Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 125 in total

  1. Feng Y, Feng Y, Liu Q, Chen S, Hou P, Poinern G, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2022 Feb 01;294:118598.
    PMID: 34861331 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118598
    Biochar has been considered as a potential tool to mitigate soil ammonia (NH3) volatilization and greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions in recent years. However, the aging effect of biochar on soils remains elusive, which introduces uncertainty on the effectiveness of biochar to mitigate global warming in a long term. Here, a meta-analysis of 22 published works of literature with 217 observations was conducted to systematically explore the aging effect of biochar on soil NH3 and GHGs emissions. The results show that, in comparison with the fresh biochar, the aging makes biochar more effective to decrease soil NH3 volatilization by 7% and less risk to contribute CH4 emissions by 11%. However, the mitigation effect of biochar on soil N2O emissions is decreased by 15% due to aging. Additionally, aging leads to a promotion effect on soil CO2 emissions by 25% than fresh biochar. Our findings suggest that along with aging, particularly the effect of artificial aging, biochar could further benefit the alleviation of soil NH3 volatilization, whereas its potential role to mitigate global warming may decrease. This study provides a systematic assessment of the aging effect of biochar to mitigate soil NH3 and GHGs, which can provide a scientific basis for the sustainable green development of biochar application.
  2. Auta HS, Emenike CU, Fauziah SH
    Environ Pollut, 2017 Dec;231(Pt 2):1552-1559.
    PMID: 28964604 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.09.043
    The continuous accumulation of microplastics in the environment poses ecological threats and has been an increasing problem worldwide. In this study, eight bacterial strains were isolated from mangrove sediment in Peninsular Malaysia to mitigate the environmental impact of microplastics and develop a clean-up option. The bacterial isolates were screened for their potential to degrade UV-treated microplastics from polyethylene (PE), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polypropylene (PP), and polystyrene (PS). Only two isolates, namely, Bacillus cereus and Bacillus gottheilii, grew on a synthetic medium containing different microplastic polymers as the sole carbon source. A shake flask experiment was carried out to further evaluate the biodegradability potential of the isolates. Degradation was monitored by recording the weight loss of microplastics and the growth pattern of the isolates in the mineral medium. The biodegradation extent was validated by assessment of the morphological and structural changes through scanning electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analyses. The calculated weight loss percentages of the microplastic particles by B. cereus after 40 days were 1.6%, 6.6%, and 7.4% for PE, PET, and PS, respectively. B. gottheilii recorded weight loss percentages of 6.2%, 3.0%, 3.6%, and 5.8% for PE, PET, PP, and PS, respectively. The designated isolates degraded the microplastic material and exhibited potential for remediation of microplastic-contaminated environment. Biodegradation tests must be conducted to characterize the varied responses of microbes toward pollutants, such as microplastics. Hence, a novel approach for biodegradation of microplastics must be developed to help mitigate the environmental impact of plastics and microplastic polymers.
  3. Romano N, Ashikin M, Teh JC, Syukri F, Karami A
    Environ Pollut, 2018 Jun;237:1106-1111.
    PMID: 29157968 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.11.040
    Silver barb Barbodes gonionotus fry were exposed to polyvinyl chloride (PVC) fragments at increasing concentrations of 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 mg/L for 96 h, following which whole body histological evaluation and analysis of the digestive enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin were performed. Whole body trypsin and chymotrypsin activities increased significantly in fish exposed to 0.5 and 1.0 mg/L PVC as compared those exposed to zero or 0.2 mg/L PVC. In fish exposed to all tested concentrations, PVCs were observed in both the proximal and distal intestine, and fish exposed to 0.5-1.0 and 1.0 mg/L PVC, respectively, and these particles were associated with localized thickening of the mucosal epithelium. No tissue damage was evident in any other internal organs or gills. This lack of damage may be attributed to the absence of contaminants associated with the PVC fragments and their relatively smooth surface. The increased whole body trypsin and chymotrypsin activities may indicate an attempt to enhance digestion to compensate for epithelial thickening of the intestine and/or to digest the plastics.
