Workplace learning is essentially informal that is unstructured, unintended and opportunistic from educational view point. Recall of factual knowledge and applying skills is central in workplace so learning becomes meaningful and evidence based. To maximise their learning, the learners must take active participation in their own learning, set goals and march towards achieving these goals. The objective of the teacher at this juncture is obliging to the needs of the learners and of the patients. This review aims to address the teaching and learning theories that impact the workplace learning, factors influencing workplace based learning, identifying opportunities for learning to occur parallel with work and strategies that maximise successful workplace learning.
Food is considered as a social responsibility of caregivers to their children. It has cultural connotation for all races notwithstanding their background and religious belief; that social responsibility should not be separated even in terminally ill patients. We recorded a case scenario of a terminally ill child who faced difficult end of life with inability to take oral fluids or food due to mechanical obstruction of duodenum by the pelvic rhabdomyosarcoma. From cultural context, the physical act of giving food and fluids to a sick person is considered “a display of one’s affection”. It is understandable that, once the dying phase has reached, and the body starts to shut down, administering fluids may not be useful despite it is deemed necessary from cultural point of view. This case illustrates an ethical dilemma in managing a child with end stage metastatic disease with multiple systemic complications, compounded with futility of medical care and complex social circumstances. It is quite challenging for physicians and relatives to provide good end of life care to patients in palliative care setting. Ensuring good quality of care, quality of life and quality of death are paramount to avoid suffering and distress among the patients and family members.
Multivariate analyses depend on multivariate normality assumption. Although the analyses are available in SPSS, it is not possible to assess the assumption from the basic package. Statistical assessment of the normality is available in a specialized package, SPSS Amos, in form of Mardia's multivariate kurtosis. However, graphical assessment of the normality by chi-square versus Mahalanobis distance plot is not available in both of the packages. The aim of this article is to present the steps to construct the plot in SPSS in a point-and-click manner as expected by most SPSS users.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a DVDdelivered mindfulness-based intervention for reducing stress among medical students in a Malaysian university. Methods: A total of 76 medical students participated in the intervention program (Mindful-Gym DVD). They were stratified according to year of studies and randomly allocated to intervention (N = 38) and control groups (N = 38). The following outcome variables were measured at pre- and post-intervention: mindfulness (with Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, MAAS); perceived stress (with Perceived Stress Scale, PSS); mental distress (with Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, DASS); and self-efficacy (with General Selfefficacy Scale, GSE). Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were used to analyse the effect of group (Intervention vs. Control) on changes in the outcome variables. Results: One week after the intervention, participants in the intervention group reported significantly greater improvements with small to medium effect sizes in self-reported levels of mindfulness (β =0.19, ∆R2= 0.04, p = 0.028, f2= 0.07), perceived stress (β = -0.25, ∆R2=0.06, p = 0.006, f2= 0.11), mental distress (β = -0.27, ∆R2= 0.07, p =0.003, f2= 0.13), and self-efficacy (β = 0.27, ∆R2= 0.07, p = 0.003, f2= 0.13), compared to participants in the control group. The number needed to treat (NNT) to achieve ‘normal’ levels of depressive, anxiety, and stress symptoms (as indicated by the DASS scores) were 5, 8, and 6 respectively. Conclusions: This study found that the DVD-delivered mindfulness-based program is potentially a labour- and cost-effective and easily accessible stress reduction program for medical students.
