Displaying all 2 publications

  1. Kozlov SA, Lazarev VN, Kostryukova ES, Selezneva OV, Ospanova EA, Alexeev DG, et al.
    Sci Data, 2014;1:140023.
    PMID: 25977780 DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2014.23
    A comprehensive transcriptome analysis of an expressed sequence tag (EST) database of the spider Dolomedes fimbriatus venom glands using single-residue distribution analysis (SRDA) identified 7,169 unique sequences. Mature chains of 163 different toxin-like polypeptides were predicted on the basis of well-established methodology. The number of protein precursors of these polypeptides was appreciably numerous than the number of mature polypeptides. A total of 451 different polypeptide precursors, translated from 795 unique nucleotide sequences, were deduced. A homology search divided the 163 mature polypeptide sequences into 16 superfamilies and 19 singletons. The number of mature toxins in a superfamily ranged from 2 to 49, whereas the diversity of the original nucleotide sequences was greater (2-261 variants). We observed a predominance of inhibitor cysteine knot toxin-like polypeptides among the cysteine-containing structures in the analyzed transcriptome bank. Uncommon spatial folds were also found.
  2. Lukianova AA, Shneider MM, Evseev PV, Egorov MV, Kasimova AA, Shpirt AM, et al.
    Int J Mol Sci, 2023 Dec 09;24(24).
    PMID: 38139119 DOI: 10.3390/ijms242417288
    Klebsiella pneumoniae is a pathogen associated with various infection types, which often exhibits multiple antibiotic resistance. Phages, or bacterial viruses, have an ability to specifically target and destroy K. pneumoniae, offering a potential means of combatting multidrug-resistant infections. Phage enzymes are another promising therapeutic agent that can break down bacterial capsular polysaccharide, which shields K. pneumoniae from the immune response and external factors. In this study, Klebsiella phage K5 was isolated; this phage is active against Klebsiella pneumoniae with the capsular type K21. It was demonstrated that the phage can effectively lyse the host culture. The adsorption apparatus of the phage has revealed two receptor-binding proteins (RBPs) with predicted polysaccharide depolymerising activity. A recombinant form of both RBPs was obtained and experiments showed that one of them depolymerised the capsular polysaccharide K21. The structure of this polysaccharide and its degradation fragments were analysed. The second receptor-binding protein showed no activity on capsular polysaccharide of any of the 31 capsule types tested, so the substrate for this enzyme remains to be determined in the future. Klebsiella phage K5 may be considered a useful agent against Klebsiella infections.
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