Displaying publications 701 - 720 of 1239 in total

  1. Enkelmann HC, Bishop GD, Tong EM, Diong SM, Why YP, Khader M, et al.
    Int J Psychophysiol, 2005 May;56(2):185-97.
    PMID: 15804452
    This study tested the hypotheses that ambulatory heart rate and blood pressure would be higher for individuals high but not low in hostility when they experienced negative affect or social stress and that this interaction would be stronger for Indians compared with other Singapore ethnic groups. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring was done on 108 male Singapore patrol officers as they went about their daily duties. After each BP measurement participants completed a computerized questionnaire including items on emotional experience. Individuals high in hostility showed higher systolic blood pressure when reporting negative affect whereas this was not true for those low in hostility. Ethnic differences were obtained such that Indians showed an increase in mean arterial pressure when angered whereas MAP was negatively related to anger for Malays and unrelated for Chinese. Also a three-way interaction between ethnicity, hostility, and social stress indicated that hostility and social stress interacted in their effects on DBP for Indian participants but not for Chinese or Malays. Finally, a three-way interaction was obtained between ethnicity, hostility and negative affect for heart rate in which heart rate increased with increasing levels of negative affect for Chinese high in hostility and Malays low in hostility but decreased with increasing negative affect for all other participants. These data are consistent with higher CHD rates among individuals high in hostility and also provide additional evidence on ethnic differences in cardiovascular reactivity in Singapore.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  2. Lou H, Lu Y, Lu D, Fu R, Wang X, Feng Q, et al.
    Am J Hum Genet, 2015 Jul 02;97(1):54-66.
    PMID: 26073780 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2015.05.005
    Tibetan high-altitude adaptation (HAA) has been studied extensively, and many candidate genes have been reported. Subsequent efforts targeting HAA functional variants, however, have not been that successful (e.g., no functional variant has been suggested for the top candidate HAA gene, EPAS1). With WinXPCNVer, a method developed in this study, we detected in microarray data a Tibetan-enriched deletion (TED) carried by 90% of Tibetans; 50% were homozygous for the deletion, whereas only 3% carried the TED and 0% carried the homozygous deletion in 2,792 worldwide samples (p < 10(-15)). We employed long PCR and Sanger sequencing technologies to determine the exact copy number and breakpoints of the TED in 70 additional Tibetan and 182 diverse samples. The TED had identical boundaries (chr2: 46,694,276-46,697,683; hg19) and was 80 kb downstream of EPAS1. Notably, the TED was in strong linkage disequilibrium (LD; r(2) = 0.8) with EPAS1 variants associated with reduced blood concentrations of hemoglobin. It was also in complete LD with the 5-SNP motif, which was suspected to be introgressed from Denisovans, but the deletion itself was absent from the Denisovan sequence. Correspondingly, we detected that footprints of positive selection for the TED occurred 12,803 (95% confidence interval = 12,075-14,725) years ago. We further whole-genome deep sequenced (>60×) seven Tibetans and verified the TED but failed to identify any other copy-number variations with comparable patterns, giving this TED top priority for further study. We speculate that the specific patterns of the TED resulted from its own functionality in HAA of Tibetans or LD with a functional variant of EPAS1.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/genetics*
  3. Thumboo J, Fong KY, Chan SP, Leong KH, Feng PH, Thio ST, et al.
    Lupus, 1999;8(7):514-20.
    PMID: 10483028 DOI: 10.1191/096120399678840747
    OBJECTIVE: To validate the Medical Outcomes Study Family and Marital Functioning Measures (FMM and MFM) in a multi-ethnic, urban Asian population in Singapore.
    METHODS: English speaking Chinese, Malay or Indian SLE patients (n=120) completed a self-administered questionnaire containing the FFM and MFM at baseline, after 2 weeks and after 6 months. Lupus activity, disease-related damage and quality of life were assessed using the British Isles Lupus Assessment Group (BILAG), Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics/American College of Rheumatology (SLICC/ACR) Damage Index and SF-36 Health Survey respectively. Scale psychometric properties were assessed through factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha, quantifying test-retest differences and known-groups construct validity.
    RESULTS: Factor analysis of scores obtained at baseline and after 6 months identified 3 factors corresponding to the FFM (1 factor) and the MFM (2 factors). Both scales showed acceptable internal consistency, with Cronbach's alpha of 0.95 for the FFM and 0.70 for the MFM. Mean (s.d.) test-retest differences were -0.31 (3.82) points for the FFM and -0.70 (4.26) points for the MFM. Eleven out of 13 a priori hypotheses relating both the FFM and MFM to demographic, disease and quality of life variables were confirmed, supporting the construct validity of these scales.
    CONCLUSION: The FFM and MFM are valid and reliable measures of family and marital functioning in a multi-ethnic cohort of Asian SLE patients in Singapore.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/psychology
  4. Kaushik SP, Vu C
    Aust N Z J Med, 2000 Apr;30(2):231-5.
    PMID: 10833116
    BACKGROUND: From European and North American data, it is recommended in the Asia Pacific consensus statement, that one week therapy with a proton pump inhibitor, amoxycillin and clarithromycin be used for Helicobacter pylori eradication, in areas of high metronidazole resistance. The efficacy of this regimen is unknown in Singapore.

