Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 239 in total

  1. Kamaruzaman NH, Mohd Noor NN, Radin Mohamed RMS, Al-Gheethi A, Ponnusamy SK, Sharma A, et al.
    Environ Res, 2022 Feb 03;209:112831.
    PMID: 35123962 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.112831
    The abundance of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the prawn pond effluents can substantially impact the natural environment. The settlement ponds, which are the most common treatment method for farms wastewater, might effectively reduce the suspended solids and organic matter. However, the method is insufficient for bacterial inactivation. The current paper seeks to highlight the environmental issue associated with the distribution of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) from prawn farm wastewater and their impact on the microbial complex community in the surface water which receiving these wastes. The inactivation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in prawn wastewater is strongly recommended because the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the environment causes water pollution and public health issues. The nanoparticles are more efficient for bacterial inactivation. They are widely accepted due to their high chemical and mechanical stability, broad spectrum of radiation absorption, high catalytic activity, and high antimicrobial activity. Many studies have examined the use of fungi or plants extract to synthesis zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs). It is evident from recent papers in the literature that green synthesized ZnO NPs from microbes and plant extracts are non-toxic and effective. ZnO NPs inactivate the bacterial cells as a function for releasing reactive oxygen species (ROS) and zinc ions. The inactivation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria tends to be more than 90% which exhibit strong antimicrobial behavior against bacterial species.
  2. Aziz FFA, Jalil AA, Hassan NS, Fauzi AA, Azami MS, Jusoh NWC, et al.
    Environ Res, 2022 Jan 29;209:112748.
    PMID: 35101397 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.112748
    With the tremendous development of the economy and industry, the pollution of water is becoming more serious due to the excessive chemical wastes that need to remove thru reduction or oxidation reactions. Simultaneous removal of dual pollutants via photocatalytic redox reaction has been tremendously explored in the last five years due to effective decontamination of pollutants compared to a single pollutants system. In a photocatalysis mechanism, the holes in the valence band can remarkably promote the oxidation of a pollutant. At the same time, photoexcited electrons are also consumed for the reduction reaction. The synergistic between the reduction and oxidation inhibits the recombination of electron-hole pairs extending their lifetime. In this review, the binary pollutants that selectively removed via photocatalysis reduction or oxidation are classified according to heavy metal-organic pollutant (HM/OP), heavy metal-heavy metal (HM/HM) and organic-organic pollutants (OP/OP). The intrinsic between the pollutants was explained in three different mechanisms including inhibition of electron-hole recombination, ligand to metal charge transfer and electrostatic attraction. Several strategies for the enhancement of this treatment method which are designation of catalysts, pH of mixed pollutants and addition of additive were discussed. This review offers a recent perspective on the development of photocatalysis system for industrial applications.
  3. Liew CS, Mong GR, Abdelfattah EA, Raksasat R, Rawindran H, Kiatkittipong W, et al.
    Environ Res, 2022 Feb 10;210:112923.
    PMID: 35150716 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.112923
    Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) have been deployed to valorize various organic wastes. Nonetheless, its growth rate whilst being offered with waste activated sludge (WAS) is not promising, likely by virtue of the presence of extracellular polymeric substances' structure in WAS. In this work, the WAS were first thermally pre-treated under different treatment temperatures and durations before being administered as the feeding substrates for BSFL. The results showed the thermal pre-treatment could improve WAS palatability and subsequently, enhance the growth of BSFL especially after the pre-treatments at 75 °C and above. The highest larva weight gained was recorded at 2.16 mg/larva for the WAS sample being pre-treated at 90 °C and 16 h. Furthermore, the samples pre-treated above 75 °C also achieved higher degradation rates, indicating that the 75 °C was a threshold temperature to effectively hydrolyze the WAS. The changes of WAS characteristics, namely, (i) soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD), (ii) soluble carbohydrate, (iii) soluble protein, (iv) humic substances and (v) total soluble protein and humic substances, after the thermal pre-treatments were also studied in correlating with the BSFL growth. Accordingly, a model was successfully developed with the highest R2 value attained at 0.95, evidencing the SCOD was the most suitable WAS characteristic to accurately predict the BSFL growth behavior.
