Displaying all 2 publications

  1. Alipour S, Eskandari A, Johar FM, Furuya S
    Arch Iran Med, 2020 07 01;23(7):488-497.
    PMID: 32657600 DOI: 10.34172/aim.2020.46
    BACKGROUND: Phyllodes tumor (PT) is a rare tumor of the breast, which may occur during pregnancy or lactation. Several studies have reviewed and discussed PT occurring in pregnancy, gathering up to 14 patients. We performed a thorough systematic review of the literature in an attempt to find all reported cases, and identify their common characteristics.

    METHODS: We searched Google scholar, PubMed, Ovid Medline, Scopus and ClinicalTrials.gov with several relevant combinations of keywords, looking for texts or abstracts without any date or language limitations, but using only English keywords. The existing literature only consisted of case reports and series; therefore any paper including one or several cases of PT presenting during pregnancy or breastfeeding was recognized as eligible. Articles with vague description of the tumor which made the diagnosis uncertain, and those lacking data about the tumor and management data were excluded. We contacted authors for more details in cases with incomplete information.

    RESULTS: After excluding those with very deficient data, we included 37 studies, counting 43 cases. The mean age of the patients was 31 years (21-43 years). Some features were different from usual PT: bilaterality (16.2%), large size (14.2 ± 8.6 cm), rapid enlargement (79.5%), and rate of malignancy (60.5%).

    CONCLUSION: Our findings show high rates of bilaterality, large size, rapid growth, and malignant pathology in the reported gestational PTs.

  2. Sarraf M, Rezvani Ghomi E, Alipour S, Ramakrishna S, Liana Sukiman N
    Biodes Manuf, 2021 Oct 26.
    PMID: 34721937 DOI: 10.1007/s42242-021-00170-3
    Abstract: Commercially pure titanium and titanium alloys have been among the most commonly used materials for biomedical applications since the 1950s. Due to the excellent mechanical tribological properties, corrosion resistance, biocompatibility, and antibacterial properties of titanium, it is getting much attention as a biomaterial for implants. Furthermore, titanium promotes osseointegration without any additional adhesives by physically bonding with the living bone at the implant site. These properties are crucial for producing high-strength metallic alloys for biomedical applications. Titanium alloys are manufactured into the three types of α, β, and α + β. The scientific and clinical understanding of titanium and its potential applications, especially in the biomedical field, are still in the early stages. This review aims to establish a credible platform for the current and future roles of titanium in biomedicine. We first explore the developmental history of titanium. Then, we review the recent advancement of the utility of titanium in diverse biomedical areas, its functional properties, mechanisms of biocompatibility, host tissue responses, and various relevant antimicrobial strategies. Future research will be directed toward advanced manufacturing technologies, such as powder-based additive manufacturing, electron beam melting and laser melting deposition, as well as analyzing the effects of alloying elements on the biocompatibility, corrosion resistance, and mechanical properties of titanium. Moreover, the role of titania nanotubes in regenerative medicine and nanomedicine applications, such as localized drug delivery system, immunomodulatory agents, antibacterial agents, and hemocompatibility, is investigated, and the paper concludes with the future outlook of titanium alloys as biomaterials.

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