Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 115 in total

  1. Daniyal WMEMM, Fen YW, Abdullah J, Sadrolhosseini AR, Saleviter S, Omar NAS
    PMID: 30594850 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2018.12.031
    Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is a label-free optical spectroscopy that is widely used for biomolecular interaction analysis. In this work, SPR was used to characterize the binding properties of highly sensitive nanocrystalline cellulose-graphene oxide based nanocomposite (CTA-NCC/GO) towards nickel ion. The formation of CTA-NCC/GO nanocomposite has been confirmed by FT-IR. The SPR analysis result shows that the CTA-NCC/GO has high binding affinity towards Ni2+ from 0.01 until 0.1 ppm with binding affinity constant of 1.620 × 103 M-1. The sensitivity for the CTA-NCC/GO calculated was 1.509° ppm-1. The full width at half maximum (FWHM), data accuracy (DA), and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) have also been determined using the obtained SPR curve. For the FWHM, the value was 2.25° at 0.01 until 0.08 ppm and decreases to 2.12° at 0.1 until 10 ppm. The DA for the SPR curves is the highest at 0.01 until 0.08 ppm and lowest at 0.1 until 10 ppm. The SNR curves mirrors the curves of SPR angle shift where the SNR increases with the Ni2+ concentrations. For the selectivity test, the CTA-NCC/GO has the abilities to differentiate Ni2+ in the mixture of metal ions.
  2. Bakar KA, Feroz SR
    PMID: 31302564 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2019.117337
    The past decade has seen an increase in the number of research papers on ligand binding to proteins based on fluorescence spectroscopy. In most cases, determination of the binding affinity is made by analyzing the quenching of protein fluorescence induced by the ligand. However, many such articles, even those published in reputed journals, suffer from several mistakes with regard to analysis of fluorescence quenching data. Using the binding of phenylbutazone to human serum albumin as a model, we consider some of these mistakes and show how they affect the values of the association constant. In particular, the failure to correct for the inner filter effect and the use of unsuitable equations are discussed. Ligand binding data presented in these articles should be treated with caution, especially in the absence of data from complementary techniques.
  3. Sonthanasamy RSA, Sulaiman NMN, Tan LL, Lazim AM
    PMID: 30954801 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2019.03.108
    Carbon dots (C-dots) were used to study the binding mechanisms with serum protein, bovine serum albumin (BSA) by using two notable binding systems known as non-covalent and covalent interaction. Interaction between C-dots and BSA were estimated by Stern-Volmer equation and Double Log Regression Model (DLRM). According to the fluorescent intensity, quenching of model carrier protein by C-dots was due to dynamic quenching for non-covalent and static quenching for covalent binding. The binding site constant, KA and number of binding site, for covalent interaction is 1754.7L/mol and n≈1 (0.6922) were determined by DLRM on fluorescence quenching results. The blue shift of the fluorescence spectrum, from 450nm to 421nm (non-covalent) and 430nm (covalent) and suggested that both the microenvironment of C-dots and protein changed in relation to the protein concentration. The fluorescence intensity results show that protein structure has a significant role in Protein-C-dots interactions and type of binding influence physicochemical properties of C-dots differently. Understanding to this bio interface is important to utilize both quantum dots and biomolecules for biomedical field. It can be a useful guideline to design further applications in biomedical and bioimaging.
  4. Tayyab S, Sam SE, Kabir MZ, Ridzwan NFW, Mohamad SB
    Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc, 2019 May 05;214:199-206.
    PMID: 30780089 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2019.02.028
    Binding of a potent anticancer agent, ponatinib (PTB) to human serum albumin (HSA), main ligand transporter in blood plasma was analyzed with several spectral techniques such as fluorescence, absorption and circular dichroism along with molecular docking studies. Decrease in the KSV value with increasing temperature pointed towards PTB-induced quenching as the static quenching, thus affirming complexation between PTB and HSA. An intermediate binding affinity was found to stabilize the PTB-HSA complex, as suggested by the Ka value. Thermodynamic analysis of the binding phenomenon revealed participation of hydrophobic and van der Waals interactions along with hydrogen bonds, which was also supported by molecular docking analysis. Changes in both secondary and tertiary structures as well as in the microenvironment around Trp and Tyr residues of HSA were anticipated upon PTB binding to the protein, as manifested from circular dichroism and three-dimensional fluorescence spectra, respectively. Binding of PTB to HSA led to protein's thermal stabilization. Competitive ligand displacement experiments using different site markers such as warfarin, indomethacin and ketoprofen disclosed the binding site of PTB as Sudlow's site I in HSA, which was further confirmed by molecular docking analysis.