  4. Mathivanan M, Sabarathinam C, Mohan Viswanathan P, Senapathi V, Nadesan D, Indrani GG, et al.
    Environ Res, 2022 Jan;203:111791.
    PMID: 34333012 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111791
    Uranium (U) in groundwater is hazardous to human health, especially if it is present in drinking water. The semiarid regions of southern India chiefly depend on groundwater for drinking purposes. In this regard, a comprehensive sampling strategy was adopted to collect groundwater representing different lithologies of the region. The samples were collected in two different seasons and analysed for major and minor ions along with total U in the groundwater. Two samples during pre monsoon (PRM) and seven samples during post monsoon (POM) had U > 30 μgL-1, which is above the World Health Organization's provisional guideline value. The high concentration of U (188 μgL-1) was observed in the alluvial formation though a few samples showed the release of U near the pink granite (39 μgL-1) and the concentration was low in the lateritic formation (10 μgL-1). The uranyl carbonato complexes UO2(CO3)22- and UO2(CO3)34- were associated with high pH which facilitated the transport of U into groundwater especially during POM. U3O8 is the major form observed in groundwater compared to either UO2 or UO3 in the both seasons. The uranium oxides were observed to be more prevalent at the neutral pH. Though U concentration increases with pH, it is mainly governed by the redox conditions. The principal component analysis (PCA) analysis also suggested redox conditions in groundwater to be the major process facilitating the U release mechanism regardless of the season. The POM season has an additional source of U in groundwater due to the application of nitrogenous fertilizers in the alluvium region. Furthermore, redox mobilization factor was predominantly observed near the coastal region and in the agricultural regions. The process of infiltration of the fertilizer-induced U was enhanced by the agricultural runoff into the surface water bodies in the region. Health risk assessment was also carried out by determining annual effective dose rate, cancer mortality risk, lifetime average daily dose and hazard quotient to assess the portability of groundwater in the study area. Artificial recharge technique and reducing the usage of chemical based fertilizers for irrigation are suggested as sustainable plans to safeguard the vulnerable water resource in this region.
  5. Anugerah AR, Muttaqin PS, Purnama DA
    Environ Res, 2021 06;197:111164.
    PMID: 33872645 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111164
    The variation in the concentration of outdoor air pollutants during the COVID-19 lockdown was studied in Jakarta, Indonesia. The term lockdown was replaced by large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in Indonesia by more flexible regulations to save the economy. Data on five air pollutants, namely, PM10, SO2, CO, O3, and NO2, from five monitoring stations located in five regions in Jakarta (West, East, Central, North, and South Jakarta) were utilized. We analyzed the changes in the concentrations of outdoor air pollutants before lockdown from January 1 to April 9, 2020, and during lockdown from April 10 to June 4, 2020. Overall, the CO concentration (39.9%) demonstrated the most significant reduction during lockdown, followed by NO2 (7.5%) and then SO2 (5.7%). However, we unexpectedly found that during lockdown, the PM10 concentration in Jakarta increased by 10.9% due to the southwest monsoon during the seasonal change in Jakarta. Among the five cities in Jakarta, East and Central Jakarta experienced the maximum improvement in their air quality, whereas North Jakarta had the least air quality improvement. To the best of our knowledge, this research is the first to study the effect of lockdown on outdoor air quality improvement in Indonesia using ground-level measurement data. The findings of the study provide additional strategies to the regulatory bodies for the reduction of temporal air pollutants in Jakarta, Indonesia, by restricting people mobility as a supplementary initiative.
  6. Noman E, Al-Gheethi A, Saphira Radin Mohamed RM, Talip B, Othman N, Hossain S, et al.
    Environ Res, 2022 03;204(Pt A):111926.
