Displaying publications 21 - 29 of 29 in total

  1. Tan JH, Tan HCL, Noh NAM, Mohamad Y, Alwi RI
    Burns Trauma, 2017;5:37.
    PMID: 29299483 DOI: 10.1186/s41038-017-0102-z
    Background: Well-known trauma mortality prediction scores such as New Injury Severity Score (NISS), Revised Trauma Score (RTS), and Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) have been externally validated from high-income countries with established trauma databases. However, these scores were never used in Malaysian population. In this current study, we attempted to validate these scoring systems using our regional trauma surgery database.

    Methods: A retrospective analysis of the regional Malaysian Trauma Surgery Database was performed over a period of 3 years from May 2011 to April 2014. NISS, RTS, Major Trauma Outcome Study (MTOS)-TRISS, and National Trauma Database (NTrD)-TRISS scores were recorded and calculated. Individual scoring system's performance in predicting trauma mortality was compared by calculating the area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUC) curve. Youden index and associated optimal cutoff values for each scoring system was calculated to predict mortality. The corresponding positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of the cutoff values were calculated.

    Results: A total of 2208 trauma patients (2004 blunt and 204 penetrating injuries) with mean age of 36 (SD = 16) years were included. There were 239 deaths with a corresponding mortality rate of 10.8%. The AUC calculated for the NISS, RTS, MTOS-TRISS, and NTrD-TRISS were 0.878, 0.802, 0.812, and 0.848, respectively. The NISS score with a cutoff value of 24, sensitivity of 86.6% and specificity of 74.3%, outperformed the rest (p 

  2. Chuah JS, Raymond Lim ZM, Lee EP, Tan JH, Mohamad Y, Alwi RI
    Chin J Traumatol, 2022 Nov;25(6):392-394.
    PMID: 35031204 DOI: 10.1016/j.cjtee.2021.12.007
    Blunt traumatic tracheobronchial injury is rare, but can be potentially life-threatening. It accounts for only 0.5%-2% of all trauma cases. Patients may present with non-specific signs and symptoms, requiring a high index of suspicion with accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment. A 26-year-old female was brought into the emergency department after sustained a blunt trauma to the chest from a high impact motor vehicle accident. She presented with signs of respiratory distress and extensive subcutaneous emphysema from the chest up to the neck. Her airway was secured and chest drain was inserted for right sided pneumothorax. CT of the neck and thorax revealed a collapsed right middle lung lobe with a massive pneumothorax, raising the suspicion of a right middle lobe bronchus injury. Diagnosis was confirmed by bronchoscopy. In view of the difficulty in maintaining her ventilation and persistent pneumothorax with a massive air leak, immediate right thoracotomy via posterolateral approach was performed. The right middle lobar bronchus tear was repaired. There were no intra- or post-operative complications. She made an uneventful recovery. She was asymptomatic at her first month follow-up. A repeated chest X-ray showed expanded lungs. Details of the case including clinical presentation, imaging and management were discussed with an emphasis on the early uses of bronchoscopy in case of suspected blunt traumatic tracheobronchial injury. A review of the current literature of tracheobronchial injury management was presented.
  3. Chuah JS, Tan JH, Khairudin KB, Ling LLL, Mat TNBT
    Ann Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg, 2022 May 31;26(2):199-203.
    PMID: 35272270 DOI: 10.14701/ahbps.21-139
    Gallstone ileus is an uncommon cause of intestinal obstruction. It may present with typical symptoms of intestinal obstruction with or without biliary sepsis. Its management strategies vary depending on the patient and operative factors. Enterotomy and stone removal alone versus synchronous cholecystectomy and fistula disconnection at the same stage, often pose a debate among surgeons. The decision for operative strategies largely depends on the surgeon's experience, patient's physiology, and operative difficulties. As literature on gall stone ileus remains insufficient at a regional level, we report four cases of gallstone ileus managed with different approaches. Three patients were managed in a staged-manner, whereas one patient received a definitive procedure performed at index surgery. Clinical challenges and associated operative strategies are discussed. Findings of the current study were compared to those of the literature. The need for a definitive fistula disconnection and repair or cholecystectomy following stone removal in these patients was subsequently discussed.
  4. Chuah JS, Tan JH, Bujang MA, Chan KK, Kosai NR
    Surg Endosc, 2024 Jun;38(6):3279-3287.
    PMID: 38658388 DOI: 10.1007/s00464-024-10841-8
    BACKGROUND: Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGDS) is the most common diagnostic procedure for upper gastrointestinal diseases. It often causes discomfort and anxiety, which are only mitigated by systemic sedation. However, sedation poses additional risks of adverse cardiopulmonary events, increased medical costs, and prolonged recovery. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation of acupuncture points (Acu-TENS) is a non-invasive and innovative approach that induces analgesic effect during endoscopy. This trial is the first to be reported in English that explores the potential of Acu-TENS to increase patient tolerance during non-sedated elective diagnostic OGDS.

