BACKGROUND: A study was undertaken to examine temporal trends and ethnic differences in the asthma mortality rate in Singapore.
METHODS: Asthma mortality rates in Singapore were estimated from vital data for the years from 1976 to 1995. Trends in sex and age specific (5-14, 15-34, 35-59, 60+ years) rates were obtained for four periods (1976-80, 1981-85, 1986-90, 1991-95) and for Chinese, Malay, and Indian subjects for the years when these data were available (1989-95).
RESULTS: An increase in asthma mortality was observed in children aged 5-14 years from 0.21 per 100,000 person years in 1976-80 to 0.72 per 100,000 person years in 1991-95. No increases were noted in the other age groups but a small decrease was observed in the 1991-95 period for the 35-59 year age group. Marked ethnic differences in mortality rates were observed. In the group aged 5-34 years the asthma mortality rates were 0.5 per 100,000 in Chinese subjects, 1.3 per 100,000 in Indians, and 2.5 per 100,000 in Malay subjects. Similar 2-4 fold differences were observed in all other age groups.
CONCLUSIONS: Apart from genetic factors, environmental exposures and medical care factors which influence asthma prevalence and severity are most likely to be the causes of the observed temporal trends and ethnic differences in the asthma mortality rate in Singapore, but further studies are needed to elucidate these more fully.
Safety and tolerability of sildenafil citrate was assessed in a population subset of 60 Singaporean men with erectile dysfunction taken from the Asian Sildenafil Efficacy and Safety Study (ASSESS-I), a double-blind, placebo-controlled, flexible-dose study. The men, from two centres, with > or = 6 months' history of erectile dysfunction, were randomized to two treatment arms for 12 weeks. One group (30 patients) received sildenafil (initial dose 50 mg taken 1 h before sexual activity for the first 2 weeks, increased to 100 mg or decreased to 25 mg, according to efficacy and/or tolerability). The remaining 30 patients received a matching placebo. Incidence and type of adverse effects were evaluated at 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks. Nine patients (30.0%) on sildenafil (33.1% in the full ASSESS-I study) and one patient (3.3%) on placebo (22.8% in the full ASSESS-I study) experienced treatment-related adverse events, the most frequent being headache in the sildenafil group (reported by five patients [16.7%]; 11.0% in the full ASSESS-I study). Flushing, visual disturbance, dizziness, insomnia, myalgia and back pain each occurred in one patient in the sildenafil group (3.3%); in the placebo group, one patient (3.3%) had headache. Importantly, the incidence of cardiovascular and respiratory system adverse events were relatively less than in the full ASSESS-I population (cardiovascular 3.3% in the present study versus 10.2% in the full ASSESS-I population; respiratory 3.3% versus 5.5%). All adverse events were transient and mild, and did not lead to treatment withdrawal. There was no effect on sitting blood pressure, heart rate or standard laboratory parameters; more importantly, there was no incidence of myocardial infarction, stroke or priapism. These results should reassure Singaporean patients and their physicians of the safety of sildenafil for erectile dysfunction.
This study aims to evaluate the bone mineral densities and hip axis lengths of women in the local population. 227 normal Singapore women of ages 20 to 70 years had evaluation of their bone mineral densities (BMDs) by means of dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). The trend of BMDs at the left femoral neck and the lumbar spine remains fairly constant with increasing age until the 45-49 years age-band, beyond which there is a consistent decline. The mean hip axis length is 10.3 cm with a standard deviation of 0.6 cm. In general, the bone mineral densities in the femoral neck and lumbar spine as measured by DXA and the hip axis length of the local population is lower than corresponding figures reported in the Western population.
We have studied the antiemetic efficacy of droperidol alone, and in combination with metoclopramide in first trimester termination of pregnancy in day surgery. The aim was to determine whether the addition of metoclopramide could further reduce the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) but avoid excessive sedation. Group I (control, n = 40) received i.v. droperidol 0.625 mg at induction. Group II (study, n = 40) received i.v. droperidol 0.625 mg and i.v. metoclopramide 10 mg at induction. The incidence of nausea at 1 and 2 hours postoperatively was 23% and 10% in group I, and 5% and nil in group II respectively. The difference in the incidence of nausea was significant at p < 0.05 at one hour but not at two hours postoperatively. No patients vomited. There was no difference in the sedation and pain score between them. We did not observe any significant side effects attributable to either drug. All patients were discharged home within 3 hours. We conclude that in the prevention of PONV, the combination of metoclopramide and droperidol is superior to the use of droperidol alone at one hour but not at two hours postoperatively.
Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to sexuality. Psychosexual problems lead to shame, fumbling, needless fears, low-self esteem and even subfertility. The demands for help appears to be increasing; as the general population become more aware of its presence and the treatment options available through the mass media and better health education. Sex therapy has traditionally been the realm of the psychiatrist but with the gynaecologist as the first contact for most women, the number of women seeking advice directly from their doctors will only increase with time. A total of 243 new cases of sexual dysfunction were treated at the sexual problem clinic in Kandang Kerbau Hospital between January 1994 and November 1996; majority of which were self-referrals (48.5%). The patient pool consisted of more males than females although the clinical setting is in an obstetrics and gynaecology teaching institute. Vaginismus and erectile problems constituted the main complaints. Erectile problems are more common in the patients above 40 years old (p < 0.001). We report here our experience of such a sexual problem clinic and hope to provide insight into this area of medicine from the perspective of a practising gynaecologist.
Cephalometric data from 105 female subjects (35 Chinese, 35 Malay and 35 Indian) with good occlusion and aesthetic pleasing facial profiles (determined by a trained clinician and endorsed by the lay public) were analysed using the Steiner analysis. Statistical analysis of the data showed that while the cephalometric ideals of the Chinese and the Malay ethnic groups were rather similar, cephalometric differences existed between the Chinese and Indians as well as the Malays and Indians. Compared to the Chinese and Malays, the Indians appeared to have less prognathic mandibles and maxillae, less protrusive and proclined upper and lower incisors and also less protrusive upper and lower lips. These differences demonstrate intrinsic ethnic differences and emphasize the need to treat patients of different ethnic groups using cephalometric norms which are peculiar to their own group.
Phenylephrine in concentrations of either 2.5% or 10% is widely used as a mydriatic agent in ophthalmic surgery. Its potential cardiovascular effects are seldom recorded as ophthalmic surgery is not usually monitored by an anaesthetist. A prospective randomised double blind study was carried out in 89 consecutive cases of uncomplicated cataract surgery in the presence of an anaesthesiologist ensuring the continuous monitoring of blood pressure, heart rate, electrocardiography and pulse oximetry. All these patients were given a drop of either normal saline, 2.5% or 10% phenylephrine in addition to mydriacyl prior to surgery. Blood pressure readings were found to be significantly higher in non-hypertensive patients receiving phenylephrine at the start of the operation and at five, 10, 15 and 20 minutes intra-operatively and the first three hours post-operatively. Blood pressure readings in hypertensive patients, on the other hand, were also found to increase after phenylephrine administration, though not statistically significant. 10.3% of the 10% phenylephrine group and 3% of the 2.5% phenylephrine group required intraoperative intravenous hypotensive agent to control the blood pressure. There were no arrhythmias or ischaemic changes observed intraoperatively. None of the patients complained of palpitation, headache or chest discomfort. There was no oxygen desaturation observed. We concluded that significant hypertensive effects can arise after phenylephrine eye drop administration. Hence, it should be used cautiously with intraoperative monitoring of the cardiovascular status during cataract surgery.
Actinic prurigo is a chronic familial photodermatitis found predominantly among the Amerindians. It has been reported from North and South America, Britain and Japan. We report a case of actinic prurigo seen in Singapore. A 20-year-old Malay female presented with a persistent pruriginous eruption in the sun-exposed parts and on her abdomen. She also had lower lip cheilitis and thinning of the outer eyebrows, features often seen in actinic prurigo. The minimal erythema dose to ultraviolet A (UVA) and UVB were persistently lowered. We propose that this condition be called actinic prurigo, tropical (South-East Asian) variant.
Publication year=1992-1993
Though Western medicines and ideas about asthma have become popular in many Asian nations, local beliefs about treatment prevail. The multiracial society of Singapore shows a variety of beliefs about causes of asthma attacks (for example, the balance of yin and yang) and types of treatment--herbal remedies, inhaled versus eaten medicines, the influence of Ramadan. Many of the cultural practices mentioned are probably preserved among south east Asian minorities residing in the United Kingdom. Eastern treatments typically take a holistic approach to asthma and do not ignore the psychosomatic component of the disorder.
Serum lipid profiles were studied in 167 healthy fertile Singaporean women, aged between 18 and 40 and comprising 114 Chinese, 28 Malays and 25 Indians. Parity or ethnic differences did not affect lipid concentrations. Except for triglycerides which showed a decreasing trend, there was no significant variation in lipid concentrations with age. However, all lipid concentrations except HDL cholesterol (which decreased) appeared to increase with body mass index. Compared with other populations, these Singaporean women appeared to have higher mean concentrations of total cholesterol and lower mean concentrations of HDL cholesterol. The possibility that these differences could have contributed to the increasing incidence of coronary heart disease in Singapore is discussed.
