Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 129 in total

  1. Sajjadi B, Asgharzadehahmadi S, Asaithambi P, Raman AA, Parthasarathy R
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2017 01;34:504-518.
    PMID: 27773275 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2016.06.026
    This paper aims at investigating the influence of acoustic streaming induced by low-frequency (24kHz) ultrasound irradiation on mass transfer in a two-phase system. The main objective is to discuss the possible mass transfer improvements under ultrasound irradiation. Three analyses were conducted: i) experimental analysis of mass transfer under ultrasound irradiation; ii) comparative analysis between the results of the ultrasound assisted mass transfer with that obtained from mechanically stirring; and iii) computational analysis of the systems using 3D CFD simulation. In the experimental part, the interactive effects of liquid rheological properties, ultrasound power and superficial gas velocity on mass transfer were investigated in two different sonicators. The results were then compared with that of mechanical stirring. In the computational part, the results were illustrated as a function of acoustic streaming behaviour, fluid flow pattern, gas/liquid volume fraction and turbulence in the two-phase system and finally the mass transfer coefficient was specified. It was found that additional turbulence created by ultrasound played the most important role on intensifying the mass transfer phenomena compared to that in stirred vessel. Furthermore, long residence time which depends on geometrical parameters is another key for mass transfer. The results obtained in the present study would help researchers understand the role of ultrasound as an energy source and acoustic streaming as one of the most important of ultrasound waves on intensifying gas-liquid mass transfer in a two-phase system and can be a breakthrough in the design procedure as no similar studies were found in the existing literature.
  2. Jusoh N, Yeong YF, Mohamad M, Lau KK, M Shariff A
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2017 01;34:273-280.
    PMID: 27773246 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2016.05.033
    Sonochemical-assisted method has been identified as one of the potential pre-treatment methods which could reduce the formation duration of zeolite as well as other microporous and mesoporous materials. In the present work, zeolite T was synthesized via sonochemical-assisted pre-treatment prior to hydrothermal growth. The durations for sonochemical-assisted pre-treatment were varied from 30min to 90min. Meanwhile, the hydrothermal growth durations were ranged from 0.5 to 3days. The physicochemical properties of the resulting samples were characterized using XRD, FESEM, FTIR and BET. As verified by XRD, the samples synthesized via hydrothermal growth durations of 1, 2 and 3days and sonochemical-assisted pre-treatment durations of 60min and 90min demonstrated zeolite T structure. The samples which underwent sonochemical-assisted pre-treatment duration of 60min yielded higher crystallinity with negligible change of zeolite T morphology. Overall, the lengthy synthesis duration of zeolite T has been successfully reduced from 7days to 1day by applying sonochemical-assisted pre-treatment of 60min, while synthesis duration of 0.5days via sonochemical-assisted pre-treatment of 60min was not sufficient to produce zeolite T structure.
  3. Baig Z, Mamat O, Mustapha M, Mumtaz A, Munir KS, Sarfraz M
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2018 Jul;45:133-149.
    PMID: 29705306 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2018.03.007
    The exceptional properties of graphene and its structural uniqueness can improve the performance of nanocomposites if it can attain the uniform dispersion. Tip sonication assisted graphene solvent dispersion has been emerged as an efficient approach but it can cause significant degradation of graphene structure. This study aimed to evaluate the parametric influence of tip sonication on the characteristics of sp2 carbon structure in graphene nanoplatelets by varying the sonication time and respective energy at three different amplitudes (60%, 80% and 100%). The study is essential to identify appropriate parameters so as to achieve high-quality and defect-free graphene with a highly desirable aspect ratio after solvent dispersion for composite reinforcement. Quantitative approach via Raman spectroscopy is used to find the defect ratio and lateral size of graphene evolved under the effect of tip sonication parameters. Results imply that the defect ratio is steady and increases continually with GNPs, along with the transformation to the nano-crystalline stage I up to 60 min sonication at all amplitudes. Exfoliation was clearly observed at all amplitudes together with sheet re-stacking due to considerable size reduction of sheets with large quantity. Finally, considerable GNPs fragmentation occurred during sonication with increased amplitude and time as confirmed by the reduction of sp2 domain (La) and flake size. This also validates the formation of edge-type defect in graphene. Convincingly, lower amplitude and time (up to 60 min) produce better results for a low defect content and larger particle size as quantified by Raman analysis.