  4. Ng CKY, Lam JCW, Zhang XH, Gu HX, Li TH, Ye MB, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2018 Mar;234:735-742.
    PMID: 29245147 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.11.100
    Sea turtles are globally endangered and face daily anthropogenic threats, including pollution. However, there is a lack of ecotoxicological information on sea turtles, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. This study aims to determine pollutant levels of foraging green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in South China, including Hong Kong, Guangdong and Taiwan, as a basis for their conservation. Scute, liver and muscle tissues of stranded green turtles were analysed for levels of 17 trace elements and methylmercury (MeHg) (n = 86 for scute and n = 14 for liver) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) (n = 11 for muscle and n = 13 for liver). Ten-fold higher levels of Pb, Ba, V and Tl and 40-fold greater Cd levels were measured in green turtle livers in South China relative to other studies conducted over 10 years ago. Measured PBDE levels were also 27-fold and 50-fold greater than those reported in Australia and Japan. These results warrant further investigation of potential toxicological risks to green turtles in South China and their source rookeries in Malaysia, Micronesia, Indonesia, Marshall Islands, Japan and Taiwan. Research should target monitoring pollutant levels in sea turtles within the West Pacific/Southeast Asia regional management unit spanning East Asia to Southeast Asia to fill in knowledge gaps, in particular in areas such as Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines where less or no data is available and where foraging grounds of sea turtles have been identified.
  5. Engels S, Fong LSRZ, Chen Q, Leng MJ, McGowan S, Idris M, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2018 Apr;235:907-917.
    PMID: 29353806 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.01.007
    Fossil fuel combustion leads to increased levels of air pollution, which negatively affects human health as well as the environment. Documented data for Southeast Asia (SEA) show a strong increase in fossil fuel consumption since 1980, but information on coal and oil combustion before 1980 is not widely available. Spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCPs) and heavy metals, such as mercury (Hg), are emitted as by-products of fossil fuel combustion and may accumulate in sediments following atmospheric fallout. Here we use sediment SCP and Hg records from several freshwater lentic ecosystems in SEA (Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore) to reconstruct long-term, region-wide variations in levels of these two key atmospheric pollution indicators. The age-depth models of Philippine sediment cores do not reach back far enough to date first SCP presence, but single SCP occurrences are first observed between 1925 and 1950 for a Malaysian site. Increasing SCP flux is observed at our sites from 1960 onward, although individual sites show minor differences in trends. SCP fluxes show a general decline after 2000 at each of our study sites. While the records show broadly similar temporal trends across SEA, absolute SCP fluxes differ between sites, with a record from Malaysia showing SCP fluxes that are two orders of magnitude lower than records from the Philippines. Similar trends in records from China and Japan represent the emergence of atmospheric pollution as a broadly-based inter-region environmental problem during the 20th century. Hg fluxes were relatively stable from the second half of the 20th century onward. As catchment soils are also contaminated with atmospheric Hg, future soil erosion can be expected to lead to enhanced Hg flux into surface waters.
  6. Su G, Ong HC, Ibrahim S, Fattah IMR, Mofijur M, Chong CT
    Environ Pollut, 2021 Jun 15;279:116934.
    PMID: 33744627 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116934
    The COVID-19 pandemic has exerted great shocks and challenges to the environment, society and economy. Simultaneously, an intractable issue appeared: a considerable number of hazardous medical wastes have been generated from the hospitals, clinics, and other health care facilities, constituting a serious threat to public health and environmental sustainability without proper management. Traditional disposal methods like incineration, landfill and autoclaving are unable to reduce environmental burden due to the issues such as toxic gas release, large land occupation, and unsustainability. While the application of clean and safe pyrolysis technology on the medical wastes treatment to produce high-grade bioproducts has the potential to alleviate the situation. Besides, medical wastes are excellent and ideal raw materials, which possess high hydrogen, carbon content and heating value. Consequently, pyrolysis of medical wastes can deal with wastes and generate valuable products like bio-oil and biochar. Consequently, this paper presents a critical and comprehensive review of the pyrolysis of medical wastes. It demonstrates the feasibility of pyrolysis, which mainly includes pyrolysis characteristics, product properties, related problems, the prospects and future challenges of pyrolysis of medical wastes.
