Displaying publications 121 - 140 of 552 in total

  1. Tee GH, Noran NH, Farizah H, Azhana NH
    Med J Malaysia, 2007 Dec;62(5):383-7.
    PMID: 18705471
    This study was conducted to asses the future physicians' habits, knowledge and attitude towards smoking. These factors influence the credibility of future Malaysian physicians as advocators and treatment providers. A cross sectional study was carried out among medical students at the Medical Faculty, University Malaya. Knowledge on smoking was evaluated on the total scores for knowledge questions, with one point and zero for each correct and incorrect answer respectively, to a maximum of six potential points. Attitude towards smoking was measured by summation of scores on attitude items; each item was scored from five points for "against smoking" and one point for "favourable to smoking". The possible score ranged from 10 to 50. The response rate was 79.4%. Prevalence of overall smokers was 4.4%. The mean knowledge score among smokers (4.30 +/- 2.17) was significantly lower than nonsmokers (5.19 +/- 1.28). The mean attitude score was higher among non-smokers (44.30 +/- 6.54) than smokers (39.86 +/- 10.93). The result from this study showed that smoking prevalence was lower compared to previous studies done in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  2. Hassali MA, Kong DC, Stewart K
    Med Educ, 2007 Jul;41(7):703-10.
    PMID: 17614892
    To ascertain any differences in knowledge and perceptions of generic medicines between senior (final year) medical students and pharmacy pre-registrants in Australia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  3. Sivagnanam G, Bairy KL, D'Souza U
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Aug;60(3):286-93.
    PMID: 16379181 MyJurnal
    The global statistics reveal that at least one in every five women experiences rape or attempted rape during her lifetime. Rape myths encompass a set of (false) beliefs. Adolescents have high rates of rape victimization than other age groups. Rape myths among health care providers may have a negative influence on proper care of the victims. A total of 422 medical undergraduates of both sexes, studying at two Malaysian Institutes took part in the study. A validated questionnaire used in an earlier study was used for the present study, with a slight modification of scoring system. The age range of medical students was 17 to 34 years: mean +/- SD of men and women, were 20.6 +/- 2.1 and 20.3 +/- 2 respectively. Only about 19% of women and 11% of men had a very good positive attitude. Nearly 1/3 of women and 1/2 of men had a more negative attitude. On the whole the average total score of women was significantly higher (p=0.0004) than men. Nearly 50% of candidates with a village background carried more negative attitude. Violence against women is a significant public health problem. The major revelation of the present study is that only less than 20% of the medical undergraduates had a more positive attitude towards rape. Introduction of courses on 'sexual violence' in medical curriculum is likely to increase a) awareness, b) skills in management, c) in providing support and care for the victims and d) in implementing preventive actions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  4. Chew BH, Cheong AT
    Med J Malaysia, 2013;68(1):24-9.
    PMID: 23466762 MyJurnal
    OBJECTIVE: Medical students are future doctors who are trained to treat all kind of diseases including people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) without prejudice. This study was to determine the factors associated with knowledge on HIV/AIDS and stigma towards PLWHA among medical students.
    METHODS: This was a cross sectional study with stratified random sampling conducted in a public university, Malaysia. The participants were preclinical-year (year 1 and year 2) and clinical-year (year 3 and year 4) medical students. Simple randomisation was carried out after stratification of medical students into preclinical and clinical-year. The self-administered questionnaires were consisted of socio-demographic data, items assessing HIV/AIDS knowledge and items assessing stigmatisation attitudes towards PLWHA.
    RESULTS: We had 100% response rate of 340 participants. Pre-clinical and clinical year medical students each contributed 170 (50%). Majority was female (64.1%). About two-thirds (60.6%) was Malay, followed by Chinese (31.2%) and Indian (7.1%). Pre-clinical students were significantly more stigmatizing in subscale of "attitudes towards imposed measures" (t=3.917, p<0.001), even with adjustment for previous encounter and ethnicity (B= 1.2, 95% CI 0.48 to 1.83, p=0.001). On the other hand, clinical students were found to be significantly less comfortable in handling HIV/AIDS cases (t=0.039, p=0.039), even after controlled for previous encounter and ethnicity (B=0.6, 95% CI 0.29 to 0.98, p< 0.001).
    CONCLUSION: Clinical encounter with PLWHA was associated with higher knowledge in HIV/AIDS. Medical students in preclinical years were having stigmatizing attitude towards imposed measures compared to the clinical years who had more stigmatizing attitude in being less comfortable with PLWHA.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  5. Adchalingam K, Kong WH, Zakiah MA, Zaini M, Wong YL, Lang CC
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Mar;60(1):46-9.