Background: Competence-based curriculum has become the need of medical education to meet the objectives of institutions aiming to produce skilled physicians. To achieve the optimal competence and performance of graduates a number of traditional evaluation exercises have been practiced. Some of these e.g. OSCE although meet the acceptable standard of reliability and validity is the assessment done in a controlled environment. This leaves the room for performance-based assessment in real clinical situation such as mini clinical evaluation exercise (Mini-CEX). To practice and meet the challenges of Mini-CEX it is vital to undertake faculty development program with a comprehensively chalked down Mini-CEX protocol and its objectives to achieve the intended outcome. Objective: To undertake faculty development on Mini-CEX for its feasibility and acceptability as a method of formative assessment to evaluate the clinical competence of trainees in postgraduate program of Otolaryngology and Head-Neck Surgery. Method: 25 trainees from the four classes of master of surgery program of 2009 in Otolaryngology and Head-Neck Surgery (ORL-HNS) undertook Mini-CEX encounters and assessed by 9 supervisors in a 12-week period of study. Faculty development program was carried out through prior lectures deliberating on background, concept and procedure of Mini-CEX followed by demonstrations using video clip of Mini-CEX encounter recorded in own clinical environment. Students were also exposed to similar settings to take up the Mini-CEX encounter without any hesitation. Trainees were assessed in outpatient clinical setting. Program was evaluated for its feasibility and acceptability with respect to patient’s factors, clinical attributes, supervisor and trainee’s performance and their reported level of satisfaction.
Result: Faculty development and trainees orientation in Min-CEX was achieved as feasible and acceptable. Higher rating of satisfaction was reported by majority assessors and trainees as they found Mini-CEX acceptable for formative assessment. Among clinical skills highest rating was received in physical examination and lowest rating in therapeutic skills. Conclusion: A motivated faculty and organized approach towards a comprehensive knowledge on Mini-CEX for its background communication, demonstration of procedure and method to complete the rating forms is the useful guide to adopt Mini-CEX. The faculty and trainees in department of ORL-HNS found Mini-CEX as feasible and acceptable assessment tool to monitor educational activity of postgraduate program through performance-based evaluation in a real clinical situation.
Objective: To determine the internal consistency and construct validity of the Adult Learning Inventory (AL-i) among first year medical students in a Malaysian medical school. Methods: Cross sectional study was done on 196 first year medical student in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). The Cronbach’s alpha reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were applied to measure internal consistency and construct validity of the AL-i respectively. These analyses were done using Predictive Analytics SoftWare (PASW) version 18 and Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) version 19. Result: A total of 196 medical students responded to this study. Exploratory factor analysis showed that two potential constructs would be extracted from the inventory. The confirmatory factor analysis showed the two factor model with six items had a good fit with the latent constructs (X2 (df) = 25.63 (8), p = 0.048, RMR = 0.045, GFI = 0.974, AGFI = 0.933, NFI = 0.974, RFI = 0.951, IFI = 0.987, TLI = 0.975, CFI = 0.987, RMSEA = 0.07). Each domain of the final model of the AL-i has three items. The Cronbach’s alpha value of the AL-i was 0.72. The Cronbach’s alpha values of andragogy and pedagogy domains were 0.87 and 0.86 respectively. Composite Reliability and Average Variance Extracted values were more than 0.6 and 0.5 respectively indicating good construct reliability and adequate convergent validity. Conclusion: This study suggested that the two factor model with 6 items of the AL-i has a good fit and shown good psychometric values. It is a valid and reliability measurement to determine types of leaner among first year medical students.
Background: In order to achieve the desired performance of graduates a number of traditional evaluation exercises have been practiced to assess their competence as medical students. Many of these assessments are done in a controlled environment and mostly reflect on tests of competence than performance. Mini-CEX or direct observed procedural skills (DOPS) are the real performance-based assessment of clinical skills. Increased opportunity for observation and just-in-time feedback from the role model superiors produce a positive educational impact on students learning. This also provides trainees with formative assessment to monitor their learning objectives. However, to implement assessment strategies with Mini-CEX or DOPS needs to develop institution’s clear policy for a different teaching and learning culture of workplace based assessment. It also needs to develop user friendly rating form, checklist, elaboration of clinical competence and its attributes and procedural guidelines for practice. A precise role of these tools in the assessment of postgraduate program must be established before practicing them to evaluate and monitor trainee’s progress.
Objective: To determine DOPS for its acceptability and feasibility as a method of formative assessment of clinical skills in postgraduate program of Otolaryngology and Head-Neck Surgery.