  7. Hui Li AS, Sathishkumar P, Selahuddeen ML, Asyraf Wan Mahmood WM, Zainal Abidin MH, Wahab RA, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2022 Sep 01;308:119674.
    PMID: 35772616 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119674
    The widespread use of disposable face masks as a preventative strategy to address transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been a key environmental concern since the pandemic began. This has led to an unprecedented new form of contamination from improperly disposed masks, which liberates significant amounts of heavy metals and toxic chemicals in addition to volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Therefore, this study monitored the liberation of heavy metals, VOCs, and microfibers from submerged disposable face masks at different pH (4, 7 and 12), to simulate distinct environmental conditions. Lead (3.238% ppb), cadmium (0.672 ppb) and chromium (0.786 ppb) were found in the analyzed leachates. By pyrolysis, 2,4-dimethylhept-1-ene and 4-methylheptane were identified as the VOCs produced by the samples. The chemically degraded morphology in the FESEM images provided further evidence that toxic heavy metals and volatile organic compounds had been leached from the submerged face masks, with greater degradation observed in samples submerged at pH 7 and higher. The results are seen to communicate the comparable danger of passively degrading disposable face masks and the release of micro- or nanofibers into the marine environment. The toxicity of certain heavy metals and chemicals released from discarded face masks warrants better, more robust manufacturing protocols and increased public awareness for responsible disposal to reduce the adverse impact on ecology and human health.
  8. Tran HT, Lin C, Lam SS, Le TH, Hoang HG, Bui XT, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2023 Jan 01;316(Pt 2):120640.
    PMID: 36403881 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120640
    Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), a plasticizer derived from phthalate ester, is used as an additive in industrial products such as plastics, paints, and medical devices. However, DEHP is known as an endocrine-disrupting chemical, causing cancers and adverse effects on human health. This study evaluated DEHP biodegradation efficiency via food waste composting during 35 days of incubation. At high DEHP concentrations (2167 mg kg-1) in food waste compost mixture, the DEHP biodegradation efficiency was 99% after 35 days. The highest degradation efficiency was recorded at the thermophilic phase (day 3 - day 11) with the biodegradation rate reached 187 mg kg-1 day-1. DEHP was metabolized to dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and dimethyl phthalate (DMP) and would be oxidized to benzyl alcohol (BA) and mineralized into CO2 and water via various metabolisms. Finally, the compost's quality with residual DEHP was evaluated using Brassica chinensis L. seeds via 96 h of germination tests. The compost (at day 35) with a trace amount of DEHP as the end product showed no significant effect on the germination rate of Brassica chinensis L. seeds (88%) compared to that without DEHP (94%), indicating that the compost can be reused as fertilizer in agricultural applications. These results provide an improved understanding of the DEHP biodegradation via food waste composting without bioaugmentation and hence facilitating its green remediation and conversion into value-added products. Nevertheless, further studies are needed on DEHP biodegradation in large-scale food waste composting or industrial applications.
  9. Hao Y, Sun H, Zeng X, Dong G, Kronzucker HJ, Min J, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2023 Jan 15;317:120805.
    PMID: 36470457 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120805
    Microplastics (MPs) accumulation in farmland has attracted global concern. Smallholder farming is the dominant type in China's agriculture. Compared with large-scale farming, smallholder farming is not constrained by restrictive environmental policies and public awareness about pollution. Consequently, the degree to which smallholder farming is associated with MP pollution in soils is largely unknown. Here, we collected soil samples from both smallholder and large-scale vegetable production systems to determine the distribution and characteristics of MPs. MP abundance in vegetable soils was 147.2-2040.4 MP kg-1 (averaged with 500.8 MP kg-1). Soil MP abundance under smallholder cultivation (730.9 MP kg-1) was twice that found under large-scale cultivation (370.7 MP kg-1). MP particle sizes in smallholder and large-scale farming were similar, and were mainly <1 mm. There were also differences in MP characteristics between the two types of vegetable soils: fragments (60%) and fibers (34%) were dominant under smallholder cultivation, while fragments (42%), fibers (42%), and films (11%) were dominant under large-scale cultivation. We observed a significant difference in the abundance of fragments and films under smallholder versus large-scale cultivation; the main components of MPs under smallholder cultivation were PP (34%), PE (28%), and PE-PP (10%), while these were PE (29%), PP (16%), PET (16%), and PE-PP (13%) under large-scale cultivation. By identifying the shape and composition of microplastics, it can be inferred that agricultural films were not the main MP pollution source in vegetable soil. We show that smallholder farming produces more microplastics pollution than large-scale farming in vegetable soil.