    PMID: 34461120 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111926
    The present study aimed to assess the efficiency of silver bio-nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) in inactivating of the Aspergillus fumigatus, A. parasiticus and A. flavus var. columnaris and A. aculeatus spores. The AgNPs were synthesized in secondary metabolic products of Penicillium pedernalens 604 EAN. The inactivation process was optimized by response surface methodology (RSM) as a function of Ag NPs volume (1-10 μL/mL); time (10-120 min); pH (5-8); initial fungal concentrations (log10) (3-6). The artificial neural network (ANN) model was used to understand the behavior of spores for the factors affecting inactivation process. The best conditions to achieved SAL 10-6 of the fungal spores were recorded with 3.46 μl/mL of AgNPs, after 120 min at pH 5 and with 6 log of initial fungal spore concentrations, at which 5.99 vs. 6.09 (SAL 10-6) log reduction was recorded in actual and predicted results respectively with coefficient of 87.00%. The ANN revealed that the timehas major contribution in the inactivation process compare to Ag NPs volume. The fungal spores were totally inactivated (SAL 10-6, 6 log reduction with 99.9999%) after 110 min of the inactivation process, 10 min more was required to insure the irreversible inactivation of the fungal spores. The absence of protease and cellulase enzymes production confirm the total inactivation of the fungal spores. FESEM analysis revealed that the AgNPs which penetrated the fungal spores leading to damage and deform the fungal spore morphology. The AFM analysis confirmed the total spore surface damage. The bands in the range of the Raman spectroscopy from 1300 to 1600 cm-1 in the inactivated spores indicate the presence of CH3, CH2 and the deformation of lipids released outside the spore cytoplasm. These finding indicate that the AgNPs has high potential as a green alternative inactivation process for the airborne fungal spores.
  7. S C, M V P, S V, M N, K P, Panda B, et al.
    Environ Res, 2022 03;204(Pt A):111729.
    PMID: 34478727 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111729
    This study was focused on identifying the region suitable for agriculture-based, using new irrigation groundwater quality plot and its spatio-temporal variation with fuzzy logic technique in a geographic information system (GIS) platform. Six hundred and eighty groundwater samples were collected during pre, southwest, northeast, and post monsoon periods. A new ternary plot was also attempted to determine the irrigation suitability of water by considering four essential parameters such as sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), permeability index (PI), Sodium percentage (Na %), and electrical conductivity (EC). The derived ternary plot was the most beneficial over other available plots, as it incorporated four parameters, and it differs from the US Salinity Laboratory (USSL) plot, such that the groundwater with higher EC could also be used for irrigation purposes, depending on the Na%. The ternary plot revealed that the groundwater predominantly manifested good to moderate category during post, northeast, and southwest monsoons. The assessment with the amount of fertilizer used during the study period showed that the NPK fertilizers were effectively used for irrigation during monsoon periods. Spatial maps on EC, Kelly's ratio, Mg hazard, Na%, PI, potential salinity (PS), SAR, residual sodium carbonate (RSC), and soluble sodium percentage (SSP) were prepared for each season using fuzzy membership values, integrated for each season. A final suitability map derived by an overlay of all the seasonal outputs has identified that the groundwater in the western and the eastern part of the study area are suitable for agriculture. The study recommends cultivation of groundwater-dependent short-term crops, along the western and northern regions of the study area during the pre-monsoon season.
  8. Law XN, Cheah WY, Chew KW, Ibrahim MF, Park YK, Ho SH, et al.
    Environ Res, 2022 03;204(Pt A):111966.
    PMID: 34450156 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111966
    Microalgae are drawing attentions among researchers for their biorefinery use or value-added products. The high production rate of biomasses produced are attractive for conversion into volatile biochar. Torrefaction, pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization are the recommended thermochemical conversion techniques that could produce microalgal-based biochar with desirable physiochemical properties such as high surface area and pore volume, abundant surface functional groups, as well as functionality such as high adsorption capacity. The characterizations of the biochar significantly influence the mechanisms in adsorption of pollutants from wastewaters. Specific adsorption of the organic and inorganic pollutants from the effluent are reviewed to examine the adsorption capacity and efficiency of biochar derived from different microalgae species. Last but not least, future remarks over the challenges and improvements are discussed accordingly. Overall, this review would discuss the synthesis, characterization and application of the microalgal-based biochar in wastewater.
  9. Hitam CNC, Jalil AA
    Environ Res, 2022 03;204(Pt A):111964.
