Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 1088 in total

  1. Ba-Abbad MM, Takriff MS, Kadhum AA, Mohamad AB, Benamor A, Mohammad AW
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2017 Jan;24(3):2804-2819.
    PMID: 27837474 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-8033-y
    In this study, the photocatalytic degradation of toxic pollutant (2-chlorophenol) in the presence of ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) was investigated under solar radiation. The three main factors, namely pH of solution, solar intensity and calcination temperature, were selected in order to examine their effects on the efficiency of the degradation process. The response surface methodology (RSM) technique based on D-optimal design was applied to optimise the process. ANOVA analysis showed that solar intensity and calcination temperature were the two significant factors for degradation efficiency. The optimum conditions in the model were solar intensity at 19.8 W/m(2), calcination temperature at 404 °C and pH of 6.0. The maximum degradation efficiency was predicted to be 90.5% which was in good agreement with the actual experimental value of 93.5%. The fit of the D-optimal design correlated very well with the experimental results with higher values of R (2) and R (2)adj correlation coefficients of 0.9847 and 0.9676, respectively. The intermediate mechanism behaviour of the 2-chlorophenol degradation process was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results confirmed that 2-chlorophenol was converted to acetic acid, a non-toxic compound.
  2. Rasiah R, Ahmed A, Al-Amin AQ, Chenayah S
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2017 Jan;24(3):2632-2642.
    PMID: 27830414 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-7985-2
    This paper analyses empirically the optimal climate change mitigation policy of Malaysia with the business as usual scenario of ASEAN to compare their environmental and economic consequences over the period 2010-2110. A downscaling empirical dynamic model is constructed using a dual multidisciplinary framework combining economic, earth science, and ecological variables to analyse the long-run consequences. The model takes account of climatic variables, including carbon cycle, carbon emission, climatic damage, carbon control, carbon concentration, and temperature. The results indicate that without optimal climate policy and action, the cumulative cost of climate damage for Malaysia and ASEAN as a whole over the period 2010-2110 would be MYR40.1 trillion and MYR151.0 trillion, respectively. Under the optimal policy, the cumulative cost of climatic damage for Malaysia would fall to MYR5.3 trillion over the 100 years. Also, the additional economic output of Malaysia will rise from MYR2.1 billion in 2010 to MYR3.6 billion in 2050 and MYR5.5 billion in 2110 under the optimal climate change mitigation scenario. The additional economic output for ASEAN would fall from MYR8.1 billion in 2010 to MYR3.2 billion in 2050 before rising again slightly to MYR4.7 billion in 2110 in the business as usual ASEAN scenario.
  3. Imdadul HK, Zulkifli NW, Masjuki HH, Kalam MA, Kamruzzaman M, Rashed MM, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2017 Jan;24(3):2350-2363.
    PMID: 27815850 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-7847-y
    Exploring new renewable energy sources as a substitute of petroleum reserves is necessary due to fulfilling the oncoming energy needs for industry and transportation systems. In this quest, a lot of research is going on to expose different kinds of new biodiesel sources. The non-edible oil from candlenut possesses the potential as a feedstock for biodiesel production. The present study aims to produce biodiesel from crude candlenut oil by using two-step transesterification process, and 10%, 20%, and 30% of biodiesel were mixed with diesel fuel as test blends for engine testing. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and gas chromatography (GC) were performed and analyzed to characterize the biodiesel. Also, the fuel properties of biodiesel and its blends were measured and compared with the specified standards. The thermal stability of the fuel blends was measured by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scan calorimetry (DSC) analysis. Engine characteristics were measured in a Yanmar TF120M single cylinder direct injection (DI) diesel engine. Biodiesel produced from candlenut oil contained 15% free fatty acid (FFA), and two-step esterification and transesterification were used. FTIR and GC remarked the biodiesels' existing functional groups and fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) composition. The thermal analysis of the biodiesel blends certified about the blends' stability regarding thermal degradation, melting and crystallization temperature, oxidative temperature, and storage stability. The brake power (BP), brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), and brake thermal efficiency (BTE) of the biodiesel blends decreased slightly with an increasing pattern of nitric oxide (NO) emission. However, the hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon monoxides (CO) of biodiesel blends were found decreased.
  4. Afroz R, Rahman A, Masud MM, Akhtar R
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2017 Jan;24(3):2304-2315.