Method: A total of 25 trainees were assessed for DOPS by 8 supervisors in this 12-weeks pilot study. A faculty development program for faculty members and trainees was run for DOPS. Trainees were advised to undertake at least one DOPS encounter out of 42 shortlisted procedures. Assessors were asked to mark trainees by completing a rating form using a checklist developed for each procedure. Trainees and assessors were asked to endorse their opinion on feasibility and acceptance of DOPS for practice of formative assessment in future. Data was analyzed to determine feasibility and acceptability of DOPS in assessment program. Result: Faculty development and trainees orientation in DOPS were found satisfactory for its acceptance and feasible for its practice. Trainees were mostly assessed in outpatient clinical setting. Majority reported higher rating of satisfaction by assessors and trainees. Among clinical skills higher rating was received in procedural skills performed by the senior trainees. Conclusion: DOPS was found feasible for practice of formative assessment of trainees in postgraduate program of Otolaryngology and Head-Neck Surgery in School of Medical Sciences (SMS) at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). It was well accepted by the trainees to help monitor their quality of procedural skills as self-directed learning.
Introduction: Emotional intelligence (EI) is deemed an important aspect of being good medical doctors. Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Emotional Quotient Inventory (USMEQ-i) is an EI inventory in Malay language developed primarily as medical student selection tool in USM. Although it was already validated by exploratory factor analysis (EFA), EFA is considered insufficient evidence of construct validity, thus confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted. Objectives: To determine measurement model validity and construct validity of USMEQ-i among medical degree program applicants in USM by CFA. Methods: USMEQ-i data file for medical degree program applicants in USM for year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 academic sessions were obtained from Medical Education Department in USM. A random sample of 512 cases was drawn from the data file. Of the sample, only 453 cases were valid study sample after preliminary data screening and assumption checking. CFA was conducted on the sample using maximum likelihood (ML) estimation with bootstrapping technique due to violation of multivariate normality assumption. USMEQ-i measurement model was proposed as a second-order EI factor with seven first-order factors of EI and a Faking Index (FI) factor, with correlation between second-order EI factor and FI factor. Results: The proposed model could not be fit into the study sample data. EI factors and FI factor had to be analyzed separately due to non-positive definite problem. After modifications to the model, CFA of EI factors were suggestive of two-factor model instead of the proposed seven-factor model. Consciousness, Maturity and Control (CoMaCt). CFA of FI factor maintained one-factor model and also valid in term of construct. Conclusion: The modified USMEQ-i, which consisted of separate EI and FI models, was proven to have valid measurement models and reliable constructs. It is considered to be suitable for use among applicants to medical degree program in USM. However, its use as medical student selection tool may require further research, especially how predictive USMEQ-i scores with real performance of medical students, generalizability of the inventory and its stability over time.
Introduction: Greater needs of medical doctors to provide appropriate care for both genders related diseases, however men face more problem since their problems have less been recognized. Objective: The objective was to determine the level of men’s health knowledge among final year medical students in USM and MU. Method: A total of 199 final year medical students from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Kelantan, Malaysia and Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (75 students from USM and 124 students from MU) were enrolled in the study and completed self-administered questionnaire on the topics related to male sexual and reproductive health. Result: The response rate for USM and MU was 44% and 68.9% respectively. Out of 52 items, 17 items were significantly had higher percentage in answering correctly (p
Objective: To determine the construct validity, convergent validity, construct reliability and internal consistency of the Medical Student Stressor Questionnaire (MSSQ) among first-year medical students in Malaysia. Methods: A multicenter cross-sectional study was done on 375 medical students of four medical schools in Malaysia. The confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis were applied to measure construct validity, construct reliability and internal consistency of the MSSQ. These analyses were done using Predictive Analytics SoftWare (PASW) version 18 and Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) version 19. The Composite Reliability and Average Variance Extracted of the final constructs were calculated manually to determine construct reliability and convergent validity. Results: A total of 359 (95.7%) medical students responded to this study. The confirmatory factor analysis showed the six factor model with 20 items had a good fit with the latent constructs (X2 (df) = 258.02 (155), p < 0.001, RMR = 0.055, GFI = 0.933, AGFI = 0.910, NFI = 0.931, RFI = 0.916, IFI = 0.971, TLI = 0.965, CFI = 0.971, RMSEA = 0.043). The Cronbach’s alpha value of the MSSQ was 0.92. The Cronbach’s alpha values of the six constructs were more than 0.7. Composite Reliability and Average Variance Extracted values of the six constructs were more than 0.6 and 0.5 respectively indicating good construct reliability and adequate convergent validity. Conclusion: This study suggested that the six factor model with 20 items of the MSSQ had a good fit and shown good psychometric values. It is a valid and reliability measurement to identify stressors among medical students across institutions in Malaysia.