    PMID: 34461122 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111964
    As one of the potential bionanomaterials, nanocellulose has appeared as a favorable candidate for photoremediation of the environment because of its abundance in nature, inexpensive, eco-friendly, decomposable, high surface area, and outstanding mechanical properties. The current review carefully summarized the diverse type of nanocellulose, their preparation approaches, and several previous works on the use of nanocellulose for photoremediation. These include the role of nanocellulose for the increased surface active site of the hybrid photocatalysts by providing a large surface area for enhanced adsorption of photons and pollutant molecules, as a dispersing agent to increase distribution of metal/non-metal dopants photocatalysts, as well as for controlled size and morphology of the dopants photocatalysts. Furthermore, the recommendations for upcoming research provided in this review are anticipated to ignite an idea for the development of other nanocellulose-based photocatalysts. Other than delivering beneficial information on the present growth of the nanocellulose biomaterials photocatalysts, this review is expected will attract more interest to the utilization of nanocellulose photocatalyst and distribute additional knowledge in this exciting area of environmental photoremediation. This could be attained by considering that a review on nanocellulose biomaterials for environmental health photoremediation has not been described elsewhere, notwithstanding intensive research works have been dedicated to this topic.
  10. Sudheer S, Bai RG, Muthoosamy K, Tuvikene R, Gupta VK, Manickam S
    Environ Res, 2022 03;204(Pt A):111963.
    PMID: 34450157 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111963
    The demand for the green synthesis of nanoparticles has gained prominence over the conventional chemical and physical syntheses, which often entails toxic chemicals, energy consumption and ultimately lead to negative environmental impact. In the green synthesis approach, naturally available bio-compounds found in plants and fungi can be effective and have been proven to be alternative reducing agents. Fungi or mushrooms are particularly interesting due to their high content of bioactive compounds, which can serve as excellent reducing agents in the synthesis of nanoparticles. Apart from the economic and environmental benefits, such as ease of availability, low synthesis/production cost, safe and no toxicity, the nanoparticles synthesized from this green method have unique physical and chemical properties. Stabilisation of the nanoparticles in an aqueous solution is exceedingly high, even after prolonged storage with unperturbed size uniformity. Biological properties were significantly improved with higher biocompatibility, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant and anti-cancer properties. These remarkable properties allow further exploration in their applications both in the medical and agricultural fields. This review aims to explore the mushroom-mediated biosynthesis of nanomaterials, specifically the mechanism and bio-compounds involved in the synthesis and their interactions for the stabilisation of nanoparticles. Various metal and non-metal nanoparticles have been discussed along with their synthesis techniques and parameters, making them ideal for specific industrial, agricultural, and medical applications. Only recent developments have been explored in this review.
  11. Roy Chong JW, Tan X, Khoo KS, Ng HS, Jonglertjunya W, Yew GY, et al.
    Environ Res, 2022 Apr 15;206:112620.
    PMID: 34968431 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112620
    Global demand for plastic materials has severely harm the environment and marine sea life. Therefore, bioplastics have emerged as an environmentally friendly alternative due to sustainability, minimal carbon footprint, less toxicity and high degradability. This review highlights the sustainable and environmentally friendly approach towards bioplastic production by utilizing microalgae as a feed source in several ways. First, the microalgae biomass obtained through the biorefinery approach can be processed into PHA under certain nutrient limitations. Additionally, microalgae biomass can act as potential filler and reinforcement towards the enhancement of bioplastic either blending with conventional bioplastic or synthetic polymer. The downstream processing of microalgae via suitable extraction and pre-treatment of bioactive compounds such as lipids and cellulose are found to be promising for the production of bioplastics. Moving on, the intermediate processing of bioplastic via lactic acid synthesized from microalgae has favoured the microwave-assisted synthesis of polylactic acid due to cost efficiency, minimum solvent usage, low energy consumption, and fast rate of reaction. Moreover, the reliability and effectiveness of microalgae-based bioplastics are further evaluated in terms of techno-economic analysis and degradation mechanism. Future improvement and recommendations are listed towards proper genetic modification of algae strains, large-scale biofilm technology, low-cost cultivation medium, and novel avocado seed-microalgae bioplastic blend.
  12. Almalawi A, Alsolami F, Khan AI, Alkhathlan A, Fahad A, Irshad K, et al.
    Environ Res, 2022 Apr 15;206:112576.
