The earliest report of a dengue epidemic in the Malaysian Peninsula was from Singapore in 1901 (More, 1904). S. Kae' in 1902 described the next epidemic in Penang. In March 1954, an outbreak of febrile illness was reported at the Methodist Girls' School, Kuala Lumpur, from which dengue viruses were first isolated in Malaysia and identified as dengue type 1.2 However, the first report of the sinister dengue fever with haemorrhagic manifestations was made only in 1962 from Penang Island (Rudnick et al, 1965).3Parameswaran4 in 1965 described the clinical features seen in 41 cases admitted into the children's ward in the Penang General Hospital. Several of the early isolates were of dengue type 2. (Copied from article).
Bacterial skin infection was studied in 239 children between the ages of 1 and 12 years in an urban squatter area in Kuala Lumpur over a period of three months (January - March 1983). 62 children presented with dermatological problems, 33 of which were clinically diagnosed as pyoderma. Microbiological examination of swabs from the lesions yielded mixed growth from 54.5% (18/33) specimens. Beta-haemolytic streptococci were isolated from 63.6% (21/33) and Staphylococcus aureus from 54.5% (18/33) specimens. All streptococcal isolates were grouped with a commercial kit, the Streptex (Wellcome). 81% (17/21) belonged to Lancefield's group A, 90% of which were not M or T typable by the standard international set of antisera. Urine analysis, pharyngeal swab culture and determination of anti-streptococcal antibody titre were also performed for children with positive skin cultures for group A streptococcus. 6% (2/33) of children with impetigo developed acute glomerulonephritis, requiring hospitalization.
Study site: Growth and nutrition clinic, squatter area, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia