Displaying publications 21 - 27 of 27 in total

  1. Mishra V, Nayak P, Singh M, Tambuwala MM, Aljabali AA, Chellappan DK, et al.
    Anticancer Agents Med Chem, 2021;21(12):1490-1509.
    PMID: 32951580 DOI: 10.2174/1871520620666200918111024
    BACKGROUND: Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are among the most investigated nanostructures in recent years, which exhibit more challenging and promising qualities in different biomedical applications. The AgNPs synthesized by the green approach provide potential healthcare benefits over chemical approaches, including improvement of tissue restoration, drug delivery, diagnosis, being environmentally friendly, and a boon to cancer treatment.

    OBJECTIVE: In the current scenario, the development of safe and effective drug delivery systems is the utmost concern of formulation development scientists as well as clinicians.

    METHODS: Google, Web of Science, and PubMed portals have been searched for potentially relevant literature to get the latest developments and updated information related to different aspects of green synthesized AgNPs along with their biomedical applications, especially in the treatment of different types of cancers.

    RESULTS: The present review highlights the latest published research regarding the different green approaches for the synthesis of AgNPs, their characterization techniques as well as various biomedical applications, particularly in cancer treatment. In this context, environment-friendly AgNPs are proving themselves as better candidates in terms of size, drug loading and release efficiency, targeting efficiency, minimal drug-associated side effects, pharmacokinetic profiling, and biocompatibility issues.

    CONCLUSION: With continuous efforts by multidisciplinary team approaches, nanotechnology-based AgNPs will shed new light on diagnostics and therapeutics in various disease treatments. However, the toxicity issues of AgNPs need greater attention as unanticipated toxic effects must be ruled out for their diversified applications.

  2. Sawai S, Mohktar MS, Safwani WKZW, Ramasamy TS
    Anticancer Agents Med Chem, 2018;18(9):1258-1266.
    PMID: 29521251 DOI: 10.2174/1871520618666180307143229
    BACKGROUND: Konjac Glucomannan (KGM) is a water-soluble dietary fibre extracted from Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch (Araceae). Konjac fibre has been clinically proven as an effective antioxidant agent in weight control but its traditionally known tumour suppression property remains to be explored.

    OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this study is to determine the potential anti-proliferative effect of KGM on cancer and normal human liver cell lines, HepG2 and WRL68, respectively.

    METHOD: HepG2 and WRL68 cells were treated with KGM, D-mannose, KGM-D-mannose and 5-fluorouracil. The morphological changes in those treated cells were observed. Cytotoxic effect of the treatments on cell viability and proliferation, and apoptosis genes expression were assessed by cytotoxicity assay, flow cytometry and RT-PCR analyses.

    RESULTS: The results show that KGM treatment resulted in reduced viability of HepG2 cells significantly, in line with the apoptosis-like morphological changes. Up-regulation of BAX and down-regulation of BCL2 genes as reflected by high Bax to Bcl 2 ratio suggests that the inhibitory effect of KGM on HepG2 cells most likely via Bcl2/Bax protein pathway. Despite the effectiveness of standard drug 5-FU in suppressing the viability and proliferation of HepG2 cells, it however, exhibited no selective inhibition of cancer cells as compared to KGM.

    CONCLUSION: Current findings suggested that KGM is a potential anti-cancer compound/drug entity, which could be an alternative preventive agent against liver cancer.