  5. Theint HT, Walsh JE, Wong ST, Voon K, Shitan M
    Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc, 2019 Jul 05;218:348-358.
    PMID: 31026712 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2019.04.008
    A laboratory prototype system that correlates murine blood absorbance with degree of infection for Plasmodium berghei and Trypanosoma avensi has been designed, constructed and tested. A population (n = 6) of control uninfected, Plasmodium infected and Trypanosoma infected BALB/c mice were developed and spectral absorption measurements pre and post infection were made every 3 days. A fibre optic spectrometer set-up was used as the basis of a laboratory prototype biosensor that uses the Beer Lambert Law to relate Ultraviolet-Visible-Near-infrared absorbance data to changes in murine blood chemistry post infection. Spectral absorption results indicate a statistically relevant correlation at a 650 nm with infection for Plasmodium from between 4 and 7 sampling days' post infection, in spite of significant standard deviations among the sample populations for control and infected mice. No significant spectral absorption change for Trypanosoma infection was been detected from the current data. Corresponding stained slides of control and infected blood at each sampling date were taken with related infected cell counts determined and these correlate well for Plasmodium absorbance at 650 nm.
  6. Obaid A, Jamil AKM, Prabu S, Saharin SM, Mohamad S
    PMID: 32652287 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2020.118674
    Inclusion complexes of R-ketoprofen and S-ketoprofen enantiomers with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) in aqueous solution were studied using various spectroscopic techniques such as Raman, FTIR, UV and fluorescence. The different relative intensities and characteristic band shifts of the two enantiomers from Raman spectra suggests different interaction when complexed with β-CD. Raman experiments revealed a noticeable diminishing of the CC vibration and ring deformation, which indicate the embedding of ketoprofen inside the β-CD cavity. It's revealed that distinct differences between R- and S-ketoprofen in the presence of β-CD at neutral pH. The stoichiometry ratio and binding constant of the inclusion complexes were calculated using Benesi-Hildebrand plot. Both enantiomers showed stoichiometry ratio of 1:1 inclusion complex with β-CD. The binding constant of R-ketoprofen (4088 M-1) is higher than S-ketoprofen (2547 M-1). These values indicated that β-CD formed inclusion complexes more preferentially with R-ketoprofen than S-ketoprofen. Results demonstrated that β-CD can be used as a promising chiral selector for ketoprofen enantiomers.
  7. Sahudin MA, Su'ait MS, Tan LL, Abd Karim NH
    PMID: 33281086 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2020.119129
    Histamine is one of the important biomarkers for food spoilage in the food sectors. In the present study, a rapid and simple analytical tool has been developed to detect histamine as an indirect strategy to monitor food freshness level. Optical histamine sensor with carboxyl-substituted Schiff base zinc(II) complex with hydroxypropoxy side chain deposited onto titanium dioxide nanoparticles was fabricated and was found to respond successfully to histamine. The Schiff base zinc(II) complex-histamine binding generated an enhancement of the fluorescent signal. Under the optimal reaction condition, the developed sensor can detect down to 2.53 × 10-10 M in the range of between 1.0 × 10-9 and 1.0 × 10-5 M (R2 = 0.9868). Selectivity performance of the sensor towards histamine over other amines was confirmed. The sensor also displayed good reproducibility performances with low relative standard deviation values (1.45%-4.95%). Shelf-life studies suggested that the developed sensor remains stable after 60 days in histamine detection. More importantly, the proposed sensor has been successfully applied to determine histamine in salmon fillet with good recoveries. This strategy has a promising potential in the food quality assurance sectors, especially in controlling the food safety for healthy consumption among consumers.
