Displaying publications 101 - 120 of 134 in total

  1. Adler PH, Fukuda M, Takaoka H, Reeves WK, Kim SK, Otsuka Y
    J Med Entomol, 2020 02 27;57(2):388-403.
    PMID: 31746337 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjz197
    The widespread nominal black fly Simulium (Simulium) rufibasis Brunetti was reexamined morphologically, chromosomally, and molecularly to determine the status of populations in Japan and Korea with respect to S. rufibasis from the type locality in India and to all other known species in the S. (S.) tuberosum species-group. Morphological comparisons established that the species previously known as S. rufibasis in Japan and Korea is distinct from all other species. Consequently, it was described and illustrated as a new species, Simulium (S.) yamatoense. Simulium yokotense Shiraki, formerly a synonym of S. rufibasis, was morphologically reevaluated and considered a species unplaced to species-group in the subgenus Simulium. Chromosomal analyses of S. yamatoense sp. nov. demonstrated that it is unique among all cytologically known species of the S. tuberosum group and is the sister species of the Taiwanese species tentatively known as S. (S.) arisanum Shiraki. Populations of S. yamatoense sp. nov. included two cytoforms, based on the sex chromosomes. Cytoform A, including topotypical representatives, was found in Kyushu, Japan, whereas cytoform B was found in Korea and Honshu, Japan. Molecular analysis based on the COI mitochondrial gene generally corroborated morphological and chromosomal data that S. yamatoense sp. nov. is a distinct species and, like the chromosomal data, indicate that it is most closely related to S. arisanum, with interspecific genetic distance of 2.92-4.63%.
  2. Dusfour I, Linton YM, Cohuet A, Harbach RE, Baimai V, Trung HD, et al.
    J Med Entomol, 2004 May;41(3):287-95.
    PMID: 15185927
    Anopheles sundaicus s.l. is a principal malaria vector taxon on islands and along the coastal areas of Southeast Asia. It has a wide geographical distribution and exhibits a high level of ecological and behavioral variability. Study of this taxon is crucial for understanding its biology and implementing effectise vector control measures. We compared populations of An. sundaicus from Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysian Borneo by using two mitochondrial DNA markers: cytochrome oxidase I and cytochrome b. Genetic divergence, geographic separation, and cladistic analysis of relationships revealed the presence of two cryptic species: Anopheles sundaicus s.s. on Malaysian Borneo and An. sundaicus species A in coastal areas of Thailand and Vietnam. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was developed to easily identify these two species throughout their geographic distributions. The assay was based on sequence characterized amplified region derived from random amplified polymorphic DNA. This PCR identification method needs to be validated and adapted for the recognition of other possible species in the Sundaicus Complex.
  3. Kongmee M, Nimmo D, Labbé G, Beech C, Grieco J, Alphey L, et al.
    J Med Entomol, 2010 Nov;47(6):1092-8.
    PMID: 21175058
    Behavioral responses of Aedes aegypti male populations developed for Release of Insects Carrying a Dominant Lethal (RIDL) technology and a Malaysian wild-type population of two age groups (4-5 and 8-10 d old) were tested under laboratory conditions against chemical irritants and repellents using the high-throughput screening system device. Results indicate that all male Ae. aegypti test populations showed significant (P < 0.01) behavioral escape responses when exposed to alphacypermethrin, DDT, and deltamethrin at the test dose of 25 nmol/cm2. In addition, all populations showed significant (P < 0.05) spatial repellent responses to DDT, whereas alphacypermethrin and deltamethrin elicited no directional movement in the assay. These data suggest that genetic modification has not suppressed expected irritancy and repellency behavior. Age effects were minimal in both contact irritant and spatial repellent assays. The magnitude of irritant response, based on percentage responding, was stronger in the RIDL test cohorts as compared with the wild-type Malaysian population, but the impact, if any, that this increased behavioral sensitivity might have on the success of a RIDL strategy has yet to be defined. Information of the type reported in the current study is vital in defining the effects of genetic modification on vector behavior and understanding how these behaviors may influence the success of RIDL technology as they relate to other vector control interventions implemented in the same disease-endemic locale.