    AIM: To assess the efficacy, safety and compliance of an H. pylori eradication regimen and examine clinical factors that potentially determine eradication.

    METHODS: Consecutive outpatients from a multicultural, south east Asian, population with H. pylori infection, with or without peptic ulcer, were treated with lansoprazole 30 mg, amoxycillin 1 gm, clarithromycin 500 mg, twice a day for seven days. Eradication was assessed by either rapid urease, histology or urea breath test. Compliance and side effects were recorded. The eradication rate and effect of ethnicity, age, sex, usage of alcohol, smoking and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, history of ulcer and endoscopic diagnosis on eradication were examined by univariate and multivariate analysis.

    RESULTS: Of 113 patients, the eradication rate by intention to treat was 98/113 (87%) (95% confidence interval [CI] 80-93%) and per protocol was 98/106 (92%) (95% CI 87-97%). Using Fisher's exact test, eradication was more successful in Chinese (intention to treat and per protocol respectively p=0.02 and p<0.001) compared to non-Chinese. By logistic regression analysis ethnicity was an independent factor associated with eradication success (p=0.0025). Side effects occurred in five (4.4%), resulting in cessation of treatment.

    CONCLUSIONS: This one week eradication regimen is safe and effective in south east Asians. Chinese ethnicity may be associated with a higher likelihood of eradication success.

    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/statistics & numerical data
  5. Lim KB, Jeevan NH, Jaya P, Othman MI, Lee YH
    Forensic Sci Int, 2001 Jun 01;119(1):109-12.
    PMID: 11348801
    Allele frequencies for the nine STRs genetic loci included in the AmpFlSTR Profiler kit were obtained from samples of unrelated individuals comprising 139-156 Malays, 149-153 Chinese and 132-135 Indians, residing in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/genetics*
  6. Tan CE, Emmanuel SC, Tan BY, Jacob E
    Diabetes Care, 1999 Feb;22(2):241-7.
    PMID: 10333940 DOI: 10.2337/diacare.22.2.241
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the 1992 Singapore National Health Survey was to determine the current distribution of major noncommunicable diseases and their risk factors, including the prevalence of diabetes and dyslipidemia, in Singapore.

    RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A combination of disproportionate stratified sampling and systematic sampling were used to select the sample for the survey. The final number of respondents was 3,568, giving a response rate of 72.6%. All subjects fasted for 10 h and were given a 75-g glucose load, except those known to have diabetes. Blood was taken before and 2 h after the glucose load. Diagnosis of diabetes was based on 2-h glucose alone.