The community placement programme was first introduced to our medical students in 2007. The objectives of this community service programme are to enable students to explore and understand the importance of various skills such as leadership, teamwork and interest towards community services, as well as to improve their skills in those areas for becoming better students and future doctors. The first year medical students were tasked to plan, organize and implement activities in selected communities such as disabled people, orphans, neglected elderly, the poor, HIV positive single mothers and children. Amongst the activities conducted were sharing experiences and thoughts, games, donation and ‘gotong-royong’. The objective of this study was to evaluate the students’ perception on the successfulness of the community placement programme in building their professional qualities. A cross-sectional study was conducted among the first year medical students using a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 5 elements of professional qualities such as leadership and team work skills, interest towards community services, volunteerism and empathy. Self-reflection sessions were also held to explore the learning points gained. A total of 147 students answered the questionnaires. The students rated the overall programme as highly useful (80.6%) and as achieving the objectives (80.1%). They perceived that this programme helped them to improve their personal and professional skills such as leadership (70.0%), team work (71.4%), interest towards community services (87.1%), volunteerism (85.0%), and empathy (89.1%). Self-reflection revealed that the programme made them realize the role of doctors in a community, appreciate the spirit of teamwork and helped them to understand the need of vulnerable groups. As a conclusion, this programme was well-accepted and perceived as assisting medical students to build professional qualities to become caring and competent doctors.
Background: Reflection on the process of learning is an essential ingredient in transforming novice into expert learners. Learning to compile portfolio encourages reflective skills, which help students to work systemically in translating metacognition into self-regulatory control in order to adjust their action and monitor their learning objectives. Introducing to compile portfolio in the early years of postgraduate training is an effective tool to stimulate students’ reflective abilities. Reflective learners are better motivated than the conventional learners to take the responsibilities as researcher in future. Reflective skills achieve both learning in right direction and learning for whole life. However, use of formal methods of reflective portfolio to monitor the learning objectives is an uncommon practice in postgraduate training, primarily due to intensive time and labor required. Challenged with those constraints in Master’s of Surgery Program of Otolaryngology and Head-Neck Surgery in School of Medical Sciences at Universiti Sains Malaysia, a structured self-reflective portfolio was introduced to determine its feasibility and acceptance among supervisors and trainees. Portfolio was practiced as one of the tool for formative assessment and for making recommendations to certify independent thyroid surgery allowed to practice in future. Methodology: A self-reflective structured portfolio was introduced to monitor the learning objectives in trainees of 2007 cohort, using a model as "mentor-system for authentic and structured learning with self-reflective assessment" (MASSRA). Initially a semi-structured portfolio comprising of 12 items and guidelines to compile a portfolio was followed by a structured format in training of thyroid module in sub-specialty of Head and Neck Surgery. Mentoring was organized by putting one-mentor verses 9 students to provide general pastoral guidance to compile portfolio as two entries a year. Mentors held the counseling session with student twice a year after evaluating the portfolios to monitor their progress. Besides, candidates were also observed for their performance in thyroid surgery during a 4-years training program. Those identified with problems for their level of training were referred to "Joint Committee for Surgical Training" comprising of 3 supervisors from Head and Neck Surgery Sub-specialty and a chairman supposedly the head of the department. 7 randomly selected students were also interviewed for direct feedback to evaluate this model. Result: 28 trainees at different level of their training compiled a self-reflection structured portfolio minimum twice a year with instructional feedback from the mentor, which was used as a tract for their personal development plan (produced by each trainee) for training in thyroid surgery. Initial analysis of portfolio revealed interesting feedback from the trainees reflecting on their knowledge, surgical skills and attitude towards thyroid surgery seen in tables 2-4. Conclusion: Self-reflections about each structured items in portfolio-helped trainees to identify their problems, seek mentors guidance and work systemically to help adjust their actions by revising learning objectives. Though time and labor intensive, portfolio was rated as feasible and practical.