  4. Karami N, Mohammadi P, Zinatizadeh A, Falahi F, Aghamohammadi N
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2018 Sep;46:89-98.
    PMID: 29739516 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2018.04.009
    The biomass concentration of conventional activated sludge (CAS) process due to low sludge sedimentation in clarifiers is limited to 3000 mg/L. In this study, high-frequency ultrasound wave (1.8 MHz) was applied to enhance the CAS process performance using high Mixed Liquor Suspended Solid (MLSS) concentration. The study conducted using a pilot scale CAS bioreactor (with and without ultrasound) and their performance for treating a hospital wastewater were compared. Experimental conditions were designed based on a Central Composite Design (CCD). The sets of data analyzed, modeled and optimized using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The effect of MLSS concentration 3000-8000 mg/L and hydraulic retention time (HRT) 2-8 h are considered as operating variables to investigate on process responses. The obtained results showed that high-frequency ultrasound was significantly decreased the sludge volume index (SVI) 50% and effluent turbidity about 88.5% at high MLSS. Also, observed that COD removal of both systems was nearly similar, as the maximum COD removal for sonicated and non-sonicated systems were 92 and 92.5% respectively. However, this study demonstrates that the ultrasound irradiation has not had any negative effect on the microbial activity.
  5. Lee G, Ibrahim S, Kittappa S, Park H, Park CM
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2018 Jun;44:64-72.
    PMID: 29680629 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2018.02.015
    Novel heterostructured β-Bi2O3/Bi2O2CO3 nanoplates (hBN) were synthesized to observe the sonocatalytic degradation of bisphenol A (BPA) (widely used as a model pollutant) under ultrasonic (US) irradiation. Prior to obtaining the hBN, the Bi2O2CO3 micropowder precursor was prepared under hydrothermal conditions and then converted to hBN by increasing the calcination temperature to 300 °C. The synthesized hBN samples were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (FESEM/EDX), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer diffuse reflection spectroscopy (UV-vis DRS), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The hBN/US system exhibited greater sonocatalytic activity for the degradation of BPA than the US treatment with the single element bismuth oxide, β-Bi2O3 prepared by annealing the Bi2O2CO3 precursor at 400 °C for 1 h. The US frequency and US power intensity in the hBN/US system were the key operating parameters, which were responsible for the complete degradation of BPA during 6 h of reactions. The degradation efficiency of BPA under the US irradiation was positively correlated with the dose of hBN. Our findings indicate that heterostructured hBN can be used as an efficient sonocatalyst for the catalytic degradation of BPA in water and wastewater treatment.
  6. Syed Jaapar SZ, Morad NA, Iwai Y, Nordin MFM
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2017 Sep;38:62-74.
    PMID: 28633858 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2017.02.034
    The use of water in subcritical conditions for extraction has several drawbacks. These include the safety features, higher production costs and possible degradation of the bioactive compounds. To overcome these problems, sonic energy and an entrainer were used as external interventions to decrease the polarity of water at milder operating conditions. The effect of low (28kHz) and high (800kHz) frequencies of sonication in the extraction of the main ginger bioactive compound (6-gingerol) were compared. Six parameters were studied: mean particle size (MPS, mm), time of extraction, applied power, sample to solvent ratio (w/v), temperature of extraction, and the percentage of entrainer. The optimum conditions for high frequency SAWE prototype were MPS 0.89-1.77mm, 45min, 40W applied power, 1:30 (w/v), 45°C, and 15% of ethanol as entrainer. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) gave the most significant parameter, which was power with F (1, 45.07), p<2.50×10-9. Although the effect of low frequency was stronger than high frequency, at the optimum conditions of the sample to solvent ratio 1:30 (w/v) with 700mL solvent and temperature 45°C, the concentration and recovery of 6-gingerol from high frequency of SAWE prototype was 2.69 times higher than at low frequency of SAWE. It was found that although the effects of high frequency (800kHz) were negligible in other studies, it could extract suitable compounds, such as 6-gingerol, at lower temperature. Therefore, the effects of sonication, which cause an enlargement in the cell wall of the ginger plant matrix, were observed using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). It was found that the applied power of sonication was the most significant parameter compared to the other parameters.
