Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 40 in total

  1. Nordin AS, Kadir RA, Yahya NA, Zakaria H, Rashid RA, Habil MH
    Int Dent J, 2014 Aug;64(4):206-12.
    PMID: 24835463 DOI: 10.1111/idj.12110
    As a signatory to the World Health Organisation 2003 Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Malaysia has policies in place and funded 300 public Quit clinics. Unfortunately, government dentists are not included to run tobacco dependence treatment. A cross-sectional exploratory survey was carried out to seek Malaysian dentists' opinion on their knowledge, perception and willingness to conduct tobacco dependence treatment. Participation was voluntary from those who attended a specially designed one-day, four-module workshop on tobacco cessation intervention. Data were collected using the Audience-Response-System equipment which tracked immediate responses covering four domains namely: smoking as a public health problem, smoking as an addiction, the role of dentists in the programme and confidence in conducting smoking cessation in the clinic. Sample comprised more female dentists (73.5%), mean age 33.6 (SD 8.99) years and with more than 3 years working experience. Findings indicated that the majority agreed Malaysia has a rising problem in the prevalence of smoking (71.6%) and predicted that it will affect mostly the young (81.9%). Only half of the dentists surveyed (58.9%) routinely recorded their patients' smoking habits. The majority (71.6%) believed that dentists are effective in helping their patient to stop smoking and 76.3% agreed that dentists should discuss the smoking habit with their patients; however, 60% agreed that doing so is too time consuming. In addition, only 24.7% knew of more ways to treat a smoking habit. The majority felt comfortable giving advice to patients about changing their habits (76.5%) or discussing treatment options (60.5%): 75% would opt for a combined programme of counselling and use of medication if they have to do, 15% would choose to go on counselling only, while 8% did not want to treat. In conclusion, the findings suggest that dentists have a strong potential to contribute significantly to providing smoking cessation treatment if adequately trained.
  2. Akram A, Hamid AH, Razak J, Hock TT
    Int Dent J, 2011 Feb;61(1):31-6.
    PMID: 21382031 DOI: 10.1111/j.1875-595X.2011.00006.x
    To design a new tooth notation system to record and communicate dental and periodontal problems around the world.
  3. Kadir RA, Al-Maqtari RA
    Int Dent J, 2010 Dec;60(6):407-10.
    PMID: 21302739
    To assess the extent of fluorosis in a representative sample of 14-year-old Yemeni adolescents.
  4. Rowland ML, Naidoo S, AbdulKadir R, Moraru R, Huang B, Pau A
    Int Dent J, 2010 Apr;60(2):106-12.
    PMID: 20476716
    OBJECTIVES: To determine first year dental students' perceptions of intimidation by instructors and bullying by fellow students.
    METHODS: Data were collected through a cross-sectional survey of first year dental students from seven dental schools representing five countries; one each from Romania, South Africa, Australia and the U.S.A., and three from Malaysia. Self-report questionnaires were administered to participants at least six months after they had commenced their dental degree course during 2005-6.
    RESULTS: Over a third (34.6%) reported that they had been intimidated or badly treated by their tutors/instructors and 17% reported that they had been bullied or badly treated by their fellow students in the recent past. There were statistically significant differences in reports of intimidation by instructors between the different dental schools. Intimidation by instructors was associated with a history of medication use for stress, anxiety and depression, and perceived stress in the past month. There were no statistically significant variations in reports of bullying by fellow students between different dental schools. Bullying by fellow students was associated with dieting to lose weight, self-reported general health and perceived stress.
    CONCLUSIONS: This multi-national study highlights that intimidation and bullying is prevalent within dental teaching and training environments. Future research is needed to explore their impact on students' wellbeing and academic progress as well as on patient care.
    CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Dentists are the best recruiters for the profession. If the dental school experience is a negative one it can have significant impact on the future of the profession
  5. Purmal K, Nambiar P
    Int Dent J, 2009 Jun;59(3):155-60.
    PMID: 19637524
    To study the success and failures of the mediation process of complaints from 2004-2007 by the Complaints Bureau Steering Committee and the Public Complaints Bureau Committee of the Malaysian Dental Association (MDA).
  6. Nash DA, Friedman JW, Kardos TB, Kardos RL, Schwarz E, Satur J, et al.
    Int Dent J, 2008 Apr;58(2):61-70.
    PMID: 18478885
    In 1921, New Zealand began training school dental nurses, subsequently deploying them throughout the country in school-based clinics providing basic dental care for children. The concept of training dental nurses, later to be designated dental therapists, was adopted by other countries as a means of improving access to care, particularly for children. This paper profiles six countries that utilise dental therapists, with a description of the training that therapists receive in these countries, and the context in which they practice. Based on available demographic information, it also updates the number of dental therapists practising globally, as well as the countries in which they practice. In several countries, dental therapy is now being integrated with dental hygiene in training and practice to create a new type of professional complementary to a dentist. Increasingly, dental therapists are permitted to treat adults as well as children. The paper also describes the status of a current initiative to introduce dental therapy to the United States. It concludes by suggesting that dental therapists can become valued members of the dental team throughout the world, helping to improve access to care and reducing existing disparities in oral health.
  7. Komabayashi T, Razak AA, Bird WF
    Int Dent J, 2007 Dec;57(6):429-32.
    PMID: 18265775
    There was only one dental school in Malaysia until 1997 but five new schools have been established since 1998. This review provides information about dental education in Malaysia including; the history of dental education, the current dental school system and curriculum, and dental licensure. There are four public and two private dental schools in Malaysia. High school graduates are required to take the nationwide matriculation entrance examination or the Higher School Certificate (HSC) to apply for a dental degree programme. A five-year dental programme leads to the BDS or the DDS degree. National or state examinations are not required to practise dentistry. Currently, there are approximately 2,500 dentists, with a ratio of 1 dentist for every 10,000 people.
  8. Tandjung YR, Hong CP, Nambiar P, Ibrahim N
    Int Dent J, 2007 Jun;57(3):173-6.
    PMID: 17695738
    A 50-year-old friendly and attractive Chinese lady was examined by the Primary Care Unit, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya. Her requests for treatment included implants and crowns. Two periapical radiographs of teeth 16 and 48 were taken to aid diagnosis. Interestingly, pin-like radio-opaque objects were found over the crown of the impacted tooth 15 and also tooth 17. These objects were initially interpreted as silver points or radiographic artifacts but further investigation employing panoramic radiography revealed the distribution of more radio-opaque objects in the orofacial region. Based on a review of the literature and the opinion of experienced radiology and oral surgery lecturers, these foreign radio-opaque objects were diagnosed as susuks or charm needles.
  9. Tan EH, Batchelor P, Sheiham A
    Int Dent J, 2006 Oct;56(5):277-82.
    PMID: 17069070
    OBJECTIVES: To reassess the recall frequency interval for dental examinations for children, based on annual caries increments.

