Displaying all 2 publications

  1. Mansourizadeh A, Ismail AF
    J Hazard Mater, 2009 Nov 15;171(1-3):38-53.
    PMID: 19616376 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.06.026
    Membrane contactors using microporous membranes for acid gas removal have been extensively reviewed and discussed. The microporous membrane acts as a fixed interface between the gas and the liquid phase without dispersing one phase into another that offers a flexible modular and energy efficient device. The gas absorption process can offer a high selectivity and a high driving force for transport even at low concentrations. Using hollow fiber gas-liquid membrane contactors is a promising alternative to conventional gas absorption systems for acid gas capture from gas streams. Important aspects of membrane contactor as an efficient energy devise for acid gas removal including liquid absorbents, membrane characteristics, combination of membrane and absorbent, mass transfer, membrane modules, model development, advantages and disadvantages were critically discussed. In addition, current status and future potential in research and development of gas-liquid membrane contactors for acid gas removal were also briefly discussed.
  2. Said N, Lau WJ, Zainol Abidin MN, Mansourizadeh A, Ismail AF
    Environ Technol, 2023 Apr 09.
    PMID: 36976335 DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2023.2197127
    Membrane fouling during the filtration process is a perennial issue and could lead to reduced separation efficiency. In this work, poly(citric acid)-grafted graphene oxide (PGO) was incorporated into a matrix of single-layer hollow fibre (SLHF) and dual-layer hollow fibrr (DLHF) membranes, respectively, aiming to improve membrane antifouling properties during water treatment. Different loadings of PGO ranging from 0 to 1 wt% were first introduced into the SLHF to identify the best PGO loading for the DLHF preparation with its outer layer modified by nanomaterials. The findings showed that at the optimized PGO loading of 0.7 wt%, the resultant SLHF membrane could achieve higher water permeability and bovine serum albumin rejection compared to the neat SLHF membrane. This is due to the improved surface hydrophilicity and increased structural porosity upon incorporation of optimized PGO loading. When 0.7 wt% PGO was introduced only to the outer layer of DLHF, the cross-sectional matrix of the membrane was altered, forming microvoids and spongy-like structures (more porous). Nevertheless, the BSA rejection of the membrane was improved to 97.7% owing to an inner selectivity layer produced from a different dope solution (without the PGO). The DLHF membrane also demonstrated significantly higher antifouling properties than the neat SLHF membrane. Its flux recovery rate is 85%, i.e. 37% better than that of a neat membrane. By incorporating hydrophilic PGO into the membrane, the interaction of the hydrophobic foulants with the membrane surface is greatly reduced.
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