Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 115 in total

  1. Goh KL
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2004 Sep;19 Suppl 3:S22-5.
    PMID: 15324378
    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common disease in the West, which now appears to be also increasing in prevalence in the Asian Pacific region. The reasons for this changing epidemiology are two-fold: an increased awareness among doctors and patients, and/or a true increase in the prevalence of the disease. Prevalence rates of reflux esophagitis (RE) of up to 16% and prevalence of GERD symptoms of up to 9% have been reported in the Asian population. However, the frequency of strictures and Barrett's esophagus remain very low. Non-erosive reflux disease (NERD) appears to be the most common form of GERD among Asian patients accounting for 50-70% of cases with GERD. Among Asian patients differences can also be discerned among different ethnic groups. For example, in Malaysia where a multiracial society exists, RE is significantly more common among Indians compared to Chinese and Malays whereas NERD is more frequently seen in the Indian and Malays compared to the Chinese. The reasons for these differences are not known but may indicate both genetic factors and environmental factors peculiar to the particular racial group. GERD has also been increasing in the region demonstrating a time-lag phenomenon compared to the West. Differing predisposition to GERD among different ethnic groups would mean that such an increase would be more prominent among certain racial groups.
  2. Mazlyn MM, Nagarajah LH, Fatimah A, Norimah AK, Goh KL
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2013 Jul;28(7):1141-7.
    PMID: 23432408 DOI: 10.1111/jgh.12168
    Evidence suggests that probiotics reduce certain constipation-related symptoms. Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota has never been tested as treatment for functional constipation in otherwise-healthy subjects. To evaluate the efficacy of this probiotic among adults with functional constipation was aimed.
  3. Zain SM, Mohamed Z, Mahadeva S, Cheah PL, Rampal S, Chin KF, et al.
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2013 May;28(5):873-9.
    PMID: 23278404 DOI: 10.1111/jgh.12104
    Genetic polymorphism has been implicated as a factor for the occurrence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This study attempted to assess whether polymorphisms in the leptin receptor (LEPR) gene and its combined effect with patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 3 (PNPLA3/adiponutrin) are associated with risk of NAFLD.
  4. Ang TL, Fock KM, Dhamodaran S, Teo EK, Tan J
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2005 Oct;20(10):1603-9.
    PMID: 16174081
    In Singapore, the highest incidence of gastric cancer occurs in the Chinese (C), with lower rates among Malay (M) and Indian (I) subjects. The purpose of the present paper was to examine whether racial differences in the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori and serum pepsinogen (PG) could account for this difference.
  5. Tan HJ, Rizal AM, Rosmadi MY, Goh KL
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2005 Apr;20(4):589-94.
    PMID: 15836708
    There is a geographic variation in Helicobacter pylori (HP) genotypes and virulence factors. Cytotoxin associated genes A (cagA) and E (cagE), and certain vacuolating cytotoxin (vacA) genotypes are associated with peptic ulcer disease (PUD). There is also a different prevalence of PUD among different ethnic groups in Malaysia. The present study compared the distribution of vacA alleles and cagA and cagE status in three ethnic groups residing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and their association with clinical outcome.
  6. Koh JC, Loo WM, Goh KL, Sugano K, Chan WK, Chiu WY, et al.
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2016 Aug;31(8):1405-13.
    PMID: 27010240 DOI: 10.1111/jgh.13385
    The incidence of obesity is increasing in Asia, with implications on gastrointestinal (GI) and liver diseases. The Gut and Obesity in Asia Workgroup comprises regional experts with the aim of studying relationship between obesity and the GI and liver diseases in Asia. Through literature review and the modified Delphi process, consensus statements examining the impact of obesity on esophageal, gastric, pancreatic, colorectal, and liver diseases, exploring relationship between gut microbiome and obesity, and assessing obesity therapies have been produced by the Gut and Obesity in Asia Workgroup. Sixteen experts participated with 9/15 statements having strong consensus (>80% agreement). The prevalence of obesity in Asia is increasing (100% percentage agreement in brackets), and this increased prevalence of obesity will result in a greater burden of obesity-related GI and liver diseases (93.8%). There was consensus that obesity increases the risk of gastric cancer (75%) and colorectal neoplasia (87.5%). Obesity was also associated with Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma (66.7%) and pancreatic cancer (66.7%) in Asia. The prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in Asia is on the rise (100%), and the risk of NAFLD in Asia (100%) is increased by obesity. Obesity is a risk factor for the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (93.8%). Regarding therapy, it was agreed that bariatric surgery was an effective treatment modality for obesity (93.8%) but there was less agreement on its benefit for NAFLD (62.5%). These experts' consensus on obesity and GI diseases in Asia forms the basis for further research, and its translation into addressing this emerging issue.
  7. Isayama H, Nakai Y, Rerknimitr R, Khor C, Lau J, Wang HP, et al.
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2016 Sep;31(9):1555-65.
    PMID: 27042957 DOI: 10.1111/jgh.13398