  7. Muthoosamy K, Manickam S
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2017 Nov;39:478-493.
    PMID: 28732972 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2017.05.019
    Sonochemistry, an almost a century old technique was predominantly employed in the cleaning and extraction processes but this tool has now slowly gained tremendous attention in the synthesis of nanoparticles (NPs) where particles of sub-micron have been produced with great stability. Following this, ultrasonication techniques have been largely employed in graphene synthesis and its dispersion in various solvents which would conventionally take days and offers poor yield. Ultrasonic irradiation allows the production of thin-layered graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) of up to 1nm thickness and can be produced in single layers. With ultrasonic treatment, reactions were made easy whereby graphite can be directly exfoliated to graphene layers. Oxidation to GO can also be carried out within minutes and reduction to RGO is possible without the use of any reducing agents. In addition, various geometry of graphene can be produced such as scrolled graphene, sponge or foam graphene, smooth as well as those with rough edges, each serving its own unique purpose in various applications such as supercapacitor, catalysis, biomedical, etc. In ultrasonic-assisted reaction, deposition of metal NPs on graphene was more homogeneous with custom-made patterns such as core-shell formation, discs, clusters and specific deposition at the edges of graphene sheets. Graphene derivatives with the aid of ultrasonication are the perfect catalyst for various organic reactions as well as an excellent adsorbent. Reactions which used to take hours and days were significantly reduced to minutes with exceedingly high yields. In a more recent approach, sonophotocatalysis was employed for the combined effect of sonication and photocatalysis of metal deposited graphene. The system was highly efficient in organic dye adsorption. This review provides detailed fundamental concepts of ultrasonochemistry for the synthesis of graphene, its dispersion, exfoliation as well as its functionalization, with great emphasis only based on recent publications. Necessary parameters of sonication such as frequency, power input, sonication time, type of sonication as well as temperature and dual-frequency sonication are discussed in great length to provide an overview of the resultant graphene products.
  8. Saleh HM, Annuar MSM, Simarani K
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2017 Nov;39:250-261.
    PMID: 28732944 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2017.04.038
    Degradation of xanthan polymer in aqueous solution by ultrasonic irradiation was investigated. The effects of selected variables i.e. sonication intensity, irradiation time, concentration of xanthan gum and molar concentration of NaCl in solution were studied. Combined approach of full factorial design and conventional one-factor-at-a-time was applied to obtain optimum degradation at sonication power intensity of 11.5Wcm-2, irradiation time 120min and 0.1gL-1xanthan in a salt-free solution. Molecular weight reduction of xanthan gum under sonication was described by an exponential decay function with higher rate constant for polymer degradation in the salt free solution. The limiting molecular weight where fragments no longer undergo scission was determined from the function. The incorporation of NaCl in xanthan solution resulted in a lower limiting molecular weight. The ultrasound-mediated degradation of aqueous xanthan polymer chain agreed with a random scission model. Side chain of xanthan polymer is proposed to be the primary site of scission action.
  9. Azmi NA, Idris A, Yusof NSM
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2018 Oct;47:99-107.
    PMID: 29908610 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2018.04.016
    Feather keratin is a biomass generated in excess from various livestock industries. With appropriate processing, it holds potential as a green source for degradable biopolymer that could potentially replace current fossil fuel based materials. Several processing methods have been developed, but the use of ultrasonication has not been explored. In this study, we focus on (i) comparing and optimizing the dissolution process of turkey feather keratin through sonication and conventional processes, and (ii) generating a biodegradable polymer material, as a value added product, from the dissolved keratin that could be used in packaging and other applications. Sonication of feather keratin in pure ionic liquids (ILs) and a mixture containing ILs and different co-solvents was conducted under different applied acoustic power levels. It was found that ultrasonic irradiation significantly improved the rate of dissolution of feather keratin as compared to the conventional method, from about 2 h to less than 20 min. The amount of ILs needed was also reduced by introducing a suitable co-solvent. The keratin was then regenerated, analyzed and characterized using various methods. This material holds the potential to be reused in various appliances.