    PMID: 27812970 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-7942-0
    The focus of this study is to analyze the level of knowledge, awareness, and attitude toward plastic waste and to distinguish the key drivers that encourage the households in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to participate in "No plastic campaign," This study used the logistic regression model to explain the factors that may affect the willingness to participate (WTP) of households in the campaign. In this study, it is found that 35 % of households are willing to participate in the campaign. The results of the study also indicate that people who are more informed and more convinced of their knowledge have a more positive attitude toward recycling than their counterparts do. Furthermore, this study provides additional evidence of the level and classification of importance of motivating factors for plastic recycling, using the modified average and coefficient of variation of the models. From the analysis, the factor "helps reduce landfill use" is found as the most important factor and the factor of "raising money for charity" is found as the least important factor that motivates households to participate in recycling. The determinations of the study suggest some strategies that could hold implications for government and households to boost them to participate in the campaign "No Plastic Bag."
  5. Hay JX, Wu TY, Juan JC, Md Jahim J
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2017 Apr;24(11):10354-10363.
    PMID: 28281053 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-8557-9
    Although a significant amount of brewery wastewater (BW) is generated during beer production, the nutrients in the BW could be reused as a potential bio-resource for biohydrogen production. Therefore, improvements in photofermentative biohydrogen production due to a combination of BW and pulp and paper mill effluent (PPME) as a mixed production medium were investigated comprehensively in this study. The experimental results showed that both the biohydrogen yield and the chemical oxygen demand removal were improved through the combination of BW and PPME. The best biohydrogen yield of 0.69 mol H2/L medium was obtained using the combination of 10 % BW + 90 % PPME (10B90P), while the reuse of the wastewater alone (100 % BW and 100 % PPME) resulted in 42.3 and 44.0 % less biohydrogen yields than the highest yield, respectively. The greatest light efficiency was 1.97 % and was also achieved using the combination of both wastewaters at 10B90P. This study revealed the potential of reusing and combining two different effluents together, in which the combination of BW and PPME improved the nutrients and light penetration into the mixed production medium.
  6. Sunasee S, Leong KH, Wong KT, Lee G, Pichiah S, Nah I, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2019 Jan;26(2):1082-1093.
    PMID: 28290089 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-8729-7
    Since bisphenol A (BPA) exhibits endocrine disrupting action and high toxicity in aqueous system, there are high demands to remove it completely. In this study, the BPA removal by sonophotocatalysis coupled with nano-structured graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4, GCN) was conducted with various batch tests using energy-based advanced oxidation process (AOP) based on ultrasound (US) and visible light (Vis-L). Results of batch tests indicated that GCN-based sonophotocatalysis (Vis-L/US) had higher rate constants than other AOPs and especially two times higher degradation rate than TiO2-based Vis-L/US. This result infers that GCN is effective in the catalytic activity in Vis-L/US since its surface can be activated by Vis-L to transport electrons from valence band (VB) for utilizing holes (h+VB) in the removal of BPA. In addition, US irradiation exfoliated the GCN effectively. The formation of BPA intermediates was investigated in detail by using high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS). The possible degradation pathway of BPA was proposed.
  7. Zhu F, Storey S, Ashaari MM, Clipson N, Doyle E
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2017 Feb;24(6):5404-5414.
    PMID: 28025788 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-8251-3
    Benzo(a)pyrene degradation was compared in soil that was either composted, incubated at a constant temperature of 22 °C, or incubated under a temperature regime typical of a composting process. After 84 days, significantly more (61%) benzo(a)pyrene was removed from composted soil compared to soils incubated at a constant temperature (29%) or at composting temperatures (46%). Molecular fingerprinting approaches indicated that in composted soils, bacterial community changes were driven by both temperature and organic amendment, while fungal community changes were primarily driven by temperature. Next-generation sequencing data revealed that the bacterial community in composted soil was dominated by Actinobacteria (order Actinomycetales), Firmicutes (class Bacilli), and Proteobacteria (classes Gammaproteobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria), regardless of whether benzo(a)pyrene was present or not. The relative abundance of unclassified Actinomycetales (Actinobacteria) was significantly higher in composted soil when degradation was occurring, indicating a potential role for these organisms in benzo(a)pyrene metabolism. This study provides baseline data for employing straw-based composting strategies for the removal of high molecular weight PAHs from soil and contributes to the knowledge of how microbial communities respond to incubation conditions and pollutant degradation.
  8. Kusin FM, Akhir NIM, Mohamat-Yusuff F, Awang M
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2017 Feb;24(6):5293-5304.