The serum lipid and lipoprotein levels of 59 obese Chinese children with a mean age of 13.0 years and mean relative weight of 164.2% were analysed. Between 40% to 54% of these children had elevated lipid and lipoprotein levels and about 78% had reduced high density lipoprotein (HDL) level when compared to healthy American and Japanese children. The obese children also had higher mean levels of total cholesterol (TC) and lower HDL compared to male adults in the local population. Those with elevated TC had higher mean relative weight (170% vs 159%, p < 0.05). In view of the close association between hyperlipidaemia and atherosclerosis, obese children should be carefully screened and managed to prevent long term morbidity and mortality of coronary artery disease.
Study site: Obesity clinic, School Health Services, Ministry of Health, Singapore
Crohn's disease is extremely rare among Asians. Resection of strictures causing obstruction has traditionally been the accepted choice in surgical therapy. This may lead to problems such as iatrogenic short bowel syndrome and its sequelae. Stricturoplasty is an acceptable and safe alternative. We report a case where combined stricturoplasty and resection was performed safely and advocate its use.
A total of 20 isolates of Blastocystis were characterized using a single set of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers. The amplification product revealed five types of pattern. All four isolates from Singapore yielded PCR products quite different from those of the local isolates. However, most of the local isolates showed a major product at either 280 or 500 bp, or both. We also suspected that the amplification product detected at 280 bp might be an indicator of the pathogenicity of this parasite. One isolate (M12) obtained from a monkey showed patterns similar to those of human isolates (10203 and KP1) and probably belongs to the same strain. The results indicate that the intraspecific or interstrain variations in these 20 Blastocystis isolates belong to 5 different patterns. The differences among isolates of the same strain revealed by the presence or absence of certain amplification products showed further intrastrain variations in this parasite.
BACKGROUND: The prevalence and morbidity of asthma vary greatly among different ethnic communities and geographical locations, but the roles of environmental and genetic factors are not fully understood. The differences in prevalence of adult asthma among Chinese, Malay, and Indian ethnic groups in Singapore were examined, and the extent to which these could be explained by personal and environmental factors were investigated.
METHODS: A stratified disproportionate random sample (n = 2868) of Chinese (n = 1018), Malays (n = 967), and Indians (n = 883) of both sexes was drawn from households in five public housing estates, and an interviewer administered questionnaire was used to determine cumulative and current prevalence of "physician diagnosed asthma" (symptoms with a physician diagnosis of asthma).
RESULTS: Lifetime cumulative prevalence (standardised to the general population) of "physician diagnosed asthma" was 4.7% in men and 4.3% in women; 12 month period prevalences were 2.4% and 2.0%, respectively. Cumulative prevalence of asthma was significantly higher in Indians (6.6%) and Malays (6.0%) than in Chinese (3.0%); period prevalences of asthma were 4.5% in Indians, 3.3% in Malays, and 0.9% in Chinese. Ownership of cats or dogs was more frequent in Malays (15.4%) and Indians (11.2%) than in Chinese (8.8%). Rugs and carpets were also more frequently used by Malays (52.2%) and Indians (40.7%) than by Chinese (8.9%). Current smoking prevalences were higher in Malays (27.3%) than in Indians (19.4%) and Chinese (23.0%). Malays and Indians did not have higher rates of atopy (11.1% and 15.2%, respectively) than Chinese (15.4%). Adjustment for these factors in multivariate analyses reduced the greater odds of asthma in Malays and Indians, but not to a significant extent.
CONCLUSIONS: There are ethnic differences in the prevalence of asthma in Singapore which are not entirely explained by differences in smoking, atopy, or other risk factors. Other unmeasured environmental factors or genetic influences are likely to account for residual differences in the prevalence of asthma.
The distribution of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) at the BamH1 site of the beta-globin gene was investigated in the Chinese, Indian, and Malay race in Singapore. The sample comprised of 183 normal individuals and 35 beta-thalassemia carriers in which 13 were couples with at least one beta-major child. The results from this study indicate that BamH1 polymorphism will be informative in 22% of pregnancies at risk for beta-thalassemia major in Chinese, 19% in Malays and 7% in Indians. In prenatal diagnosis using BamH1 polymorphism for one beta-major affected family, the fetus was diagnosed to be normal or beta-carrier. The validity of BamH1 polymorphism in the exclusion of beta-thalassemia major was subsequently confirmed at birth by globin chain biosynthesis.