    Walled-off necrosis (WON) is a new term for encapsulated necrotic tissue after severe acute pancreatitis. Various terminologies such as pseudocyst, necroma, pancreatic abscess, and infected necrosis were previously used in the literature, resulting in confusion. The current and past terminologies must be reconciled to meaningfully interpret past data. Recently, endoscopic necrosectomy was introduced as a treatment option and is now preferred over surgical necrosectomy when the expertise is available. However, high-quality evidence is still lacking, and there is no standard management strategy for WON. The consensus meeting aimed to clarify the diagnostic criteria for WON and the role of endoscopic interventions in its management. In the Consensus Conference, 27 experts from eight Asian countries took an active role and examined key clinical aspects of WON diagnosis and endoscopic management. Statements were crafted based on literature review and expert opinion, employing the modified Delphi method. All statements were substantiated by the level of evidence and the strength of the recommendation. We created 27 consensus statements for WON diagnosis and management, including details of endoscopic procedures. When there was not enough solid evidence to support the statements, this was clearly acknowledged to facilitate future research. Proposed management strategies were formulated and are illustrated using flow charts. These recommendations, which are based on the best current scientific evidence and expert opinion, will be useful for guiding endoscopic management of WON. Part 2 of this statement focused on the endoscopic management of WON.
  8. Isayama H, Nakai Y, Rerknimitr R, Khor C, Lau J, Wang HP, et al.
    PMID: 27044023 DOI: 10.1111/jgh.13394
    Walled-off necrosis (WON) is a relatively new term for encapsulated necrotic tissue after severe acute pancreatitis. Various terminologies such as pseudocyst, necroma, pancreatic abscess and infected necrosis were previously used in the literature, resulting in confusion. The current and past terminologies must be reconciled to meaningfully interpret past data. Recently, endoscopic necrosectomy was introduced as a treatment option and is now preferred over surgical necrosectomy when the expertise is available. However, high-quality evidence is still lacking, and there is no standard management strategy for WON. The consensus meeting aimed to clarify the diagnostic criteria for WON and the role of endoscopic interventions in its management. In the Consensus Conference, 25 experts from 8 Asian countries took an active role and examined key clinical aspects of WON diagnosis and endoscopic management. Statements were crafted based on literature review and expert opinion, employing the modified Delphi method. All statements were substantiated by the level of evidence and the strength of the recommendation. We created 27 consensus statements for WON diagnosis and management, including details of endoscopic procedures. When there was not enough solid evidence to support the statements, this was clearly acknowledged to facilitate future research. Proposed management strategies were formulated and are illustrated using flow charts. These recommendations, which are based on the best current scientific evidence and expert opinion, will be useful for guiding endoscopic management of WON. Part 1 of this statement focused on the epidemiology, diagnosis and timing of intervention.
  9. Ooi CJ, Makharia GK, Hilmi I, Gibson PR, Fock KM, Ahuja V, et al.
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2016 Jan;31(1):45-55.
    PMID: 25819140 DOI: 10.1111/jgh.12956
    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) was previously thought to be rare in Asia, but emerging data indicate rising incidence and prevalence of IBD in the region. The Asia Pacific Working Group on Inflammatory Bowel Disease was established in Cebu, Philippines, at the Asia Pacific Digestive Week conference in 2006 under the auspices of the Asian Pacific Association of Gastroenterology with the goal of developing best management practices, coordinating research, and raising awareness of IBD in the region. The consensus group previously published recommendations for the diagnosis and management of ulcerative colitis with specific relevance to the Asia-Pacific region. The present consensus statements were developed following a similar process to address the epidemiology, diagnosis, and management of Crohn's disease. The goals of these statements are to pool the pertinent literature specifically highlighting relevant data and conditions in the Asia-Pacific region relating to the economy, health systems, background infectious diseases, differential diagnoses, and treatment availability. It does not intend to be all comprehensive and future revisions are likely to be required in this ever-changing field.
  10. Ooi CJ, Makharia GK, Hilmi I, Gibson PR, Fock KM, Ahuja V, et al.
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2016 Jan;31(1):56-68.
    PMID: 25819311 DOI: 10.1111/jgh.12958
    The Asia Pacific Working Group on Inflammatory Bowel Disease was established in Cebu, Philippines, at the Asia Pacific Digestive Week conference in 2006 under the auspices of the Asian Pacific Association of Gastroenterology (APAGE) with the goal of developing best management practices, coordinating research and raising awareness of IBD in the region. The consensus group previously published recommendations for the diagnosis and management of ulcerative colitis (UC) with specific relevance to the Asia-Pacific region. The present consensus statements were developed following a similar process to address the epidemiology, diagnosis and management of Crohn's disease (CD). The goals of these statements are to pool the pertinent literature specifically highlighting relevant data and conditions in the Asia-Pacific region relating to the economy, health systems, background infectious diseases, differential diagnoses and treatment availability. It does not intend to be all-comprehensive and future revisions are likely to be required in this ever-changing field.
  11. Rajendra S, Kutty K, Karim N
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2003 Jun;18(6):701-4.
    PMID: 12753153
    BACKGROUND: Some two-thirds of colorectal carcinomas arise from adenomatous polyps, and as such, screening by colonoscopy and polyp removal should significantly reduce colorectal cancer. This has not been the case, as evidenced by recent studies, which revealed that endoscopy failed to prevent up to 50% of all subsequent carcinomas. Flat or depressed adenomas, frequently reported from Japan but rarely elsewhere, might explain the 'missed carcinomas.' Detection of flat adenomas has not been previously reported from Malaysia.

