Elderly people are known to be at a greater risk of malnutrition, particularly those having diseases or illnesses. A prospective study was undertaken on 92 hospitalised geriatric patients (45.6% males), aged 60 to 89 years old, admitted to surgical and medical wards at Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM). The study aimed to assess malnutrition at admission, day 3 and day 7 of hospitalisation, and its relation with length of stay in the wards. Malnutrition was assessed using anthropometrics and biochemical indicators. Although the majority of subjects had a normal Body Mass Index (BMI), 10.9% had Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) and 38% were overweight. A total of 10% subjects had muscle wasting as assessed by Mid-upper Arm Circumference (MUAC). Biochemical tests indicated that women subjects were more likely to have hypoalbuminaemia (p <0.05) whilst, men were at risk of anaemia (p < 0.05). Throughout hospitalisation, there was a significant reduction in body weight, biceps skinfold thickness, calf circumference, MUAC, percentage of body fat and body mass index (BMI) in both males and females (p < 0.05 for all parameters). Biochemical tests on a sub sample of subjects indicated that 71.4% had hypoalbuminaemia and 39.6% were anaemic. Subjects diagnosed with cancer, had loss of appetite or had poor nutritional status as assessed by BMI or MUAC on admission were more likely to be hospitalised longer than or equal to 7 days (p < 0.05 for all parameters). Serum albumin levels at admission correlated positively with MUAC values both on admission (r = 0.608, p <0.01) and at clay seven of hospitalisation (r = 0.906, p < 0.05). There is a need to screen elderly patients at high risk of malnutrition at admission in order to reduce the length of stay and increase their health and nutritional status.
Energy and nutrient intake estimated using a pre-coded dietary history questionnaire (DHQ) was compared with results obtained from a 7-d weighed intake record (WI) in a group of 37 elderly Malays residing in rural areas of Mersing District, Johor, Malaysia to determine the validity of the DHQ. The DHQ consists of a pre-coded dietary history with a qualitative food frequency questionnaire which was developed to obtain information on food intake and usual dietary habits. The 7-d WI requires subjects to weigh each food immediately before eating and to weigh any leftovers. The medians of intake from the two methods were rather similar and varied by less than 30% for every nutrient, except for vitamin C (114%). For most of the nutrients, analysis of group means using the Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank sum test showed no significant difference between the estimation of intake from the DHQ and from the WI, with the exceptions of vitamin C and niacin. The DHQ significantly overestimated the intake of vitamin C compared to the WI (p<0.05), whilst, the intake of niacin was significantly underestimated (p<0.05). The consistency of ranking as assessed using the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (r) was satisfactory since there were positive correlations between all of the investigated nutrients estimated using the DHQ with those assessed using the WI, except for niacin. Furthermore, both the DHQ and the WI classified approximately 38 to 62% of the subjects into the same tertile for all nutrients, except vitamin C. Therefore, the DHQ was modified by adding a checklist of foods rich in vitamin C and niacin. In conclusion, the DHQ was fairly valid for obtaining the usual intake of most nutrients, particularly on a group basis. These findings indicate that in an elderly population with a high prevalence of illiteracy, a specially designed DHQ can provide very similar estimations to that obtained from 7-d WI.
University students may encounter personal, family, social, and financial stresses while trying to cope with their academic challenges. Such constraints could affect their eating behavior and health status which, in turn may have negative effects on their studies. In light of little information in Malaysia on this subject, this study was undertaken on a sample of 180 students pursuing different academic programs in a Malaysian university. The study objectives were to determine the students' eating behavior including body weight control and the extent of fear of being fat, their social self concept that reflects the five selves namely, the psychological self, the social self, the sexual self, the family self and the physical self. Eating behavior and social self concept were determined based on various methods previously validated in studies on young adults in Asia and Australia. This article focuses on gender comparisons for these determinants. The results showed that psychological and emotional factors have a significant bearing on the eating behavior of university students. Uninhibited eating behavior of both the males and females showed significant and negative correlations with feelings pertaining to personal worth, the physical self, and their relationships with peers and families. Gender differences were manifested for some determinants. The females showed more restrained eating behavior than the males; the females have a significantly higher score for family relationship, which appears to be a significant factor on male students' eating behavior. Future studies on a larger sample size may help to unravel the extent to which psychological factors influence eating behavior of students, and the underlying psychosocial basis for some of the gender differences reported in this study.