    RESULTS: The age-standardized prevalence of diabetes in Singapore residents aged 18-69 years was 8.4%, with more than half (58.5%) previously undiagnosed. Prevalence of diabetes was high across all three ethnic groups. The prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance was 16.1%, that of hypertension was 6.5%, and 19.0% were regular smokers. The total cholesterol (mean +/- SD) of nondiabetic Singaporeans was 5.18 +/- 1.02 mmol/l; 47.9% had cholesterol > 5.2 mmol/l, while 15.4% had levels > 6.3 mmol/l. Mean LDL cholesterol was 3.31 +/- 0.89 mmol/l; HDL cholesterol was 1.30 +/- 0.32 mmol/l, and triglyceride was 1.23 +/- 0.82 mmol/l.

    CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of diabetes was high across all three ethnic groups. Ethnic differences in prevalence of diabetes, insulin resistance, central obesity, hypertension, smoking, and lipid profile could explain the differential coronary heart disease rates in the three major ethnic groups in Singapore.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/statistics & numerical data*
  7. Razali SM, Najib MA
    Int J Soc Psychiatry, 2000;46(4):281-9.
    PMID: 11201349
    The aim of this study is to explore the help-seeking behaviour of Malay psychiatric patients. A semi-structured interview based on a standard proforma was conducted to assess help seeking process and delays for Malay psychiatric patients attending the psychiatric clinic for the first time. Help-seeking process and delays were defined. Among 134 patients evaluated in the study, 69% had visited traditional healers (bomoh) for the present illness before consulting psychiatrists. The second popular choice of treatment was medical practitioner and only a small percentage of them had consulted homeopathic practitioners and herbalists. Patients who had consulted bomohs were significantly delayed in getting psychiatric treatment compared with those who had not consulted them. Consultation of bomohs was significantly higher among married patients, those with major psychiatric illnesses and in family who believed in supernatural causes of mental illness. However, there was no significant difference in age, gender, educational status and occupation between patients who had consulted and not consulted bomoh. We concluded that majority of the Malay psychiatric patients had sought the traditional treatment prior to psychiatric consultation. The strength of social support and the belief of the patients, friends, and/or relatives in supernatural causes of mental illness were strongly associated with the rate of traditional treatment. Deep-seated cultural beliefs were major barrier to psychiatric treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/psychology*
  8. Tang K, Ngoi SM, Gwee PC, Chua JM, Lee EJ, Chong SS, et al.
    Pharmacogenetics, 2002 Aug;12(6):437-50.
    PMID: 12172212
    The MDR1 multidrug transporter plays a key role in determining drug bioavailability, and differences in drug response exist amongst different ethnic groups. Numerous studies have identified an association between the MDR1 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) exon 26 3435C>T and differences in MDR1 function. We performed a haplotype analysis of the MDR1 gene in three major ethnic groups (Chinese, Malays and Indians) by examining 10 intragenic SNPs. Four were polymorphic in all three ethnic groups: one occurring in the non-coding region and three occurring in coding exons. All three coding SNPs (exon 12 1236C>T, exon 21 2677G>T/A and exon 26 3435C>T) were present in high frequency in each ethnic group, and the derived haplotype profiles exhibited distinct differences between the groups. Fewer haplotypes were observed in the Malays (n = 6) compared to the Chinese (n = 10) and Indians (n = 9). Three major haplotypes (> 10% frequency) were observed in the Malays and Chinese; of these, two were observed in the Indians. Strong linkage disequilibrium (LD) was detected between the three SNPs in all three ethnic groups. The strongest LD was present in the Chinese, followed by Indians and Malays, with the corresponding LD blocks estimated to be approximately 80 kb, 60 kb and 40 kb, respectively. These data strongly support the hypothesis that strong LD between the neutral SNP exon 26 3435C>T and a nearby unobserved causal SNP underlies the observed associations between the neutral SNP and MDR1 functional differences. Furthermore, strong LD between exon 26 3435T and different unobserved causal SNPs in different study populations may provide a plausible explanation for conflicting reports associating the same exon 26 3435T allele with different MDR1 functional changes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/genetics*
