A dermoid cyst (DC) is a benign tumor caused by inclusion errors during embryogenesis. DC of the head and neck is a well-recognized entity both clinically and histologically; however, it rarely occurs in the Eustachian tube (ET). Due to its anatomical position, significant morbidity related to middle ear dysfunction may result from ET obstruction. In this report, we present a rare case of a girl child aged two years and nine months with persistent otorrhea, who was initially diagnosed with acute otitis media with mastoiditis, along with suspicion of congenital cholesteatoma. However, high-resolution CT (HRCT) temporal and MRI of the neck revealed a DC of the ET causing left chronic otitis media (COM) with mastoid abscess. The patient underwent mastoid exploration surgery and myringotomy with grommet insertion. Although complete excision is the standard treatment modality for DC, the treatment of poorly ventilated mastoid and middle ear takes precedence over it. MRI surveillance scan is recommended in such cases.
Intractable sneezing is a diagnosis of exclusion and is mostly psychogenic. We reported a case of an 11-year-old girl who presented with uncontrollable bouts of sneezing for three weeks, which did not respond to conventional treatment. She was eventually diagnosed to have psychogenic intractable sneezing, which was triggered by an unfortunate family circumstance. She improved with psychotherapy and was discharged well. Literature review on intractable sneezing showed that patients were predominately female teenagers and mostly recovered after psychotherapy. Multidisciplinary team effort especially with a child psychiatrist is important for the treatment and follow-up of these patients. Imaging should also be routinely performed as some had underlying organic causes that presented as intractable sneezing.
Background and objective Despite the widespread use of traditional and complementary medicine (TCM) during pregnancy, very few studies have focused on the use of these practices during the postpartum period among women in Malaysia. This study aimed to evaluate users' profiles and factors associated with the use of TCM during the postpartum period among women attending a community clinic in rural Malaysia. Materials and methods A cross-sectional study was conducted among 210 women at a maternal and child health clinic in Bagan Serai, Perak, Malaysia from January to April 2019. A self-administered questionnaire was used to determine the prevalence, the different types, and reasons for the use of TCM and perceptions toward TCM. Factors associated with TCM use during the postpartum period were derived from multiple logistic regression analyses. Results The prevalence of TCM use during the postpartum period was 66.2% among the subjects. The most common type of TCM used was massage (88.3%), and the most common reason reported was to improve general well-being (72.1%). "Family belief" had the highest mean for influence toward TCM use (mean: 3.63). Malays (adj. OR: 4.52, 95% CI: 1.93-10.59, p=0.001) and those having a low monthly household income (adj. OR: 3.68, 95% CI: 1.24-10.91, p=0.019) were the groups that were more likely to use TCM. Conclusion TCM use during the postpartum period is highly prevalent among Malay women with low household monthly incomes. Further studies should be conducted to address the benefits and risks of using TCM during the postpartum period.
A flap is done to cover expose structures such as bone, tendon and ligament. Chest wall flaps are usually performed under general anaesthesia due to a fairly large area of surgery and at two different sites which are the chest and the hand. This is the first known reported case of a chest wall flap for coverage of the hand under Wide awake local anaesthesia no tourniquet technique (WALANT). We here report the case of a 32-year-old man who had a firecracker injury over his right hand with bone exposed in his right index and middle finger and distal amputation of the thumb with first carpometacarpal joint dislocation. Chest wall flap reconstruction for coverage of a severe blast injury in the hand is possible and safe under WALANT. The proper technique and administration will lead to a successful surgery without general anesthesia complications and risks. This alternative option may be useful in districts or smaller hospitals where resources are limited.
A 75-year-old man with underlying left eye idiopathic orbital inflammatory disease and bilateral glaucoma suspect with cup disc ratio 0.7 underwent right eye phacoemulsification. Intraoperatively, Descemet tear and Descemet membrane detachment (DMD) occurred. Pneumodescemetopexy with air bubble was performed. His vision remained counting fingers and the cornea was oedematous three weeks after the operation. Anterior segment optical coherence tomography (ASOCT) showed extensive (80%) rhegmatogenous DMD with planar edge and a maximum of 460 micrometers separation from the stroma. Pneumodescemetopexy with low concentration perfluoropropane (10% C3F8) was performed together with postoperative positioning. On day five post-pneumodescemetopexy, his vision improved to 6/9, the cornea cleared with mild Descemet striae, and the gas bubble reduced to 30% fill. There was no DMD detected on ASOCT. His vision remained 6/9 and the residual gas bubble was 15% in the anterior chamber at two weeks post-pneumodescemetopexy. This case report suggests that pneumodescemetopexy with 10% C3F8 successfully reattached the large nonplanar rhegmatogenous DMD.