  4. Myles KM, Pierro DJ, Olson KE
    J Med Entomol, 2004 Jan;41(1):95-106.
    PMID: 14989352
    Within mosquitoes, arboviruses encounter barriers to infection and dissemination that are critical determinants of vector competence. The molecular mechanisms responsible for these barriers have yet to be elucidated. The prototype Sindbis (SIN) strain, AR339, and viruses derived from this strain, such as TR339 virus, have limited infection and transmission potential in the medically important arthropod vector, Aedes aegypti (L.). However, the Malaysian SIN virus strain, MRE16, disseminates in nearly 100% of Ae. aegypti 14 d after oral infection. Here, we compare the spatial and temporal infection patterns of MRE16 and TR339 viruses in Ae. aegypti. The results indicate that a midgut escape barrier is primarily responsible for the significantly lower dissemination and transmission potentials observed after oral infection with TR339 virus. MRE16 and TR339 viruses now represent a well-characterized model system for the further study of virus determinants of vector infection, particularly determinants affecting the midgut escape barrier in Ae. aegypti.
  5. Wahid I, Sunahara T, Mogi M
    J Med Entomol, 2003 Mar;40(2):150-8.
    PMID: 12693842
    Maxillae and mandibles of males of 44 species of 12 mosquito genera and females of three autogenous genera and two partially autogenous species were examined under light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The maxillae and mandibles of male mosquitoes are delicate, tape-like structures with lengths characterizing genera or higher level classification units. Five patterns are recognized: (A) long maxillae and mandibles with mandibles longer than maxillae in Anopheles; (B) long maxillae and mandibles with maxillae longer than mandibles in Toxorhynchites; (C) short or intermediate lengths of maxillae with short mandibles in Aedes, Armigeres, Culex, Ochlerotatus, Orthopodomyia, and Uranotaenia; (D) short or intermediate length of maxillae with no mandibles in Mimomyia and Tripteroides; and (E) no maxillae and mandibles in Malaya and Topomyia. Maxillary and mandibular lengths of male mosquitoes show a positive correlation. Length of maxillae and mandibles of autogenous females are reduced to the same level as conspecific males. In contrast, females of partially autogenous species have complete maxillae and mandibles as in females of anautogenous species.
  6. Amelia-Yap ZH, Sofian-Azirun M, Chen CD, Lau KW, Suana IW, Syahputra E, et al.
    J Med Entomol, 2019 06 27;56(4):953-958.
    PMID: 30942885 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjz035
    Resistance to pyrethroid insecticides is widespread in Indonesian Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus), the primary vector of dengue viruses. This study aims to investigate the mutations in the voltage-gated sodium channel (Vgsc) conferring pyrethroid resistance against Ae. aegypti populations from Indonesia. Molecular genotyping of mutations using polymerase chain reaction assay and direct DNA sequencing were performed at positions 989 and 1,016 in IIS6 region, and 1,534 in IIIS6 region of the voltage-gated sodium channel (Vgsc) in nine populations of Indonesian Ae. aegypti. The V1016G and S989P genotyping identified the RR genotype to be predominant in six out of nine populations of Ae. aegypti, whereas the SS genotype occurred only in minority. Interestingly, co-occurrence of the V1016G and S989P mutations was detected in the aforementioned six populations with high frequency. Genotyping of F1534C showed all nine populations exhibited the SS genotype, with merely two individuals from a population were heterozygous (RS). Significant correlations were demonstrated between the allele frequencies of the V1016G mutation and the survivability rates as well as resistance ratios in pyrethroid adult bioassays. This signifies the V1016G can contribute more to the insensitivity of Vgsc than the F1534C. Homozygous 1016G mosquitoes were likelier to survive pyrethroid exposure. Identification of underlying mechanisms resulting in insecticide resistance is advantageous in developing effective mosquito control programs in Indonesia.
  7. Amelia-Yap ZH, Sofian-Azirun M, Chen CD, Suana IW, Lau KW, Elia-Amira NMR, et al.
    J Med Entomol, 2019 04 16;56(3):811-816.