    PMID: 28004372 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-8270-0
    The environmental impacts with regard to agro-based biofuel production have been associated with the impact of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In this study, field GHG emissions during plantation stage of palm oil-based biofuel production associated with land use changes for oil palm plantation development have been evaluated. Three different sites of different land use changes prior to oil palm plantation were chosen; converted land-use (large and small-scales) and logged-over forest. Field sampling for determination of soil N-mineralisation and soil organic carbon (SOC) was undertaken at the sites according to the age of palm, i.e. <5 years (immature), 5-20 and >21 years (mature oil palms). The field data were incorporated into the estimation of nitrous oxide (N2O) and the resulting CO2-eq emissions as well as for estimation of carbon stock changes. Irrespective of the land conversion scenarios, the nitrous oxide emissions were found in the range of 6.47-7.78 kg N2O-N/ha resulting in 498-590 kg CO2-eq/ha. On the other hand, the conversion of tropical forest into oil palm plantation has resulted in relatively higher GHG emissions (i.e. four times higher and carbon stock reduction by >50%) compared to converted land use (converted rubber plantation) for oil palm development. The conversion from previously rubber plantation into oil palm plantation would increase the carbon savings (20% in increase) thus sustaining the environmental benefits from the palm oil-based biofuel production.
  9. Tan WK, Teh SY, Koh HL
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2017 Jul;24(19):15976-15994.
    PMID: 28343360 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-8698-x
    Submarine landslides, also known as submarine mass failures (SMFs), are major natural marine disasters that could critically damage coastal facilities such as nuclear power plants and oil and gas platforms. It is therefore essential to investigate submarine landslides for potential tsunami hazard assessment. Three-dimensional seismic data from offshore Brunei have revealed a giant seabed mass deposited by a previous SMF. The submarine mass extends over 120 km from the continental slope of the Baram Canyon at 200 m water depth to the deep basin floor of the Northwest Borneo Trough. A suite of in-house two-dimensional depth-averaged tsunami simulation model TUNA (Tsunami-tracking Utilities and Application) is developed to assess the vulnerability of coastal communities in Sabah and Sarawak subject to potential SMF tsunami. The submarine slide is modeled as a rigid body moving along a planar slope with the center of mass motion parallel to the planar slope and subject to external forces due to added mass, gravity, and dissipation. The nonlinear shallow water equations are utilized to simulate tsunami propagation from deepwater up to the shallow offshore areas. A wetting-drying algorithm is used when a tsunami wave reaches the shoreline to compute run up of tsunami along the shoreline. Run-up wave height and inundation maps are provided for seven densely populated locations in Sabah and Sarawak to highlight potential risks at each location, subject to two scenarios of slide slopes: 2° and 4°. The first wave may arrive at Kudat as early as 0.4 h after the SMF, giving local communities little time to evacuate. Over a small area, maximum inundated depths reaching 20.3 m at Kudat, 26.1 m at Kota Kinabalu, and 15.5 m at Miri are projected, while the maximum inundation distance of 4.86 km is expected at Miri due to its low-lying coast. In view of the vulnerability of some locations to the SMF tsunami, it is important to develop and implement community resilience program to reduce the potential damage that could be inflicted by SMF tsunamis.
  10. Elzwayie A, Afan HA, Allawi MF, El-Shafie A
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2017 May;24(13):12104-12117.
    PMID: 28353110 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-8715-0
    Several research efforts have been conducted to monitor and analyze the impact of environmental factors on the heavy metal concentrations and physicochemical properties of water bodies (lakes and rivers) in different countries worldwide. This article provides a general overview of the previous works that have been completed in monitoring and analyzing heavy metals. The intention of this review is to introduce the historical studies to distinguish and understand the previous challenges faced by researchers in analyzing heavy metal accumulation. In addition, this review introduces a survey on the importance of time increment sampling (monthly and/or seasonally) to comprehend and determine the rate of change of different parameters on a monthly and seasonal basis. Furthermore, suggestions are made for future research to achieve more understandable figures on heavy metal accumulation by considering climate conditions. Thus, the intent of the current study is the provision of reliable models for predicting future heavy metal accumulation in water bodies in different climates and pollution conditions so that water management can be achieved using intelligent proactive strategies and artificial neural network (ANN) techniques.
  11. Ahmed A, Devadason ES, Al-Amin AQ
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2017 May;24(13):12347-12359.