To ensure the reliability of manual blood pressure (BP) readings in a clinical trial, sources of error due to measurement must be reduced as much as possible. Apart from following standard procedure for BP measurement and ensuring good equipments, the measurement errors that come from the assessors themselves should be assessed. Objective: To demonstrate the use of two-way random effects, interactions absent, absolute agreement (Type A), single measures (Type 1) intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) in the assessment of reliability of manual BP readings among assessors involved in a clinical trial using manual BP measurement, by using an interrater reliability study conducted by the authors as an example study. Methods: The steps involved in obtaining ICC in the study were discussed. Sample size given the number of assessors in the study was calculated. BP was measured using regularly maintained mercury sphygnomanometers, following recommendations by Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7) for BP measurement in office setting. The outcomes were systolic and diastolic BP readings. A type of ICC, two-way random effects, interactions absent, absolute agreement (Type A), single measures (Type 1) ICC was chosen for the analysis and specifically discussed. Pre-requisite assumptions for ICC were meticulously checked and described. The interrater reliability for systolic and diastolic BP readings as expressed by ICC (single measure) were presented with confidence interval (CI). The ICCs obtained in the example study were discussed and concluded. The flaws of the study were also criticised. Results: The interrater reliability for systolic and diastolic BP measurements as expressed by ICC (single measure) were 0.87 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.722, 0.956) and 0.77 (95% CI 0.560, 0.918) respectively. Conclusion: We demonstrated the steps required to obtain ICC. Since the use of manual BP measurement using mercury sphygmomanometer is still considered as gold standard of BP measurement, it is important that studies in which the BP outcome is measured using such method conduct interrater reliability studies properly.
Background: The weekly held clinical pathologic case conference popularly known as CPC provides an effective and regular educational media of collaborative learning for inter-disciplinary exchange of knowledge among the faculty members of an institution. CPC has been routinely practiced for the last two decades in School of medical Sciences (SMS) at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). An hour session primarily involves a case presentation hiding the diagnosis followed by discussion on differential diagnosis and floor interaction on interesting clinical cases. It also gives an opportunity to new teaching staff in the institution to experience an in-house practice of presenting the clinical cases; witch can readily be reproduced as a case report for publication. An effort to follow the original format of CPC is comprehended as an essential outcome of this study to keep up the sanctity of CPC as a case method of learning medicine in future. Methodology: A questionnaire-based survey was recently conducted to evaluate the weekly held CPC in SMS. It was a cross sectional survey in which a questionnaire comprising of 23 items was administered to a targeted population of faculty members of School of Medical Sciences. The items in questionnaire were grouped into 5 clusters. All respondents were adequately briefed through a letter addressing the objectives and importance of survey and its appraisal aiming to revamp the CPC guided by the out-come of study. Questionnaires were administered to 240 academic staff, covering > 80% of the target population of 294 faculty members. 159 (66.2%) members of sample population completed the questionnaires. Total non-responses were 81 (33.7%) and item non-responses were 320 (8.7%) Result: All the items in questionnaire were found significant (p 0.016) except those two items related to, observing a difference in preparing for a case presentation verses a formal CPC presentation and its promotion (p 0.556 and 0.197 respectively). It was also established that the major respondents were unaware of the original format of CPC (p 0.003) in which a presenter select and prepares a case, which is discussed with participating faculty members for its differential diagnoses. 51.6% faculty members did not follow the formal CPC format (p 0.016) in their presentations. A lack of awareness about the format of CPC was shown by (61.0%) faculty members (p 0.003). Conclusion : It was concluded that emphasis to discuss the differential diagnosis by a competent discussant was lacking, as presenters did not follow the formal CPC format. It was critically observed that a number of presentations made in this weekly program deviate from the original format adapted by SMS in USM. However, the out-come appraisal of this survey was the pledge shown by the majority faculty members to adapt the guidelines as a reverence to the formal CPC format.