A nutritional status study was carried out among Chinese preschoolers (4- 6 years old) residing in Subang Jaya, Selangor. 91 preschoolers (48 boys and 43 girls) of Chinese descent participated in the study. Anthropometric measurements such as weight and height were taken and compared with the NCHS reference. Food habits and demographic background were also evaluated. The results indicated that the prevalence of underweight, wasting and stunting was 2% respectively, while the prevalence of overweight was 3%. Food habits data showed that most preschoolers consumed the daily main meals and snack once a day. Fruits were consumed between three to four times per week. Food items preferred by these preschoolers were milk, fish and fruits. In general, preschoolers in this study favoured foods, which were deep fried rather than steamed or roasted. Correlation analysis showed that there was no significant relationship between income, education of parents and anthropometric index (weight for age, height for age and weight for height). The nutritional status of these preschool children in Subang Jaya was satisfactory.
A survey was carried out in the district of Kemaman, Terengganu, Malaysia to study infant feeding practices in rural and semi-urban communities. A total of 593 mothers were interviewed and their socio-demographic information recorded. Data on infant feeding practices were collected from mothers who had children up to 15 months of age. Among breast-feeding mothers (n =157), 42.0 % fed their babies for less than 3 months and 58.0% bottle fed for more than 6 months. Sixteen children were found to be fed on sweetened condensed milk with 62.5% of them for the first 3 months. Among those who breast fed their babies, 40.1% were found to have bottle fed at one time or another. The majority of breast feeding mothers belonged to the groups having incomplete primary schooling or completed primary education only and household income below RM600 per month. A substantial number of breast fed babies were given weaning foods in the form of porridge mixture (rice + egg, rice + vegetables, rice + meat, rice+ fish and cereals) between the age of 0 - 3 months. The findings of this study concluded that although breast-feeding is widely practiced, however, their duration has dwindled, and early introduction of solid foods is widespread.
As Malaysia is moving towards a rapidly developing economy, its elderly population is also expected to increase not only in numbers and proportion but also in their life expectancies. This demographic shift from a relatively young population to one that includes an increasing number of old and very old age group presents a real challenge to nutritionists and health professionals. The challenge is to maintain a healthy and vigorous elderly population who can lead fulfilling and independent lives. Health promotion and disease prevention efforts, including nutrition education, targeted towards this group can contribute important elements in meeting the challenge. The objective of the study was to assess the nutrition education needs of a sample of elderly Chinese in an urban area. The sample consisted of 34 males and 36 females, whose age ranged from 55 to 86 years. They were generally affluent and well-educated with a mean income of RM101 1.86 and 8.0 years of formal education. A self-administered questionnaire which requires 20 to 30 minutes to complete was used to collect the information. The results of the nutrition knowledge assessment indicated that the typical respondent correctly identified 16 of the 22 nutrition knowledge statements. A majority (91.4%) of the respondents recognized the fact that tomato, dark green leafy vegetables, and orange juice are good sources of vitamin C, while the statement on vitamin supplementation was correctly answered by only 15.7% of the respondents. The mean nutrition knowledge score was 26.14 with a range of between 18 and 36. The t-test indicated a significant difference (t=3.63, p_0.05) between males and females in their nutrition knowledge scores, with the males having higher mean scores. Although only 8.6% of the respondents reported they had participated before in a nutrition education programme, a majority of them believed that nutrition education can improve the nutritional and health status of the elderly. A majority (80%) of the respondents mentioned newspaper articles as their source of nutrition information, while only 8.6% indicated the dietitian as their source of information. However, the doctor was identified as a more creditable and reliable source of information by a majority.
Introduction: The Temiar who ethnically belong to Senoi, one of the major groups of Orang Asli (indigenous people) in Peninsular Malaysia, have their own distinctive food taboos and avoidances during the postpartum period. These traditions are deeply rooted in their culture, customs, values and beliefs system.