Takayasu arteritis is a chronic, progressive, autoimmune, granulomatous, medium-to-large vessel-panarteritis. It may cause chronic ocular ischaemia that may be refractory to treatment. We report a case of stage 4 Takayasu retinopathy resistant to conventional treatments. The patient was a 22-year-old woman who was diagnosed with Takayasu arteritis when she first presented with claudication while chewing and swallowing for one month. The patient was found to be hypertensive, with a significant systolic blood pressure difference between the arms and non-palpable bilateral brachial and radial artery pulses. Angiogram imaging revealed abnormalities involving the left subclavian, bilateral common carotid and left internal carotid arteries. She was referred to the ophthalmology clinic, as she experienced bilateral recurrent transient visual loss six months after the diagnosis. Dilated fundus examination showed bilateral stage 2 Takayasu retinopathy, evidenced by the presence of dilated retinal veins with microaneurysms. Her eyes progressed to stage 4 Takayasu retinopathy with proliferative retinopathy within one year of immunomodulatory therapy, largely due to poor compliance. No signs of regression were observed after completion of bilateral pan-retinal photocoagulation (PRP) with ongoing immunosuppressive treatment.
Intraorbital foreign bodies are a common complication of eye trauma. If improperly managed, it may lead to severe complications. In this case series, the first case is an intraconal foreign body after being hit by a stone, and the second case is an intraconal foreign body from a metallic piece of a crane wheel. We discuss the role of imaging in confirming the presence of the foreign body, localizing it, and guiding when surgery is indicated. Our two cases showed differences in the management approach, as the first case had multiple issues requiring multiple procedures. However, the second case had a relatively specific pathology, management, and outcome. With adequate treatment and a bit of luck, the visual outcome can be satisfactory.
Melanoma is rare among the Asian population. In Malaysia, there is little public awareness of melanoma compared to other types of cancer. Giant melanomas measuring more than 10 cm are rarely encountered and there are limited data available regarding this disease. We would like to report an unusual presentation of giant malignant melanoma of upper limb in a 62-year-old patient who presented with a five-month history of a progressively enlarging, painless mass on his left arm. This mass which measures 10 x 15 cm turned out to be a giant malignant melanoma of the left arm. To our knowledge, this is the largest melanoma of arm reported in Malaysia. Radiological findings were suggestive of soft tissue sarcoma with lung metastasis. Patient underwent wide local excision of left-arm mass and upper limb reconstruction. The diagnosis of malignant melanoma was made based on the final histopathology report. Despite aggressive treatment involving multidisciplinary units, it did not prevent the disease progression and patient succumbed five months after his presentation. Here, we present our experience in the management of this large malignant melanoma of the arm and to stress the sinister nature of melanoma.
We present a rare case of ulcerative oral lichen planus that was associated with a thymoma discovered during the management phase, seven months after the initial diagnosis of oral lichen planus. Thymectomy was performed and investigations revealed pure red cell aplasia. Although rare, the association of a thymoma should be considered in recording the medical history of patients presenting with oral lichen planus.
Clinical photography in the field of oculoplastic surgery has many applications. It is possible for clinicians to obtain standardized clinical photographs without a studio. A clinician photographer has the advantage of knowing exactly what to photograph as well as having immediate access to the images. In order to maintain standardization in the photographs, the photographic settings should remain constant. This article covers essential photographic equipment, camera settings, patient pose, and digital asset management.
Uterine artery pseudoaneurysm is an uncommon cause of secondary postpartum hemorrhage, although it carries a high mortality rate. The etiology includes vascular trauma during cesarean section, vaginal delivery, curettage or hysterotomy. We present a post-cesarean female who developed delayed hemorrhage and was diagnosed with left uterine artery pseudoaneurysm. Selective transcatheter arterial embolization was performed and the pseudoaneurysm was successfully obliterated. Angiographic embolization is a safe and efficient method of treatment of postpartum hemorrhage due to pseudoaneurysm in hemodynamically stable patients. Thus, it should be considered as a treatment option before opting for surgery in favorable cases.
Central retinal arterial occlusion is an ocular emergency. Central retinal artery occlusion following cardiac procedures have been described in adults. We describe a pediatric patient who developed central retinal artery occlusion following pulmonary artery stenting. It is important to highlight this potential risk to ensure early diagnosis and prompt treatment.
Yoga has recently been touted as a means to improve physical and mental well-being. However, no form of exercise is without its risks. A 32-year-old Chinese female with moderate myopia complained of right eye sudden onset of floaters and mild blurring of vision after the head-down posture. The visual acuity was 6/12 in the right eye and 6/9 in the left eye. A right eye fundus examination showed posterior vitreous detachment, with a small blood clot located at the inferior margin of the optic disc. The patient was diagnosed with right eye vitreous hemorrhage secondary to acute posterior vitreous detachment and was managed conservatively. Acute changes in posture, especially between an upright and a head-down position, may cause acute posterior vitreous detachment. As yoga practitioners may be required to assume this head-down position, myopic patients should be warned of the possible ocular complications of this exercise.