    PMID: 30715464 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjz007
    The emergence of pyrethroid resistance in Aedes aegypti (L.) has limited the success of vector control. Early detection of resistance could assist authorities in deciding well-suited control strategies to minimize operational failures of Ae. aegypti control. Herein, biochemical analysis was performed to investigate the mechanisms involved in pyrethroid resistance in nine populations of Indonesian Ae. aegypti. Enzymes of adult Ae. aegypti such as esterases (ESTs), glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs), and mixed-function oxidases (MFOs) were characterized. Elevated MFO activity was correlated with resistance phenotype, indicating the role of this enzyme in contributing to pyrethroid resistance. No significant correlations were shown between pyrethroid resistance phenotype and α-ESTs, suggesting that marginally exceeded enzyme levels relative to the reference strain in some pyrethroid-susceptible populations were causative factor for insecticide resistance in other groups of insecticides. However, significant correlation was demonstrated between β-ESTs and pyrethroid resistance phenotype. The lowest enzyme levels in GSTs indicated that this enzyme was not predominant in causing pyrethroid resistance, despite the presence of significant correlations. Because metabolic detoxification fails to comprehensively explain the pyrethroid resistance in some Indonesian Ae. aegypti, additional mechanisms such as altered target sites in voltage-gated sodium channel may also contribute to the high pyrethroid resistance in Ae. aegypti.
  8. Seri Masran SNA, Ab Majid AH
    J Med Entomol, 2019 06 27;56(4):942-952.
    PMID: 30882146 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjz024
    The surge in tropical bed bug Cimex hemipterus (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) infestations has led to an increase in genomic studies. In this study, the population genetics and breeding patterns of 22 Malaysian populations were analyzed, including genetic differentiation and genetic distance. For seven microsatellite loci, the number of alleles varied from 6 to 14. The allelels per loci contrasted sharply between the overall population and within the populations. The average observed and expected heterozygosity was 0.280 and 0.828 for the overall population and 0.281 and 0.657 among the populations, respectively. Based on polymorphic information criteria, the markers with a value >0.5 were highly polymorphic. In the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, the loci of Ch 09ttn, Ch 01dn, and Ch 13dn of the overall population showed signs of a null allele. The stutter peaks caused no scoring errors; large allele dropouts were not detected for any loci; and a correlation imbalance was not indicated. The genetic differentiation among populations was moderate, with a coefficient of genetic differentiation (FST) of 0.144. The bed bug populations showed strong inbreeding, with highly positive coefficients of inbreeding (FIS). The molecular variation attributed to inbreeding was 83% within the populations, compared with 17% among the populations. The admixture individuals in STRUCTURE and neighbor-joining phylogenetic trees also indicated weak genetic structure in the geographical populations, suggesting moderate gene flows between populations. Thus, moderately active dispersion and human-mediated transport shaped the genetic structure of C. hemipterus populations in Malaysia.
  9. Cuttiford L, Pimsler ML, Heo CC, Zheng L, Karunaratne I, Trissini G, et al.
    J Med Entomol, 2021 07 16;58(4):1654-1662.
    PMID: 33970239 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjab081
    A basic tenet of forensic entomology is development data of an insect can be used to predict the time of colonization (TOC) by insect specimens collected from remains, and this prediction is related to the time of death and/or time of placement (TOP). However, few datasets have been evaluated to determine their accuracy or precision. The black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens (L.) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) is recognized as an insect of forensic importance. This study examined the accuracy and precision of several development datasets for the black soldier fly by estimating the TOP of five sets of human and three sets of swine remains in San Marcos and College Station, TX, respectively. Data generated from this study indicate only one of these datasets consistently (time-to-prepupae 52%; time-to-eclosion 75%) produced TOP estimations that occurred within a day of the actual TOP of the remains. It is unknown if the precolonization interval (PreCI) of this species is long, but it has been observed that the species can colonize within 6 d after death. This assumption remains untested by validation studies. Accounting for this PreCI improved accuracy for the time-to-prepupae group, but reduced accuracy in the time-to-eclosion group. The findings presented here highlight a need for detailed, forensic-based development data for the black soldier fly that can reliably and accurately be used in casework. Finally, this study outlines the need for a basic understanding of the timing of resource utilization (i.e., duration of the PreCI) for forensically relevant taxa so that reasonable corrections may be made to TOC as related to minimum postmortem interval (mPMI) estimates.
