Displaying publications 141 - 151 of 151 in total

  1. Hasan SS, Shamala R, Syed IA, Basariah N, Chong DW, Mei TK, et al.
    J Pharm Pract, 2011 Oct;24(5):485-93.
    PMID: 21844213 DOI: 10.1177/0897190011415684
    OBJECTIVES: To assess the anticoagulation knowledge and international normalized ratio (INR) control among patients on warfarin.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study with 156 randomly sampled patients from physician- (non-medication therapy adherence clinic [non-MTAC]) and pharmacist (MTAC)-run anticoagulation clinics using a validated interviewer-administered questionnaire. Patients' INR readings from 2008 to 2010 were recorded.
    RESULTS: Patients on warfarin scored an average of 66.5% ± 36.0% for their knowledge on how warfarin works, 42.9% ± 44.9% for interaction between warfarin and alcohol, and 49.2% ± 21.1% for adverse effects. No significant differences were found between MTAC and non-MTAC patients on their knowledge. There was a negative correlation between patients' knowledge and age (P = .001, r (s) = -.293) and a positive correlation between patients' knowledge and education level (P = .001, r (s) = .365). MTAC patients were found to have better INR control than non-MTAC when compared for mean percentage days in range (63.4% ± 18.9% vs 52.5% ± 18.2%; P = .006) and mean percentage visits in range (58.8% ± 17.9% vs 46.8% ± 18.6%; P = .001).
    CONCLUSIONS: MTAC patients were found to have better INR control compared to non-MTAC patients. A joint cooperation between physicians, pharmacists, and nurses should exist to achieve desired therapeutic outcomes.

    Study site: warfarin patients
    attending the anticoagulation clinics
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  2. Gnanasan S, Ting KN, Wong KT, Mohd Ali S, Muttalif AR, Anderson C
    Int J Clin Pharm, 2011 Feb;33(1):44-52.
    PMID: 21365392 DOI: 10.1007/s11096-010-9452-3
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the feasibility of providing a pharmacist-led pharmaceutical care service to patients with tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus.

    SETTING: The study was conducted at a tertiary hospital in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia. Methods Action research methodology was used.

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Pharmaceutical care issues.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus among newly diagnosed tuberculosis patients was 15% (53/352). Out of 53 patients identified, 35 participated in the study. Patients' ages ranged between 29 and 73 years (mean of 52 ± 10 years). The male: female ratio was 1.7:1. Pharmaceutical care issues identified by pharmacists were nonadherence, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, adverse drug reactions and individual patient's medication related problems. Pharmacists were able to intervene and resolve some of the pharmaceutical care issues.

    CONCLUSION: Pharmacists played an important role in integrating the provision of care for tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus by providing individualised pharmaceutical care management. There still remains a need to address logistic barriers that impinged on the ability to conduct the pharmaceutical care service to its full potential.