  10. Liu B, Yang L, Shi J, Zhang S, Yalçınkaya Ç, Alshalif AF
    Environ Pollut, 2023 Jan 15;317:120839.
    PMID: 36493937 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120839
    Stabilizing/solidificating municipal solid waste incineration fly ash (MIFA) with cement is a common strategy, and it is critical to study the high-value utilization of MIFA in ordinary Portland cement (OPC) components. With this aim, binary-binding-system mortar was produced by partially replacing OPC (∼50%) with MIFA, and the effects of different curing regimes (steam curing and carbonation curing) on the properties of the cement mortar were studied. The results showed that the setting time of the cement paste was shorten with the increase of MIFA content, and steam curing accelerated the hardening of the mixture. Although the incorporation of MIFA reduced the strength of the mortar, compared to conventional curing method, steam curing and carbonation curing increased the 3-d strength of the mortar. For high-volume MIFA mortars, the CO2-cured samples had the highest long-term strength and lowest permeability. The incorporation of MIFA increased the initial porosity of the mortar, thereby significantly increasing the carbonation degree and crystallinity of the reaction product - CaCO3. Steam curing also further narrowed the difference in the hydration degree between MIFA-modified sample and plain paste, which may be due to the enhanced hydraulic reactivity of MIFA at high temperatures. Although the incorporation of MIFA increased the porosity of the mortar, this waste-derived SCM refined the bulk pore structure and decreased the interconnected porosity. Additionally, the heavy metal leaching contents of MIFA-modified mortars were all below 1%, which meet the requirements of Chinese standards. Compared with standard curing, steam curing and carbonation curing made the early-age and long-term performance of MIFA-modified mortar better, which can promote the efficient application of MIFA in OPC products.
  11. Jimoh JO, Rahmah S, Mazelan S, Jalilah M, Olasunkanmi JB, Lim LS, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2023 Jan 15;317:120769.
    PMID: 36455766 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120769
    Microplastic pollution in our environment, especially water bodies is an emerging threat to food security and human health. Inevitably, the outbreak of Covid-19 has necessitated the constant use of face masks made from polymers such as polypropylene, polyurethane, polyacrylonitrile, polystyrene, polycarbonate, polyethylene, or polyester which eventually will disintegrate into microplastic particles. They can be broken down into microplastics by the weathering action of UV radiation from the sun, heat, or ocean wave-current and precipitate in natural environments. The global adoption of face masks as a preventive measure to curb the spread of Covid-19 has made the safe management of wastes from it cumbersome. Microplastics gain access into aquaculture facilities through water sources and food including planktons. The negative impacts of microplastics on aquaculture cannot be overemphasized. The impacts includes low growth rates of animals, hindered reproductive functions, neurotoxicity, low feeding habit, oxidative stress, reduced metabolic rate, and increased mortality rate among aquatic organisms. With these, there is every tendency of microplastic pollution to negatively impact fish production through aquaculture if the menace is not curbed. It is therefore recommended that biodegradable materials rather than plastics to be considered in the production of face mask while recycle of already produced ones should be encouraged to reduce waste.
  12. Gou Z, Zheng H, He Z, Su Y, Chen S, Chen H, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2023 Jan 15;317:120790.