    METHODS: Cross sectional data collected on school children in eight rural and urban schools through the national Incremental Dental Care Programme (IDCP) for one district in Malaysia were analysed to assess their annual caries increment and trend lines. The Restorative Index was calculated to assess the success of the IDCP in rendering children dentally fit.

    RESULTS: The annual caries increments were low; the current caries levels were between 0.65 and 1.50 for 12 year-old children in Kota Tinggi District. Most of the caries experience was on pits and fissures. From 7 to 12 years old, the overall annual caries increment for the total study population was 0.19. The mean annual caries increment increased slightly between the ages of 12 to 14 years and 14 to 16 years and was 0.24 and 0.25 respectively. Two distinct caries incremental trend lines were observed for children aged 7 to 16 years. One group reached a mean DMFT of about 0.75 while the other group a mean DMFT of about 1.4 at 12 years. The trend lines continued over the next 4 years until the children were 16 years old. The Restorative Index was higher in urban schools that also had low DMFT levels.

    CONCLUSIONS: Based on the low annual caries increments of between 0.65 and 1.50, yearly dental examination intervals can safely be extended to 2-yearly intervals or even longer. Such a change of screening recall intervals would help improve resource allocation. Resources saved by extending recall intervals can be redirected to the small proportion of children with higher disease levels. This will help render more school children dentally fit and reduce inequalities in oral health.