    PMID: 34921824 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112576
    Air pollution is the existence of atmospheric chemicals damaging the health of human beings and other living organisms or damaging the environment or resources. Rarely any common contaminants are smog, nicotine, mold, yeast, biogas, or carbon dioxide. The paper will primarily observe, visualize and anticipate pollution levels. In particular, three algorithms of Artificial Intelligence were used to create good forecasting models and a predictive AQI model for 4 distinct gases: carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and atmospheric particulate matter. Thus, in this paper, the Air Qualification Index is developed utilizing Linear Regression, Support Vector Regression, and the Gradient Boosted Decision Tree GBDT Ensembles model over the next 5 h and analyzes air qualities using various sensors. The hypothesized artificial intelligence models are evaluated to the Root Mean Squares Error, Mean Squared Error and Mean absolute error, depending upon the performance measurements and a lower error value model is chosen. Based on the algorithm of the Artificial Intelligent System, the level of 5 air pollutants like CO2, SO2, NO2, PM 2.5 and PM10 can be predicted immediately by integrating the observations with errors. It may be used to detect air quality from distance in large cities and can assist lower the degree of environmental pollution.
  13. Tong CY, Derek CJC
    Environ Res, 2022 Apr 15;206:112602.
    PMID: 34968430 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112602
    In biofilm membrane photobioreactors development, conscientious works revolving around the effect of external environment factors on microalgal biofilm growth were assessed but more comparative research about the role of carrier surfaces properties such as surface roughness is necessary. Thus, commercial polyethersulfone (PES) membranes with two different molecular-weight-cut-offs (1 kDa and 30 kDa) were selected as the main representatives of surface roughness in a 20 days long-term biofilm cultivation experiment under dynamic flow condition for the biofilm evolvement of three benthic diatoms (Amphora coffeaeformis, Cylindrotheca fusiformis and Navicula incerta). Results depicted that rougher 30 kDa PES enable higher cell attachment degree for C. fusiformis (25.85 ± 2.75 × 109 cells m-2), followed by A. coffeaeformis (11.86 ± 2.76 × 109 cells m-2) and N. incerta (10.10 ± 0.65 × 109 cells m-2). Bounded extracellular polymeric substances (bEPS) gathered were relatively higher than soluble EPS (sEPS) while bEPS accumulated at least 10% higher on smooth 1 kDa PES than rough 30 kDa PES for the purpose of enhancing the biofilm disruption resistivity under liquid flow. Moreover, cell adhesion mechanism was proposed via computational fluid dynamics in parallel with EPS analysis. Copious amount of asperities and stagnant zones present on rough 30 kDa surfaces accelerated biofilm development and the consistency of the results have a great valence for interpretation of microalgal biofilm lifestyle on porous surfaces.
  14. Wu J, Danko D, Afshinnekoo E, Bezdan D, Bhattacharyya M, Castro-Nallar E, et al.
    Environ Res, 2022 May 01;207:112183.
    PMID: 34637759 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112183
    In urban ecosystems, microbes play a key role in maintaining major ecological functions that directly support human health and city life. However, the knowledge about the species composition and functions involved in urban environments is still limited, which is largely due to the lack of reference genomes in metagenomic studies comprises more than half of unclassified reads. Here we uncovered 732 novel bacterial species from 4728 samples collected from various common surface with the matching materials in the mass transit system across 60 cities by the MetaSUB Consortium. The number of novel species is significantly and positively correlated with the city population, and more novel species can be identified in the skin-associated samples. The in-depth analysis of the new gene catalog showed that the functional terms have a significant geographical distinguishability. Moreover, we revealed that more biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) can be found in novel species. The co-occurrence relationship between BGCs and genera and the geographical specificity of BGCs can also provide us more information for the synthesis pathways of natural products. Expanded the known urban microbiome diversity and suggested additional mechanisms for taxonomic and functional characterization of the urban microbiome. Considering the great impact of urban microbiomes on human life, our study can also facilitate the microbial interaction analysis between human and urban environment.
  15. Karaman C, Karaman O, Show PL, Orooji Y, Karimi-Maleh H
    Environ Res, 2022 May 01;207:112156.