    PMID: 36460190 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120790
    This study aims to investigate the positive effects of the combined use of Enterobacter cloacae and biochar on improving nitrogen (N) utilization. The greenhouse pots experimental results showed the synergy of biochar and E. cloacae increased soil total N content and plant N uptake by 33.54% and 15.1%, respectively. Soil nitrogenase (NIT) activity increased by 253.02%. Ammonia monooxygenase (AMO) and nitrate reductase (NR) activity associated with nitrification and denitrification decreased by 10.94% and 29.09%, respectively. The relative abundance of N fixing microorganisms like Burkholderia and Bradyrhizobium significantly increased. Sphingomonas and Ottowia, two bacteria involved in the nitrification and denitrification processes, were found to be in lower numbers. The E. cloacae's ability to fix N2 and promote the growth of plants allow the retention of N in soil and make more N available for plant development. Biochar served as a reservoir of N for plants by adsorbing N from the soil and providing a shelter for E. cloacae. Thus, biochar and E. cloacae form a synergy for the management of agricultural N and the mitigation of negative impacts of pollution caused by excessive use of N fertilizer.
  13. Nauman Mahamood M, Zhu S, Noman A, Mahmood A, Ashraf S, Aqeel M, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2023 Feb 15;319:120979.
    PMID: 36586554 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120979
    Soil heavy metal contamination is increasing rapidly due to increased anthropogenic activities. Lead (Pb) is a well-known human carcinogen causing toxic effects on humans and the environment. Its accumulation in food crops is a serious hazard to food security. Developing environment-friendly and cost-efficient techniques is necessary for Pb immobilization in the soil. A pot experiment was executed to determine the role of biochar (BC), zero-valent iron nanoparticles (n-ZVI), and zero-valent iron nanoparticles biochar composite (n-ZVI-BC) in controlling the Pb mobility and bioaccumulation in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The results showed that BC and n-ZVI significantly enhanced the wheat growth by increasing their photosynthetic and enzymatic activities. Among all the applied treatments, the maximum significant (p ≤ 0.05) improvement in wheat biomass was with the n-ZVI-BC application (T3). Compared to the control, the biomass of wheat roots, shoots & grains increased by 92.5, 58.8, and 49.1%, respectively. Moreover, the soil addition of T3 amendment minimized the Pb distribution in wheat roots, shoots, and grains by 33.8, 26.8, and 16.2%, respectively. The outcomes of this experiment showed that in comparison to control treatment plants, soil amendment with n-ZVI-BC (T3) increased the catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity by 49.8 and 31.1%, respectively, ultimately declining electrolyte leakage (EL), malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content in wheat by 38.7, 33.3, and 38%respectively. In addition, applied amendments declined the Pb mobility in the soil by increasing the residual Pb fractions. Soil amendment with n-ZVI-BC also increased the soil catalase (CAT), urease (UR), and acid phosphatase (ACP) activities by 68, 59, and 74%, respectively. Our research results provided valuable insight for the remediation of Pb toxicity in wheat. Hence, we can infer from our findings that n-ZVI-BC can be considered a propitious, environment friendly and affordable technique for mitigating Pb toxicity in wheat crop and reclamation of Pb polluted soils.
  14. Li Z, He Y, Sonne C, Lam SS, Kirkham MB, Bolan N, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2023 Feb 15;319:120964.
    PMID: 36584860 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120964
    Radionuclides released from nuclear contamination harm the environment and human health. Nuclear pollution spread over large areas and the costs associated with decontamination is high. Traditional remediation methods include both chemical and physical, however, these are expensive and unsuitable for large-scale restoration. Bioremediation is the use of plants or microorganisms to remove pollutants from the environment having a lower cost and can be upscaled to eliminate contamination from soil, water and air. It is a cheap, efficient, ecologically, and friendly restoration technology. Here we review the sources of radionuclides, bioremediation methods, mechanisms of plant resistance to radionuclides and the effects on the efficiency of biological adsorption. Uptake of radionuclides by plants can be facilitated by the addition of appropriate chemical accelerators and agronomic management, such as citric acid and intercropping. Future research should accelerate the use of genetic engineering and breeding techniques to screen high-enrichment plants. In addition, field experiments should be carried out to ensure that this technology can be applied to the remediation of nuclear contaminated sites as soon as possible.