  8. Aghaei M, Ramezanitaghartapeh M, Javan M, Hoseininezhad-Namin MS, Mirzaei H, Rad AS, et al.
    PMID: 33049473 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2020.119023
    The adsorption behavior of the amino acid, glycine (Gly), via the carboxyl, hydroxyl, and amino groups onto the surfaces of Al12N12 and Al16N16 fullerene-like cages were computationally evaluated by the combination of density functional theory (DFT) and molecular docking studies. It was found that Gly can chemically bond with the Al12N12 and Al16N16 fullerene-like cages as its amino group being more favorable to interact with the aluminum atoms of the adsorbents compared to carboxyl and hydroxyl groups. Oxygen and carbon doping were reported to reduce steric hindrance for Glycine interaction at Al site of Al12ON11/Gly and Al12CN11/Gly complexes. Interaction was further enhanced by oxygen doping due to its greater electron withdrawing effect. Herein, the Al12ON11/Gly complex where two carbonyl groups of Gly are bonded to the aluminum atoms of the Al12N12 fullerene-like cage is the most stable interaction configuration showing ∆adsH and ∆adsG values of -81.74 kcal/mol and -66.21 kcal/mol, respectively. Computational studies also revealed the frequency shifts that occurred due to the interaction process. Molecular docking analysis revealed that the Al12N12/Gly (-11.7 kcal/mol) and the Al12ON11/Gly (-9.2 kcal/mol) complexes have a good binding affinity with protein tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α). TNF-α was implicated as a key cytokine in various diseases, and it has been a validated therapeutic target for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. These results suggest that the Al12N12/Gly complex in comparison with the Al16N16/Gly, Al12ON11/Gly, and the Al12CN11/Gly complexes could be efficient inhibitors of TNF-α.
  9. Yusof R, Jumbri K, Ahmad H, Abdulmalek E, Abdul Rahman MB
    PMID: 33636491 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2021.119543
    The binding characteristics of DNA in deep eutectic solvents (DESs), particularly the binding energy and interaction mechanism, are not widely known. In this study, the binding of tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBABr) based DES of different hydrogen bond donors (HBD), including ethylene glycol (EG), glycerol (Gly), 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PD) and 1,5-pentanediol (1,5-PD), to calf thymus DNA was investigated using fluorescence spectroscopy. It was found that the shorter the alkyl chain length (2 carbons) and higher EG ratios of TBABr:EG (1:5) increased the binding constant (Kb) between DES and DNA up to 5.75 × 105 kJ mol-1 and decreased the binding of Gibbs energy (ΔGo) to 32.86 kJ mol-1. Through displacement studies, all synthesised DESs have been shown to displace DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) and were able to bind on the minor groove of Adenine-Thymine (AT)-rich DNA. A higher number of hydroxyl (OH) groups caused the TBABr:Gly to form more hydrogen bonds with DNA bases and had the highest ability to quench DAPI from DNA, with Stern-Volmer constants (Ksv) of 115.16 M-1. This study demonstrated that the synthesised DESs were strongly bound to DNA through a combination of electrostatic, hydrophobic, and groove binding. Hence, DES has the potential to solvate and stabilise nucleic acid structures.
  10. Ong P, Chen S, Tsai CY, Chuang YK
    PMID: 33744842 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2021.119657
    In this study, near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy was exploited for non-destructive determination of theanine content of oolong tea. The NIR spectral data (400-2500 nm) were correlated with the theanine level of 161 tea samples using partial least squares regression (PLSR) with different wavelengths selection methods, including the regression coefficient-based selection, uninformative variable elimination, variable importance in projection, selectivity ratio and flower pollination algorithm (FPA). The potential of using the FPA to select the discriminative wavelengths for PLSR was examined for the first time. The analysis showed that the PLSR with FPA method achieved better predictive results than the PLSR with full spectrum (PLSR-full). The developed simplified model using on FPA based on 12 latent variables and 89 selected wavelengths produced R-squared (R2) value and root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.9542, 0.8794 and 0.2045, 0.3219 for calibration and prediction, respectively. For PLSR-full, the R2 values of 0.9068, 0.8412 and RMSEs of 0.2916, 0.3693, were achieved for calibration and prediction. Also, the optimized model using FPA outperformed other wavelengths selection methods considered in this study. The obtained results indicated the feasibility of FPA to improve the predictability of the PLSR and reduce the model complexity. The nonlinear regression models of support vector machine regression and Gaussian process regression (GPR) were further utilized to evaluate the superiority of using the FPA in the wavelength selection. The results demonstrated that utilizing the wavelength selection method of FPA and nonlinear regression model of GPR could improve the predictive performance.