    METHODS: In the present prospective study, 426 consecutive patients underwent colonoscopic examination between March 1997 and January 2000, for a variety of bowel symptoms. The examinations were performed by an experienced endoscopist using a standard colonoscope and methylene blue dye spraying technique. Macroscopically, flat adenomas were defined using the criteria proposed by Sawada.

    RESULTS: Twenty-nine adenomas were identified in 12 patients, of which 15 were polypoid and 14 were flat, with no depressed lesions. Eight polypoidal lesions and all the flat adenomas contained mild or moderate areas of epithelial dysplasia. Seven severely dysplastic polyps were identified. One Duke's A polypoidal cancer and two advanced carcinomas were also found. All the severely dysplastic lesions and Duke's A carcinomas were found in polyps greater than 10 mm in mean size. The flat adenomas were all less than 5 mm in size.

    CONCLUSIONS: A significant proportion of colonic adenomas in Malaysian patients appear as small flat lesions, which could easily be missed during endoscopy. Increased recognition and treatment of flat adenomas among colonoscopists is warranted.

  12. Goh K, Parasakthi N, Cheah P, Ranjeev C, Rosmawati M, Tan Y, et al.
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2000 Aug;15(8):910-4.
    PMID: 11022833
    BACKGROUND: The aim of the present paper was to determine the efficacy and tolerability of a 1-week treatment regimen consisting of pantoprazole and two antibiotics: clarithromycin and amoxycillin, in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori.

