CASE PRESENTATION: A 60-year-old Malay gentleman presented to the Periodontic Clinic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He was a known case of primary PRV for the past 5 years. Intraoral examination showed generalized periodontal deep pockets ranging from 5 to 10 mm. He was diagnosed as Stage III Grade C periodontitis. Nonsurgical periodontal therapy was provided, followed by surgical correction of residual periodontal deep pockets on teeth 17, 11, and 23. He was reviewed at 4-month intervals for supportive periodontal therapy after stabilization of his periodontal condition.
CONCLUSION: Polycythemia rubra vera (PRV) patients should have preoperative therapeutic control for more than 4 months and have been treated with myelosuppressive agents prior to periodontal surgery. Good oral hygiene and periodical supportive periodontal therapy are the key factors for successful periodontal treatment outcomes in well-controlled PRV patients.
METHODS: A total of 141 periodontitis patients were recruited. Psychological states were assessed using the Malay short-form Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (MDASS-21). Subjects were grouped as positive for depression, anxiety or stress (DAS) (positive-DAS), without DAS (non-DAS), stress-only and anxiety-only. OHRQoL was evaluated using the Malay short-form Oral Health Impact Profile (S-OHIP[M]).
RESULTS: OHRQoL was associated with MDASS-21, probing pocket depths, recession, clinical attachment levels, number of teeth present and number of teeth with mobility. S-OHIP(M) of positive-DAS subjects was associated with clinical attachment levels, number of teeth present and presence of anxiety. Anxiety-only subjects reported higher S-OHIP(M) scores compared to the non-DAS group.
CONCLUSION: OHRQoL of all subjects was negatively impacted by periodontitis severity and tooth loss. Combinations of depression, anxiety or stress led to worse periodontal status and OHRQoL. Subjects with anxiety-only experienced poorer OHRQoL compared to those without depression, anxiety and stress regardless of periodontitis severity. Possible impacts of psychological states on periodontitis and OHRQoL highlights the importance of assessing and improving psychological factors as part of periodontal therapy and to enhance OHRQoL.