    METHODS: A double-blinded randomized controlled trial involving 348 subjects was conducted at a tertiary hospital to evaluate the success rate of OGDS with Acu-TENS. Subjects aged 18-75 years scheduled for their first elective diagnostic OGDS were randomized into the intervention (Acu-TENS) and placebo arms. OGDS success was assessed based on subjects' satisfaction ratings on a Likert scale and procedure's technical adequacy. Secondary measures included subjects' willingness to undergo future OGDS under similar conditions, procedure duration, and the endoscopist's perceived ease of the procedure.

    RESULTS: OGDS success rates were significantly higher with Acu-TENS (77.8%) than with the placebo (68.0%; odds ratio [OR] 1.64, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.01-2.66, p = 0.043). Subjects who received Acu-TENS expressed higher willingness for future OGDS (78.9%) than those who received the placebo (68.6%; OR 1.71, 95% CI 1.04-2.79, p = 0.031). Procedure duration were significantly shorter in the intervention arm (6.0 min) than in the placebo arm (10.0 min; p = 0.002). No adverse effects were reported, and endoscopists perceived similar procedure ease in both arms.

    CONCLUSIONS: Acu-TENS improved OGDS success and enhanced patients' experiences during non-sedated OGDS. It demonstrated safety with no side effects and reduced the procedure completion time. It could be used as an adjunct in non-sedated diagnostic OGDS.

  5. Ng ZQ, Hsu V, Tee WWH, Tan JH, Wijesuriya R
    World J Gastrointest Surg, 2023 Jun 27;15(6):1116-1124.
    PMID: 37405103 DOI: 10.4240/wjgs.v15.i6.1116
    BACKGROUND: Majority of adhesive small bowel obstruction (SBO) cases can be managed non-operatively. However, a proportion of patients failed non-operative management.

    AIM: To evaluate the predictors of successful non-operative management in adhesive SBO.

    METHODS: A retrospective study was performed for all consecutive cases of adhesive SBO from November 2015 to May 2018. Data collated included basic demographics, clinical presentation, biochemistry and imaging results and management outcomes. The imaging studies were independently analyzed by a radiologist who was blinded to the clinical outcomes. The patients were divided into group A operative (including those that failed initial non-operative management) and group B non-operative for analysis.

    RESULTS: Of 252 patients were included in the final analysis; group A (n = 90) (35.7%) and group B (n = 162) (64.3%). There were no differences in the clinical features between both groups. Laboratory tests of inflammatory markers and lactate levels were similar in both groups. From the imaging findings, the presence of a definitive transition point [odds ratio (OR) = 2.67, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.98-7.32, P = 0.048], presence of free fluid (OR = 2.11, 95%CI: 1.15-3.89, P = 0.015) and absence of small bowel faecal signs (OR = 1.70, 95%CI: 1.01-2.88, P = 0.047) were predictive of the need of surgical intervention. In patients that received water soluble contrast medium, the evidence of contrast in colon was 3.83 times predictive of successful non-operative management (95%CI: 1.79-8.21, P = 0.001).

    CONCLUSION: The computed tomography findings can assist clinicians in deciding early surgical intervention in adhesive SBO cases that are unlikely to be successful with non-operative management to prevent associated morbidity and mortality.

  6. Mahadi IA, Tan JH, Teh JZ, Mohamad Y, Rizal IA
    J Trauma Inj, 2023 Sep;36(3):286-289.
    PMID: 39381707 DOI: 10.20408/jti.2022.0071
    Torso stab injuries near the cardiac box may present unique challenges due to difficulties in hemorrhage control. For a stab injury to the heart, the repair is straightforwardly performed via median sternotomy. In contrast, injuries to the inferior vena cava are challenging to repair, especially when they are close to the diaphragm, and the bleeding can be torrential. Herein, we describe a case of a self-inflicted stab wound within the "cardiac box." The trajectory of the stab injuries went below the diaphragm and injured the infradiaphragmatic inferior vena cava. Successful emergent repair via the thoraco-laparotomy approach revived the young man. In this report, we revisit and discuss previous large series of patients with this rare vena cava injury.
  7. Joan Gan CY, Chan KK, Tan JH, Tan Chor Lip H, Louis Ling LL, Mohd Azman ZA
    ANZ J Surg, 2021 06;91(6):E375-E381.
    PMID: 33876547 DOI: 10.1111/ans.16870
    BACKGROUND: Smartphone-controlled patch electro-acupuncture (SCEA) is a novel device which gives the same analgesic effect as with conventional acupuncture. There are no published articles in the English literature on the use of this device as a primary mode of pain relief during colonoscopy. Primary aims of this study were to investigate the efficacy of SCEA as a substitute for pain relief during colonoscopy.

