling were performed to characterize the ADAs.

    RESULTS: Immunoglobulin isotyping indicated that the ADAs were of the immunoglobulin G subtype. In epitope mapping, none of the rFVIIa single mutant analogs (V158D, E296V or M298Q) contained the complete antibody epitope, confirming that the antibodies were specific for vatreptacog alfa. In two patients, for whom PK profiling was performed both before and after the development of ADAs, vatreptacog alfa showed a prolonged elimination phase following ADA development. During the follow-up evaluation, the rFVIIa cross-reactivity disappeared after the last vatreptacog alfa exposure, despite continued exposure to rFVIIa as part of standard care.

    CONCLUSIONS: Results from the vatreptacog alfa phase III trial demonstrate that the specific changes made, albeit relatively small, to the FVIIa molecule alter its clinical immunogenicity.

    Matched MeSH terms: Factor VIIa/genetics; Factor VIIa/immunology*; Factor VIIa/pharmacokinetics; Factor VIIa/chemistry
  7. Idris Z, Raj J, Abdullah JM
    Asian J Neurosurg, 2014 Jul-Sep;9(3):124-9.
    PMID: 25685202 DOI: 10.4103/1793-5482.142731
    Massive intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is nearly always associated with hydrocephalus and is often treated with prolonged external ventricular drainage (EVD); however this procedure can lead to bacterial ventriculitis and meningitis, which can worsen the clinical outcomes. Endoscopic burr hole surgery to remove the hematomas in lateral and third ventricles is an alternative treatment option. We describe the surgical techniques and benefits of endoscopic surgery for acute massive IVH in four patients and discuss the current published literature-related to this condition. Four patients were treated endoscopically for massive IVH. Three patients presented with secondary IVH due to vascular malformation, tumoral bleed and chronic hypertension, while one case presented as massive primary IVH. Endoscopic wash out and removal of hematomas was normally performed together with an endoscopic third ventriculostomy. Recombinant factor VIIa was only administered prior to surgery for IVH secondary to vascular malformation and for cases with postoperative rebleeding which required second endoscopic surgery. Weaning from ventilator and EVD commenced on day 4 postoperatively. All treated patients recovered and did not require further shunt surgery. Good outcomes obtained may be related to early removal of hematomas, creation of new cerebrospinal fluid diversion pathway after thorough wash-out, early weaning from ventilator and EVD. Endoscopic surgery is beneficial in treating poor grade IVH with Graeb score of more than 6.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor VIIa
  8. Giangrande P, Abdul Karim F, Nemes L, You CW, Landorph A, Geybels MS, et al.
    J Thromb Haemost, 2020 Sep;18 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):5-14.
    PMID: 32544297 DOI: 10.1111/jth.14959
    BACKGROUND: N8-GP (turoctocog alfa pegol; Esperoct® , Novo Nordisk A/S, Bagsvaerd, Denmark) is a glycoPEGylated human recombinant factor VIII with a half-life of ~1.6-fold of standard FVIII products. pathfinder2 (NCT01480180) was a multi-national, open-label trial of N8-GP in previously treated adolescent and adult patients with severe hemophilia A.

    OBJECTIVE: We report end-of-trial efficacy and safety of N8-GP from pathfinder2.

    METHODS: pathfinder2 main phase and extension phase part 1 results have been previously reported. During extension phase part 2, patients could switch from N8-GP prophylaxis 50 IU/kg every fourth day (Q4D) or 75 IU/kg once weekly (Q7D), depending on bleeding status. Extension phase part 2 collected long-term safety and efficacy data for all regimens until trial end (first patient in main phase, 30 January 2012; trial end, 10 December 2018).

    RESULTS: Overall, 186 patients were exposed to N8-GP for up to 6.6 years (median 5.4 years). The estimated annualized bleeding rate (ABR) was 2.14 (median 0.84) for the Q4D prophylaxis arm and 1.31 (median 1.67) for the Q7D prophylaxis arm. Nearly 30% of patients experienced zero bleeds throughout the entire duration of the trial, the hemostatic response was 83.2% across all treatment arms, and patient-reported outcomes were maintained or slightly improved. No safety concerns were detected.

    CONCLUSION: Data from the completed pathfinder2 trial, one of the largest and longest-running clinical trials to investigate treatment of severe hemophilia A, demonstrate the efficacy and safety of N8-GP in previously treated adolescent and adult patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Factor VIIa
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