  15. Khairul Hasni NA, Anual ZF, Rashid SA, Syed Abu Thahir S, Veloo Y, Fang KS, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2023 May 01;324:121095.
    PMID: 36682614 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121095
    Contamination of water systems with endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) is becoming a major public health concern due to their toxicity and ubiquity. The intrusion of EDCs into water sources and drinking water has been associated with various adverse health effects on humans. However, there is no comprehensive overview of the occurrence of EDCs in Malaysia's water systems. This report aims to describe the occurrence of EDCs and their locations. Literature search was conducted electronically in two databases (PubMed and Scopus). A total of 41 peer-reviewed articles published between January 2000 and May 2021 were selected. Most of the articles dealt with pharmaceuticals (16), followed by pesticides (7), hormones (7), mixed compounds (7), and plasticisers (4). Most studies (40/41) were conducted in Peninsular Malaysia, with 60.9% in the central region and almost half (48.8%) in the Selangor State. Only one study was conducted in the northern region and East Malaysia. The Langat River, the Klang River, and the Selangor River were among the most frequently studied EDC-contaminated surface waters, while the Pahang River and the Skudai River had the highest concentrations of some of the listed compounds. Most of the risk assessments resulted in a hazard quotient (HQ) and a risk quotient (RQ)  1 in the Selangor River. An RQ > 1 for combined pharmaceuticals was found in Putrajaya tap water. Overall, this work provides a comprehensive overview of the occurrence of EDCs in Malaysia's water systems. The findings from this review can be used to mitigate risks and strengthen legislation and policies for safer drinking water.
  16. Ben Chabchoubi I, Lam SS, Pane SE, Ksibi M, Guerriero G, Hentati O
    Environ Pollut, 2023 May 01;324:120698.
    PMID: 36435277 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120698
    The uncontrolled or continuous release of effluents from wastewater treatment plants leads to the omnipresence of pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs) in the aquatic media. Today, this is a confirmed problem becoming a main subject of twin public and scientific concerns. However, still little information is available about the long-term impacts of these PhACs on aquatic organisms. In this review, efforts were made to reveal correlation between the occurrence in the environment, ecotoxicological and health risks of different PhACs via toxicological evaluation by zebrafish (Danio rerio). This animal model served as a bioindicator for any health impacts after the exposure to these contaminants and to better understand the responses in relation to human diseases. This review paper focused on the calculation of Risk Quotients (RQs) of 34 PhACs based on environmental and ecotoxicological data available in the literature and prediction from the ECOSAR V2.2 software. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first report on the risk assessment of PhACs by the two different methods as mentioned above. RQs showed greater difference in potential environmental risks of the PhACs. These differences in risk values underline the importance of environmental and experimental factors in exposure conditions and the interpretation of RQ values. While the results showed high risk to Danio rerio of the majority of PhACs, risk qualification of the others varied between moderate to insignifiant. Further research is needed to assess pharmaceutical hazards when present in wastewater before discharge and monitor the effectiveness of treatment processes. The recent new advances in the morphological assessment of toxicant-exposed zebrafish larvae for the determination of test compounds effects on the developmental endpoints were also discussed. This review emphasizes the need for strict regulations on the release of PhACs into environmental media in order to minimize their toxicity to aquatic organisms.
  17. Guo K, Yan L, He Y, Li H, Lam SS, Peng W, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2023 Apr 01;322:121130.
    PMID: 36693585 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121130
    With the synchronous development of highway construction and the urban economy, automobiles have entered thousands of households as essential means of transportation. This paper reviews the latest research progress in using phytoremediation technology to remediate the environmental pollution caused by automobile exhaust in recent years, including the prospects for stereoscopic forestry. Currently, most automobiles on the global market are internal combustion vehicles using fossil energy sources as the primary fuel, such as gasoline, diesel, and liquid or compressed natural gas. The composition of vehicle exhaust is relatively complex. When it enters the atmosphere, it is prone to a series of chemical reactions to generate various secondary pollutants, which are very harmful to human beings, plants, animals, and the eco-environment. Despite improving the automobile fuel quality and installing exhaust gas purification devices, helping to reduce air pollution, the treatment costs of these approaches are expensive and cannot achieve zero emissions of automobile exhaust pollutants. The purification of vehicle exhaust by plants is a crucial way to remediate the environmental pollution caused by automobile exhaust and improve the environment along the highway by utilizing the ecosystem's self-regulating ability. Therefore, it has become a global trend to use phytoremediation technology to restore the automobile exhaust pollution. Now, there is no scientific report or systematic review about how plants absorb vehicle pollutants. The screening and configuration of suitable plant species is the most crucial aspect of successful phytoremediation. The mechanisms of plant adsorption, metabolism, and detoxification are reviewed in this paper to address the problem of automobile exhaust pollution.