  10. Misbah S, Low VL, Mohd Rahim NF, Jaba R, Basari N, Ya'cob Z, et al.
    J Med Entomol, 2022 Feb 18.
    PMID: 35178576 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjac014
    Aedes albopictus is one of the main mosquito vectors responsible for transmitting arboviruses to humans and animals. The ability of this mosquito to support virus transmission has been linked to vector competence, which is partly attributed to the genetic disparities in Ae. albopictus population. At present, little is known about the biologically important traits of Ae. albopictus in Malaysia. Thus, the study aims to determine the genetic variation of Ae. albopictus based on the mitochondria-encoded sequences of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI). A statistical parsimony network of 253 taxa aligned as 321 characters of the COI gene revealed 42 haplotypes (H1-H42), of which H1 was the most widespread haplotype in Peninsular Malaysia. Three highly divergent haplotypes (H21, H30, and H31) were detected from the northern population. Overall, haplotype and nucleotide diversities were 0.576 and 0.003, respectively, with low genetic differentiation (FST = 0.039) and high gene flow (Nm = 12.21) across all populations.
  11. Lau KW, Chen CD, Low VL, Lee HL, Azidah AA, Sofian-Azirun M
    J Med Entomol, 2021 11 09;58(6):2292-2298.
    PMID: 33999147 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjab093
    Resistance status of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) from 13 districts in Sarawak State, Malaysia, was evaluated against four major classes of adulticides, namely organochlorine, organophosphate, carbamate, and pyrethroid. Adult bioassays were performed according to the World Health Organization (WHO) standard protocols to assess knockdown and mortality rates of Ae. albopictus. Among the tested pyrethroids, only cyfluthrin was able to exhibit complete knockdown. On the other hand, different susceptibility and resistance patterns were observed in other adulticides. As for mortality rates, the mosquitoes were susceptible to cyfluthrin and dieldrin but exhibited various susceptibilities to other tested adulticides. Cross-resistance was discovered within and between tested insecticide classes. Significant correlations were found within pyrethroid and carbamate classes (i.e., bendiocab and propoxur, P = 0.036; etofenprox and permethrin, P = 0.000; deltamethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin, P = 0.822; deltamethrin and permethrin, P = 0.042). Additionally, insecticides belonging to different groups were also found significantly correlated (i.e., malathion and deltamethin, P = 0.019; malathion and bendiocarb, P = 0.008; malathion and propoxur, P = 0.007; and bendiocarb and deltamethrin, P = 0.031). In conclusion, cyfluthrin was effective for Aedes albopictus control in Sarawak State and these data may assist local authorities to improve future vector control operations.
  12. Ivorra T, García-Martínez B, Martínez-Sánchez A
    J Med Entomol, 2021 11 09;58(6):2247-2254.
    PMID: 34279664 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjab129
    To better understand the population dynamics and dispersal ability of insect species, it is often helpful to derive a life table containing fundamental demographic data. The aim of this study was to determine a life table for the predatory necrophagous species Synthesiomyia nudiseta (van der Wulp, 1883) on a pig liver diet and under controlled laboratory conditions (29.5 ± 2. 5°C, RH 50 ± 15%, and a photoperiod of 12:12). This species has medical and veterinary importance and its distribution extends in tropical and subtropical areas and now it has been established in the southwestern of Europe. The mean adult longevity was 36. 18 ± 2. 06 d and the net reproduction rate, R, was 27.65 offspring/female, the mean generation time, T, was 22. 09 d, the finite rate of increase, λ, was 1. 16 d-1, and the intrinsic rate of increase, r, was 0. 15 d-1. These results indicate that S. nudiseta cannot be considered an r-strategist as the most common synanthropic necrophagous blowflies due to its predatory behavior; however, its invasive and colonist abilities are discussed. This is the first life table study of this species from Palearctic region to analyze the effect of its dispersal ability.