Methods: A qualitative research method involving five focus group discussions were conducted to compare and contrast four different locations: the communities of Pos Tohoi, Pos Simpor, Rancangan Pengumpulan Semula Orang Asli (RPSOA) in Kelantan and the community at Batu 12 in Gombak, Selangor, representing different lifestyle experiences and food practices of Orang Asli Temiar in Peninsular Malaysia. All the transcripts were coded and categorised and then ‘thematised’ using the software package for handling qualitative data, NVivo 8.
Results: Despite variations in locations, there were five agreed prohibited food items during the postpartum period: cooking oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, and meat from game or domesticated animals. Dietary restrictions begin immediately after childbirth and varied from seven, eight, and fourteen days to one month. Besides food restrictions, there were other prescribed avoidances for mothers after delivering a baby.
Conclusion: Prohibitions placed upon women during the postpartum period are intended to protect the new mother, the newborn baby and also the community. It appears that regardless of whether they live in the most traditional or the least traditional locations, the Temiar lineage and societal norms in the form of taboos during the female reproductive cycle are handed down to the new generation by their elders.
Anthropometry is the single most portable, easily applied, inexpensive and non-invasive method of assessing body composition. It reflects both health and nutrition and predicts performance, health and survival. The use of body mass index (BMI) as a measure of obesity has been widespread and has recently been promoted for assessment of chronic energy deficiency (CED) in adults. This report provides BMI values of 2636 adult males and 2111 adult females from the three main ethnic groups residing in urban areas and BMI of adult Malay and Dayak (380 males and 496 females) residing in rural areas in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. The percent prevalence of obesity and CED in males for the three ethnic groups were apparently quite similar. However, in the females, CED were higher in the Malays and Chinese while overweight problems were more serious in the Indians. Among the Malays, prevalence of CED for males and females were 7% and 11% in urban areas and 11% and 14% in rural areas, respectively. In the males, it is interesting to note that there is a two-fold difference between urban and rural, while a high prevalence of overweight women (20%) even in the rural areas should be viewed as a potential health problem of the future.
Introduction: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is on the rise in Malaysia. Physical inactivity is common among T2DM patients and is an important aspect that warrants action as it may lead to poor glycemic control. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to assess the prevalence of physical inactivity and its associated factors among T2DM patients.
Methods: The sample consisted of 121 T2DM patients aged 18 to 65 years who attended the UKMMC primary clinic for routine follow up. A questionnaire consisting of three sections was used to collect the data: (i) socio-economic and diabetes-related factors; (ii) physical inactivity using shortened International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ); and (iii) five domains leading to physical inactivity.
Results: The mean age of the sample was found to be 56.2 ± 8.5 years; 55% were physically inactive; 76% had low education; 55.4% had low income; 76% had poor glycemic control; and mean duration of illness was 7.8 ± 6.9 years. Factors significantly associated with physical inactivity were presence of health complications (x2 = 5.89; p=0.015) and factor domains of 'respondent's current physical health' (t=5.88, p<0.001), 'availability of facility' (t=3.45, p<0.001), 'availability of time' (t=3.57, p<0.001) and 'respondent's perception of possibility of sustaining pain and injury during physical activity' (t=3.64, p<0.001). Using multiple logistic regression, only factors of 'physical health factor' (Adjusted OR: 1.58, confidence interval 95% (CI 95%): 1.31-1.92, p<0.001) and 'time' (adjusted OR: 1.27, CI 95%: 1.12-1.45, p<0.001) were found to be associated with higher odds for physical inactivity.
Conclusion: The results indicate that facility availability, time management and better management of health complications could increase physical activity among T2DM patients.
