Displaying all 2 publications

  1. Alwi A, Zulkifli NW, Sukiman NL, Yusoff A, Zakaria Z, Jamshaid M, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2019 Apr;26(12):11815-11826.
    PMID: 30811022 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-04603-6
    The availability of natural energy resources and the environmental issues are the most significant issues that are often highlighted by the world communities. With regard to these problems, isobutanol is a higher chain alcohol with four carbons which can be derived from biomass resources and it is potential to become an alternative fuel source besides the biodiesel for a diesel engine. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of isobutanol with Calophyllum inophyllum methyl ester and diesel as the ternary blend on physicochemical properties, engine performance, and emission characteristics. Five different fuel blends containing Calophyllum inophyllum biodiesel and isobutanol were tested on a single-cylinder direct injection diesel engine at different engine load of brake mean effective pressure. The physicochemical properties of the fuel blends were measured and then compared with neat diesel. The results indicate that the blend containing isobutanol and CIME gives a slight increase in BSEC and EGT and a minimal drop in BTE as compared to that of neat diesel. Besides that, the tested blends show a reduction of carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbon emissions. Meanwhile, all the fuel blends show a minimal increase in carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions, compared to that of neat diesel. Isobutanol can be proved as a preferred substitute for biodiesel and diesel fuels to achieve desired engine performance and emissions level.
  2. Yusoff MNAM, Zulkifli NWM, Sukiman NL, Chyuan OH, Hassan MH, Hasnul MH, et al.
    Bioenergy Res, 2021;14(1):43-60.
    PMID: 32837676 DOI: 10.1007/s12155-020-10165-0
    Biodiesel is gaining prominence as a superior alternative source of energy to replace petroleum-based fuel in transportation. As of today, the biodiesel market continuous to rise up as the biofuel has been introduced to more than 60 countries worldwide. The aim of the present review is to highlight on the scenario of the biofuel implementation in transportation sector towards sustainable development in Colombia and Malaysia. Colombia serves as an ideal comparative case for Malaysia in terms of biodiesel development since the country is the main palm oil producer in Latin America region and the pioneer in bioethanol industry. The first section shows an overview on the biodiesel as an alternative fuel in transportation. The next section will focus on a comparative study between Malaysia and Colombia biodiesel sector in terms of energy supply, resource, production and consumption, standards, techno-economic cost and their biodiesel policies. A comprehensive review was studied to discuss on the sustainability of palm cultivation and biodiesel, impact of palm industry and biodiesel policy in transportation sector and potential international collaboration between Malaysia and Colombia to improve their existing policies, strategies and blueprints related to the palm biodiesel industry, thus overcoming the challenges when dealing with global energy issue.
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