Displaying 1 publication

  1. Shah AS, Hashim ZH, Sah SA
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2009 Dec;20(2):59-70.
    PMID: 24575179 MyJurnal
    A total of 37 fish species from 14 families were observed during surveys conducted from January to March 2005 at 8 selected streams near the Gunung Jerai Forest Reserve. The list includes two species (Rasbora trilineata and Systomus partipentazona) that were visually identified at the lower part of the Sungai Teroi stream. Single specimens of Leiocassis micropogon, Clarias macrocephalus and Hampala macrolepidota were also obtained at certain sampling stations. Devario regina and Systomus binotatus were the most abundant species at all sampling stations. However, the list is still incomplete as the study was carried out over a short time period and there are large areas that have not yet been surveyed. The presence of exotic species (Carassius auratus) at Sungai Badak indicates anthropogenic influences. Therefore, a long-term monitoring program for Gunung Jerai Forest Reserve streams should be planned and carried out to assess the impacts of future development on fish biodiversity and water quality.
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