METHOD: A systematic literature search of electronic databases for peer-reviewed articles was conducted. After an initial search, we found 792 articles through different electronic databases. After manually removing duplicates and articles that did not meet the criteria, 25 articles were included in our review.
RESULTS: A total of 45 patients were studied, 35 (78%) cases were male and 10 (22%) cases were female, showing male predominance. The mean age of all participants was 29.2 ± 10.3 years. The most common presenting symptoms were abdominal pain 21 of 21 (100%), nausea 17 of 21 (81%), and vomiting 12 of 20 (60%). Ultrasound was normal in the majority of patients, with findings of mild pancreatitis. Computerized tomography scans revealed pancreatic edema and inflammation in 7 of 20 (35%) patients, and findings of necrotizing pancreatitis and complex fluid collection were visualized in 3 of 20 (15%) patients. Dilatation of intrahepatic or extrahepatic biliary ducts was not seen in any patients. The overall prognosis was good, with reported full recovery.
CONCLUSIONS: Cannabis should be included in the differential diagnosis for the etiology of acute pancreatitis, which would help in early intervention and treatment for the mitigation of the rapidly progressive disease.
PATIENTS CONCERNS: The patient presented with 5 months' history of generalized skin itchiness, night sweat and loss of weight. The skin manifestations started over the foot and hand area. However, he started to developed tense blisters over the face, trunk and limbs 3 days prior to this admission.
DIAGNOSES: The skin biopsy report showed subepidermal bullae, in which the immunofluorescence findings in keeping with bullous pemphigoid. The peripheral blood immunophenotyping was suggestive of mantle cell lymphoma. Hence, a diagnosis of paraneoplastic bullous pemphigoid associated with mantle cell lymphoma was made.
INTERVENTIONS: The patient was initiated with a cytoreduction chemotherapy.
OUTCOMES: Unfortunately, patient's condition deteriorated further due to neutropenic sepsis and he succumbed after 2 weeks of intensive care.
LESSONS: Bullous pemphigoid associated with mantle cell lymphoma are very rare. The presentation of bullous pemphigoid led to the detection of mantle cell lymphoma. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment is crucial in managing this aggressive type of the disease. Both, bullous pemphigoid and mantle cell lymphoma had a parallel clinical course which suggests a paraneoplastic phenomenon in this reported case.
OBJECTIVE: We aim to perform a systematic review to evaluate the cardiovascular outcomes and mortality associated with IBD patients.
METHODS: A systematic literature search has been performed on PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, and Scopus from inception till May 2022 without any language restrictions.
RESULTS: A total of 2,029,941 patients were included in the analysis from 16 studies. The mean age of the patients was 45.6 years. More females were found compared with males (57% vs 43%). The most common risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) included smoking (24.19%) and alcohol (4.60%). The most common comorbidities includes hypertension (30%), diabetes mellitus (14.41%), dyslipidemia (18.42%), previous CVD (22%), and renal disease (10%). Among outcomes, all-cause mortality among IBD patients was 1.66%; ulcerative colitis (UC): 15.92%; and Crohn disease (CD): 0.30%. Myocardial Infarction (MI) among IBD patients were 1.47%, UC: 30.96%; and CD: 34.14%. CVD events among IBD patients were 1.95%. Heart failure events among IBD patients were 5.49%, stroke events among IBD patients were 0.95%, UC: 2.63%, and CD: 2.41%, respectively.
CONCLUSION: IBD patients are at higher risk for adverse cardiovascular outcomes, especially in women. Although there remains a lack of concrete treatment algorithms and assessment parameters that better characterize IBD risk factors, nutritional modifications and physical activity should be at the forefront of CVD prevention in IBD.
METHODS: The study enrolled a total of 31 students who actively participated in a 5-week STQE program, consisting of three 60-minute sessions per week. Physical and mental health assessments included the Plank test, vital capacity measurement, 1000/800 m run test, standing jump, and the Zung Self-Rating Scale. Data analysis was performed using SPSS.
RESULTS: Following the STQE intervention, participants showed improvement in core strength (28.1 seconds in the Plank test, P = .025) and lower limb explosive force (6.52 cm in the standing jump test, P = .011), accompanied by a decrease in anxiety levels (a reduction of 3.41 in the Zung Self-Rating Scale, P = .039). However, no significant improvements were observed in cardiopulmonary endurance, as evidenced by a non-significant increase of 237.84 mL in vital capacity (P = .134) and a non-significant reduction of 1.6 seconds in the 1000/800 m run test (P = .764).
CONCLUSION: The study suggests that the STQE program effectively improves core strength, lower limb explosive force, and reduces anxiety levels among university students.
METHODS: This is an assessor-blinded quasi-experimental study comparing two approaches of physiotherapy, namely pulsed ultrasound-added physiotherapy and conventional physiotherapy. Total number of participants with TKA required for this study will be calculated based on the result of a pilot study. Participants will be alternately allocated into either pulsed ultrasound-added physiotherapy group (low-intensity pulsed ultrasound and conventional physiotherapy) or control group (conventional physiotherapy). Pulsed ultrasound-added physiotherapy group will receive low-intensity pulsed ultrasound starting at post-operative day 2 (4-5 times for the first-week after surgery and 2-3 times a week for a further 2 weeks). Both groups will receive conventional physiotherapy 4 to 5 times for the first-week after surgery and 2 to 3 times a week for a further 11 weeks. This procedure and process will be tested and established in a pilot study. Primary outcomes of interest are pain level, swelling, active range of knee motion, and quadriceps strength. The secondary outcomes are functional performance and quality of life.
DISCUSSION: This study will fill the gaps in knowledge relating the benefits of including low-intensity pulsed ultrasound into conventional physiotherapy for patients with TKA.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry, ACTRN12618001226291.