  3. Khatoon S, Kalam N, Balasubramaniam VR, Shaikh MF, Ansari MT
    Anticancer Agents Med Chem, 2022;22(20):3325-3342.
    PMID: 35578854 DOI: 10.2174/1871520622666220516142839
    Ocimum sanctum is a sacred herb of India and is commonly known as 'Tulsi' or 'Holy Basil' in regional languages of the country. Various parts of O. sanctum are recognised to have remarkable therapeutic efficacy, and are therefore used in Indian traditional medicine system, Ayurveda. Scientific studies have shown that O. sanctum has a range of pharmacological activities. The presence of a substantial amount of polyphenols in O. sanctum could be the reason for its excellent bioactivity. Polyphenols are used to prevent or treat oncologic diseases due to their anti-cancer effects, which are related to activation of apoptotic signaling, cell cycle arrest, binding ability with membrane receptors, and potential effects on immunomodulation and epigenetic mechanisms. The poor bioavailability of polyphenols restricts their clinical use. The application of nanonization has been implemented to improve their bioavailability, penetrability, and prolong their anticancer action. The present review analyses the recent preclinical studies related to the chemo-preventive and therapeutic potential of polyphenols present in O. sanctum. Moreover, the current article also examines in-depth the biochemical and molecular mechanisms involved in the antineoplastic actions of the considered polyphenols.
  4. Kaur A, Dhiman S, Lee HB, Sharma M
    Anticancer Agents Med Chem, 2022;22(18):3182-3192.
    PMID: 35469577 DOI: 10.2174/1871520622666220425114553
    BACKGROUND: Camptothecin is a naturally occurring alkaloid obtained from the stem wood of the Chinese tree, Camptotheca acuminata. It exerts pharmacological effects due to its ability to selectively inhibit the type-I topoisomerase DNA nuclear enzyme. Several semisynthetic analogs of camptothecin have been synthesized to date possessing antitumor activity.

    OBJECTIVE: Camptothecin (CPT) is one of the most promising anticancer drugs but it produces various side effects because of its non-selectivity towards cancer cells. To overcome these adverse effects, we synthesized biotin conjugate of camptothecin, which was linked via a self-immolative disulfide linker (CPT-SS-Biotin).

    METHODS: Biotin conjugated camptothecin linked through a disulfide bond was synthesized following schemes, and the structural characterization was carried out. The stability and drug release studies were performed in the presence of glutathione (GSH) while in vitro studies were performed on 4T1 tumor cell lines. In vivo pharmacological investigation was done using an antitumor Wistar rat model.

    RESULTS: The stability and drug release studies were performed in the presence of glutathione (GSH), and CPT-SSBiotin was found to be physiologically stable moiety and can only be cleaved in the presence of GSH to release free CPT. The CPT-SS-Biotin showed higher toxicity in the biotin-overexpressing 4T1 tumor cell line with a lower IC50 value (8.44 μM) compared to camptothecin alone (IC50 > 30 μM). CPT-SS-Biotin also showed 10.6% higher cellular uptake by cells in comparison to free camptothecin. The CPT-SS-Biotin was delivered to cells by binding to the biotin receptors on the cell surface, followed by energy-dependent endocytosis and internalization to cause cellular toxicity.

    CONCLUSION: In-vivo tumor suppression studies and in vitro cell line studies along with serological parameters and histopathological studies showed that conjugate produced a high therapeutic effect and remarkably reduced toxic effects in comparison to free CPT. The results suggested that biotinylation of camptothecin via disulfide linker can be a safe and efficacious method in cancer therapeutics.

  5. Wong SHM, Fang CM, Loh HS, Ngai SC
    Anticancer Agents Med Chem, 2023;23(7):817-831.
    PMID: 36380402 DOI: 10.2174/1871520623666221114095733
    AIMS: The aim of this study was to sensitize the resistant breast adenocarcinoma cells towards Tumour Necrosis Factor-related Apoptosis-inducing Ligand (TRAIL)-induced apoptosis.

    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease involving complex mechanisms. TRAIL is a potential anticancer candidate for targeted treatment due to its selective killing effects on neoplastic cells. Nonetheless, resistance occurs in many cancers either intrinsically or after multiple treatments.

    OBJECTIVE: Therefore, this research investigated whether the combination of Trichostatin A (TSA) and Zebularine (Zeb) (TZ) followed by TRAIL (TZT) could sensitize the human breast adenocarcinoma cells towards apoptosis.

    METHODS: The breast adenocarcinoma cells, MDA-MB-231, MCF-7 and E-MDA-MB-231 (E-cadherin re-expressed MDA-MB-231) were treated with TSA, Zeb, TZ, TRAIL and TZT. The cells were subjected to hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) staining and FITC-Annexin V/Propidium Iodide apoptosis detection prior to proteome profiling.