    PMID: 34599897 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112156
    Herein, it is aimed to develop a high-performance monolithic adsorbent to be utilized in methyl orange (MO) adsorption. Therefore, amino-functionalized three-dimensional graphene networks (3D-GNf) fulfilling the requirements of reusability and high capacity have been fabricated via hydrothermal self-assembly approach followed by a double-crosslinking strategy. The potential utilization of 3D-GNf as an adsorbent for removal MO has been assessed using both batch-adsorption studies and an artificial neural network (ANN) approach. Graphene oxide sheets have been amino-functionalized and cross-linked, by ethylenediamine (EDA) during hydrothermal treatment, following the glutaraldehyde has used as a double-crosslinking agent to facilitate the crosslinking of architecture. The successful fabrication of 3D-GNf has been confirmed by field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Moreover, N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms have revealed the high specific surface area (1015 m2 g-1) with high pore volume (1.054 cm3 g-1) and hierarchical porous structure of 3D-GNf. The effect of initial concentration, contact time, and temperature on adsorption capacity have been thoroughly studied, and the kinetics, isotherms, and thermodynamics of MO adsorption have been modelled. The MO adsorption has been well defined by the pseudo-second-order kinetic model and Langmuir isotherm model with a monolayer adsorption capacity of 270.27 mg g-1 at 25 °C. The thermodynamic findings have revealed MO adsorption has occurred spontaneously with an endothermic process. The Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation algorithm has been implemented to train the ANN model, which has used the activation functions of tansig and purelin functions at the hidden and output layers, respectively. An optimum ANN model with high-performance metrics (coefficient of determination, R2 = 0.9995; mean squared error, MSE = 0.0008) composed of three hidden layers with 5 neurons in each layer was constructed to forecast MO adsorption. The findings have shown that experimental results are consistent with ANN-based data, implying that the suggested ANN model may be used to forecast cationic dye adsorption.
  16. Evans MN, Waller S, Müller CT, Goossens B, Smith JA, Bakar MSA, et al.
    Environ Res, 2022 May 01;207:112216.
    PMID: 34656630 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112216
    Patterns and practices of agricultural expansion threaten the persistence of global biodiversity. Wildlife species surviving large-scale land use changes can be exposed to a suite of contaminants that may deleteriously impact their health. There is a paucity of data concerning the ecotoxicological impacts associated with the global palm oil (Elaeis guineensis) industry. We sampled wild Malay civets (Viverra tangalunga) across a patchwork landscape degraded by oil palm agriculture in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Using a non-lethal methodology, we quantified the levels of 13 essential and non-essential metals within the hair of this adaptable small carnivore. We robustly assessed the biological and environmental drivers of intrapopulation variation in measured levels. Metal concentrations were associated with civet age, weight, proximity to a tributary, and access to oxbow lakes. In a targeted case study, the hair metal profiles of 16 GPS-collared male civets with differing space use patterns were contrasted. Civets that entered oil palm plantations expressed elevated aluminium, cadmium, and lead, and lower mercury hair concentrations compared to civets that remained exclusively within the forest. Finally, we paired hair metal concentrations with 34 blood-based health markers to evaluate the possible sub-lethal physiological effects associated with varied hair metal levels. Our multi-facetted approach establishes these adaptable carnivores as indicator species within an extensively altered ecosystem, and provides critical and timely evidence for future studies.
  17. Gabris MA, Rezania S, Rafieizonooz M, Khankhaje E, Devanesan S, AlSalhi MS, et al.
    Environ Res, 2022 May 01;207:112209.
    PMID: 34653412 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112209
    The present study reports the successful functionalization/magnetization of bio-polymer to produce chitosan-magnetic graphene oxide grafted polyaniline doped with cobalt oxide (ChMGOP-Co3O4). Analytical techniques furrier transform infra-red (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) were used to confirm the formation of ChMGOP-Co3O4. The effects of several experimental factors (solution pH, adsorbent dosage and coexisting ions) on the uptake of As(V) ions using ChMGOP-Co3O4 were examined through batch experiments. As(V) removal process was validated by experimentally and theoretically investigating the adsorption capacity, rate, and thermal effects. Thermodynamic parameters such as free energy (ΔG°), entropy (ΔS°) and enthalpy (ΔH°) were also calculated and were used to explain the mechanism of adsorption. Based on the results, the sorbent showed a high adsorption capacities (90.91 mg/g) at favorable neutral pH and superior removal efficiencies as high as 89% within 50 min. In addition, the adsorption isotherm followed the Langmuir isotherm in compare to the Freundlich, due to its higher R2 value (0.992 
  18. Soh EYS, Lim SS, Chew KW, Phuang XW, Ho VMV, Chu KYH, et al.
    Environ Res, 2021 Nov 13.
