Displaying all 10 publications

  1. Tan Chor Lip H, Tan JH, Mohamad Y, Ariffin AC, Imran R, Azmah Tuan Mat TN
    Chin J Traumatol, 2019 Apr;22(2):69-74.
    PMID: 30583984 DOI: 10.1016/j.cjtee.2018.11.001
    PURPOSE: Amongst the ASEAN countries, Malaysia has the highest road fatality risk (>15 fatalities per 100 000 population) with 50% of these fatalities involving motorcyclist. This contributes greatly to ward admissions and poses a significant burden to the general surgery services. From mild rib fractures to severe intra-abdominal exsanguinations, the spectrum of cases managed by surgeons resulting from motorcycle accidents is extensive. The objective of this study is to report the clinical characteristics and identify predictors of death in motorcycle traumatic injuries from a Malaysian trauma surgery centre.

    METHODS: This is a prospective cross-sectional study of all injured motorcyclists and pillion riders that were admitted to Hospital Sultanah Aminah and treated by the trauma surgery team from May 2011 to February 2015. Only injured motorcyclists and pillion riders were included in this study. Patient demography and predictors leading to mortality were identified. Significant predictors on univariate analysis were further analysed with multivariate analysis.

    RESULTS: We included 1653 patients with a mean age of (35 ± 16.17) years that were treated for traumatic injuries due to motorcycle accidents. The mortality rate was 8.6% (142) with equal amount of motorcycle riders (788) and pillion riders (865) that were injured. Amongst the injured were male predominant (1 537) and majority of ethnic groups were the Malays (897) and Chinese (350). Severity of injury was reflected with a mean Revised Trauma Score (RTS) of 7.31 ± 1.29, New Injury Severity Score (NISS) of 19.84 ± 13.84 and Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) of 0.91 ± 0.15. Univariate and multivariate analysis revealed that age≥35, lower GCS, head injuries, chest injuries, liver injuries, and small bowel injuries were significant predictors of motorcycle trauma related deaths with p 

