Emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, COVID-19, has become the global panic since December 2019, which urges the global healthcare professionals to identify novel therapeutics to counteract this pandemic. So far, there is no approved treatment available to control this public health issue; however, a few antiviral agents and repurposed drugs support the patients under medical supervision by compromising their adverse effects, especially in emergency conditions. Only a few vaccines have been approved to date. In this context, several plant natural products-based research studies are evidenced to play a crucial role in immunomodulation that can prevent the chances of infection as well as combat the cytokine release storm (CRS) generated during COVID-19 infection. In this present review, we have focused on flavonoids, especially epicatechin, epigallocatechin gallate, hesperidin, naringenin, quercetin, rutin, luteolin, baicalin, diosmin, ge nistein, biochanin A, and silymarin, which can counteract the virus-mediated elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines leading to multiple organ failure. In addition, a comprehensive discussion on available in silico, in vitro, and in vivo findings with critical analysis has also been evaluated, which might pave the way for further development of phytotherapeutics to identify the potential lead candidatetoward effective and safe management of the SARS-CoV-2 disease.
Background: India first detected SARS-CoV-2, causal agent of COVID-19 in late January 2020, imported from Wuhan, China. From March 2020 onwards, the importation of cases from countries in the rest of the world followed by seeding of local transmission triggered further outbreaks in India. Methods: We used ARTIC protocol-based tiling amplicon sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 (n=104) from different states of India using a combination of MinION and MinIT sequencing from Oxford Nanopore Technology to understand how introduction and local transmission occurred. Results: The analyses revealed multiple introductions of SARS-CoV-2 genomes, including the A2a cluster from Europe and the USA, A3 cluster from Middle East and A4 cluster (haplotype redefined) from Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia) and Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan). The local transmission and persistence of genomes A4, A2a and A3 was also observed in the studied locations. The most prevalent genomes with patterns of variance (confined in a cluster) remain unclassified, and are here proposed as A4-clade based on its divergence within the A cluster. Conclusions: The viral haplotypes may link their persistence to geo-climatic conditions and host response. Multipronged strategies including molecular surveillance based on real-time viral genomic data is of paramount importance for a timely management of the pandemic.