    METHODS: Thirty-seven patients were randomized to receive SCEA (n = 19) or placebo (n = 18) during colonoscopy. Additional rescue sedation was administered to patients if they had pain or discomfort during the procedure. Visual analogue scale was used to quantify the intensity of pain from the beginning to end of the procedure. Other variables analysed were the amount of sedation used, duration from start to caecal intubation, length of time for completion of colonoscopy and recovery time to home discharge.

    RESULTS: Patients who received SCEA had a lower median pain score of 4.6 (interquartile range 5.7) compared to the placebo group of 6.0 (interquartile range 3.2). Statistical analysis comparing the groups revealed a non-significant P-value of 0.12, although more than 90% of the patients indicated willingness for SCEA as the primary analgesia if they were to repeat the procedure. Throughout the study, there were no adverse complications that occurred during the use of SCEA.

    CONCLUSIONS: Even though this study did not demonstrate, a significance in pain reduction, SCEA remains a safe modality which, more than 90% of patients favoured as a substitute for pain relief during colonoscopy.

  8. Wong JW, Tan JH, Abraham RE, Jauhar Ali SN, Kok SY, Tan HCL, et al.
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2024 Mar 22;103(12):e37415.
    PMID: 38518019 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000037415
    The outbreak of Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) has a significant impact on the mental health of the global population. Updates are needed regarding the mental health status among the local population since limited studies were done so far. This research compared the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms among HCWs and non-HCWs. We also evaluated the factors associated with anxiety and depression symptoms among these 2 groups. This was a cross-sectional study conducted between September to December 2022. Online questionnaire was distributed to HCWs from 2 tertiary government hospitals. Non-HCWs from various occupational fields were recruited randomly. Generalised Anxiety Disorder 7 (GAD-7) and Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) were used to screen for anxiety and depression symptoms respectively. Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 28.0. 200 questionnaires were distributed to HCWs and non-HCWs respectively. The response rate was 74.5% from HCWs and 82.5% from non-HCWs (P = .07). A total of 236 individuals (105 HCWs and 131 non-HCWs) were included in the study. Majority were female, married, highly educated and worked more than 8 hours per day. There was no significant difference for the prevalence of anxiety (37.2% vs 44.3%, P = .34) and depression symptoms (37.3% vs 35.1%, P = .75) between HCWs and non-HCWs. Among HCWs, poor workplace support (P = .009) and low income (P = .04) were associated with anxiety symptoms. Younger age (P = .02), single status (P = .01) and poor workplace support (P = .006) were associated with depression symptoms. More non-HCWs with a higher educational level were having anxiety and depression symptoms. Single status (P = .03), working away from home (P = .02), poor family support (P = .03) and quarantine as Covid-19 close contact (P = .04) were also associated with depression symptoms among non-HCWs. There is no significant difference between HCWs and non-HCWs experiencing possible anxiety or depressive symptoms in this study. However, attention should be paid to address associated factors identified among each group to promote good mental health.
  9. Lim RZM, Tan JH, Raja Ram NK, Tan HCL, Ho IKE, Chuah JS, et al.
    World J Surg, 2024 Apr 02.
    PMID: 38563570 DOI: 10.1002/wjs.12162
    BACKGROUND: Limited data exists on Charlson's weighted index of comorbidity (WIC) predictability for postoperative outcomes following perforated peptic ulcer (PPU) surgery. This study assesses the utility of WIC and other predictive scores in forecasting both postoperative mortality and morbidity in PPU.

    MATERIALS & METHODS: Patients with PPUs operated between 2018 and 2021 in a Malaysian tertiary referral center were included. Clinical data were retrospectively analyzed for association with mortality and morbidity measured with the Comprehensive Complication Index (CCI). Predictability of WIC and other predictors were examined using area under receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC).

    RESULTS: Among 110 patients included, 18 died (16.4%) and 36 (32.7%) had significant morbidity postoperatively (High CCI, ≥26.2). Both mortality and high CCI were associated with age >65 years, female sex, comorbidities (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and renal disease), and American Society of Anesthesiologist score >2. Most patients who died had renal dysfunction, metabolic acidosis, lactate >2 mmol/L upon presentation preoperatively. While surgery >24 h after presentation correlated with mortality and high CCI, the benefit of earlier surgery <6 h or <12 h was not demonstrated. WIC (AUC, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.81-0.99) showed similar predictability to Peptic Ulcer Perforation (PULP) (AUC, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.93-1.00) for mortality. PULP effectively predicted high CCI (AUC, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.73-0.93; p 

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