  10. Krishnaiah P, Ratnam CT, Manickam S
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2017 01;34:729-742.
    PMID: 27773300 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2016.07.008
    In this investigation, sisal fibres were treated with the combination of alkali and high intensity ultrasound (HIU) and their effects on the morphology, thermal properties of fibres and mechanical properties of their reinforced PP composites were studied. FTIR and FE-SEM results confirmed the removal of amorphous materials such as hemicellulose, lignin and other waxy materials after the combined treatments of alkali and ultrasound. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed an increase in the crystallinity of sisal fibres with an increase in the concentration of alkali. Thermogravimetric results revealed that the thermal stability of sisal fibres obtained with the combination of both alkali and ultrasound treatment was increased by 38.5°C as compared to the untreated fibres. Morphology of sisal fibre reinforced composites showed good interfacial interaction between fibres and matrix after the combined treatment. Tensile properties were increased for the combined treated sisal fibres reinforced PP composites as compared to the untreated and pure PP. Tensile modulus and strength increased by more than 50% and 10% respectively as compared to the untreated sisal fibre reinforced composite. It has been found that the combined treatment of alkali and ultrasound is effective and useful to remove the amorphous materials and hence to improve the mechanical and thermal properties.
  11. Rohaizu R, Wanrosli WD
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2017 01;34:631-639.
    PMID: 27773290 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2016.06.040
    Highly stable and dispersible nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) was successfully isolated from oil palm empty fruit bunch microcrystalline cellulose (OPEFB-MCC), with yields of 93% via a sono-assisted TEMPO-oxidation and a subsequent sonication process. The sono-assisted treatment has a remarkable effect, resulting in an increase of more than 100% in the carboxylate content and a significant increase of approximately 39% in yield compared with the non-assisted process. TEM images reveal the OPEFB-NCC to have rod-like crystalline morphology with an average length and width of 122 and 6nm, respectively. FTIR and solid-state 13C-NMR analyses suggest that oxidation of cellulose chain hydroxyl groups occurs at C6. XRD analysis shows that OPEFB-NCC consists primarily of a crystalline cellulose I structure. Both XRD and 13C-NMR indicate that the OPEFB-NCC has a lower crystallinity than the OPEFB-MCC starting material. Thermogravimetric analysis illustrates that OPEFB-NCC is less thermally stable than OPEFB-MCC but has a char content of 46% compared with 7% for the latter, which signifies that the carboxylate functionality acts as a flame retardant.
  12. Tan AT, Tan AW, Yusof F
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2017 01;34:616-625.
    PMID: 27773288 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2016.06.039
    Techniques to improve solder joint reliability have been the recent research focus in the electronic packaging industry. In this study, Cu/SAC305/Cu solder joints were fabricated using a low-power high-frequency ultrasonic-assisted reflow soldering approach where non-ultrasonic-treated samples were served as control sample. The effect of ultrasonic vibration (USV) time (within 6s) on the solder joint properties was characterized systematically. Results showed that the solder matrix microstructure was refined at 1.5s of USV, but coarsen when the USV time reached 3s and above. The solder matrix hardness increased when the solder matrix was refined, but decreased when the solder matrix coarsened. The interfacial intermetallic compound (IMC) layer thickness was found to decrease with increasing USV time, except for the USV-treated sample with 1.5s. This is attributed to the insufficient USV time during the reflow stage and consequently accelerated the Cu dissolution at the joint interface during the post-ultrasonic reflow stage. All the USV-treated samples possessed higher shear strength than the control sample due to the USV-induced-degassing effect. The shear strength of the USV-treated sample with 6s was the lowest among the USV-treated samples due to the formation of plate-like Ag3Sn that may act as the crack initiation site.
