The relationship based on trust is exceptionally important in healthcare, where life or death and quality of health are major concerns. Relational crack jeopardises the provision of quality healthcare when trust is taken for granted. Trust is believed to be the vital key to minimise medical negligence, lawsuits and patient complaints towards healthcare providers while acting as an empowering agent to significant clinical outcomes. Trust is indispensable to healthcare. However, to identify its deterioration is not a simple feature. Moreover, lack of research and public dissemination complicate this topic further. Hence, understanding medical mistrust issues and their associated indicators is urgently needed to ensure the top-notch provision of healthcare. We employed narrative review methodology together with key terms matching for the selected electronic databases for this article. Our review concluded that an "Increasing number of medical litigations and complaints towards physicians", "Physicians' low mastery of interpersonal communication skill" and "Patients' demand, practice, and non-disclosure of alternative treatments" are the possible indicators to predict mistrust. Efforts to restore and strengthen trust can only be made when these indicators are well understood firsthand.