Spillovers of Nipah virus (NiV) from its pteropid bat reservoir into the human population continue to cause near-annual outbreaks of fatal encephalitis and respiratory disease in Bangladesh and India since its emergence in Malaysia over 20 years ago. The current lack of effective antiviral therapeutics against NiV merits further testing of compound libraries against NiV using rapid quantitative antiviral assays. The development of recombinant henipaviruses expressing reporter fluorescence and/or luminescence proteins has facilitated the screening of such libraries. In this chapter, we provide a basic protocol for both types of reporter viruses. Utilizing these live NiV-based reporter assays requires modest instrumentation and sidesteps the labor-intensive steps associated with traditional cytopathic effect or viral antigen-based assays.
Nipah virus first emerged in Malaysia and Singapore between 1998 and 1999, causing severe febrile encephalitis in humans with a mortality rate of close to 40%. In addition, a significant portion of those recovering from acute infection had relapse encephalitis and long-term neurological defects. Since its initial outbreak, there have been numerous outbreaks in Bangladesh and India, in which the mortality rate rose to approximately 70%. These subsequent outbreaks were distinct from the initial outbreak, both in their epidemiology and in their clinical presentations. Recent developments in diagnostics may expedite disease diagnosis and outbreak containment, while progress in understanding the molecular biology of Nipah virus could lead to novel therapeutics and vaccines for this deadly pathogen.
Nipah virus (NiV) outbreaks have occurred in Malaysia, India, and Bangladesh, and the virus continues to cause annual outbreaks of fatal human encephalitis in Bangladesh due to spillover from its bat host reservoir. Due to its high pathogenicity, its potential use for bio/agro-terrorism, and to the current lack of approved therapeutics, NiV is designated as an overlap select agent requiring biosafety level-4 containment. Although the development of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies and soluble protein subunit vaccines have shown great promise, the paucity of effective antiviral drugs against NiV merits further exploration of compound libraries using rapid quantitative antiviral assays. As a proof-of-concept study, we evaluated the use of fluorescent and luminescent reporter NiVs for antiviral screening. We constructed and rescued NiVs expressing either Renilla luciferase or green fluorescent protein, and characterized their reporter signal kinetics in different cell types as well as in the presence of several inhibitors. The 50% effective concentrations (EC50s) derived for inhibitors against both reporter viruses are within range of EC50s derived from virus yield-based dose-response assays against wild-type NiV (within 1Log10), thus demonstrating that both reporter NiVs can serve as robust antiviral screening tools. Utilizing these live NiV-based reporter assays requires modest instrumentation, and circumvents the time and labor-intensive steps associated with cytopathic effect or viral antigen-based assays. These reporter NiVs will not only facilitate antiviral screening, but also the study of host cell components that influence the virus life cycle.
From its discovery in Malaysia in the late 1990s, the spillover of the Nipah virus from its pteropid reservoir into the human population has resulted in sporadic outbreaks of fatal encephalitis and respiratory disease. In this chapter, we revise a previously described quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction method, which now utilizes degenerate nucleotides at certain positions in the probe and the reverse primer to accommodate the sequence heterogeneity observed within the Nipah henipavirus species.
Nipah virus (NiV) is a highly pathogenic paramyxovirus that causes fatal encephalitis in humans. The initial outbreak of NiV infection occurred in Malaysia and Singapore in 1998-1999; relatively small, sporadic outbreaks among humans have occurred in Bangladesh since 2001. We characterized the complete genomic sequences of identical NiV isolates from 2 patients in 2008 and partial genomic sequences of throat swab samples from 3 patients in 2010, all from Bangladesh. All sequences from patients in Bangladesh comprised a distinct genetic group. However, the detection of 3 genetically distinct sequences from patients in the districts of Faridpur and Gopalganj indicated multiple co-circulating lineages in a localized region over a short time (January-March 2010). Sequence comparisons between the open reading frames of all available NiV genes led us to propose a standardized protocol for genotyping NiV; this protcol provides a simple and accurate way to classify current and future NiV sequences.
Nipah virus (NiV) causes near-annual outbreaks of fatal encephalitis and respiratory disease in South Asia with a high mortality rate (∼70%). Since there are no approved therapeutics for NiV disease in humans, the WHO has designated NiV and henipaviral diseases priority pathogens for research and development. We generated a new recombinant green fluorescent reporter NiV of the circulating Bangladesh genotype (rNiV-B-ZsG) and optimized it alongside our previously generated Malaysian genotype reporter counterpart (rNiV-M-ZsG) for antiviral screening in primary-like human respiratory cell types. Validating our platform for rNiV-B-ZsG with a synthetic compound library directed against viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, we identified a hit compound and confirmed its sub-micromolar activity against wild-type NiV, green fluorescent reporter, and the newly constructed bioluminescent red fluorescent double reporter (rNiV-B-BREP) NiV. We furthermore demonstrated that rNiV-B-ZsG and rNiV-B-BREP viruses showed pathogenicity comparable to wild-type NiV-B in the Syrian golden hamster model of disease, supporting additional use of these tools for both pathogenesis and advanced pre-clinical studies in vivo.