  11. Chan WC, Saad HM, Sim KS, Lee VS, Ang CW, Yeong KY, et al.
    PMID: 34198119 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2021.120099
    A new chemosensor 1 was synthesized by reacting rhodamine B hydrazide and 2,3,4-trihydroxybenzaldehyde, which was then characterized by spectroscopic techniques and single crystal X-ray crystallography. Sensor 1 has the ability to sense Co2+/Cu2+ ions by "naked-eye" with an apparent colour change from colourless to pink in different solvent system, MeCN and DMF respectively. Furthermore, it can selectively detect Co2+/Cu2+ among wide range of different metal ions, and it exhibits low detection limit of 4.425 × 10-8 M and 1.398 × 10-7 M respectively. Binding mode of the two complexes were determined to be 1:1 stoichiometry for Co2+ complex and 1:2 stoichiometry for Cu2+ complex through Job's plot, IR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Moreover, reversibility of the sensor 1 as copper (II) ion detector was determined by using EDTA and the results showed that sensor 1 can be reused for at least 6 cycles. Other than that, a low cost chemosensor test strips were fabricated for the convenient "naked-eye" detection of Co2+ and Cu2+ in pure aqueous media. The MTT assay was conducted in order to determine the cytotoxicity of sensor 1 towards human cell lines.
  12. Kamal Eddin FB, Fen YW, Omar NAS, Liew JYC, Daniyal WMEMM
    PMID: 34333400 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2021.120202
    Due to the crucial role of dopamine (DA) in health and peripheral nervous systems, it is particularly important to develop an efficient and accurate sensor to monitor and determine DA concentrations for diagnostic purposes and diseases prevention. Up to now, using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors in DA determination is very limited and its application still at the primary stage. In this work, a simple and ultra-sensitive SPR sensor was constructed for DA detection by preparation of chitosan- graphene quantum dots (CS-GQDs) thin film as the sensing layer. Other SPR measurements were conducted using different sensing layers; GQDs, CS for comparison. The proposed thin films were prepared by spin coating technique. The developed CS-GQDs thin film-based SPR sensor was successfully tested in DA concentration range from 0 fM to 1 pM. The designed SPR sensor showed outstanding performance in detecting DA sensitively (S = 0.011°/fM, R2 = 0.8174) with low detection limit of 1.0 fM has been achieved for the first time. The increased angular shift of SPR dip, narrow full width half maximum of the SPR curves, excellent signal-to-noise ratio and figure of merit, and a binding affinity constant (KA) of 2.962 PM-1 demonstrated the potential of this sensor to detect DA with high accuracy. Overall, it was concluded that the proposed sensor would serve as a valuable tool in clinical diagnostic for the serious neurological disorders. This in turns has a significant socio-economic impact.
  13. Basri KN, Hussain MN, Bakar J, Sharif Z, Khir MFA, Zoolfakar AS
    Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc, 2017 Feb 15;173:335-342.
    PMID: 27685001 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2016.09.028
    Short wave near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) method was used to detect the presence of lard adulteration in palm oil. MicroNIR was set up in two different scan modes to study the effect of path length to the performance of spectral measurement. Pure and adulterated palm oil sample were classified using soft independent modeling class analogy (SIMCA) algorithm with model accuracy more than 0.95 reported for both transflectance and transmission modes. Additionally, by employing partial least square (PLS) regression, the coefficient of determination (R2) of transflectance and transmission were 0.9987 and 0.9994 with root mean square error of calibration (RMSEC) of 0.5931 and 0.6703 respectively. In order to remove the uninformative variables, variable selection using cumulative adaptive reweighted sampling (CARS) has been performed. The result of R2 and RMSEC after variable selection for transflectance and transmission were improved significantly. Based on the result of classification and quantification analysis, the transmission mode has yield better prediction model compared to the transflectance mode to distinguish the pure and adulterated palm oil.
  14. Shojaei TR, Salleh MA, Sijam K, Rahim RA, Mohsenifar A, Safarnejad R, et al.
    PMID: 27380305 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2016.06.052
    Due to the low titer or uneven distribution of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) in field samples, detection of CTV by using conventional detection techniques may be difficult. Therefore, in the present work, the cadmium-telluride quantum dots (QDs) was conjugated with a specific antibody against coat protein (CP) of CTV, and the CP were immobilized on the surface of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) to develop a specific and sensitive fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based nanobiosensor for detecting CTV. The maximum FRET efficiency for the developed nano-biosensor was observed at 60% in AuNPs-CP/QDs-Ab ratio of 1:8.5. The designed system showed higher sensitivity and specificity over enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with a limit of detection of 0.13μgmL(-1) and 93% and 94% sensitivity and specificity, respectively. As designed sensor is rapid, sensitive, specific and efficient in detecting CTV, this could be envisioned for diagnostic applications, surveillance and plant certification program.
