The objective of the present experiments are to determine if sheep could safely consume high amount of PKC in their diets and if sheep's consumption of PKC require a chelating agent to tie up the high copper level in PKC to protect it against toxicity. Two experiments were carried out. Experiment 1, with four treatment groups of animals, using from 30 to 100% PKC, mixed with other feed ingredients except minerals. Mineral mixtures were separately mixed with Sodium Molybdate, acting as the chelating agent, and the mineral was offered in separate feed troughs ad.libitum, in the pens for each animal group. Although all groups gave high ADG, the animals in the 100% group had high copper in their blood, which were above4 the normal physiological level at the end of the experimental duration of three months. Three animals from this group died and their liver copper contents were very high. The groups fed up to 72% PKC in their ration did not show any significant elevation of copper or toxicity. Sheep fed similar proportions of ingredients in experiment 2, but with Molybdate incorporated together into all the four similar rations as in experiment 1, did not show any signs of toxicity or elevated blood copper. The animals in all groups produced high ADG. The experiment proved that sheep can take up to 100% PKC in their diet, but a chelating agent must be incorporated into the feed to ensure its sufficient uptake to protect it against toxicity. Giving Molybdate separately from the feed would not ensure sufficient intake of the chelating agent voluntarily. This would result in copper toxicity in the animals.