: Studies on bacterial growth pattern from the conventional approach are defective due
to their failure to explain the interactions or simply the complementary effects of the factors
influencing the bacterial growth. In this study, the individual and collaborative effects of
Pseudomonas putida growth variables were evaluated using a 2-level fractional factorial design of
experiment (FFDOE). The growth of the organism was found to respond remarkably to different
concentrations of nutrient media (carbon source) and the other independent variables. Factorial
models were developed from the experimental design to study the individual and interactive effects
of the studied parameters on the response. The studied parameters and their levels were as follows:
nutrient concentration (4-16 g/L), acclimatization time (24-72 hrs), agitation (140-200 rpm), and
temperature (30-40oC). These parameters were statistically validated using analysis of variance
(ANOVA) and the results revealed that the model terms were statistically significant with an Fvalue of 415.17 at P temperature > nutrient concentration versus temperature >
agitation > nutrient concentration versus agitation. Based on the R
and the adjusted R
values of
>95%, the estimated variables showed a high degree of relationship between the observed and the
predicted values; thus, the predictive ability of the models was suggested. It could, therefore, be
concluded that nutrient concentration, temperature, and agitation can greatly influence the growth
of P. putida within a specific range.