Key words: Physical inactivity, type 2 diabetes
Study site: Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangssan Malaysia (PPUKM) primary care clinic, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A cross-sectional study was carried out to assess the physical activity levels among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) at Cheras Health Clinic in Kuala Lumpur. A total of 132 subjects (62 men and 70 women) aged 30 years and above participated in this study. Data was collected using an interview based questionnaire to obtain socio-demographic and health profile information. Physical activity was assessed using a shortened version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Anthropometric measurements and body fat were also taken. Glycaemic status, that is, HbA1c, fasting blood sugar (FBS) and 2 hours post-prandial (2-HPP) were obtained from medical records. Results showed that the mean age of the patients was 51.9 + 5.8 years. The majority of patients had poor glycaemic control based on HbA1c (70.7%), FBS (71.9%) and 2HPP (85.4%). Patients who were unmarried and aged(60 years and above had a lower physical activity level (p< 0.05). In the older age group, low physical activity was associated with poor glycaemic control (p< 0.05). Patients in the moderate and high physical activity level were motivated to perform physical activity so as to be healthy (68.1%). Low physical activity level among patients was due to lack of time (54.5%) and lack of energy (21.2%). In conclusion, physical activity levels of the patients were unsatisfactory and associated with poor glycaemic control, especially in the elderly. There is a need to encourage diabetic patients to undertake regular physical activity in order to achieve optimal glycaemic control.
Study site: Klinik Kesihatan Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Infant and Early Childhood Nutrition Task Force, International Life Sciences Institute Southeast Asia (ILSI SEA) Region, organised the 1st and 2nd Expert Consultation and Planning Meeting on Infant and Early Childhood Nutrition in 2009 and 2011, respectively. The goal of the consultations was "to generate and promote relevant science-based information that will help improve nutritional status, growth and development of infants and young children in Southeast Asia."
Introduction: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) increases risks for type 2
diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Low glycaemic index (GI) diets improve
cardio-metabolic outcomes in insulin-resistant individuals. We examined the
feasibility of lowering GI through GI-based-education among Asian post-GDM
women. Methods: A 3-month investigation was carried out on 60 Malaysian
women with a mean age of 31.0±4.5 years and a history of GDM. Subjects were
randomised into two groups: LGIE and CHDR. The CHDR group received
conventional healthy dietary recommendations only. The LGIE group received
GI based-education in addition to conventional healthy dietary recommendations.
At baseline and after 3-months, dietary intake of energy and macronutrient
intakes including GI diet and glycaemic load was assessed using 3-day food
records. Diabetes-Diet and GI-concept scores and physical activity levels were
assessed using a questionnaire. Adherence to dietary instructions was measured
at the end of 3 months. Results: At the end of 3 months, the LGIE group had
significant reductions in energy intake (241.7±522.4Kcal, P=0.037, ES=0.463), total
carbohydrate (48.7±83.5g, P=0.010, ES=0.583), GI (3.9±7.1, P=0.017, ES=0.549) and
GL (39.0±55.3, P=0.003, ES=0.705) and significant increases in protein (3.7±5.4g,
0.003, ES=0.685) and diet fibre (4.6±7.3g, P=0.06). The CHDR group had a significant
reduction in fat only (5.7±9.4g, P=0.006, ES=0.606). There was a 30% increase in
GI-concept scores in the LGIE group (p< 0.001). Changes in GI-concept scores
correlated significantly to the reduction in dietary GI (r = -0.642, P=0.045). Dietary
adherence was comparable in both groups. Conclusion: GI-education improves
GI-concept knowledge and helps lower dietary glycaemic index among women
with a history of GDM.
Keywords: Diet, gestational diabetes mellitus, glycaemic index, glycaemic load,
prevention, type 2 diabetes
This study was conducted on 215 working women from four private corporate companies in a suburb in Malaysia to determine the factors related to their physical activity levels.
Introduction: Compliance with medical nutrition therapy is important to improve patient outcomes. The purpose of this study was to determine dietary compliance and its association with glycemic control among outpatients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM).
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, patients who had a glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level of at least 6.5%, after attending a diet counseling session at the Outpatient Dietetic Clinic, HUSM, were enrolled. Out of 150 diabetic patients reviewed between 2006 and 2008, 61 adults (32 men and 29 women) agreed to participate in this study. A questionnaire-based interview was used to collect socio-demographic, clinical and diabetes self-care data. The patient’s dietary compliance rate was determined by the Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities (SDSCA) measure. Anthropometric and biological measurements were also taken.
