Displaying publications 21 - 22 of 22 in total

  1. Abdul Rahman MB, Jumbri K, Basri M, Abdulmalek E, Sirat K, Salleh AB
    Molecules, 2010 Apr 05;15(4):2388-97.
    PMID: 20428050 DOI: 10.3390/molecules15042388
    This paper reports the synthesis of a series of new tetraethylammonium-based amino acid chiral ionic liquids (CILs). Their physico-chemical properties, including melting point, thermal stability, viscosity and ionic conductivity, have been comprehensively studied. The obtained results indicated that the decomposition for these salts proceeds in one step and the temperature of decomposition (T(onset)) is in the range of 168-210 degrees C. Several new CILs prepared in this work showed high ionic conductivity compared to the amino acid ionic liquids (AAILs) found in the literature.
  2. Zaidan UH, Abdul Rahman MB, Othman SS, Basri M, Abdulmalek E, Rahman RN, et al.
    Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 2011;75(8):1446-50.
    PMID: 21821960
    The utilization of natural mica as a biocatalyst support in kinetic investigations is first described in this study. The formation of lactose caprate from lactose sugar and capric acid, using free lipase (free-CRL) and lipase immobilized on nanoporous mica (NER-CRL) as a biocatalyst, was evaluated through a kinetic study. The apparent kinetic parameters, K(m) and V(max), were determined by means of the Michaelis-Menten kinetic model. The Ping-Pong Bi-Bi mechanism with single substrate inhibition was adopted as it best explains the experimental findings. The kinetic results show lower K(m) values with NER-CRL than with free-CRL, indicating the higher affinity of NER-CRL towards both substrates at the maximum reaction velocity (V(max,app)>V(max)). The kinetic parameters deduced from this model were used to simulate reaction rate data which were in close agreement with the experimental values.
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