  13. Elia-Amira NMR, Chen CD, Low VL, Lau KW, Haziqah-Rashid A, Amelia-Yap ZH, et al.
    J Med Entomol, 2022 01 12;59(1):301-307.
    PMID: 34459477 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjab146
    The efficacy of three groups of insect growth regulators, namely juvenile hormone mimics (methoprene and pyriproxyfen), chitin synthesis inhibitors (diflubenzuron and novaluron), and molting disruptor (cyromazine) was evaluated for the first time, against Aedes albopictus Skuse (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae from 14 districts in Sabah, Malaysia. The results showed that all field populations of Ae. albopictus were susceptible towards methoprene, pyriproxyfen, diflubenzuron, novaluron, and cyromazine, with resistance ratio values ranging from 0.50-0.90, 0.60-1.00, 0.67-1.17, 0.71-1.29, and 0.74-1.07, respectively. Overall, the efficacy assessment of insect growth regulators in this study showed promising outcomes and they could be further explored as an alternative to conventional insecticides.
  14. Takaoka H, Srisuka W, Saeung A
    J Med Entomol, 2017 11 07;54(6):1552-1559.
    PMID: 28981674 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjx147
    Simulium (Gomphostilbia) fukudae sp. nov. is described based on females, males, pupae, and larvae from Thailand. This new species is placed in the Simulium batoense species-group of Simulium (Gomphostilbia). It is characterized by the female frons almost bare, male paramere covered with minute setae, pupal gill composed of six slender filaments, pupal terminal hooks cone-shaped, and cocoon with an anterodorsal projection. Taxonomic notes are given to separate this new species from the most similar species, Simulium (G.) sextuplum Takaoka & Davies and Simulium (G.) paukatense Takaoka, both from Malaysia.
  15. Al-Talafha HA, Yaakop S, Idris AB
    J Med Entomol, 2018 01 10;55(1):112-121.
    PMID: 29040652 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjx172
    Horse flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) are of medical and veterinary importance, as their blood-sucking feeding habit enables them to transmit several disease-causing agents. In Malaysia, the family Tabanidae consists of 120 species belonging to eight genera. The current study describes two new species (Chrysops idlani sp. nov. and Tabanus ekor sp. nov.) and presents new records for seven species: Tabanus fontinalisSchuurmans Stekhoven, 1926; Tabanus fuscifronsSchuurmans Stekhoven, 1926, Tabanus latifasciesSchuurmans Stekhoven, 1926, Tabanus megalops (Walker, 1854), Tabanus rhinargusPhilip, 1962, Tabanus salvazai (Surcouf, 1922), and Tabanus tristisWulp, 1881. Complete descriptions and illustrations are provided for the new species, and species variations for the new records are discussed. Male Tabanus latifasciesSchuurmans Stekhoven, 1926 and Tabanus perakiensis Ricardo, 1911 are thoroughly described herein.
  16. Takaoka H, Srisuka W, Saeung A, Maleewong W, Low VL
    J Med Entomol, 2017 11 07;54(6):1543-1551.
    PMID: 28968910 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjx134
    Simulium (Gomphostilbia) laosense sp. nov. is described based on adults, pupae, and mature larvae from Laos. This new species is placed in the Simulium batoense species-group of the subgenus Gomphostilbia Enderlein. It is characterized by the pupal gill with eight filaments arranged as 3 + 3 + 2 from dorsal to ventral, of which an inner filament of the ventral pair is slightly longer than its counter filament, and is 1.7-1.8 times as long as filaments of the middle triplet. Taxonomic notes are provided to distinguish this new species from Simulium (G.) johorense Takaoka, Sofian-Azirun & Ya'cob from Peninsular Malaysia and four other related species. The phylogenetic position of this new species in the S. batoense species-group is also presented based on the mitochondrial COI gene. This new species represents the second species known from Laos.
  17. Mogi M, Armbruster PA, Tuno N, Aranda C, Yong HS
    J Med Entomol, 2017 11 07;54(6):1615-1625.
