Methods: The respondents were conveniently selected among visitors attending an outpatient clinic in a tertiary hospital. We excluded those with any cancers, chronic diseases and those that were illiterate. The exploratory factor and reliability analyses were conducted.
Results: A total of 108 respondents were recruited of which 67.7% were males and the mean age was 54.59 years (standard deviation 8.93). The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy values for KAP were 0.64, 0.66 and 0.67, respectively (P < 0.001). The 17 items of knowledge formed five domains with loading factors ranging from 0.54-0.89. The six items of attitude formed two domains with loading factors ranging from 0.64-0.80 and the 15 practices had four domains with loading factors ranging from 0.52-0.83. The total variances explained for each KAP were 61.02%, 56.41% and 53.12%, respectively. The internal consistency Cronbach alpha values on KAP were 0.61, 0.60 and 0.70, respectively.
Conclusion: The final questionnaire is suitable for measuring KAP related to CRC among the Malay population.