Cataract, defined as cloudiness of the lens, is a common adverse effect of first-generation antipsychotic medications. Newer generation antipsychotics, also known as atypical antipsychotics, are less commonly associated with cataract. A 19-year-old girl with underlying schizophrenia on olanzapine for the past two years complained of gradual blurring of vision in both eyes for four months prior to presentation. On examination, the best corrected visual acuity was counting finger in both eyes. The anterior segment examination showed bilateral diffuse cortical cataract precluding fundus examination. Systemic examination was unremarkable. Blood investigations revealed a high random blood sugar, which normalised after she was initiated on oral hypoglycemic medication. After bilateral lens aspiration, her visual acuity was 6/6 bilaterally. Olanzapine may be cataractogenic via its action as a serotonin antagonist, which results in reduced glucose responsiveness of the pancreatic beta-cells. Patients on anti-psychotic medication are at risk of developing diabetes mellitus and cataract compared to the general population. Screening for diabetes mellitus should be part of the follow-up of these patients. Ophthalmological evaluation is warranted in the presence of visual complaints.
Neurolymphomatosis is an atypical complication of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and leukaemia involving infiltration of neurotropic neoplastic cells in the central or peripheral nervous system. A 28-year-old Malay lady with background diffuse large B-cell lymphoma stage IV presented with left homonymous hemianopia associated with cognitive function deterioration. Her best corrected visual acuity was 6/9 in both eyes. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain showed a lesion suggestive of secondary lymphomatous infiltration of the splenium of corpus callosum. The patient underwent chemotherapy, after which repeated MRI showed a reduction in the lesion size. Homonymous hemianopia is a rare presentation of secondary central nervous system neurolymphomatosis. A comprehensive history, physical examination, and radiological imaging are essential to establish the diagnosis in patients presenting with visual field defects.
We report three patients with corneal bee sting at our tertiary care center in a three-year period starting from 2014 to 2016. All patients sustained a bee sting injury to the cornea. All patients received early preoperative topical antibiotics, topical cycloplegic and intensive topical steroids. However, the timing of the initial presentation, the duration, and the location of the retained stinger differed in each case leading to different postsurgical outcomes.
Minimal research has examined the recent exportation of medical curricula to international settings. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, USA partnered with Perdana University Graduate School of Medicine in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and implemented the same curriculum currently used at Johns Hopkins University to teach medical students at Perdana University. This study aimed to explore the perspectives of first-year medical students at Perdana University, focusing on issues of cultural dissonance during adaptation to a US curriculum.
Background Endogenous endophthalmitis (EE) is a type of intraocular inflammation secondary to hematogenous spread from a distant infective source within the body and usually occurs in immunocompromised patients. Objectives The aim of this study was to profile the patient characteristics, sources of infection, microbial profiles, and visual outcomes of patients with EE in Raja Perempuan Zainab II Hospital in Kelantan, Malaysia. Materials and methods Data from 18 eyes of 17 patients diagnosed with EE and admitted to the eye ward of Raja Perempuan Zainab II Hospital from January 2012 to December 2016 were retrospectively reviewed. Factors analyzed included patient age, sources of infection, visual acuity, microbial profiles, and treatment outcomes. Results The mean age of the 17 patients was 53.2 years. Twelve patients (70.6%) had EE of left eye, four (23.5%) had EE of right eye, and one (5.9%) had EE involving both the eyes. Sixteen patients (91.1%) had at least one predisposing condition, the most common of which was diabetes mellitus in 15 patients (88.2%). A source of infection was identified in 12 of the 17 patients, with urinary tract infection being the most common (five patients, 29.4%). Organisms were successfully isolated from 10 (58.8%) patients, including seven (41.2%) with Gram-negative and three (17.6%) with Gram-positive organisms. All patients presented with a visual acuity worse than 6/60. Nine (52.9%) patients underwent vitrectomy, with only two of these patients achieving a final visual acuity better than 6/60. Eleven patients became nonperceptive to light, with four of them undergoing evisceration. Conclusions EE is a rare but often devastating ocular condition. Visual outcomes are often poor especially in patients infected with Gram-negative bacteria.
Wernicke's encephalopathy following severe hyperemesis gravidarum is an uncommon clinical entity. We describe a rare manifestation of optic discs swelling in a pregnant woman that has caused a diagnostic dilemma. With high index of suspicion of clinical manifestations and radiological evidences, a clinical diagnosis of Wernicke's encephalopathy was made. Intravenous thiamine therapy was instituted, and prompt improvement of clinical signs was observed. The association of optic discs swelling and Wernicke's encephalopathy after hyperemesis gravidarum is discussed.
Intracranial tuberculoma is a rare manifestation of tuberculosis involving the central nervous system. The involvement of the ventricular system is extremely uncommon. We describe a young woman with bilateral papilledema secondary to intraventricular tuberculoma with hydrocephalus. She was treated with anti-tuberculosis therapy and intravenous dexamethasone. Her visual acuity deteriorated after one month of treatment. We provide a literature review of this uncommon ocular sequelae.