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  3. Beck CT
    MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs, 2008 Mar-Jun;33(3):151-6; quiz 157-8.
    PMID: 18453904 DOI: 10.1097/01.NMC.0000318349.70364.1c
    This two-part series summarizes 141 postpartum depression studies that have been conducted by nurse researchers from around the globe. Studies contributing to the knowledge base of postpartum depression were conducted in the following nine countries: United States, Australia, Canada, China (Hong Kong, Taiwan), Finland, Iceland, Sweden, Turkey, and Malaysia. Part 1 of this series addressed the contributions of nurse researchers in the areas of epidemiology, risk factors, and transcultural perspectives related to postpartum depression. This article is Part 2, and it describes what nurse researchers have contributed to the following aspects of postpartum depression: instrumentation/screening, interventions, mother-infant interactions, family dynamics, breastfeeding, preterm births, biological factors, clinicians' knowledge, and mothers' use of health services.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nurse's Role
  4. Chong CP, March G, Clark A, Gilbert A, Hassali MA, Bahari MB
    Health Policy, 2011 Feb;99(2):139-48.
    PMID: 20732723 DOI: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2010.08.002
    This study evaluated Australian community pharmacists' rate of generic medicine substitution, patient acceptance of generic substitution and cost-savings achieved for patients from substitution.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  5. Cheung TK, Lim PW, Wong BC
    Dig Dis Sci, 2007 Nov;52(11):3043-8.
    PMID: 17436083 DOI: 10.1007%2Fs10620-007-9764-x
    Noncardiac chest pain (NCCP) is common and has a significant impact on health care. Primary care physicians (PCPs)' attitudes, clinical approach, preference of diagnostic tests, referral patterns, and comfort in managing patients with NCCP in the Asia-Pacific region are not known. Consequently, we performed this survey in the Asia-Pacific region. The self-completed questionnaire was sent to PCPs in the Asia-Pacific region. A 28-item questionnaire contained questions on demographic information, characteristics of practice, preferences of diagnostic tests, referral patterns, treatment plans, and opinion on Helicobacter pylori and NCCP. A total of 108 (74%) PCPs returned the questionnaire. A mean of 18% of the patients were diagnosed with NCCP by PCPs in the past 6 months. Ninety-four percent of PCPs had treated NCCP patients in the last 6 months. Only 38% of the PCPs were comfortable in diagnosing NCCP but 85.2% believed that they should manage NCCP patients. PCPs in Malaysia and Philippines were more likely to refer patients to subspecialists. Fifty-seven and four-tenths percent of PCPs believed that H. pylori infection plays a role in the development of NCCP. The study demonstrates clearly that the understanding, diagnostic strategies, and treatment strategies of NCCP in the Asia-Pacific region are suboptimal and thus highlights the importance of educational and training programs tailored for PCPs in NCCP.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physician's Role
  6. Lee EL, Wong PS, Tan MY, Sheridan J
    Int J Pharm Pract, 2018 Apr;26(2):138-147.
    PMID: 28574154 DOI: 10.1111/ijpp.12374
    OBJECTIVES: This study explored the experiences and views of individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) on their diabetes self-management and potential roles for community pharmacists in diabetes self-management education and support (DSME/S) in Malaysia.
    METHODS: A qualitative study, using semi-structured, face-to-face interviews, was conducted with patients with T2D attending a primary care health clinic in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed inductively.
    KEY FINDINGS: Fourteen participants with T2D were interviewed. Data were coded into five main themes: experience and perception of diabetes self-management, constraints of the current healthcare system, perception of the community pharmacist and community pharmacies, perceived roles for community pharmacists in diabetes care, and challenges in utilising community pharmacies to provide DSME/S. There were misconceptions about diabetes management that may be attributed to a lack of knowledge. Although participants described potential roles for community pharmacists in education, medication review and continuity of care, these roles were mostly non-clinically oriented. Participants were not confident about community pharmacists making recommendations and changes to the prescribed treatment regimens. While participants recognised the advantages of convenience of a community pharmacy-based diabetes care service, they raised concerns over the retail nature and the community pharmacy environment for providing such services.
    CONCLUSION: This study highlighted the need to improve the care provision for people with T2D. Participants with T2D identified potential, but limited roles for community pharmacists in diabetes care. Participants expressed concerns that need to be addressed if effective diabetes care is to be provided from community pharmacies in Malaysia.
    Study site: primary care health clinic (klinik kesihatan), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  7. Hashmi FK, Hassali MA, Khalid A, Saleem F, Aljadhey H, Babar ZUD, et al.
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2017 07 19;17(1):500.
    PMID: 28724411 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-017-2442-6
    BACKGROUND: In recent decades, community pharmacies reported a change of business model, whereby a shift from traditional services to the provision of extended roles was observed. However, such delivery of extended pharmacy services (EPS) is reported from the developed world, and there is scarcity of information from the developing nations. Within this context, the present study was aimed to explore knowledge, perception and attitude of community pharmacists (CPs) about EPS and their readiness and acceptance for practice change in the city of Lahore, Pakistan.

    METHODS: A qualitative approach was used to gain an in-depth knowledge of the issues. By using a semi-structured interview guide, 12 CPs practicing in the city of Lahore, Pakistan were conveniently selected. All interviews were audio-taped, transcribed verbatim, and were then analyzed for thematic contents by the standard content analysis framework.

    RESULTS: Thematic content analysis yielded five major themes. (1) Familiarity with EPS, (2) current practice of EPS, (3) training needed to provide EPS, (4) acceptance of EPS and (5) barriers toward EPS. Majority of the CPs were unaware of EPS and only a handful had the concept of extended services. Although majority of our study respondents were unaware of pharmaceutical care, they were ready to accept practice change if provided with the required skills and training. Lack of personal knowledge, poor public awareness, inadequate physician-pharmacist collaboration and deprived salary structures were reported as barriers towards the provision of EPS at the practice settings.

    CONCLUSION: Although the study reported poor awareness towards EPS, the findings indicated a number of key themes that can be used in establishing the concept of EPS in Pakistan. Over all, CPs reported a positive attitude toward practice change provided to the support and facilitation of health and community based agencies in Pakistan.

