The aim of the present work was to develop legume-based kefir yogurts to replace conventional dairy yogurts that are not suitable to be consumed by vegetarians and consumers who have lactose intolerance and milk allergy. Soy and black bean milk were incubated at 15°C and 20°C for 24 h with 35 g of water kefir grains to produce kefir yogurt. The proximate composition, physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of the yogurts were evaluated. At 20°C, soy and black bean milk produced kefir yogurts with significantly lower pH, total soluble solids, and sucrose concentration, indicating that fermentation process carried out at 20°C had higher efficiency than 15°C; meanwhile, black bean milk produced better kefir yogurts than soymilk. Black bean kefir yogurt which was fermented at 20°C had higher level of total plate count (2.05 × 107 CFU/mL), yeast and mould count (6.95 × 106 CFU/mL), and lactobacilli count (8.3
× 105 CFU/mL) as compared to other kefir yogurts. In general, 20°C produced kefir yogurt with better technological properties. Both soymilk and black bean milk were good alternative substrates for kefir yogurt production.