    PMID: 28357797 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-8747-5
    This study accounts for the Hicks neutral technical change in a calibrated model of climate analysis, to identify the optimum level of technical change for addressing climate changes. It demonstrates the reduction to crop damages, the costs to technical change, and the net gains for the adoption of technical change for a climate-sensitive Pakistan economy. The calibrated model assesses the net gains of technical change for the overall economy and at the agriculture-specific level. The study finds that the gains of technical change are overwhelmingly higher than the costs across the agriculture subsectors. The gains and costs following technical change differ substantially for different crops. More importantly, the study finds a cost-effective optimal level of technical change that potentially reduces crop damages to a minimum possible level. The study therefore contends that the climate policy for Pakistan should consider the role of technical change in addressing climate impacts on the agriculture sector.
  12. Lau YY, Wong YS, Ang TZ, Ong SA, Lutpi NA, Ho LN
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2018 Mar;25(7):7067-7075.
    PMID: 29275478 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-1069-9
    The theme of present research demonstrates performance of copper (II) sulfate (CuSO4) as catalyst in thermolysis process to treat reactive black 5 (RB 5) dye. During thermolysis without presence of catalyst, heat was converted to thermal energy to break the enthalpy of chemical structure bonding and only 31.62% of color removal. With CuSO4 support as auxiliary agent, the thermally cleaved molecular structure was further destabilized and reacted with CuSO4. Copper ions functioned to delocalize the coordination of π of the lone paired electron in azo bond, C=C bond of the sp2 carbon to form C-C of the sp3 amorphous carbon in benzene and naphthalene. Further, the radicals of unpaired electrons were stabilized and RB 5 was thermally decomposed to methyl group. Zeta potential measurement was carried out to analyze the mechanism of RB 5 degradation and measurement at 0 mV verified the critical chemical concentration (CCC) (0.7 g/L copper (II) sulfate), as the maximum 92.30% color removal. The presence of copper (II) sulfate catalyst has remarkably increase the RB 5 dye degradation as the degradation rate constant without catalyst, k1 is 6.5224 whereas the degradation rate constant with catalyst, k2 is 25.6810. This revealed the correlation of conversion of thermal energy from heat to break the chemical bond strength, subsequent fragmentation of RB 5 dye molecular mediated by copper (II) sulfate catalyst. The novel framework on thermolysis degradation of molecular structure of RB 5 with respect to the bond enthalpy and interfacial intermediates decomposition with catalyst reaction were determined.
  13. Yavari S, Malakahmad A, Sapari NB, Yavari S
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2018 Apr;25(12):11351-11363.
    PMID: 29417482 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-1345-3
    Phytoremediation has been applied as a promising and cost-effective technique for removing nutrient pollutants from wastewater. In this study, the effect of fullerene C60 was assessed on enhancing the phytoremediation efficiency of teak plants over a period of 1 month. Teak plants were supplied with fullerene C60 (0, 25, or 50 mg L-1) and fed daily with two types of urea plant wastewater (with and without adding optimum ratio of phosphorus and potassium). The required volume of wastewater by the teak plants, nitrogen removal percentage, plant growth parameters (plant height, number of leaves, leaf surface area, and dry biomass), and nutrient content was recorded throughout the study. The results showed that addition of 25 mg L-1 fullerene C60 to urea plant wastewater could increase water uptake and nitrogen recovery of the teak plants. Plant growth and nutrient contents of teak plants were also increased in the presence of 25 mg L-1 fullerene C60. However, addition of 50 mg L-1 fullerene C60 to the wastewater decreased the values for water uptake and nitrogen recovery. The findings indicated that addition of proper amount of fullerene C60 to the teak-based remediation system can increase the efficiency of the plants for nitrogen removal.
  14. Ansari M, Othman F, Abunama T, El-Shafie A
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2018 Apr;25(12):12139-12149.
    PMID: 29455350 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-1438-z
    The function of a sewage treatment plant is to treat the sewage to acceptable standards before being discharged into the receiving waters. To design and operate such plants, it is necessary to measure and predict the influent flow rate. In this research, the influent flow rate of a sewage treatment plant (STP) was modelled and predicted by autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), nonlinear autoregressive network (NAR) and support vector machine (SVM) regression time series algorithms. To evaluate the models' accuracy, the root mean square error (RMSE) and coefficient of determination (R2) were calculated as initial assessment measures, while relative error (RE), peak flow criterion (PFC) and low flow criterion (LFC) were calculated as final evaluation measures to demonstrate the detailed accuracy of the selected models. An integrated model was developed based on the individual models' prediction ability for low, average and peak flow. An initial assessment of the results showed that the ARIMA model was the least accurate and the NAR model was the most accurate. The RE results also prove that the SVM model's frequency of errors above 10% or below - 10% was greater than the NAR model's. The influent was also forecasted up to 44 weeks ahead by both models. The graphical results indicate that the NAR model made better predictions than the SVM model. The final evaluation of NAR and SVM demonstrated that SVM made better predictions at peak flow and NAR fit well for low and average inflow ranges. The integrated model developed includes the NAR model for low and average influent and the SVM model for peak inflow.
