Displaying 1 publication

  1. Lim JHC, Azman BAR, Othman BHR
    Zookeys, 2019;859:17-29.
    PMID: 31327920 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.859.33284
    A new species of caprellid, Aciconulatinggiensis (Amphipoda, Senticaudata, Caprellidae) was discovered from Pulau Tinggi, Sultan Iskandar Marine Park (SIMP), South China Sea, Malaysia. The new Malaysian species can be distinguished from the other Aciconula species by the combination of the following characters: 1. the presence of a very small suture between head and pereonite 1; 2. antenna 1 flagellum with 4 articles; 3. inner lobe of lower lip unilobed; 4. gnathopod 2 palm of propodus with a large proximal projection (stretching from the proximal margin of the palm to nearly mid-way of palm); 5. pereopods 3-4 with 2 articles (article 1 subrectangular, article 2 conical or tapering at the tip with 1 plumose seta and 2 normal setae) and; 6. pereopod 5 covered with relatively dense and long setae. An updated identification key for the five known species in the genus, including information on the respective geographical distribution and habitat, is presented.
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