    METHODS: The patients selected had unequivocal evidence of H. pylori infection based on urease test, culture and histology on antral and corpus biopsies obtained at endoscopy. Patients received pantoprazole 40 mg twice a day, clarithromycin 500 mg twice a day and amoxycillin 1 g twice a day for 1 week and were assessed for successful eradication at least 4 weeks after completion of therapy by repeat gastroscopy and gastric biopsies. Eradication was defined as absence of bacteria in both antral and corpus biopsies tested by culture, histology and urease test.

    RESULTS: One hundred and six patients were recruited for the study. The mean age was 48.0 years (range: 23-74 years). Four patients defaulted follow up and five patients were not compliant (taking less than 85%) with medications. Eradication rates on per-protocol analysis were: 88/97 (90.7%; 95% CI: 83.1-95.7); and on intention-to-treat analysis they were: 88/106 (83.0%; 95% CI: 75.9-90.2). Side-effects were in general mild and tolerable: 57 of 106 (53.7%) patients complained of a bitter taste; 15 (14.1%) complained of giddiness; 10 (9.4%) complained of increased abdominal pain; 11 (11.5%) complained of lethargy and 16 (15.1%) complained of loose motions. Pre-treatment metronidazole resistance was encountered in 57/74 strains (77.0%). Clarithromycin resistance was not encountered in any of the strains.

    CONCLUSIONS: The pantoprazole 1-week triple therapy with amoxycillin and clarithromycin is effective in H. pylori eradication. The treatment was well tolerated by patients. Metronidazole resistance was reported in a high percentage of strains isolated from patients. Clarithromycin resistance was, however, not detected in any of the strains.

  13. Boey CC, Goh KL
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2001 Feb;16(2):154-9.
    PMID: 11207895
    AIM: To look at the predictors of health-care consultation for recurrent abdominal pain among urban schoolchildren in Malaysia.

    METHODS: Recurrent abdominal pain was defined as at least three episodes of abdominal pain, severe enough to affect a child's activities over a period longer than 3 months. A health-care consulter was defined as a child who had been brought to see a doctor regarding recurrent abdominal pain at least once in the past year. Children aged between 9 and 15 years were randomly chosen from schools in the city of Petaling Jaya, given questionnaires to fill in and interviewed to determine whether they fulfilled the above criteria for having symptoms of recurrent abdominal pain and for being a consulter. Bivariate analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis were performed on the data obtained.

    RESULTS: One hundred and forty-three (9.61%) children fulfilled the criteria for recurrent abdominal pain out of a total of 1488 schoolchildren interviewed. There were 65 (45.5%) consulters and 78 (54.5%) non-consulters. Among the consulters, the male to female ratio was 1:1.4, while among the non-consulters, the ratio was 1:1.1. On bivariate analysis, the Chinese had a significantly lower likelihood to consult a doctor (P = 0.02), while the other two races did not show any increase in consultation (Malays, P = 0.08; Indians, P = 0.21). Among those with severe pain, there was a significantly higher prevalence of consulters (P < 0.01). Furthermore, those whose sleep was interrupted by abdominal pain were more likely to consult (P < 0.01). Children who had consulted a doctor were more likely to be missing school because of abdominal pain (P < 0.01). Following multiple logistic regression analysis, ethnicity was no longer a significant predictor.

    CONCLUSIONS: Approximately 45.5% of schoolchildren with recurrent abdominal pain in an urban setting were brought to see a doctor. Predictors of recent health-care consultation were school absence, pain severity and interruption of sleep caused by abdominal pain.