  15. Masron TA, Subramaniam Y
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2018 May;25(13):12491-12506.
    PMID: 29464597 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-1473-9
    Environmental degradation is at an alarming level in developing economies. The present paper examines the direct and indirect impacts of corruption on environmental deterioration using the panel data of 64 developing countries. Adopting the generalized method of moments (GMM) technique, the paper finds evidence that corruption exhibits a positive impact on pollution. Subsequently, there is also evidence indicating that the level of pollution tends to be higher in countries with a higher level of corruption, eliminating the effectiveness of income effect on environmental preservation. These results also suggest that environmental degradation is monotonically increasing with higher corruption and invalidate the presence of the EKC. Hence, a policy focuses that an anti-corruption particularly in the environmental and natural resources sector needs to be emphasized and enforced in order to reduce or possibly to totally eliminate the rent for corruption.
  16. Meena RAA, Sathishkumar P, Ameen F, Yusoff ARM, Gu FL
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2018 Feb;25(5):4134-4148.
    PMID: 29247419 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-0966-2
    With growing population and urbanization, there is an increasing exploitation of natural resources, and this often results to environmental pollution. In this review, the levels of heavy metal in lentic compartments (water, sediment, fishes, and aquatic plants) over the past two decades (1997-2017) have been summarized to evaluate the current pollution status of this ecosystem. In all the compartments, the heavy metals dominated are zinc followed by iron. The major reason could be area mineralogy and lithogenic sources. Enormous quantity of metals like iron in estuarine sediment is a very natural incident due to the permanently reducing condition of organic substances. Contamination of cadmium, lead, and chromium was closely associated with anthropogenic origin. In addition, surrounding land use and atmospheric deposition could have been responsible for substantial pollution. The accumulation of heavy metals in fishes and aquatic plants is the result of time-dependent deposition in lentic ecosystems. Moreover, various potential risk assessment methods for heavy metals were discussed. This review concludes that natural phenomena dominate the accumulation of essential heavy metals in lentic ecosystems compared to anthropogenic sources. Amongst other recent reviews on heavy metals from other parts of the world, the present review is executed in such a way that it explains the presence of heavy metals not only in water environment, but also in the whole of the lentic system comprising sediment, fishes, and aquatic plants.
  17. Piscopo M, Notariale R, Rabbito D, Ausió J, Olanrewaju OS, Guerriero G
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2018 May;25(13):12957-12966.
    PMID: 29478169 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-1570-9
    In this work, we describe results of the reproductive health monitoring studies in Mytilus galloprovincialis following spermatozoa hsp70 expression and protamine-like protein properties. Mussels control (ctr) were released within cages for 30 days in three different marine sites near Naples (Campania, Italy): Bagnoli south (BAs) and Bagnoli north (BAn), both close to a disposal metallurgical factory and in Capo Miseno (CM). Studies of hsp70 gene expression carried out, by RT-qPCR, in mussel spermatozoa have shown varied expression levels, particularly 5, 13, and 15-fold more than ctr in CM, BAs, and BAn, respectively, indicating highest involvement of stress proteins in spermatozoa of mussels in Bagnoli. In order to evaluate the possible risk on Mytilus galloprovincialis sustainability loss, electrophoretic analyses were performed on protamine-like proteins (PL) of collected spermatozoa. The results showed that CM PL were apparently unaltered with respect to ctr PL, while BAs and BAn PL appeared in part in the form of peptides and in part as bands with low mobility. Further, CM and BAs PL showed, by electrophoretic mobility shift assay, a decrease in DNA binding ability and a change in their DNA binding mode. The results of this investigation show the usefulness of the study of alterations of spermatozoa hsp70 expression and protamine-like protein properties for eco-toxicological evaluation using Mytilus galloprovincialis as a bioindicator.
  18. Dieng H, Satho T, Meli NKKB, Abang F, Nolasco-Hipolito C, Hakim H, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2018 May;25(14):13833-13843.