    RESULTS: Based on morphological observation, apoptosis was induced in all cells treated with all treatment regimens though it was more evident for the TZT-treated cells. In the apoptosis detection analysis, TZ increased early apoptosis significantly in MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 while TRAIL induced late apoptosis significantly in E-MDA-MB-231. Based on the proteome profiling on MDA-MB-231, TRAIL R2 and Fas expression was increased. For E-MDA-MB- 231, down-regulation of catalase, paraoxonase-2 (PON2), clusterin, an inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) and cell stress proteins validated the notion that E-cadherin re-expression enhances TZT anti-cancer efficacy. Similar trend was observed in MCF-7 whereby TZT treatment down-regulated the anti-apoptotic catalase and PON2, increased the proapoptotic, B cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2)-associated agonist of cell death (Bad) and Bcl-2-associated X (Bax), second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase (SMAC) and HtrA serine peptidase 2 (HTRA2) as well as TRAIL receptors (TRAIL R1 and TRAIL R2).

    CONCLUSION: TZ treatment serves as an efficient treatment regimen for MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7, while TRAIL serves as a better treatment option for E-MDA-MB-231. Therefore, future studies on E-cadherin's positive regulatory role in TRAIL-induced apoptosis are warranted.

  6. Hamid A, Rajab NF, Charmagne Y, Awang N, Jufri NF, Rasli NR
    Anticancer Agents Med Chem, 2024;24(1):58-65.
    PMID: 37921147 DOI: 10.2174/0118715206266851231025054446
    INTRODUCTION: Continuous research for new effective drugs to treat cancer has improved our understanding on the mechanism of action of these drugs and paved new potential for their application in cancer treatments. In this study, organotin compounds known as triphenyltin ethyl phenyl dithiocarbamate and triphenyltin butyl phenyl dithiocarbamate were investigated for their toxicity on leukemia cell line (K562) and non-cancerous cell line (Chang liver cell and lung fibroblast, V79 cell).

    METHODS: MTT assay was performed to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of both compounds toward the cells after 24, 48 and 72 hours of exposure or treatment. The alkaline comet assay was conducted to determine the DNA damage on K562 cells after been exposed to both compounds for 30, 60 and 90 minutes.

    RESULTS: The IC50 values obtained from K562 cells ranged from 0.01 to 0.30 μM, whereas for both Chang liver cell and lung fibroblast V79 cell, the values ranged from 0.10 to 0.40 μM. For genotoxicity evaluation, the percentage of damaged DNA is measured as an average of tail moment, and was found to be within 1.20 to 2.20 A.U while the percentage of DNA intensity ranging from 1.50 to 3.50% indicating no genotoxic effects.

    CONCLUSION: Both compounds are cytotoxic toward leukemia cells and non-cancerous cells but do not exert their genotoxic effects towards leukemia cell.

  7. Abd Aziz NA, Awang N, Kamaludin NF, Anuar NNM, Hamid A, Chan KM, et al.
    Anticancer Agents Med Chem, 2024;24(12):942-953.
    PMID: 38629375 DOI: 10.2174/0118715206309421240402093335
    BACKGROUND: Organotin(IV) complexes of dithiocarbamate are vital in medicinal chemistry, exhibiting potential in targeting cancer cells due to their unique properties that enhance targeted delivery. This study aimed to synthesize and characterize organotin(IV) N-ethyl-N-benzyldithiocarbamate complexes (ONBDCs) and evaluate their cytotoxicity against A549 cells, which are commonly used as a model for human lung cancer research.

    METHODS: The two ONBDC derivatives - ONBDC 1 (dimethyltin(IV) N-ethyl-N-benzyldithiocarbamate) and ONBDC 2 (triphenyltin(IV) N-ethyl-N-benzyldithiocarbamate) - were synthesized via the reaction of tin(IV) chloride with N-ethylbenzylamine in the presence of carbon disulfide. A range of analytical techniques, including elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectrometry, TGA/DTA analysis, and X-ray crystallography, was conducted to characterize these compounds comprehensively. The cytotoxic effects of ONBDCs against A549 cells were evaluated using MTT assay.

    RESULTS: Both compounds were synthesized and characterized successfully via elemental and spectroscopies analysis. MTT assay revealed that ONBDC 2 demonstrated remarkable cytotoxicity towards A549 cells, with an IC50 value of 0.52 μM. Additionally, ONBDC 2 displayed significantly higher cytotoxic activity against the A549 cell line when compared to the commercially available chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin (IC50: 32 μM).

    CONCLUSION: Thus, it was shown that ONBDC 2 could have important anticancer properties and should be further explored as a top contender for creating improved and specialized cancer treatments.

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