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  8. Lai PS, Chua SS, Chan SP
    Int J Clin Pharm, 2013 Aug;35(4):629-37.
    PMID: 23677816 DOI: 10.1007/s11096-013-9784-x
    BACKGROUND: This study describes the analysis of secondary outcomes from a previously published randomised controlled trial, which assessed the effects of pharmaceutical care on medication adherence, persistence and bone turnover markers. The main focus of this manuscript is the effect of the provision of pharmaceutical care on these secondary outcomes, and details on the design of the intervention provided, the osteoporosis care plan and materials used to deliver the intervention.
    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of pharmaceutical care on knowledge, quality of life (QOL) and satisfaction of postmenopausal osteoporotic women prescribed bisphosphonates, and their associating factors.
    SETTING: Randomised controlled trial, performed at an osteoporosis clinic of a tertiary hospital in Malaysia.
    METHODS: Postmenopausal women diagnosed with osteoporosis (T-score ≤-2.5/lowtrauma fracture), just been prescribed weekly alendronate/risedronate were randomly allocated to receive intervention or standard care (controls). Intervention participants received a medication review, education on osteoporosis, risk factors, lifestyle modifications, goals of therapy, side effects and the importance of medication adherence at months 0, 3, 6 and 12.
    MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURE: Knowledge, QOL and satisfaction.
    RESULTS: A total of 198 postmenopausal osteoporotic women were recruited: intervention = 100 and control = 98. Intervention participants reported significantly higher knowledge scores at months 3 (72.50 vs. 62.50 %), 6 (75.00 vs. 65.00 %) and 12 (78.75 vs. 68.75 %) compared to control participants. QOL scores were also lower (which indicates better QOL) at months 3 (29.33 vs. 38.41), 6 (27.50 vs. 36.56) and 12 (27.53 vs. 37.56) compared to control participants. Similarly, satisfaction score was higher in intervention participants (93.67 vs. 84.83 %). More educated women, with back pain, who were provided pharmaceutical care had better knowledge levels. Similarly, older, more educated women, with previous falls and back pain tend to have poorer QOL, whilst women who exercised more frequently and were provided pharmaceutical care had better QOL. Satisfaction also increased as QOL increases and when provided pharmaceutical care.
    CONCLUSION: The provision of pharmaceutical care improved knowledge, QOL and satisfaction in Malaysian postmenopausal osteoporotic women, showing that pharmacists have the potential to improve patients' overall bone health. Policymakers should consider placing a clinical pharmacist in the osteoporosis clinic to provide counselling to improve these outcomes.
    Study site: Osteoporosis clinics, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  9. Hassan Y, Al-Ramahi RJ, Aziz NA, Ghazali R
    Ann Pharmacother, 2009 Oct;43(10):1598-605.
    PMID: 19776297 DOI: 10.1345/aph.1M187
    Appropriate drug selection and dosing for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is important to avoid unwanted drug effects and ensure optimal patient outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  10. Gopal RL, Beaver K, Barnett T, Ismail NS
    Cancer Nurs, 2005 Mar-Apr;28(2):132-40.
    PMID: 15815183
    Little is known about the information needs of women with breast cancer in non-Western societies. This study examined the priority information needs of 100 women with breast cancer in Malaysia and compared the findings to previous work involving 150 women diagnosed with breast cancer in the United Kingdom. The study used a valid and reliable measure, the Information Needs Questionnaire (INQ). The INQ contained 9 items of information related to physical, psychological, and social care, used successfully in Canada and the United Kingdom. The INQ was shown to have cross-cultural relevance and sensitivity. For Malaysian women, information about likelihood of cure, sexual attractiveness, and spread of disease were the most important information needs. For UK women, similar priorities were evident, apart from the item on sexual attractiveness, which was ranked much lower by women in the United Kingdom. The cultural similarities and differences that emerged from this study have implications for nurses in the cancer field caring for people from a diversity of cultural backgrounds. Breast care nurses are not a feature of the Malaysian healthcare system, although the findings from this study support the view that specialist nurses have a vital role to play in meeting the psychosocial needs of women with breast cancer in non-Western societies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nurse's Role
  11. Chong CP, Hassali MA, Bahari MB, Shafie AA
    Health Policy, 2010 Jan;94(1):68-75.
    PMID: 19762106 DOI: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2009.08.011
    This study aims to provide baseline data to support the implementation of generic substitution policy in Malaysia by evaluating the community pharmacists' perceptions and opinions on generic substitution and current substitution practices.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
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