  10. Komabayashi T, Kawamura M, Kim KJ, Wright FA, Declerck D, Goiâs Mdo C, et al.
    Int Dent J, 2006 Oct;56(5):310-6.
    PMID: 17069075
    OBJECTIVE: To explore and describe international oral health attitudes/ behaviours among final year dental students.

    METHODS: Validated translated versions of the Hiroshima University-Dental Behavioural Inventory (HU-DBI) questionnaire were administered to 1,096 final-year dental students in 17 countries. Hierarchical cluster analysis was conducted within the data to detect patterns and groupings.

    RESULTS: The overall response rate was 72%. The cluster analysis identified two main groups among the countries. Group 1 consisted of twelve countries: one Oceanic (Australia), one Middle-Eastern (Israel), seven European (Northern Ireland, England, Finland, Greece, Germany, Italy, and France) and three Asian (Korea, Thailand and Malaysia) countries. Group 2 consisted of five countries: one South American (Brazil), one European (Belgium) and three Asian (China, Indonesia and Japan) countries. The percentages of 'agree' responses in three HU-DBI questionnaire items were significantly higher in Group 2 than in Group 1. They include: "I worry about the colour of my teeth."; "I have noticed some white sticky deposits on my teeth."; and "I am bothered by the colour of my gums."

    CONCLUSION: Grouping the countries into international clusters yielded useful information for dentistry and dental education.

  11. Kawamura M, Wright FA, Declerck D, Freire MC, Hu DY, Honkala E, et al.
    Int Dent J, 2005 Aug;55(4):205-11.
    PMID: 16167608
    To identify similarities and differences in oral health attitudes, behaviour and values among freshman dental students.
  12. Che Musa MF, Bernabé E, Gallagher JE
    Int Dent J, 2016 Aug;66(4):229-36.
    PMID: 26850836 DOI: 10.1111/idj.12224
    INTRODUCTION: It is important to understand career expectations of emerging dental graduates if human resources are to be harnessed in support of oral health. The aims of this study were to explore students' career expectations and their perceived influences, and to examine variation according to student and school characteristics.

    METHODS: All final-year students registered for 2013/2014 across 11 dental schools in Malaysia were invited to participate in a self-administered questionnaire (n = 530). The instrument explored short- and long-term career expectations, influences and students' background using a mix of open- and closed-ended questions. The chi-square test was used for comparison according to student and school characteristics.

    RESULTS: Three-hundred and fifty-six (83%) students, across eight schools, completed the questionnaire. In the short term, undertaking specialist training (46%) was the most commonly cited career goal, and achieving financial stability (79%) was the greatest influence. In the long term, 59% planned to specialise (with a significant difference found according to ethnic group), and 67% considered working full-time, with men significantly more likely to do so than women (P = 0.036). More Malay students (90%) ranked childcare commitments as an important influence on the number of sessions they planned to work per week compared with Chinese students (75%) and Others (74%; P = 0.001). Work-life balance (95%) and high income/financial security (95%) were the main influences on respondents' long-term goals.

    CONCLUSION: There was a high level of interest in specialisation and a desire to achieve financial stability and work-life balance in the group of dental students who responded to the survey. Long-term career expectations varied according to student but not according to school characteristics.