    PMID: 28968769 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjx156
    We compared climatic distribution ranges between Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) and the five wild (nondomesticated) species of Albopictus Subgroup of Scutellaris Group of Aedes (Stegomyia) in southern Asia. Distribution sites of the wild species concentrate in seasonal forest and savannah climate zones in India, Indochina, and southern China. The distribution of Ae. albopictus is broader than the wild species under 1) tropical rain-forest climate, 2) steppe and temperate savannah climate, and 3) continental climate with large seasonal temperature variation (hot summer and cold winter) at temperate lowlands (northernmost sites 40°N in Ae. albopictus vs 32°N in the wild species). However, the distribution of Ae. albopictus is more limited at tropical and subtropical highlands where the climate is cool but less continental (small seasonal variation, mild summer, and winter). We discuss a possibility that the broader climate ranges of Ae. albopictus are ecological or eco-evolutionary consequences of adaptation to human habitats. We also propose a general scenario for the origin, dispersal, and adaptation of Ae. albopictus in Asia as a hypothesis for future research.
  18. Seri Masran SNA, Ab Majid AH
    J Med Entomol, 2017 11 07;54(6):1453-1462.
    PMID: 28981881 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjx137
  19. Ismail NA, Adilah-Amrannudin N, Hamsidi M, Ismail R, Dom NC, Ahmad AH, et al.
    J Med Entomol, 2017 11 07;54(6):1573-1581.
    PMID: 28981849 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjx126
    The global expansion of Ae. albopictus from its native range in Southeast Asia has been implicated in the recent emergence of dengue endemicity in Malaysia. Genetic variability studies of Ae. albopictus are currently lacking in the Malaysian setting, yet are crucial to enhancing the existing vector control strategies. The study was conducted to establish the genetic variability of maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA encoding for cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) gene in Ae. albopictus. Twelve localities were selected in the Subang Jaya district based on temporal indices utilizing 120 mosquito samples. Genetic polymorphism and phylogenetic analysis were conducted to unveil the genetic variability and geographic origins of Ae. albopictus. The haplotype network was mapped to determine the genealogical relationship of sequences among groups of population in the Asian region. Comparison of Malaysian CO1 sequences with sequences derived from five Asian countries revealed genetically distinct Ae. albopictus populations. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that all sequences from other Asian countries descended from the same genetic lineage as the Malaysian sequences. Noteworthy, our study highlights the discovery of 20 novel haplotypes within the Malaysian population which to date had not been reported. These findings could help determine the genetic variation of this invasive species, which in turn could possibly improve the current dengue vector surveillance strategies, locally and regionally.
  20. Ong SQ, Ahmad H, Ab Majid AH, Jaal Z
    J Med Entomol, 2017 11 07;54(6):1626-1632.
    PMID: 28981905 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjx128
    The potential of integrating the mycoinsecticide, Metarhizium anisopliae (Met.), into house fly control programs is tremendous. However, the interaction between the fungus and insecticide, when applied at poultry farms, remains poorly understood. This study investigated the interaction between M. anisopliae and two selected insecticides, cyromazine and ChCy (a mixture of chlorpyrifos and cypemethrin), with three objectives: to assess the compatibility of M. anisopliae and the insecticides by measuring fungal vegetative growth and conidia production in the presence of insecticides; to evaluate the effect of M. anisopliae on these insecticides by analyzing insecticidal residue using ultra performance liquid chromatography; and to study the synergistic effects of M. anisopliae and the insecticides by applying sublethal concentrations of insecticides with M. anisopliae to house fly larvae. Metarhizium anisopliae was more tolerant to ChCy than to cyromazine, as M. anisopliae showed significantly more growth when grown with this insecticide. The M. anisopliae + ChCy combination resulted in significantly less chlorpyrifos residues compared to the ChCy plate, and 62-72% house fly larva mortality occurred when M. anisopliae and sublethal concentrations of ChCy were combined, implicating synergistic effects of the fungus with low concentrations of ChCy. Integrating M. anisopliae with compatible chemical at right concentration is crucial for poultry farm house fly control programs.
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