METHODS: This prospective study involved 154 consecutive patients undergoing wide-awake local anesthesia no tourniquet surgery at 3 hand surgery centers (January-April 2024). Patients objectively scored pain events during injection and rated pain intensity (0-10 Likert scale), intraoperative pain, anxiety, and overall experience.
RESULTS: During local anesthesia injection, 61 (40%) patients reported no pain, 92 (59.7%) reported 1 pain event, and 1 (0.7%) patient reported 2 events. Among the 93 patients who felt pain, 90 reported only mild discomfort (1-2 of 10), whereas 3 reported moderate pain (3-5 of 10). Anxiety levels during anesthesia and surgery were 3 of 10 or less for 147 (95.5%) patients.
CONCLUSIONS: Real-time patient feedback improved surgeons' ability to administer tumescent local anesthesia with minimal pain. As a result, most patients experienced no pain or only 1 minor event during local anesthesia injection for wide-awake local anesthesia no tourniquet surgery.