    PMID: 29512008 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-1078-8
    Nectar is the staple diet of adult mosquitoes in the wild, but its availability is inconsistent and can be affected by rainfall. In urban centers, Aedes vectors commonly use man-made containers as their major habitat; however, they can colonize any items replenished by rainfall. Garbage output has increased significantly in recent years, at a time when collection frequency is reducing. Such garbage usually includes organic components, some of which are sweet and can be fed upon by other animals or become can containers for rainwater. Despite evidence that Aedes larvae can thrive in containers comprised of organic waste material, which can be produced by rodents gnawing on fruits or vegetables, and that adults can survive on sweet waste fluids, the capacity of organic waste materials to accumulate rainwater and act as egg deposition sites has not been examined. It is also unknown for how long sweet extracts can sustain the life of adult vectors. Here, we investigated the abundance of sweet leftovers at garbage sites and the rainwater retention capacity of some organic materials through a field survey and laboratory bioassays. We also examined whether sweet waste fluids impact egg hatching success and longevity of Aedes aegypti. The results of this study indicated that sweet products with leftovers are highly prevalent in garbage. When exposed to rain, food items (BAFrc, banana fruit resembling container; and BSPrc, boiled sweet potato resembling container) and the packaging of sweet foods (SMIc, sweetened condensed milk can) retained water. When provided an opportunity to oviposit in cups containing BAF extract (BAFex), BSP extract (BSPex), and SMI extract (SMIex), eggs were deposited in all media. Egg maturation in the BAFex environment resulted in similar larval eclosion success to that resulting from embryo development in a water milieu. Adults maintained on sweet waste extracts had long lifespans, although shorter than that of their sugar solution (SUS)-fed counterparts. Taken together, these results indicated that sweet waste materials are useful to dengue mosquitoes, acting both as oviposition sites and energy sources.
  19. Praveena SM, Teh SW, Rajendran RK, Kannan N, Lin CC, Abdullah R, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2018 Apr;25(12):11333-11342.
    PMID: 29546515 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-1652-8
    Phthalates have been blended in various compositions as plasticizers worldwide for a variety of purposes. Consequently, humans are exposed to a wide spectrum of phthalates that needs to be researched and understood correctly. The goal of this review is to focus on phthalate's internal exposure pathways and possible role of human digestion on liver toxicity. In addition, special focus was made on stem cell therapy in reverting liver toxicity. The known entry of higher molecular weight phthalates is through ingestion while inhalation and dermal pathways are for lower molecular weight phthalates. In human body, certain phthalates are digested through phase 1 (hydrolysis, oxidation) and phase 2 (conjugation) metabolic processes. The phthalates that are made bioavailable through digestion enter the blood stream and reach the liver for further detoxification, and these are excreted via urine and/or feces. Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is a compound well studied involving human metabolism. Liver plays a pivotal role in humans for detoxification of pollutants. Thus, continuous exposure to phthalates in humans may lead to inhibition of liver detoxifying enzymes and may result in liver dysfunction. The potential of stem cell therapy addressed herewith will revert liver dysfunction and lead to restoration of liver function properly.
  20. Iberahim N, Sethupathi S, Bashir MJK
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2018 Sep;25(26):25702-25714.
    PMID: 28550632 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-9180-5
    In this study, palm oil mill sludge was used as a precursor to prepare biochar using conventional pyrolysis. Palm oil mill sludge biochar (POSB) was prepared at different preparation variables, i.e., heating temperature (300-800 °C), heating rate (10-20 °C/min) and holding time (60-120 min). The prepared biochars were tested for sulfur dioxide (SO2) adsorption in a fixed bed reactor using 300 ppm of SO2 gas at 300 ml/min (with N2 gas as balance). Response surface central composite experimental design was used to optimize the production of biochar versus SO2 removal. A quadratic model was developed in order to correlate the effect of variable parameters on the optimum adsorption capacity of SO2 gas. The experimental values and the predicted results of the model were found to show satisfactory agreement. The optimum conditions for biochar preparation to yield the best SO2 removal was found to be at 405 °C of heating temperature, 20 °C/min of heating rate and 88 min of holding time. At these conditions, the average yield of biochar and adsorption capacity for SO2 gas was reported as 54.25 g and 9.75 mg/g, respectively. The structure of biochar and their roles in SO2 adsorption were investigated by surface area, morphology images, infrared spectra, and proximate analysis, respectively. The characterization findings suggested that POSB adsorbs SO2 mainly by the functional groups.
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