Displaying all 2 publications

  1. Wan Rosli WI, Babji AS, Aminah A, Foo SP, Abd Malik O
    Int J Food Sci Nutr, 2010 Aug;61(5):519-35.
    PMID: 20166846 DOI: 10.3109/09637481003591582
    The effect of retorting and oven cooking on the nutritional properties of beef frankfurters blended with palm oil (PO), red PO35 and red PO48 were compared against the control beef fat treatment. Red PO oven-cooked beef frankfurters resulted in a significant loss of vitamin E from 538.5 to 287.5 microg after 6 months. Oven cooked sausages stored at -18 degrees C and retorted sausages stored for the 6 months of shelf studies resulted in more than 90% loss of alpha-carotene and beta-carotene in red PO beef frankfurters. Cholesterol was reduced at the range of 29.0-32.2 mg/100 g when beef fat was substituted with palm-based oils, in beef frankfurters. Differences of heat treatments did not significantly change THE cholesterol content, within all treatments. This study showed the potential of utilizing red palm oils as animal fat analogues in improving vitamin E, reducing cholesterol but not carotenes in beef frankfurters.
  2. Kamarudin SA, Jinap S, Sukor R, Foo SP, Sanny M
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 Sep;25(5):128-139.
    PMID: 30914869 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.5.12
    Background: This study attempted to evaluate the effect of fat-soluble anti-oxidants in vegetable oils on acrylamide during the deep-fat frying of French fries.

    Methods: Three vegetable oils with different fat-soluble anti-oxidant contents were selected and par-fried potato strips were fried in these oils. Acrylamide in the French fries at different frying times (at 180 °C) and over 10 consecutive frying sessions were measured. The anti-oxidant contents and quality degradation of oils were monitored before and after the 5th and 10th consecutive frying sessions.

    Results: The effect of the fat-soluble anti-oxidants in red palm oil on the acrylamide was more apparent when a prolonged frying time was used for consecutive frying sessions than when different frying conditions were used. Using red palm oil, acrylamide concentration in French fries significantly dropped to the lowest level, at 524 ng g-1, after the 10th frying session. The β-carotene content after the 10th frying session was the highest in red palm oil.

    Conclusion: The use of red palm oil for deep-fat frying French fries can be a mitigation strategy to reduce acrylamide formation, but further studies are necessary to investigate the influence of different types of fat-soluble anti-oxidants on the inhibition of acrylamide formation.

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