Objective: To determine the internal consistency and construct validity of the Learning Approach Inventory (LA-i) among first year medical students in a Malaysian medical school. Methods: Cross sectional study was done on 196 first year medical students in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). The items of the LA-i were framed based on characteristics of three learning approaches. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were applied to measure internal consistency and construct validity. These analyses were done using Predictive Analytics SoftWare (PASW) version 18 and Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) version 19. The Composite Reliability (CR) and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) were calculated manually to measure construct reliability and convergent validity. Result: A total of 196 medical students responded to this study. Exploratory factor analysis showed that three potential constructs were extracted from the inventory. The confirmatory factor analysis showed the three factor model with nine items had a good fit with the latent constructs (X2(df) = 26.07 (20), p = 0.163, RMR = 0.04, GFI = 0.969, AGFI = 0.93, NFI = 0.967, RFI = 0.941, IFI = 0.992, TLI = 0.985, CFI = 0.992, RMSEA = 0.04). Each domain of the final model of the LA-i has three items. The Cronbach’s alpha value of the AL-i was 0.86. The Cronbach’s alpha values of surface, strategic and deep approach domains were 0.62, 0.73 and 0.88 respectively. Most of learning approach domains had Composite Reliability and Average Variance Extracted values were more than 0.6 and 0.5 respectively indicating good construct reliability and adequate convergent validity. Conclusion: This study suggested that the three factor model with 9-items of the LA-i has a good fit and shown good psychometric values. It is a valid and reliability measurement to determine learning approaches among first year medical students.
Objective: To determine the sensitivity, specificity and internal consistency of the Malay version GHQ-30 among medical student population. This study also determined the level of agreement between GHQ-30 and M-BDI.
Methods: The Malay version GHQ-30 and Malay version Beck Depression Inventory (M-BDI) were administered to 190 medical students. ROC curve analysis was applied to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the GHQ-30 by testing against the M-BDI diagnoses. Reliability and Kappa analysis were applied to test internal consistency of the GHQ and to determine the level of agreement between GHQ-30 and M-BDI respectively.
Results: 141 (74.2%) medical students participated in this study. The GHQ-30 sensitivity and specificity at cut-off point of 5/6 was 87.5% and 80.6% respectively with positive predictive value (PPV) of 70% as well as area under ROC curve was 0.84. The Cronbach’s alpha value of the GHQ-30 was 0.93. The Kappa coefficient was 0.64 (p<0.001).
Conclusion: This study showed the Malay version GHQ-30 is a valid and reliable screening tool in detecting distressed medical students. The GHQ-30 score equal to or more than 6 was considered as significant distress. The GHQ-30 showed a good level of agreement with M-BDI in detecting distressed medical students.
Keywords: Kelantan; Malaysia; medical student
Objective: To determine the construct validity and the internal consistency of the Postgraduate Stressor Questionnaire (PSQ) among postgraduate medical trainees hence it could be used as a valid and reliable instrument to identify stressors among them.
Methods: Items of the PSQ were derived from a review of literature on the subject and a discussion with experts in the field. It comprised of 28 items with seven hypothetical groups. The content and face validity was established through discussion with experts from field of Medical Education and Psychiatry. It was administered to all participants (N = 34) of postgraduate personal and professional development programme in a Malaysian university. Data was analysed using Statistical Package Social Sciences (SPSS) version 18. Factor analysis was applied to test construct validity whereas reliability analysis was applied to test internal consistency of the PSQ.