  9. Keng SB, Foong KW
    Int Dent J, 1996 Apr;46(2):103-7.
    PMID: 8930682
    In the absence of pre-extraction records, investigators have used various methods to aid in the selection and placement of artificial teeth for complete dentures. Natural tooth position and size provide the dentist with an optimal guide. A study was conducted on a group of ethnic Chinese subjects where direct measurements were made of the arch size and width of the maxillary central incisor on stone casts. The anterior arch width represented by the inter-canine cusp tip distance was 35.74 +/- 2.17mm. The mesiodistal diameter of the maxillary central incisor was 8.85 +/- 0.59mm with a range of 7.60mm to 11.20mm. The results of this study was discussed against other findings on the Caucasian, Nigerian and Malay groups. The significance of artificial tooth selection for dentures was highlighted in relation to the results obtained from the study for the group of Chinese and other races.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  10. Bartholomew RE
    J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1994 Jun;182(6):331-8; discussion 339-41.
    PMID: 8201305 DOI: 10.1097/00005053-199406000-00004
    Thirty-seven cases of latah are examined within the author's Malay extended family (N = 115). Based on ethnographic data collected and a literature review, cases are readily divisible into two broad categories: habitual (N = 33) and performance (N = 4). The first form represents an infrequent, culturally conditioned habit that is occasionally used as a learned coping strategy in the form of a cathartic stress response to sudden startle with limited secondary benefits (i.e., exhibiting brief verbal obscenity with impunity). In this sense, it is identical to Western swearing. Performers are engaged in conscious, ritualized social gain through the purported exploitation of a neurophysiological potential. The latter process is essentially irrelevant, akin to sneezing or yawning. It is concluded that latah is a social construction of Western-trained universalist scientists. The concept of malingering and fraud in anthropology is critically discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/psychology
  11. Soh G
    Int Dent J, 1992 Aug;42(4):234-40.
    PMID: 1399041
    Knowledge of prevention can influence preventive dental behaviours. This study surveyed knowledge and preventive dental behaviours on the prevention of dental caries and gum disease among the adult population of the three major racial groups in Singapore. Respondents were asked to rate the importance of several preventive measures against dental caries and gum disease. Questions were also fielded on dental behaviours such as preventive visits to the dentist, toothbrushing and flossing. Results showed that there was a general lack of appreciation for the use of flossing, dental sealants and fluoride supplements. Although a majority of respondents thought that regular dental checkups would be essential for prevention, the proportion who actually saw the dentist for preventive care was significantly lower. Respondents provided inappropriate reasons for brushing their teeth. Differences in both preventive knowledge and preventive dental behaviours among racial groups were evident although these were attributed to differences in education and exposure to product information rather than to racial or cultural factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  12. Kaur P
    Plan Parent Chall, 1994;?(1):23-5.
    PMID: 12345736
    In 1991, the Family Planning Association (FPA) of the Malaysian state of Perak initiated a community-based development project in the remote Aborigine village of Kampung Tisong. The community consists of approximately 34 households who survive on an average income of about US $37. Malnutrition is pervasive, even minor ailments cause death, more serious afflictions are prevalent, and the closest government clinic is 20 kilometers away and seldom used by the Aborigines. 