    PMID: 16250279
    A cross-sectional survey of 400 medical students of multicultural backgrounds at the University of Malaya was conducted to understand their attitudes towards euthanasia and factors related to medical decisions and ethical reasoning concerning the prolongation of life, the right to die and euthanasia. The student respondents completed self-administered questionnaires that comprised of twelve questions with multiple stems addressing personal perceptions, knowledge, attitudes, and decisions about euthanasia and the relief of suffering. The majority of respondents (52%) were for the withdrawal of active therapy in a patient suffering from a terminal painful disease while 48% of them were against it. Seventy-one percent of the students involved in the study were against the idea of active euthanasia i.e. the administration of a lethal injection. However, 27% of the respondents felt that there was a moral justification to assist patients to die. Thirty-two percent of the respondents favoured the legalization of euthanasia in Malaysia while 67% of them were strongly against it. The majority (61%) of respondents would not practice euthanasia as a doctor nor would they have performed on themselves if or when it became legal. The main issue surrounding euthanasia that concerned the respondents was the misuse of it by unethical practitioners and they felt that further debate on the matter was essential, both within the local and international communities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  6. Jaiprakash H, Min AK, Ghosh S
    Korean J Med Educ, 2016 Mar;28(1):123-5.
    PMID: 26838577 DOI: 10.3946/kjme.2016.18
    This paper is aimed at finding if there was a change of correlation between the written test score and tutors' performance test scores in the assessment of medical students during a problem-based learning (PBL) course in Malaysia. This is a cross-sectional observational study, conducted among 264 medical students in two groups from November 2010 to November 2012. The first group's tutors did not receive tutor training; while the second group's tutors were trained in the PBL process. Each group was divided into high, middle and low achievers based on their end-of-semester exam scores. PBL scores were taken which included written test scores and tutors' performance test scores. Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated between the two kinds of scores in each group. The correlation coefficient between the written scores and tutors' scores in group 1 was 0.099 (p<0.001) and for group 2 was 0.305 (p<0.001). The higher correlation coefficient in the group where tutors received the PBL training reinforces the importance of tutor training before their participation in the PBL course.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  7. Liew SC, Sidhu J, Barua A
    BMC Med Educ, 2015;15:44.
    PMID: 25889887 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-015-0327-0
    Learning styles and approaches of individual undergraduate medical students vary considerably and as a consequence, their learning needs also differ from one student to another. This study was conducted to identify different learning styles and approaches of pre-clinical, undergraduate medical students and also to determine the relationships of learning preferences with performances in the summative examinations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  8. Rogayah J, Zulkifli A
    Med J Malaysia, 2001 Sep;56(3):324-30.
    PMID: 11732078
    A total of 356 doctors responded to a survey on the timing and stability of choice of medical specialty. The majority of doctors made their final decision while working as a medical officer. One hundred (48.5%) of the doctors had made an earlier choice as medical students, 63 (30.6%) during their internship and 43 (20.9%) made their final choice while they were medical officers. Working experience in the specialty was the most important factor in determining final choice of specialty. Advice from consultants/seniors, better financial prospects and parental influence were more important for the male doctors while marriage and family considerations were more important for the female doctors in making their final choice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  9. Frisch AS, Kurtz M, Shamsuddin K
    J Adolesc, 1999 Oct;22(5):627-34.
    PMID: 10527534 DOI: 10.1006/jado.1999.0258
    A longitudinal study was conducted to determine changes in knowledge, attitudes and preventive efforts of Malaysian medical students concerning cigarette smoking and environmental exposure to tobacco smoke from their first pre-clinical year in medical school until their final clinical year. There were significant improvements in knowledge about cigarette smoking and in knowledge, attitudes and efforts concerning environmental exposure to tobacco smoke. Overall attitudes concerning cigarette smoking did not change over this period. The same pattern was found for male non-smokers. Women improved on all five scales; male smokers improved on none over the 3-year period. Male non-smokers had better scores on these scales than male smokers in both beginning and ending years. Women excelled in comparison to male non-smokers on smoking attitudes in the pre-clinical year and on all scales except preventive efforts in the final clinical year.Although medical students experienced no changes in the amount of pressures not to smoke from family and friends, there was a significant increase in the amount of prohibition on smoking from their teachers. Male non-smokers alone accounted for this increase. Women experienced more pressure than men not to smoke from their teachers in both years, but the male smokers and non-smokers did not differ in teacher pressure for either year.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  10. Nurjahan MI, Lim TA, Yeong SW, Foong AL, Ware J
    Med J Malaysia, 2002 Dec;57 Suppl E:58-66.