  13. Milosevic A, Lo MS
    Int Dent J, 1996 Dec;46(6):572-8.
    PMID: 9023582
    The prevalence and associated aetiologies of tooth wear were investigated in three ethnic groups in Sabah (Northern Borneo) using the Tooth Wear Index (TWI). The number of surfaces with enamel wear only, dentine exposed for less than a third or dentine exposed for more than a third were categorised into the TW minimal, moderate or severe respectively. A structured questionnaire was used to elicit medical/dental history, oral hygiene practices, satisfaction with body image, diet and other personal habits/details. The sample comprised of a self selected sample of 148 dental hospital attenders; 47 (32 per cent) each of ethnic Chinese and Malay and 54 (36 per cent) of ethnic Kadazan, matched for age and with a similar number of scoreable teeth per subject. Dentine exposure within the total sample was a common finding (95 per cent TW with moderate, 41 per cent TW severe). The Kadazan group had significantly (P < 0.05) more surfaces with severe tooth wear than the Chinese or Malay. Tobacco chewing was positively associated (rho = +0.4, P < 0.05) with both moderate and severe tooth wear, as was the habit of crushing/eating bones. Neither carbonated beverages or fresh fruit intake were associated with tooth wear, but their frequency of consumption was low. The buccal and occlusal surfaces of the posterior teeth were the most severely worn. Generally, wear was greater in the upper anterior sextant compared to the lower anterior sextant, with the exception of the lower incisal edges in the Kadazan group. Tooth wear into dentine was a common occurrence, especially among the Kadazan subjects and least among the Chinese subjects. The aetiological factors associated with this tooth wear are different to those encountered in Western cultures.
  14. Keng SB, Foong KW
    Int Dent J, 1996 Apr;46(2):103-7.
    PMID: 8930682
    In the absence of pre-extraction records, investigators have used various methods to aid in the selection and placement of artificial teeth for complete dentures. Natural tooth position and size provide the dentist with an optimal guide. A study was conducted on a group of ethnic Chinese subjects where direct measurements were made of the arch size and width of the maxillary central incisor on stone casts. The anterior arch width represented by the inter-canine cusp tip distance was 35.74 +/- 2.17mm. The mesiodistal diameter of the maxillary central incisor was 8.85 +/- 0.59mm with a range of 7.60mm to 11.20mm. The results of this study was discussed against other findings on the Caucasian, Nigerian and Malay groups. The significance of artificial tooth selection for dentures was highlighted in relation to the results obtained from the study for the group of Chinese and other races.
  15. Cons NC, Jenny J
    Int Dent J, 1994 Dec;44(6):489-94.
    PMID: 7851991
    The Standard DAI is an orthodontic index based on perceptions of dental aesthetics in the USA. The Standard DAI is a regression equation linking perceptions of the social acceptability of dental aesthetics with the objective intraoral measurements of ten occlusal traits. Since the Standard DAI is based on perceptions of dental aesthetics in the USA it can be used without modification only where perceptions of dental aesthetics are similar to those in the USA. This study was designed to determine whether perceptions of dental aesthetics of students in eleven diverse ethnic groups are similar to those of students in the USA. The same 25 stimuli (photographs of dental configurations, a subset of the 200 stimuli used in deriving the Standard DAI equation) were rated for dental aesthetics by Australian, Chinese, German, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Native American, Singaporean Chinese, Singaporean Indian, Singaporean Malay, and Thai students. Their ratings were compared with the ratings of the same 25 stimuli by students in the USA. Spearman rank-order correlations ranged from 0.84 to 0.94. These correlations are sufficiently high to show that perceptions of dental aesthetics in all eleven ethnic groups are very similar to the perceptions of USA students. Therefore the Standard DAI can be used without modification in all eleven ethnic groups.
  16. Soh G
    Int Dent J, 1992 Aug;42(4):234-40.
    PMID: 1399041
    Knowledge of prevention can influence preventive dental behaviours. This study surveyed knowledge and preventive dental behaviours on the prevention of dental caries and gum disease among the adult population of the three major racial groups in Singapore. Respondents were asked to rate the importance of several preventive measures against dental caries and gum disease. Questions were also fielded on dental behaviours such as preventive visits to the dentist, toothbrushing and flossing. Results showed that there was a general lack of appreciation for the use of flossing, dental sealants and fluoride supplements. Although a majority of respondents thought that regular dental checkups would be essential for prevention, the proportion who actually saw the dentist for preventive care was significantly lower. Respondents provided inappropriate reasons for brushing their teeth. Differences in both preventive knowledge and preventive dental behaviours among racial groups were evident although these were attributed to differences in education and exposure to product information rather than to racial or cultural factors.