  15. Muhammad FF, Yahya MY, Ketuly KA, Muhammad AJ, Sulaiman K
    PMID: 27372510 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2016.06.031
    In this work the optical response, spectroscopic behaviour, and optoelectronic properties of solution and solid state composite systems based on α,ω-dihexylsexithiophene/tris(8-hydroxyquinolinate) gallium (DH6T/Gaq3) are studied upon the incorporation of different molar percentages of Gaq3. UV-vis, PL, FTIR spectrophotometers and SEM technique were utilized to perform the investigations. The results showed a reduced energy band (Eg) (from 2.33eV to 1.83eV) and a broadened absorption spectrum for the blend system when 29.8% molar of Gaq3 was incorporated. These were attributed to the enhanced intermolecular interactions that are brought about by the increased strength of π-π overlap between the molecular moieties. A mathematical formula was developed to interpret the non-monotonic change occurred in Eg, while numerical calculations have been made to assign the type and nature of the electronic transitions governing the spectroscopic behaviour of the system. The results were elaborated and comprehensively discussed in terms of the exciton generation, energy band theory, molecular interactions, and spatial geometry.
  16. de Toledo TA, da Costa RC, Al-Maqtari HM, Jamalis J, Pizani PS
    PMID: 28259100 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2017.02.051
    The heterocyclic chalcone containing thiophene ring 1-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-(2-thienyl)prop-2-en-1-one, C13H9ClOS was synthesized and investigated using experimental techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance (1H and 13C NMR), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) at room temperature, differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) from room temperature to 500K and Raman scattering at the temperature range 10-413K in order to study its structure and vibrational properties as well as stability and possible phase transition. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were performed to determine the vibrational spectrum viewing to improve the knowledge of the material properties. A reasonable agreement was observed between theoretical and experimental Raman spectrum taken at 10K since anharmonic effects of the molecular motion is reduced at low temperatures, leading to a more comprehensive assignment of the vibrational modes. Increasing the temperature up to 393K, was observed the typical phonon anharmonicity behavior associated to changes in the Raman line intensities, line-widths and red-shift, in special in the external mode region, whereas the internal modes region remains almost unchanged due its strong chemical bonds. Furthermore, C13H9ClOS goes to melting phase transition in the temperature range 393-403K and then sublimates in the temperature range 403-413K. This is denounced by the disappearance of the external modes and the absence of internal modes in the Raman spectra, in accordance with DSC curve. The enthalpy (ΔH) obtained from the integration of the endothermic peak in DSC curve centered at 397K is founded to be 121.5J/g.
  17. Dostani M, Kianfar AH, Mahmood WA, Dinari M, Farrokhpour H, Sabzalian MR, et al.
    Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc, 2017 Jun 05;180:144-153.
    PMID: 28284160 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2017.02.047
    In this investigation, the structure of bidentate N,N-Schiff base ligand of vanillin, (E)-4-(((2-amino-5-nitrophenyl)imino)methyl)-2-methoxyphenol (HL) was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The interaction of new [CuL2], [NiL2] and [VOL2] complexes with DNA and BSA was explored through UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy. The electronic spectra changes displayed an isosbestic point for the complexes upon titration with DNA. The Kb values for the complexes [CuL2], [NiL2] and [VOL2] were 2.4×105, 1.9×105 and 4.2×104, respectively. [CuL2] complex was bound more toughly than [NiL2] and [VOL2] complexes. These complexes had a significant interaction with Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) and the results demonstrated that the quenching mechanism was a static procedure. Also, the complexes interacted with BSA by more than one binding site (n>1). Finally, the theoretical studies were performed using the docking method to calculate the binding constants and recognize the binding site of the DNA and BSA with the complexes. The ligand and complexes including Ni2+, Cu2+ and VO2+ ions were colonized by fungal growth.