  14. Mahadeva S, Goh KL
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2003 Apr;18(4):359-62.
    PMID: 12653882
    Dyspepsia is a common problem in the Asia-Pacific region, with a prevalence rate ranging from 10-20%. It constitutes 2-5% of consultations with primary-care physicians and forms a major part of the gastroenterologists' workload. Although upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) is the investigation of choice, no serious disease is present in the majority of patients and various other ways have been suggested, mainly in the West, to reduce the demand on the finite resources of UGIE services. The alternative methods to UGIE have been based on non-invasive detection of Helicobacter pylori in patients with dyspepsia, as the organism has been shown to be associated with most peptic ulcers and even gastric cancer. A positive H. pylori test in a patient with dyspepsia may not necessarily indicate serious disease, but H. pylori eradication eliminates the propensity for developing peptic ulcers and perhaps even cancer (not proven). In high-risk populations, non-invasive screening for H. pylori can even be considered a 'cancer test', as it can help target investigations in a selected group of patients.
  15. Shanmuganathan G, Ritz MA, Holloway RH, Di Matteo AC, Omari TI
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2000 Dec;15(12):1362-9.
    PMID: 11197044
    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Perfused miniature manometric assemblies with lumina of 0.4-0.5 mm i.d. have been developed. Reduced luminal size offers the advantages of reduced assembly bulk and increased assembly complexity with greater numbers of lumina and lower manometric infusion volumes because of a slower perfusion rate. This study investigated the recording fidelity of miniature manometric assemblies in the measurement of esophageal peristalsis.

    METHODS: Four miniature manometric assemblies, each containing manometric lumina of either 0.4 or 0.5 mm i.d., were evaluated at 100 and 180 cm lengths. The fidelity of miniature manometric luminal recordings were evaluated in vivo during esophageal peristalsis by using a simultaneous comparison with the standard lumina and an intraluminal strain gauge.

    RESULTS: During esophageal peristalsis, miniature manometric lumina recorded the peak amplitude of pressure waves, with an accuracy at perfusion rates of 0.04 mL/min (0.4 mm, i.d.) and 0.15 mL/min (0.5 mm, i.d.).

    CONCLUSION: Miniature manometric assemblies of lengths that are practical for use in humans are suitable for recording esophageal peristalsis.