  17. Nambiar P, Jalil N, Singh B
    Int Dent J, 1997 Feb;47(1):9-15.
    PMID: 9448783
    On 15 September 1995 a Malaysian Airlines (MAS) Fokker 50 plane plunged while descending and crashed, killing thirty-four passengers aboard. The dental disaster victim identification team comprising dental surgeons from the Dental faculty, University of Malaya; Ministry of Health, Sabah; and the Malaysian Defence Forces played an active role in the identification process. Most of the bodies were badly mutilated, disfigured and severely incinerated. Problems were encountered due to inadequate facilities and space at the mortuary. Difficulties were also encountered during the procurement and deciphering of information from dental records. This disaster has however created greater awareness amongst Malaysians of the important role of forensic odontology in mass disasters.
  18. Awang MN
    Int Dent J, 1989 Dec;39(4):236-40.
    PMID: 2691403
    The aetiology of dry socket continues to be the subject of intense research. Local disturbances of fibrinolytic activity appear to be the most satisfactory explanation for the pathogenesis of this disorder. The factors that are responsible for local changes in fibrinolytic activity are reviewed and evaluated. In the management of this disorder attention should be directed towards the prevention of local changes in fibrinolytic activity.
  19. Majid ZA
    Int Dent J, 1984 Dec;34(4):261-5.
    PMID: 6597132
    Three epidemiological surveys have been carried out in Malaysia since 1971. All showed a high level of caries prevalence. Ninety per cent of school children between the ages of 6 and 18 suffered from dental caries, with a DMFT of approximately 3 and a dft of approximately 2. Ninety-five per cent of the adult population had caries experience, with the mean DMFT being 13.2. Approximately 55 per cent of children showed the presence of gingivitis with the mean number of inflamed gingival units per child ranging from 1.9 to 2.8, while 72.4 per cent of adults had some form of periodontal disease with 29 per cent having pockets deeper than 3 mm. The OHI-S score for adults was 2.2 and 81 per cent used toothbrushes to clean their teeth. A further 5.1 per cent used twigs and fingers with powdered charcoal or salt. One-third of the child population needed orthodontic treatment, with 0.3 per cent examined in peninsular Malaysia having cleft lip or palate or both. In the adult population 10.4 per cent of those examined required some form of orthodontic treatment. Twenty per cent of the children in the survey were in need of dentures; 54.7 per cent of the adults were either in need of dentures or were wearing dentures. Of these 25 per cent had complete dentures. The smoking habit was most commonly associated with pre-cancerous/cancerous lesions with alcohol consumption a close competitor; 114 adults, that is 1.3 per cent of those examined, suffer from leukoplakia but only one case of oral cancer was detected.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
  20. Cheong YH
    Int Dent J, 1984 Dec;34(4):253-6.
    PMID: 6597130
    Singapore is an island republic of 616 km2. Four main ethnic groups make up its population of 2.4 million; these are the Chinese, Malays, Indians and others. Singapore's successful housing, industrialization and modernization programmes have caused tremendous changes in the lifestyles and expectations of the people. This very success has rendered some traditional customs impractical and irrelevant. Older Indians and Malay women still chew betel-nut. During the Hindu Thaipusam ceremony a traditional practice of dental interest is the piercing of devotees' cheeks and tongues with slivers of silver. There is no pain, bleeding or permanent tissue damage. The Chinese pick their teeth, crack melon seeds and scrape their tongues every morning. They also drink large quantities of unsweetened tea. Yet they remain caries-prone. Singaporeans have recently adopted the practice of eating at all hours of the day and night. This may have a bearing on their future caries state. Singapore has two categories of dental practitioner: the graduate and the registered but unqualified dentist who is invariably of Chinese descent. The swaged metal crown over sound and diseased tooth structure is frequently the unfortunate trademark of the latter. Often abscesses and cysts develop beneath these crowns. Successful dental health programmes have produced a DMFT of 2.8 in 12-year-old children, which betters the DMF target of 3.0 set by WHO for the year 2000. The progressive outlook of Singaporeans may eventually reduce further the number of traditional practices which are harmful to oral health.
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