  2. Henry TCL, Huei TJ, Yuzaidi M, Safri LS, Krishna K, Rizal IA, et al.
    Chin J Traumatol, 2020 Feb;23(1):29-31.
    PMID: 31744657 DOI: 10.1016/j.cjtee.2019.10.001
    Incidence of inadvertent arterial puncture secondary to central venous catheter insertion is not common with an arterial puncture rate of <1%. This is due to the advancements and wide availability of ultrasound to guide its insertion. Formation of arteriovenous fistula after arterial puncture is an unexpected complication. Till date, only five cases (including this case) of acquired arteriovenous fistula formation has been described due to inadvertent common carotid puncture. The present case is a 26-year-old man sustained traumatic brain injuries, chest injuries and multiple bony fractures. During resuscitative phase, attempts at left central venous catheter via left internal jugular vein under ultrasound guidance resulted in inadvertent puncture into the left common carotid artery. Surgical neck exploration revealed that the catheter had punctured through the left internal jugular vein into the common carotid artery with formation of arteriovenous fistula. The catheter was removed successfully and common carotid artery was repaired. Postoperatively, the patient recovered and clinic visits revealed no neurological deficits. From our literature review, the safest method for removal is via endovascular and open surgical removal. The pull/push technique (direct removal with compression) is not recommended due to the high risk for stroke, bleeding and hematoma formation.
  3. Tan Chor Lip H, Huei TJ, Mohamad Y, Alwi RI, Tuan Mat TNA
    Chin J Traumatol, 2020 Aug;23(4):207-210.
    PMID: 32653358 DOI: 10.1016/j.cjtee.2020.05.007
    Malaysia has one of the highest total numbers of COVID-19 infections amongst the Southeast Asian nations, which led to the enforcements of the Malaysian "Movement Control Order" to prohibit disease transmission. The overwhelming increasing amount of infections has led to a major strain on major healthcare services. This leads to shortages in hospital beds, ventilators and critical personnel protective equipment. This article focuses on the critical adaptations from a general surgery department in Malaysia which is part of a Malaysian tertiary hospital that treats COVID-19 cases. The core highlights of these strategies enforced during this pandemic are: (1) surgery ward and clinic decongestions; (2) deferment of elective surgeries; (3) restructuring of medical personnel work force; (4) utilization of online applications for tele-communication; (5) operating room (OR) adjustments and patient screening; and (6) continuing medical education and updating practices in context to COVID-19. These adaptations were important for the continuation of emergency surgery services, preventing transmission of COVID-19 amongst healthcare workers and optimization of medical personnel work force in times of a global pandemic. In addition, an early analysis on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown measures in Malaysia towards the reduction in total number of elective/emergent/trauma surgeries performed is described in this article.
  4. Yeak RD, Daud H, Nizlan NM
    Chin J Traumatol, 2019 Jun;22(3):182-185.
    PMID: 31060897 DOI: 10.1016/j.cjtee.2019.03.004
    Acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) injury is a common shoulder injury. There are various techniques of ACJ reconstruction. Superficial infection after ACJ reconstruction is not an uncommon complication. However, osteomyelitis post ACJ reconstruction has never been highlighted as a possible complication. Our patient is a 31-year-old male who sustained a Rockwood 5 ACJ dislocation and had anatomical ACJ reconstruction with autogenous gracilis and semitendinosus graft. Our technique involved the anatomical reconstruction of the ACJ and the coracoclavicular ligament with the usage of two bioscrews and the temporary stabilisation of the ACJ with two k-wires. As in any orthopaedic surgery, infection is often disastrous especially when the surgery involves implants. It can be disastrous with high morbidity to the patient as well as a costly complication to treat. Therefore, we wish to highlight this case as despite its rarity, osteomyelitis can be devastating to the patient and should be prevented if possible.
  5. Lee EP, Huei TJ, Lip Henry TC, Salinawati B, Yuzaidi M, Rizal IA
    Chin J Traumatol, 2021 Aug 21.
    PMID: 34503906 DOI: 10.1016/j.cjtee.2021.08.010
    Common or external iliac artery injury due to blunt trauma is unusual without an associated pelvic fracture. Here we report on a 62 years old man that sustained left external iliac artery thrombosis due to blunt trauma following fall from motorbike. There was no immediate circulatory compromise. Contrasted CT of abdomen revealed an associated left lower abdominal wall traumatic hernia. The iliac artery was intervened with an endovascular stent to restore luminal flow and the hernia was repaired electively. The entire clinical course and management dilemma are described in this article.
  6. Akma Kamaludin NA, Ferdaus Kamudin NA, Abdullah S, Sapuan J
    Chin J Traumatol, 2019 Feb;22(1):59-62.
    PMID: 30745113 DOI: 10.1016/j.cjtee.2018.04.007
    Simultaneous ipsilateral fractures involving radial head and distal end of radius are uncommon. We present our thoughts on which fracture should be addressed first. A 68-year-old lady sustained an ipsilateral fracture of the right radial head and distal end of radius following a fall. Clinically her right elbow was posteriorly dislocated and right wrist was deformed. Plain radiographs showed an intraarticular fracture of the distal end of radius and a comminution radial head fracture with a proximally migrated radius. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed no significant ligament injuries. We addressed her distal radius first with an anatomical locking plate followed by her radial head with a radial head replacement. Our rationale to treat the distal end radius: first was to obtain a correct alignment of Lister's tubercle and correct the distal radius height. Lister's tubercle was used to guide for the correct rotation of the radial head prosthesis. Correcting the distal end fracture radial height helped us with length selection of the radial head prosthesis and address the proximally migrated radial shaft and neck. Postoperative radiographs showed an acceptable reduction. The Cooney score was 75 at 3 months postoperatively, which was equivalent to a fair functional outcome.
  7. Abdullah MI, Ahmad A, Syed Saadun Tarek Wafa SWW, Abdul Latif AZ, Mohd Yusoff NA, Jasmiad MK, et al.
    Chin J Traumatol, 2020 Oct;23(5):290-294.
    PMID: 32423779 DOI: 10.1016/j.cjtee.2020.04.004
    PURPOSE: Malnutrition is a common problem among hospitalized patients, especially among traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients. It is developed from hypermetabolism and the condition may worsen under the circumstance of underfeeding or incompatible dietary management. However, the data of nutrient intake especially calorie and protein among TBI patients were scarce. Hence, this study aimed to determine the calorie and protein intake among acute and sub-acute TBI patients receiving medical nutrition therapy in hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, Terengganu.

    METHODS: This observational study involved 50 patients recruited from the neurosurgical ward. Method of 24 h dietary recall was utilized and combined with self-administered food diaries for 2-8 days. Food consumptions including calorie intake and protein intake were analyzed using Nutritionist PRO™ (Woodinville, USA) and manual calculation based on the Malaysian food composition database (2015).

    RESULTS: Patients consisted of 56% males and 44% females with the median age of 28.0 (IQR = 22.8-36.5) years, of which 92% were diagnosed as mild TBI and the remaining (8%) as moderate TBI. The Glasgow coma scale (GCS) was adopted to classify TBI severity with the score 13-15 being mild and 9-12 being moderate. The median length of hospital stay was 2 (IQR = 2.0-3.3) days. Calorie and protein intake improved significantly from day 1 to discharge day. However, the intake during discharge day was still considered as suboptimal, i.e. 75% of calorie requirement, whilst the median protein intake was only 61.3% relative to protein requirement. Moreover, the average percentages of calorie and protein intakes throughout hospitalization were remarkably lower, i.e. 52.2% and 41.0%, respectively.