70% of the children have access to education, but parental illiteracy is a serious educational obstacle. The goals of the FPA program are to 1) promote maternal and child health and responsible parenthood, 2) provide health education, 3) encourage women to seek self-determination, and 4) encourage the development of self-reliance in the community as a whole. The first step was to survey the community's culture, beliefs, and health status with the help of the Aborigines Department and the village headman. After a series of preliminary meetings with other agencies, the FPA began to provide activities including health talks, health courses and demonstrations, medical examinations and check-ups, and first aid training. Environmental protection and sanitation measures were included in the educational activities, and following the traditional "mutual aid system," a small plot of land was cleared for vegetable production. Vegetable gardens and needlecraft will become income-producing activities for the women. Attempts to motivate the women to use family planning have been hindered by the fact that the health of 2 women deteriorated after they began using oral contraceptives. Positive changes are occurring slowly and steadily, however, and the FPA has been instrumental in having the settlement included in a program for the hardcore poor which will provide new housing and farming projects.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  13. Chua S, Viegas OA, Ratnam SS
    Asia Pac Popul J, 1990 Mar;5(1):125-34.
    PMID: 12283342
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  14. Smith JP
    Res Popul Econ, 1991;7:131-56.
    PMID: 12317026
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  15. Patriquin W
    Popul Today, 1988 Mar;16(3):12.
    PMID: 12341834
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  16. Leow JJ, Lim VW, Lingam P, Go KT, Teo LT
    World J Surg, 2014 Jul;38(7):1694-8.
    PMID: 24510246 DOI: 10.1007/s00268-014-2459-5
    Ethnic disparities in trauma mortality outcomes have been demonstrated in the United States according to the US National Trauma Data Bank. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of race/ethnicity on trauma mortality in Singapore.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/statistics & numerical data*
  17. Kang PC, Phuah SY, Sivanandan K, Kang IN, Thirthagiri E, Liu JJ, et al.
    Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2014 Apr;144(3):635-42.
    PMID: 24578176 DOI: 10.1007/s10549-014-2894-x
    Although the breast cancer predisposition genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 were discovered more than 20 years ago, there remains a gap in the availability of genetic counselling and genetic testing in Asian countries because of cost, access and inaccurate reporting of family history of cancer. In order to improve access to testing, we developed a rapid test for recurrent mutations in our Asian populations. In this study, we designed a genotyping assay with 55 BRCA1 and 44 BRCA2 mutations previously identified in Asian studies, and validated this assay in 267 individuals who had previously been tested by full sequencing. We tested the prevalence of these mutations in additional breast cancer cases. Using this genotyping approach, we analysed recurrent mutations in 533 Malaysian breast cancer cases with <10 % a priori risk, and found 1 BRCA1 (0.2 %) and 5 BRCA2 (0.9 %) carriers. Testing in a hospital-based unselected cohort of 532 Singaporean breast cancer cases revealed 6 BRCA1 (1.1 %) and 3 BRCA2 (0.6 %) carriers. Overall, 2 recurrent BRCA1 and 1 BRCA2 mutations in Malays, 3 BRCA1 and 2 BRCA2 mutations in Chinese and 1 BRCA1 mutation in Indians account for 60, 24 and 20 % of carrier families, respectively. By contrast, haplotype analyses suggest that a recurrent BRCA2 mutation (c.262_263delCT) found in 5 unrelated Malay families has at least 3 distinct haplotypes. Taken together, our data suggests that panel testing may help to identify carriers, particularly Asian BRCA2 carriers, who do not present with a priori strong family history characteristics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/genetics
  18. Kumaran A, Chan A, Yong K, Shen S
    Orbit, 2019 Apr;38(2):95-102.
    PMID: 29482415 DOI: 10.1080/01676830.2018.1441316
    AIM: To describe differences in the deep lateral orbital wall (specifically, trigone) between Chinese, Malay, Indian and Caucasian subjects Methods: Single-centre retrospective Computed Tomogram (CT)-based study; 20 subjects of each ethnicity were used from existing databases, matched for gender, average age and laterality. Subjects below 16 years of age were excluded. DICOM image viewing software CARESTREAM Vue PACS (Carestream Health Inc., USA) and OsiriX version 7.5 (Pixmeo., Switzerland) were used to measure deep lateral wall length, thickness and volume, as well as orbital depth and statistical analyses performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 21 (IBM, USA).

    RESULTS: In each group, there were 12 males (60%) and average age was not significantly different (p = 0.682-0.987). Using Chinese subjects as a reference, in Chinese, Malay, Indian and Caucasian subjects, mean trigone thickness was 13.68, 14.02, 11.60 (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
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