    PMID: 12733195
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this survey was to obtain a self-reported assessment of the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by medical students at the International Medical University, Malaysia.
    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Students' perceived skills and extent of usage of ICT were evaluated using a questionnaire. Chi-square analysis were performed to ascertain the association between variables. Further statistical testing using Chi-square test for trend was done when one of the variables was ordered, and Spearman rank correlation when both variables were ordered.
    RESULTS: Overall, (98%) of students responded to the questionnaire. Twenty seven students (5.7%) did not use a computer either in the university or at home. Most students surveyed reported adequate skills at word processing (55%), e-mailing (78%) and surfing the internet (67%).
    CONCLUSION: The results suggests that in order to increase the level of computer literacy among medical students, positive steps would need to be taken, for example the formal inclusion of ICT instruction in the teaching of undergraduate medicine. This will enhance medical students' ability to acquire, appraise, and use information in order to solve clinical and other problems quickly and efficiently in the course of their studies, and more importantly when they graduate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  11. Mas A, Hatim A
    Med J Malaysia, 2002 Dec;57(4):433-44.
    PMID: 12733168
    Negative attitudes towards people with mental illness can be attributed to stigma. The objective of this study was to determine the attitudes of medical students towards mental illness by comparing those who have had contact with mental patients and those who have not. This study also assesses to what extent knowledge about mental illness can affect the students' attitude.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  12. Norzila MZ, Hasanah I, Deng CT, Azizi BHO
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Sep;55(3):324-30.
    PMID: 11200712
    The objective of this study was to measure the knowledge of childhood asthma among medical students and paramedics. A previously validated questionnaire about childhood asthma was completed by 281 of 314, third and fifth year medical students at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. Their knowledge of asthma was assessed during the first and last weeks of their paediatric rotation. A similar questionnaire was completed by 23 of 60 paramedics from various medical disciplines in Hospital Kuala Lumpur. They had attended a two-day seminar on respiratory diseases and their knowledge was assessed prior to and six weeks after the seminar. On the initial assessment the mean score for the final year medical students was 24.5, third year medical students 20.9 and paramedics 18.3. After intervention their mean scores increased significantly to 26.3 (p < 0.0001), 24.6 (p < 0.0001) and 21.3 (p < 0.0001). After intervention, the final year medical students improved significantly in all questions except in the management of acute asthma. Post intervention, third year medical students showed a significant increase in knowledge pertaining to symptomatology, pathophysiology, trigger factors and prophylactic drugs used in asthma management. Although the knowledge of paramedics improved post intervention, they had major deficiencies in knowledge about pathophysiology, trigger factors, preventive and acute asthma therapy, side effects of asthma treatment as well as clinical scenarios. Improvement after intervention was only seen in six of the 31 questions. This study demonstrated an increase in knowledge about childhood asthma among medical students and paramedics after a short intervention.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  13. Tan CM, Thanaraj K
    Med Educ, 1993 Mar;27(2):143-59.
    PMID: 8336561
    One hundred and twenty-eight medical students who had experienced a traditional-style preclinical curriculum completed three self-report questionnaires. Using factor analysis of students' responses this study explores interactions between study orientation, preferences for different kinds of learning environment, and evaluations of the physiology course. Such interactions can provide insight into the reasons why students fail to adopt effective learning strategies. Although many students had the intention to understand, they did not adopt a deep approach. Achievement motivation was strong, test anxiety high, and the course was perceived to be competitive. The meaning orientation merged with the achieving orientation; students were thus performance rather than task oriented. These students perceived the course to have been challenging, as did students within the reproducing orientation and who had 'surface' preferences. Students within the non-academic orientation had difficulty coping with the course. The findings suggest that conventional teaching and assessment methods are preventing students from developing appropriate criteria and internal standards for evaluating performance. An illusion of comprehension may prevent students from seeing the need to adopt more effective learning strategies and cause 'good' students with the ability to adopt a deep approach to abort the pursuit of deep understanding. Students' preferences and evaluations of teaching and assessment indicate that students within the different learning orientations have different educational needs. The implications for instruction and evaluation are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  14. Hunt DD, Khalid BA, Shahabudin SH, Rogayah J
    Med J Malaysia, 1994 Sep;49(3):275-81.