Results: Thirty three postgraduate medical trainees participated in this study. Factor analysis found that the 28 items of the PSQ were loaded nicely into the seven pre-determined groups as their factor loading values were more than 0.3. The reliability analysis showed that the Cronbach's alpha value for The PSQ was 0.95. Whereas, The Cronbach's alpha values for academic, poor relationship with superior, bureaucratic constraints, work-family conflicts, poor relationship with colleagues, performance pressure, and poor job prospect domains were 0.63, 0.84, 0.81, 0.65, 0.73, 0.78, and 0.70 respectively.
Conclusion: This study showed that the PSQ is a reliable and valid instrument to identify stressors of postgraduate medical trainees. It is a promising instrument that can be used in future to explore further on this area.
Background: Faculty’s role as educators is over looked in clinical education, even though the teaching has a direct reflection of performance of clinical competence and professional development of graduating doctors. Two major problems of clinical education are the lack of uniform teaching and learning strategies in postgraduate as well as later years of undergraduate clinical teaching and the professional development of faculty in teaching in medical institutions. Objective: The survey has two major objectives. First objective was to know about the faculty response to a survey on teaching while trying to create awareness for teaching and research in teaching. The second objective was to know the faculty members’ understanding with principles of learning and teaching with strengths and weaknesses of respondents’ performance in clinical teaching on completing The Educator’s Self-Reflective Inventory (ESRI). Method: The ESRI was administered to approach 214 faculty members in SMS at USM. Appraisal of self-reflection inventory as medical teacher and personal development with respect to challenges, opportunities, innovations and need assessment of teaching were explored in response to 35 items grouped in 5 clusters through a questionnaire-based survey utilizing ESRI. Result: Statistical analysis of respondent’s data indicates a mixed response with lab-based disciplines 54.54% followed by surgical-based disciplines 50% and medical-based disciplines 30%. Individual discipline best response is received from Plastic Surgery and ORL-HNS (100%) and Hematology (77.77%). A result of individual item response in each cluster WAS also analyzed. Conclusion: The survey evaluated the faculty’s response to ESRI and concern shown to develop their abilities as teachers and researchers in clinical teaching. However, the initial response suggested the need for more survey to continue creating the awareness for faculty development and research in teaching. Conclusion drawn from analysis of each items in inventory is encouraging for teaching in medical education.
Objective: Missing values is commonly encountered in data analysis in all types of research. Various methods were introduced to handle this matter. This study aims to compare the result of using complete data analysis, missing indicator method, means substitution and single imputation in dealing with this issue. Methods: 202 patients who were discharged from the psychiatric ward, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) from 27th August 2007 to 15th April 2008 were recruited. The general psychopathology was measured with Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS-24). The information on age, gender, race, marital status and psychiatric diagnosis were collected. On follow up, the patients who had early readmission (
Background: Tertiary education environment has always been regarded as highly stressful to students. Medical training further adds to the already stressful environment. The stress of medical training was associated with negative consequences to the mental and physical health of medical students. We describe in this article a stress-management program known as the 'Medical Student Well-Being Workshop' in our medical school.
Methodology: The workshop was run over two half-days over a weekend. Prior to the workshop the society announced the workshop to the students and participation was voluntary. It was open to students from all years of the medical course except for first year students. A separate stress management workshop is planned for them.
Results: A total of 55 students participated in the workshop, out of which 55 (82%) were female students. The years of study were almost equally represented; 14 students (26%) from years two and three, 20 (37%) from year four and 6 (11%) from year five. All sessions were rated as highly useful; the lowest rated, the introduction session, obtained an overall usefulness rating of 3.73 out of the possible 5 (74.6%).
Conclusion: Medical Students Well-being Workshop is a promising intervention program in improving medical students' ability in managing stress. Perhaps similar approach can be considered relevant to be incorporated in other medical schools.