Results: Only 16.4% of the respondents adhered to the dietary regimen provided by dietitians. Among the 7 dietary self-care behaviours, item number 6 (eat lots of food high in dietary fibre such as vegetable or oats) had the highest compliant rate (54.1%); whereas item number 3 (eat five or more servings of
fruits and vegetables per day) had the lowest compliant rate (23.0%). There was a significant association between gender (p=0.037) and fasting blood sugar (FBS) (p=0.007) with the compliance status. Conclusion: Dietary non-compliance is still common among T2DM patients. Dietitians need to improve their skills and use more effective intervention approaches in providing dietary counseling to patients.
Keywords: Dietary compliance, diet counseling, type 2 diabetes mellitus
Malaysian edible bird's nests (EBN) are from the swiflet species, Aerodromus fuciphagus. The objective of this study was to determine and compare the nutrient composition of EBN obtained from different parts of Peninsular Malaysia, collected at three different harvesting seasons, to four commercial brands. A total of 18 raw, unprocessed EBN samples from the North, South and East Coast zones of Peninsular Malaysia and duplicate samples of 4 commercial brands (processed) of EBN samples were analysed. The protein and mineral contents of unprocessed EBN samples between zones and harvesting seasons were comparable. Mean (± SEM) protein content of unprocessed EBN was 61.5 ± 0.6 g/100g and the top four minerals detected were calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium with mean (± SEM) concentration of 553.1 ± 19.5 mg/100g, 187.9 ± 10.4 mg/100g, 92.9 ± 2.0 mg/100g and 6.3 ± 0.4 mg/100g respectively. Sialic acid content ranged between 0.7 to 1.5%, and remained comparable between samples from different zones and harvesting seasons. The commercial brands were found to contain higher amounts of calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus compared to unprocessed EBN, warranting further investigation and verification with more samples. Since the nutrient contents of EBN may be affected by seasonal variations and even breeding sites, it is recommended that a more comprehensive study be conducted involving more samples and breeding sites as such data are important to ensure sustainability of the EBN industry in this country.
Introduction: This study aimed to develop and examine the validity and reproducibility of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) among Malay pregnant women in Kelantan, Malaysia.
Methods: A total of 177 Malay pregnant women participated in the validation study while 85 of them participated in the reproducibility study which was carried out in the antenatal clinic of Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital. The newly developed FFQ was validated against two 24-hour dietary recalls (DR). The FFQ was repeated 20 to 28 days apart.
Results: Results showed that the FFQ moderately over estimated the nutrient and food intakes compared to the DR. Spearman correlation
coefficients for nutrients ranged from 0.24 (fat) to 0.61 (calcium) and for foods, ranged from 0.13 (organ meats, onion and garlic) to 0.57 (malt drink). For nutrients, 72 to 85% of women were classified into the correct quartiles from the FFQ and the DR while for foods, 67 to 85% of women were classified correctly. Bland-Altman plot showed relatively good agreement between these two dietary methods. The intra-class correlation (ICC) was used to estimate reproducibility. It ranged from 0.75 (vitamin C) to 0.94 (phosphorus) for nutrients while it ranged from 0.73 (confectionary) to 0.96 (coffee) for foods.
Conclusion: On average, at least 90% of pregnant women were correctly classified into the quartiles for nutrients and foods from the two sets of the FFQ. The FFQ presented acceptable reproducibility and appears to be a valid tool for categorising pregnant women according to dietary intake.
Keywords: Assessment of nutritional status, diet, food frequency questionnaire, maternal nutrition
The aim of this study was to determine the daidzein and genistein contents in Mangifera fruits. Three Mangifera species namely 'bacang' (Mangifera foetida), 'kuini' (M. odorata) and 'bambangan' (M. pajang) each from two different locations were selected. The extraction of isoflavones was carried out at 80oC for 30, 60 and 90 min. HPLC method was performed with a flow rate of 1.00 ml/min using three different separation columns to determine isoflavone contents. The Zorbax Eclipse RP C18 reverse-phase column was found to give the best resolution for isoflavone separation in Mangifera fruits. Moreover, extraction time of 90 min was found to increase the isoflavone aglycone contents. At optimised condition, 'kuini'' had relatively high daidzein (9.4-10.5 mg/100 g) and genistein (1.6-1.7 mg/100 g) contents. Daidzein content of 'bambangan' (8.3-8.7 mg/100 g) was higher than 'bacang', but the genistein content of 'bambangan' (0.4-0.6 mg/100 g) was similar to that of 'bacang' (0.4-0.8 mg/100 g). However, there was a variation in daidzein and genistein contents in Mangifera fruits between two geographical locations.