  16. Merican I, Guan R, Amarapuka D, Alexander MJ, Chutaputti A, Chien RN, et al.
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2000 Dec;15(12):1356-61.
    PMID: 11197043
    Of the estimated 50 million new cases of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection diagnosed annually, 5-10% of adults and up to 90% of infants will become chronically infected, 75% of these in Asia where hepatitis B is the leading cause of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In Indonesia, 4.6% of the population was positive for HBsAg in 1994 and of these, 21% were positive for HBeAg and 73% for anti-HBe; 44% and 45% of Indonesian patients with cirrhosis and HCC, respectively, were HBsAg positive. In the Philippines, there appear to be two types of age-specific HBsAg prevalence, suggesting different modes of transmission. In Thailand, 8-10% of males and 6-8% of females are HBsAg positive, with HBsAg also found in 30% of patients with cirrhosis and 50-75% of those with HCC. In Taiwan, 75-80% of patients with chronic liver disease are HBsAg positive, and HBsAg is found in 34% and 72% of patients with cirrhosis and HCC, respectively. In China, 73% of patients with chronic hepatitis and 78% and 71% of those with cirrhosis and HCC, respectively, are HBsAg positive. In Singapore, the prevalence of HBsAg has dropped since the introduction of HBV vaccination and the HBsAg seroprevalence of unvaccinated individuals over 5 years of age is 4.5%. In Malaysia, 5.24% of healthy volunteers, with a mean age of 34 years, were positive for HBsAg in 1997. In the highly endemic countries in Asia, the majority of infections are contracted postnatally or perinatally. Three phases of chronic HBV infection are recognized: phase 1 patients are HBeAg positive with high levels of virus in the serum and minimal hepatic inflammation; phase 2 patients have intermittent or continuous hepatitis of varying degrees of severity; phase 3 is the inactive phase during which viral concentrations are low and there is minimal inflammatory activity in the liver. In general, patients who clear HBeAg have a better prognosis than patients who remain HBeAg-positive for prolonged periods of time. The outcome after anti-HBe seroconversion depends on the degree of pre-existing liver damage and any subsequent HBV reactivation. Without pre-existing cirrhosis, there may be only slight fibrosis or mild chronic hepatitis, but with pre-existing cirrhosis, further complications may ensue. HBsAg-negative chronic hepatitis B is a phase of chronic HBV infection during which a mutation arises resulting in the inability of the virus to produce HBeAg. Such patients tend to have more severe liver disease and run a more rapidly progressive course. The annual probability of developing cirrhosis varies from 0.1 to 1.0% depending on the duration of HBV replication, the severity of disease and the presence of concomitant infections or drugs. The annual incidence of hepatic decompensation in HBV-related cirrhosis varies from 2 to 10% and in these patients the 5-year survival rate drops dramatically to 14-35%. The annual risk of developing HCC in patients with cirrhosis varies between 1 and 6%; the overall reported annual detection rate of HCC in surveillance studies, which included individuals with chronic hepatitis B and cirrhosis, is 0.8-4.1%. Chronic hepatitis B is not a static disease and the natural history of the disease is affected by both viral and host factors. The prognosis is poor with decompensated cirrhosis and effective treatment options are limited. Prevention of HBV infection thorough vaccination is still, therefore, the best strategy for decreasing the incidence of hepatitis B-associated cirrhosis and HCC.
  17. Goh KL, Chang CS, Fock KM, Ke M, Park HJ, Lam SK
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2000 Mar;15(3):230-8.
    PMID: 10764021
    Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) occurs more frequently in Europe and North America than in Asia but its prevalence is now increasing in many Asian countries. Many reasons have been given for the lower prevalence of GORD in Asia. Low dietary fat and genetically determined factors, such as body mass index and maximal acid output, may be important. Other dietary factors appear to be less relevant. Increased intake of carbonated drinks or aggravating medicines may influence the increasing rates of GORD in some Asian countries but no strong evidence links other factors, such as the age of the population, smoking or alcohol consumption, to GORD. The management of GORD in Asia is similar to that in Europe and North America but the lower incidence of severe oesophagitis in Asia may alter the approach slightly. Also, because Asians tend to develop stomach cancer at an earlier age, endoscopy is used routinely at an earlier stage of investigation. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease is essentially a motility disorder, so short-term management of the disease can usually be achieved using prokinetic agents (or histamine (H2)-receptor antagonists). More severe and recurrent GORD may require proton pump inhibitors (PPI) or a combination of prokinetic agents and PPI. The choice of long-term treatment may be influenced by the relative costs of prokinetic agents and PPI.
  18. Lee YM, Fock K, See SJ, Ng TM, Khor C, Teo EK
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2000 Jun;15(6):622-5.
    PMID: 10921415
    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence rates of inflammatory bowel disease in the different races in Singapore.

    METHODS: The patients studied consisted of 58 people with an established diagnosis of ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) as determined by a combination of clinical, radiological, endoscopic and histological criteria. The patients were residents of a well-defined geographical area in the northern part of Singapore and had been referred to the single regional hospital. Epidemiological data including sex, age, ethnicity, family history and disease type and extent were collected from case records and patient interviews.

    RESULTS: There were 37 UC and 21 CD patients. Of the patients with UC, 67.5% were Chinese, 13.5% were Malay and 19% were Indian. The CD group consisted of 81% Chinese, 9.5% Malay and 9.5% Indian patients. The study population from which the patients were drawn was approximately 0.5 million in size.

    CONCLUSIONS: The overall prevalence of UC was 6 per 100,000 and of CD was 3.6 per 100,000 in Singapore. There were disproportionately more Indians suffering from UC, with a prevalence of 16.2 per 100,000 in comparison with six per 100,000 for Chinese and seven per 100 000 for Malays. The relative risk of UC in Indians is 2.9-fold greater than for the Chinese (CI= 1.25-6.7) which was statistically significant. This trend was not seen for CD.

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