  18. Al-Alwani MAM, Ludin NA, Mohamad AB, Kadhum AAH, Sopian K
    PMID: 28213142 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2017.02.026
    Current study employs mixture of chlorophyll-anthocyanin dye extracted from leaves of Cordyline fruticosa as new sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSCs), as well as betalains dye obtained from fruit of Hylocereus polyrhizus. Among ten pigments solvents, the ethanol and methanol extracts revealed higher absorption spectra of pigments extracted from C. fruticosa and H. polyrhizus respectively. A major effect of temperature increase was studied to increase the extraction yield. The results indicated that extraction temperature between 70 and 80°C exhibited a high dye concentration of each plant than other temperatures. The optimal temperature was around 80°C and there was a sharp decrease of dye concentration at temperatures higher than this temperature. According to experimental results, the conversion efficiency of DSSC fabricated by mixture of chlorophyll and anthocyanin dyes from C. fruticosa leaves is 0.5% with short-circuit current (Isc) of 1.3mA/cm-2, open-circuit voltage (Voc) of 0.62V and fill factor (FF) of 60.16%. The higher photoelectric conversion efficiency of the DSSC prepared from the extract of H. polyrhizus was 0.16%, with Voc of 0.5V, Isc of 0.4mA/cm-2 and FF of 79.16%. The DSSC based betalain dye extracted from fruit of H. polyrhizus shows higher maximum IPCE of 44% than that of the DSSCs sensitized with mixed chlorophyll-anthocyanin dye from C. fruticosa (42%).
  19. Kabir MZ, Tee WV, Mohamad SB, Alias Z, Tayyab S
    Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc, 2017 Jun 15;181:254-263.
    PMID: 28376387 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2017.03.059
    Binding studies between a multi-targeted anticancer drug, sunitinib (SU) and human serum albumin (HSA) were made using fluorescence, UV-vis absorption, circular dichroism (CD) and molecular docking analysis. Both fluorescence quenching data and UV-vis absorption results suggested formation of SU-HSA complex. Moderate binding affinity between SU and HSA was evident from the value of the binding constant (3.04×104M-1), obtained at 298K. Involvement of hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonds as the leading intermolecular forces in the formation of SU-HSA complex was predicted from the thermodynamic data of the binding reaction. These results were in good agreement with the molecular docking analysis. Microenvironmental perturbations around Tyr and Trp residues as well as secondary and tertiary structural changes in HSA upon SU binding were evident from the three-dimensional fluorescence and circular dichroism results. SU binding to HSA also improved the thermal stability of the protein. Competitive displacement results and molecular docking analysis revealed the binding locus of SU to HSA in subdomain IIA (Sudlow's site I). The influence of a few common ions on the binding constant of SU-HSA complex was also noticed.
  20. Chen Y, Huang J, Yeap ZQ, Zhang X, Wu S, Ng CH, et al.
    Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc, 2018 Jun 15;199:271-282.
    PMID: 29626818 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2018.03.061
    Anoectochilus roxburghii (Wall.) Lindl. (Orchidaceae) is a precious traditional Chinese medicinal herb and has been perennially used to treat various illness. However, there were unethical sellers who adulterated wild A. roxburghii with tissue cultured and cultivated ones. Therefore, there is an urgent need for an effective authentication method to differentiate between these different types of A. roxburghii. In this research, the infrared spectroscopic tri-step identification approach including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Second derivative infrared spectra (SD-IR) and two-dimensional correlation infrared spectra (2D-IR) was used to develop a simple and rapid method to discriminate between wild, cultivated and tissue cultivated A. roxburghii plant. Through this study, all three types of A. roxburghii plant were successfully identified and discriminated through the infrared spectroscopic tri-step identification method. Besides that, all the samples of wild, cultivated and tissue cultivated A. roxburghii plant were analysed with the Soft Independent Modelling of Class Analogy (SIMCA) pattern recognition technique to test and verify the experimental results. The results showed that the three types of A. roxburghii can be discriminated clearly as the recognition rate was 100% for all three types and the rejection rate was more than 60%. 70% of the validated samples were also identified correctly by the SIMCA model. The SIMCA model was also validated by comparing 70 standard herbs to the model. As a result, it was demonstrated that the macroscopic IR fingerprint method and the classification analysis could discriminate not only between the A. roxburghi samples and the standard herbs, it could also distinguish between the three different types of A. roxburghi plant in a direct, rapid and holistic manner.
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