    PMID: 34780790 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112385
    The effluent of textile industries containing synthetic dyes contributed to substantial pollution to water bodies. The biosorption process of Congo Red dye was successfully performed by integrating ultrasonication in the adsorption step with spent brewery yeast as a novel and renewable biosorbent. The adsorption process was hindered when ultrasonication was employed together with the biosorbent, indicating that desorption process had occurred. The adsorption process showed that 4 g/L of biosorbent was the optimum dosage for adsorption of 50 mg/L of Congo Red dye, and that the adsorption equilibrium fitted to the Langmuir model, with kinetics best fitted with pseudo-second order model. The maximum capacity of the adsorption was 52.6 mg/g, showing the potential of spent brewery yeast to aid in removing wastewater pollutants. Maximal Congo Red dye recovery (100%) was achieved in the sonication-assisted desorption studies using 0.01M NaOH as the eluting agent. The ultrasonication effects contributed to the efficient recovery of dye and good conversion of spent brewery yeast to biosorbent can be beneficial for treating pollution from textile wastewater.
  19. Karim SS, Murtaza Z, Farrukh S, Umer MA, Ali SS, Younas M, et al.
    Environ Res, 2022 Apr 01;205:112402.
    PMID: 34838569 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112402
    The emerging growth of the electronic devices applications has arisen the serious problems of electromagnetic (EM) wave pollution which resulting in equipment malfunction. Therefore, polymer-based composites have been considered good candidates for better EMI shielding due to their significant characteristics including, higher flexibility, ultrathin, lightweight, superior conductivity, easy fabrication processing, environmentally friendly, corrosion resistive, better adhesion with physical, chemical and thermal stability. This review article focused on the concept of the EMI shielding mechanism and challenges with the fabrication of polymer-based composites. Subsequently, recent advancements in the polymer composites applications have been critically reviewed. In addition, the impact of polymers and polymer nanocomposites with different fillers such as organic, inorganic, 2D, 3D, mixture and hybrid nano-fillers on EMI shielding effectiveness has been explored. Lastly, future research directions have been proposed to overcome the limitations of current technologies for further advancement in EMI shielding materials for industrial applications. Based on reported literature, it has been found that the low thickness based lightweight polymer is considered as a best material for excellent material for next-generation electronic devices. Optimization of polymer composites during the fabrication is required for better EMI shielding. New nano-fillers such as functionalization and composite polymers are best to enhance the EMI shielding and conductive properties.
  20. Dai C, Han Y, Duan Y, Lai X, Fu R, Liu S, et al.
    Environ Res, 2022 Apr 01;205:112423.
    PMID: 34838568 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112423
    The rapid economic and population growth in coastal areas is causing increasingly serious polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) pollution in these regions. This review compared the PAHs pollution characteristics of different coastal areas, including industrial zones, commercial ports, touristic cities, aquacultural & agricultural areas, oil & gas exploitation areas and megacities. Currently there are various treatment methods to remediate soils and sediments contaminated with PAHs. However, it is necessary to provide a comprehensive overview of all the available remediation technologies up to date, so appropriate technologies can be selected to remediate PAHs pollution. In view of that, we analyzed the characteristics of the remediation mechanism, summarized the remediation methods for soil or sediments in coastal areas, which were physical repair, chemical oxidation, bioremediation and integrated approaches. Besides, this review also reported the development of new multi-functional green and sustainable systems, namely, micro-nano bubble (MNB), biochar, reversible surfactants and peracetic acid. While physical repair, expensive but efficient, was regarded as a suitable method for the PAHs remediation in coastal areas because of land shortage, integrated approaches would produce better results. The ultimate aim of the review was to ensure the successful restructuring of PAHs contaminated soil and sediments in coastal areas. Due to the environment heterogeneity, PAHs pollution in coastal areas remains as a daunting challenge. Therefore, new and suitable technologies are still needed to address the environmental issue.
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