Chemical preservatives have been used in the food industry for many years. However, with increased health concerns, consumers prefer additive-free products or food preservatives based on natural products. This study evaluated antimicrobial activities of extracts from Emilia sonchifolia L. (Common name: lilac tassel flower), Tridax procumbens L. (Common name: tridax daisy) and Vernonia cinerea L. (Common name: Sahadevi), belonging to the Asteracea family, to explore their potential for use against general food spoilage and human pathogens so that new food preservatives may be developed. Three methanol extracts of these plants were tested in vitro against 20 bacterial species, 3 yeast species, and 12 filamentous fungi by the agar diffusion and broth dilution methods. The V. cinerea extract was found to be most effective against all of the tested organisms and the methanol fraction showed the most significant (p < 0.05) antimicrobial activity among all the soluble fractions tested. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of extracts determined by the broth dilution method ranged from 1.56 to 100.00mg/mL. The MIC of methanol fraction was the lowest in comparison to the other four extracts. The study findings indicate that bioactive natural products from these plants may be isolated for further testing as leads in the development of new pharmaceuticals in food preservation as well as natural plant-based medicine.
Microalgae can produce various natural products such as pigments, enzymes, unique fatty acids and vitamin that benefit humans. The objective of the study is to study the bioaccessibility of carotenoids (β-carotene and lycopene) and vitamin E (α- and β-tocopherol) of Nannochloropsis oculata and Chaetoceros calcitrans. Analyses were carried out for both the powdered forms of N. oculata and C. calcitrans, and the dried extract forms of N. oculata and C. calcitrans. In vitro digestion method together with RP-HPLC was used to determine the bioaccessibility of carotenoids and vitamin E for both forms of microalgae. Powdered form of N. oculata had the highest bioaccessibility of β-carotene (28.0 ± 0.6 g kg-1), followed by dried extract N. oculata (21.5 ± 1.1 g kg-1), dried extract C. calcitrans (16.9 ± 0.1 g kg-1), and powdered C. calcitrans (15.6 ± 0.1 g kg-1). For lycopene, dried extract of N. oculata had the highest bioaccessibility of lycopene (42.6 ± 1.1 g kg-1), followed by dried extract C. calcitrans (41.9 ± 0.6 g kg-1), powdered C. calcitrans (39.7 ± 0.1 g kg-1) and powdered N. oculata (32.6 ± 0.7 g kg-1). Dried extract C. calcitrans had the highest bioaccessibility of α-tocopherol (72.1 ± 1.2 g kg-1). However, β-tocopherol was not detected in both dried extract and powdered form of C. calcitrans. In conclusion, all samples in their dried extract forms were found to have significantly higher bioaccessibilities than their powdered forms. This may be due to the disruption of the food matrix contributing to a higher bioaccessibility of nutrients shown by the dried extract forms.
The nutritive value of spontaneously fermented brown rice flour medida, a Sudanese cereal thin porridge, is low. This study was carried out to improve the nutritional quality of medida. The flour was soaked and malted at 30◦C to optimise the protein content. Flour malted for two days had the highest protein content. Skim milk was added to the malted brown rice flour medida and fermented using Bifidobacterium longum BB 536. Maximum count of B. longum BB 536 up to 9 log CFU/ ml was attained at 4.6 final fermentation pH. The resultant viscosity was similar to that of the spontaneously fermented brown rice flour medida. There was significant (P< 0.01) increase in both the energy density and the protein content, having increased 12 folds and 24 folds, respectively. The essential amino acids including lysine and methionine were highly augmented. The resultant medida have stable flowing characteristics and meet the whole protein and energy requirements for infants and children aged 1 - 10 years old.