METHODS: This study used data from the National Health and Morbidity Survey 2016: Maternal and Child Health. It includes a sample of 10 686 children, ages 0 to 59 mo, of Malay ethnicity. Height-for-age z score was determined based on the World Health Organization Anthro software. A binary logistic regression model was used to examine the association between the selected social determinants and the occurrence of stunting.
RESULTS: About 22.5% of children aged <5 y of Malay ethnicity were stunted. For those ages 0 to 23 mo, stunting is more prevalent in boys, in rural areas, and in those who have screen exposure, whereas a reduction of stunting was observed for those children whose mothers work in the private sector and in those who consume formula milk and meat. As for those ages 24 to 59 mo, there was a higher prevalence of stunting for those with self-employed mothers and reduced prevalence in children with hygienic waste disposal practices as well as those who play with toys.
CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of stunting among children of Malay ethnicity aged <5 in Malaysia necessitates immediate intervention. It is pertinent to facilitate early identification of those children at risk of stunting for additional care to promote healthy growth.
METHODS: A systematic review was performed on articles published from 2014-2021 related to maternal anemia and stunting. The electronic databases used were ScienceDirect, PubMed, Scopus, ProQuest, Google Search, and AJOG (American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology). The literature search was performed up to December 7, 2021.
RESULTS: Twelve studies were included. Nine studies examined the correlation between maternal anemia and length or weight in children. Seven of the nine studies showed an association between maternal anemia and stunting in children; the others showed an association between maternal anemia and birth length. Three studies found no association between maternal anemia and stunting in children under age 5 y.
CONCLUSIONS: The current review emphasizes that stunting in children may be associated with maternal anemia, specifically in developing countries. This implies that it is crucial to prevent anemia in adolescent girls and women before and during pregnancy as a part of programs to eliminate stunting in children.
METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two normal and four obese groups. Obese prediabetes was induced by feeding a high-fat diet and sucrose water (HFSD) for 10 weeks; normal rats were given a standard diet and plain water. For the next 6 weeks, rats were grouped into the normal group (NR), which continued on the standard diet; the normal group was switched to TRF with the standard diet (NR + TRFSD); the prediabetes group (OR) was continued on HFSD; the prediabetes group was switched to TRF of HFSD (OR + TRFHFSD); the prediabetes group was switched to TRF of the standard diet (OR + TRFSD); and the prediabetes group was switched to the standard diet (OR + SD). Rats were then sacrificed, and aortic tissues were isolated and quantified for oxidative stress markers malondialdehyde, antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase, and inflammation markers tumor necrosis factor-α, and interleukin 1. Fasting blood glucose (FBG), body weight, Lee's index, serum insulin level, and resistance (Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance) were also measured.
RESULTS: Mean FBG and body weight in obese groups were higher compared to the normal groups after 10 weeks of HFDSD. Both obese-prediabetes groups that underwent TRF had reduced levels of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin 1, body weight, Lee's index, FBG, and insulin resistance. Furthermore, obese prediabetes on TRF with SD also reduced levels of lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde), insulin levels and increased levels of the antioxidant enzyme (superoxide dismutase).
CONCLUSION: TRF reduced weight, improved glycaemic indices, vascular oxidative stress, and inflammation in obese-prediabetic rats.