  13. Hamidi H, Sharifi Haddad A, Mohammadian E, Rafati R, Azdarpour A, Ghahri P, et al.
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2017 Mar;35(Pt A):243-250.
    PMID: 27720591 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2016.09.026
    CO2flooding process as a common enhanced oil recovery method may suffer from interface instability due to fingering and gravity override, therefore, in this study a method to improve the performance of CO2flooding through an integrated ultraosund-CO2flooding process is presented. Ultrasonic waves can deliver energy from a generator to oil and affect its properties such as internal energy and viscosity. Thus, a series of CO2flooding experiments in the presence of ultrasonic waves were performed for controlled and uncontrolled temperature conditions. Results indicate that oil recovery was improved by using ultrasound-assisted CO2flooding compared to conventional CO2flooding. However, the changes were more pronounced for uncontrolled temperature conditions of ultrasound-assisted CO2flooding. It was found that ultrasonic waves create a more stable interface between displacing and displaced fluids that could be due to the reductions in viscosity, capillary pressure and interfacial tension. In addition, higher CO2injection rates, increases the recovery factor in all the experiments which highlights the importance of injection rate as another factor on reduction of the fingering effects and improvement of the sweep efficiency.
  14. Rayathulhan R, Sodipo BK, Aziz AA
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2017 Mar;35(Pt A):270-275.
    PMID: 27756524 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2016.10.002
    ZnO nanorods were directly grown on four different wires (silver, nickel, copper, and tungsten) using sonochemical method. Zinc nitrate hexahydrate and hexamethylenetetramine (HMT) were used as precursors. Influence of growth parameters such as precursors' concentration and ultrasonic power on the grown nanorods were determined. The results demonstrated that the precursor concentration affected the growth structure and density of the nanorods. The morphology, distribution, and orientation of nanorods changed as the ultrasonic power changed. Nucleation of ZnO nanorods on the wire occurred at lower ultrasonic power and when the power increased, the formation and growth of ZnO nanorods on the wires were initiated. The best morphology, size, distribution, and orientation of the nanorods were observed on the Ag wire. The presence of single crystal nanorod with hexagonal shaped was obtained. This shape indicates that the ZnO nanorods corresponded to the hexagonal wurtzite structure with growth preferential towards the (002) direction.
  15. Low SK, Tan MC, Chin NL
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2018 Nov;48:64-70.
    PMID: 30080587 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2018.05.024
    Ultrasound was applied simultaneously with adsorption process in most of the previous studies. However, this method is not practical to treat huge amounts of coloured wastewater effluent. In this study, the efficiency of ultrasound pre-treated peanut husk powder at different power levels (1.5-3.5 W) in dye adsorption with several conditions of initial dye concentration (20-100 mg/L), contact time (0.5-5 h), solution pH (2-8), and dosage (0.1-0.3 g) was studied and compared with ultrasound simultaneous adsorption process and the control. Adsorption efficiency of indirect ultrasound pre-treated peanut husk powder has increased 25.78%, 13.64% and 1.5% compared with the control, ultrasound simultaneous adsorption and direct ultrasound pre-treated sample respectively at 60 mg/L of initial dye concentration. Indirect ultrasound pre-treated sample at 3.5 W has achieved the highest adsorption efficiency of 89.96% at solution pH 8 and 94.83% at 0.3 g dose for 3 h. The surface feature and textural properties of samples were characterized by using scanning electron microscopy and surface characterization analyser. The result indicated that more porous structure was created on the ultrasound pre-treated sample at increasing power levels.
  16. Sankaran R, Manickam S, Yap YJ, Ling TC, Chang JS, Show PL
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2018 Nov;48:231-239.