  18. Bolan S, Wijesekara H, Tanveer M, Boschi V, Padhye LP, Wijesooriya M, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2023 Mar 01;320:121077.
    PMID: 36646409 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121077
    Beryllium (Be) is a relatively rare element and occurs naturally in the Earth's crust, in coal, and in various minerals. Beryllium is used as an alloy with other metals in aerospace, electronics and mechanical industries. The major emission sources to the atmosphere are the combustion of coal and fossil fuels and the incineration of municipal solid waste. In soils and natural waters, the majority of Be is sorbed to soil particles and sediments. The majority of contamination occurs through atmospheric deposition of Be on aboveground plant parts. Beryllium and its compounds are toxic to humans and are grouped as carcinogens. The general public is exposed to Be through inhalation of air and the consumption of Be-contaminated food and drinking water. Immobilization of Be in soil and groundwater using organic and inorganic amendments reduces the bioavailability and mobility of Be, thereby limiting the transfer into the food chain. Mobilization of Be in soil using chelating agents facilitates their removal through soil washing and plant uptake. This review provides an overview of the current understanding of the sources, geochemistry, health hazards, remediation practices, and current regulatory mandates of Be contamination in complex environmental settings, including soil and aquatic ecosystems.
  19. Zheng G, Wei K, Kang X, Fan W, Ma NL, Verma M, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2023 Nov 01;336:122451.
    PMID: 37648056 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.122451
    The detrimental impact of volatile organic compounds on the surroundings is widely acknowledged, and effective solutions must be sought to mitigate their pollution. Adsorption treatment is a cost-effective, energy-saving, and flexible solution that has gained popularity. Biomass is an inexpensive, naturally porous material with exceptional adsorbent properties. This article examines current research on volatile organic compounds adsorption using biomass, including the composition of these compounds and the physical (van der Waals) and chemical mechanisms (Chemical bonding) by which porous materials adsorb them. Specifically, the strategic modification of the surface chemical functional groups and pore structure is explored to facilitate optimal adsorption, including pyrolysis, activation, heteroatom doping and other methods. It is worth noting that biomass adsorbents are emerging as a highly promising strategy for green treatment of volatile organic compounds pollution in the future. Overall, the findings signify that biomass modification represents a viable and competent approach for eliminating volatile organic compounds from the environment.
  20. Qu Y, Yang Y, Sonne C, Chen X, Yue X, Gu H, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2023 Nov 01;336:122417.
    PMID: 37598935 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.122417
    Industrialization and overpopulation have polluted aquatic environments with significant impacts on human health and wildlife. The main pollutants in urban sewage are nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals and organic pollutants, which need to be treated with sewage, and the use of aquatic plants to purify wastewater has high efficiency and low cost. However, the effectiveness and efficiency of phytoremediation are also affected by temperature, pH, microorganisms and other factors. The use of biochar can reduce the cost of wastewater purification, and the combination of biochar and nanotechnology can improve the efficiency of wastewater purification. Some aquatic plants can enrich pollutants in wastewater, so it can be considered to plant these aquatic plants in constructed wetlands to achieve the effect of purifying wastewater. Biochar treatment technology can purify wastewater with high efficiency and low cost, and can be further applied to constructed wetlands. In this paper, the latest research progress of various pollutants in wastewater purification by aquatic plants is reviewed, and the efficient treatment technology of wastewater by biochar is discussed. It provides theoretical basis for phytoremediation of urban sewage pollution in the future.
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