    CONCLUSION: Although the calorie and protein intakes had increased from baseline, hospitalized TBI patients were still at a risk to develop malnutrition as the average intakes were considerably low as compared to their requirements. Optimum nutrient intakes especially calorie and protein are crucial to ensure optimum recovery process as well as to minimize risks of infection and complications.

  8. Chen HY, Ahmad CA, Abdullah KL
    Chin J Traumatol, 2021 Jul;24(4):237-248.
    PMID: 34112591 DOI: 10.1016/j.cjtee.2021.04.002
    PURPOSE: Malaysian disaster relief volunteers have a long and proud history of participating in relief missions within and outside the country. Despite of a plethora of researches into the various areas of disaster relief, there has been a little scholarly activity looking into the experiences of the medical volunteers worldwide and even less research on the experiences of the relief volunteers in Malaysia. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the effect of disaster relief works on volunteers in Malaysia.

    METHODS: This is a non-experimental cross-sectional design study, which was conducted using survey questionnaire to examine the incidence of burnout, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and the quality of life (QOL) among the disaster relief volunteers. And the study also examined the socio-demographic variables of the participants. In addition, the association between the sociodemographic variable and the preferred coping strategies was also investigated through self-reporting checklist.

    RESULTS: The findings of this study revealed that 90.9% volunteers (n = 312) experienced some levels of recurring stress throughout their lives, which led to burnout. Also, 96.8% (n = 332) of the participants were categorized as having at least some symptoms of PTSD. However, self-reporting QOL measurements indicated that the participants are, in general, satisfied with their lives. Significant associations between the incidence of burnout, incidence of PTSD and QOL were identified. Both positive coping measures and behavioral or avoidant coping measures were also identified. Furthermore, a number of socio-demographic factors were also seen to interact significantly with burnout, PTSD and QOL.

    CONCLUSION: This study provides some insights into the psychological challenges of disaster relief volunteers in Malaysia, and this impact can last a long time after the volunteers return to their hometowns. Several recommendations including practice development, policy and research were discussed in the study.

  9. Chuah JS, Raymond Lim ZM, Lee EP, Tan JH, Mohamad Y, Alwi RI
    Chin J Traumatol, 2022 Nov;25(6):392-394.
    PMID: 35031204 DOI: 10.1016/j.cjtee.2021.12.007
    Blunt traumatic tracheobronchial injury is rare, but can be potentially life-threatening. It accounts for only 0.5%-2% of all trauma cases. Patients may present with non-specific signs and symptoms, requiring a high index of suspicion with accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment. A 26-year-old female was brought into the emergency department after sustained a blunt trauma to the chest from a high impact motor vehicle accident. She presented with signs of respiratory distress and extensive subcutaneous emphysema from the chest up to the neck. Her airway was secured and chest drain was inserted for right sided pneumothorax. CT of the neck and thorax revealed a collapsed right middle lung lobe with a massive pneumothorax, raising the suspicion of a right middle lobe bronchus injury. Diagnosis was confirmed by bronchoscopy. In view of the difficulty in maintaining her ventilation and persistent pneumothorax with a massive air leak, immediate right thoracotomy via posterolateral approach was performed. The right middle lobar bronchus tear was repaired. There were no intra- or post-operative complications. She made an uneventful recovery. She was asymptomatic at her first month follow-up. A repeated chest X-ray showed expanded lungs. Details of the case including clinical presentation, imaging and management were discussed with an emphasis on the early uses of bronchoscopy in case of suspected blunt traumatic tracheobronchial injury. A review of the current literature of tracheobronchial injury management was presented.
  10. Edalatfar M, Sadeghi-Naini M, Khayat Kashani HR, Movahed M, Sharif-Alhoseini M
    Chin J Traumatol, 2022 Sep;25(5):283-292.
    PMID: 34690039 DOI: 10.1016/j.cjtee.2021.09.007
    PURPOSE: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the major public health concerns worldwide. Developing a TBI registry could facilitate characterizing TBI, monitoring the quality of care, and quantifying the burden of TBI by collecting comparable and standardized epidemiological and clinical data. However, a national standard tool for data collection of the TBI registry has not been developed in Iran yet. This study aimed to develop a national minimum data set (MDS) for a hospital-based registry of patients suffering from TBI in Iran.

    METHODS: The MDS was designed in 2 phases, including a literature review and a Delphi study with content validation by an expert panel. After the literature review, a comprehensive list of administrative and clinical items was obtained. Through a two-round e-Delphi approach conducted by invited experts with clinical and research experience in the field of TBI, the final data elements were selected.

    RESULTS: A MDS of TBI was assigned to 2 parts: administrative part with 5 categories including 52 data elements, and clinical part with 9 categories including 130 data elements.

    CONCLUSION: For the first time in Iran, we developed a MDS specified for TBI consisting of 182 data elements. The MDS would facilitate implementing a TBI's national level registry and providing essential, comparable and standardized information.

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