The aim of this study was to investigate the attitudes and desire of Malaysian patients for information about anaesthesia and compare the result to that of other similar studies in other countries namely Scotland, Canada, Australia and denMark. Two hundred and forty patients undergoing elective surgery were asked to complete a preoperative quentionnaire examining their desire for information relating to anaesthesia. As in all countries compared, most Malaysian patients were interested to know the time they could start to mobilize from the bed and the time to commence normal oral intake postoperatively. Information related to postoperative pain and pain relief was also highly desired. However, patients showed less interest towards information about perioperative anaesthetic or surgical procedures and drug used. Unlike Australian patients, the Malaysian patients showed less interest about perioperative complications. As in other countries, patients under the age of 50 years had a greater desire for information than those who were older. However there was no difference in desire for information between male and female patients. Patients who have had previous anaesthesia would ask more information compared to those who had none.