    PMID: 30080546 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2018.06.002
    In this study, a simple sugaring-out supported by liquid biphasic flotation technique combined with ultrasonication was introduced for the extraction of proteins from microalgae. Sugaring-out as a phase separation method is novel and has been used in the extraction of metal ions, biomolecules and drugs. But, its functioning in protein separation from microalgae is still unknown. In this work, the feasibility of sugaring-out coupled with ultrasound for the extraction of protein was investigated. Primary studies were carried out to examine the effect of sonication on the microalgae cell as well as the separation efficiency of the integrated method. Effect of various operating parameters such as the concentration of microalgae biomass, the location of sonication probe, sonication time, ultrasonic pulse mode (includes varying ON and OFF duration of sonication), concentration of glucose, types of sugar, concentration of acetonitrile and the flow rate in the flotation system for achieving a higher separation efficiency and yield of protein were assessed. Besides, a large-scale study of the integration method was conducted to verify the consistency of the followed technique. A maximum efficiency (86.38%) and yield (93.33%) were attained at the following optimized conditions: 0.6% biomass concentration, 200 g/L of glucose concentration, 100% acetonitrile concentration with 5 min of 5 s ON/10 s OFF pulse mode and at a flow rate of 100 cc/min. The results obtained for large scale were 85.25% and 92.24% for efficiency and yield respectively. The proposed liquid biphasic flotation assisted with ultrasound for protein separation employing sugaring-out demonstrates a high production and separation efficiency and is a cost-effective solution. More importantly, this method provides the possibility of extending its application for the extraction of other important biomolecules.
  17. Panda D, Manickam S
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2019 Mar;51:526-532.
    PMID: 30224289 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2018.04.003
    Dicofol, a recommended Stockholm convention persistent organic pollutants (POPs) candidate is well known for its endocrine disruptive properties and has been extensively used as an organochlorine pesticide worldwide. The hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) treatment of Dicofol in aqueous media induced by a liquid whistle hydrodynamic cavitaion reactor (LWHCR) has been investigated while considering important parameters such as inlet pressure, initial concentration of Dicofol, solution temperature, pH, addition of H2O2 and radical scavenger for the extent of degradation. The pseudo-first-order degradation rate constant (k) was determined to be 0.073 min-1 with a cavitational yield of 1.26 × 10-5 mg/J at optimum operating conditions and a complete removal of Dicofol was achieved within 1 h of treatment. Considering the removal rate and energy efficiency, the optimal inlet pressure was found to be 7 bar, resulting in a cavitation number of 0.17. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Gas chromatography mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) analyses indicated a sharp decline in the concentration of Dicofol with treatment time and indicated the presence of degraded products. An 85% total organic carbon (TOC) removal was achieved within 1 h of treatment time, demonstrating successful mineralization of Dicofol. The obtained results suggest that the degradation of Dicofol followed thermal decomposition and successive recombination reactions at bubble-vapor interface. Overall, the attempted hydrodynamic cavitation demonstrated successful and rapid removal of endocrine disruptive chemicals such as Dicofol and is expected to provide efficient solution for wastewater treatment.
  18. Afreen S, Muthoosamy K, Manickam S
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2019 Mar;51:451-461.
    PMID: 30224290 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2018.07.015
    The main objective of this review is to derive the salient features of previously developed ultrasound-assisted methods for hydroxylating graphene and Buckminsterfullerene (C60). The pros and cons associated to ultrasound-assisted synthesis of hydroxy-carbon nanomaterials in designing the strategical methods for the industrial bulk production are also discussed. A guideline on the statistical methods has also been considered to further provide the scopes towards the application of the previously reported methods. Irrespective of many useful methods that have been developed in order to functionalize C60 and graphene by diverse oxygenated functional groups e.g. epoxide, hydroxyl, carboxyl as well as metal/metal oxide via a combination of organic chemistry and sonochemistry, there is no report dealing exclusively on the application of ultrasonic cavitation particularly to synthesising polyhydroxylated carbon nanomaterials. On this context, this review emphasizes in investigating the critical aspects of sono-nanochemistry and the statistical approaches to optimize the variables in the sonochemical process towards a large-scale synthesis of polyhydroxylated graphene and C60.
  19. Hammed NA, Aziz AA, Usman AI, Qaeed MA
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2019 Jan;50:172-181.