    PMID: 7845279
    The purpose of this study is to explore the types of problem students that clinical teachers encounter in clinical settings. A questionnaire developed by the Association of American Medical Colleges that lists a variety of types of problem students was completed by 466 clinicians at the University of Washington School of Medicine (UWSOM) and 98 Malaysian clinicians from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). In addition, 120 medical students from UKM completed a slightly modified version of this questionnaire. Both the faculty and student questionnaires asked the respondent to identify the frequency of a given problem type. The faculty was also asked to estimate how difficult it was to evaluate a specific problem. In general, there was strong agreement among the North American and Malaysian faculty on the frequency and difficulty of the 24 types of problem students listed. There were some notable differences, such as Malaysian teachers perceiving the "shy" student more frequently than their North American counterparts who rated the student with deficits in knowledge more frequently. However, the overall similarity in the rankings suggest that clinical teachers face similar types of problems, independent of cultural differences and institutional differences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  15. Quah BS, Rogayah J
    Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol, 1997 Dec;15(4):177-82.
    PMID: 9579609
    As future health care providers medical students should acquire an adequate knowledge of bronchial asthma before graduation from medical school. The aim of this study was to assess whether knowledge about childhood asthma increased during the medical course. The 590 medical students enrolled in the School of Medical Sciences, University of Science Malaysia during the 1995/96 session were studied utilizing a validated questionnaire. There was a significant increase in the mean total scores from 11 (95% CI 10.5-11.6) in Year 1 to 23.4 (95% CI 22.9-24) in Year 5. Questions about symptoms of asthma, pathogenesis of airway narrowing during acute exacerbations, preventive and reliever medications, side effects of steroids, addiction to asthma drugs and assessment of severity revealed a progressive increase in knowledge over the five years. Among 5th year medical students 44.6% named infection and 65.1% named exercise as two common triggers of childhood asthma; only 30.1% could name two prophylactic drugs for asthma. Although the asthma knowledge of medical students increased progressively during the five year curriculum, their knowledge regarding trigger factors and preventive medications were deficient. As childhood asthma affects some 10% of Malaysian children its importance requires greater emphasis in the medical curriculum.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  16. Peng R, Khaw HH, Edariah AB
    Med Educ, 1995 Jul;29(4):283-8.
    PMID: 8594392
    This study deals with personality variables of medical students in relation to their academic success in the preclinical stage. One hundred and one students completed the 16PF Questionnaire at the beginning of their medical course and the scores were analysed in relation to their marks obtained at the end of the 2-year preclinical stage. This study shows that the 16PF Questionnaire can be a useful instrument for identifying personality variables in candidates who are likely to have academic problems and those who are likely to do well in the preclinical stage of a medical course. Students of urban origin and the eldest in the family performed better in their preclinical years. Performance was not related to sex, ethnic group, family size of entrance qualification into medicine. Personality variables of being enthusiastic, venturesome, self-opinionated, imaginative, experimenting, resourceful and driven correlate positively with performance, whereas being self-assured has negative correlation. Problem students were more reserved, emotionally less stable and more apprehensive than non-problem students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  17. Wong ML, Chen PC
    Med J Malaysia, 1989 Dec;44(4):317-23.
    PMID: 2520041
    On the basis of a questionnaire on smoking behaviour, knowledge and attitudes administered to medical students in the University of Malaya in July 1987, the prevalence of smoking was found to be low (10%) among medical students. Smokers and non-smokers were equally well informed about common smoking complications. Most students, irrespective of smoking status, felt that they would as future doctors, often advise sick smokers against smoking. In contrast, less than half would do so for healthy smokers who do not themselves raise the question of smoking. The students' personal smoking behaviour also influenced their view of their professional role. Appropriate values, attitudes and a preventive approach towards smoking need to be further developed in the medical students' thinking and behaviour.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  18. Kassim K, Kyaw O
    Med J Malaysia, 1986 Dec;41(4):331-5.
    PMID: 3670156
    The Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire (later known as The Crown - Crisp Experiential Index) was used on medical students of the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. It was found that Year II medical students scored the highest; the female students scored higher than male students in all classes. The female students were more anxious, phobic, obsessional, hypochondriacal and depressive than male students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  19. Shahabuddin SH
    Med J Malaysia, 1986 Dec;41(4):327-30.
    PMID: 3670155
    In recent years, female enrollment into medical faculties almost all over the world has increased tremendously. In the UKM, female medical students constitute 47.6% of the total enrollment for 1985; in the first year, they form 61.1% of the medical class. Once accepted, a woman has an equal if not better chance of graduation. However, it is during the later years of the career of female doctors that cause most concern because it has been shown that fewer women than men acquire additional qualifications. In view of their increasing enrollment, career aspirations of female doctors will have an important impact on the health services. A survey was conducted among 149 final-year medical students in 1985. This study revealed that irrespective of sex, the majority of medical students do wish to pursue postgraduate education. However, of those who do not wish to undergo further training, the majority are female students. The pattern of choice of speciality also differs in that females do not choose surgical-based disciplines.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
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