    PMID: 30245203 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2018.09.020
    Vertically aligned Zinc oxide nanorods (ZnO NRs) were successfully synthesized in this study using the sonochemical method to improve the intrinsic properties of UV photodetector (PD). Three different thin films: Ti/Zn, Ti/ZnO, and Ti/ZnO/Zn, with the thicknesses of 10 nm/55 nm, 10 nm/85 nm, and 10 nm/85 nm/55 nm respectively, were deposited on glass substrates using the RF-sputtering technique. The synthesized ZnO NRs were investigated using XRD, FESEM and Raman spectroscopy to determine the effect of Zn and ZnO as seed layers, and ZnO as a buffer layer on the surface morphology, crystal structure, optical properties of ZnO NRs. The ZnO NRs grown on Zn/Ti, ZnO/Ti, and Zn/ZnO/Ti are characterized by hexagonal crystal structure with preferential growth in the c-axis direction. The ZnO NRs grown on Zn/ZnO/Ti displayed the highest density, uniform size distribution, vertically aligned rods and aspect ratio. The UV device fabricated from the ZnO NRs grown on Zn /ZnO/Ti also showed the highest photocurrent (360 µA) and responsivity of (878 mA/W). ZnO NRs grown on Zn/ZnO/Ti were also observed to be highly stable and exhibited a relatively rapid response and recovery times for different time intervals when exposed to the UV light of 365 nm wavelength. Thus, the inclusion of the ZnO as a buffer layer (Zn as a seed layer/ZnO as buffer layer/Ti as a buffer layer) improve the properties of the ZnO NRs. In addition, the current gain of ZnO NRs grown on Zn (55 nm)/ZnO (85 nm)/Ti (10 nm) - based ultraviolet (UV) photodetector (PD) is about two times higher than that of conventional Zn (55 nm)/ZnO (85 nm)/Ti (10 nm) thin-films UV PD, which is due to the higher surface-to-volume ratio of ZnO nanorods (NRs) compared with their thin films. This study confirms the possibility of sonochemically fabricating vertically aligned ZnO nanorods as well as its applicability as a viable UV photodetector.
  20. Agi A, Junin R, Alqatta AYM, Gbadamosi A, Yahya A, Abbas A
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2019 Mar;51:214-222.
    PMID: 30401623 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2018.10.023
    Ultrafiltration has been proven to be very effective in the treatment of oil-in-water emulsions, since no chemical additives are required. However, ultrafiltration has its limitations, the main limits are concentration polarization resulting to permeate flux decline with time. Adsorption, accumulation of oil and particles on the membrane surface which causes fouling of the membrane. Studies have shown that the ultrasonic is effective in cleaning of fouled membrane and enhancing membrane filtration performance. But the effectiveness also, depends on the selection of appropriate membrane material, membrane geometry, ultrasonic module design, operational and processing condition. In this study, a hollow and flat-sheet polyurethane (PU) membranes synthesized with different additives and solvent were used and their performance evaluated with oil-in-water emulsion. The steady-state permeate flux and the rejection of oil in percentage (%) at two different modes were determined. A dry/wet spinning technique was used to fabricate the flat-sheet and hollow fibre membrane (HFMs) using Polyethersulfone (PES) polymer base, Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) additive and N, N-Dimethylacetamide (DMAc) solvent. Ultrasonic assisted cross-flow ultrafiltration module was built to avoid loss of ultrasonic to the surrounding. The polyurethane (PU) was synthesized by polymerization and sulphonation to have an anionic group (-OH; -COOH; and -SO3H) on the membrane surface. Changes in morphological properties of the membrane had a significant effect on the permeate flow rate and oil removal. Generation of cavitation and Brownian motion by the ultrasonic were the dominant mechanisms responsible for ultrafiltration by cracking the cake layers and reducing concentration polarization at the membrane surface. The percentage of oil after ultrafiltration process with ultrasonic is about 90% compared to 49% without ultrasonic. Ultrasonic is effective in enhancing the membrane permeate flux and controlling membrane fouling.
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