Displaying all 7 publications

  1. Chen J, Er HM, Mohamed SM, Chen YS
    Biomed J, 2015 Jul-Aug;38(4):301-6.
    PMID: 25673170 DOI: 10.4103/2319-4170.151031
    BACKGROUND: Euphorbia hirta has been reported to possess anti-inflammatory activity. This study was carried out to determine the prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2 ) inhibition activity of the fractions of the E. hirta aqueous extract on rabbit synovial fibroblast cells (HIG-82).
    METHODS: E. hirta aqueous extract was fractionated into five fractions (fractions A, B, C, D, and E) by reversed phase flash chromatography. Rabbit synovial fibroblast cells (HIG-82) were activated with phorbol myristate acetate and treated with the fractions. The amount of PGE 2 released into the medium was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
    RESULTS: Fraction A (0.1, 1, and 10 μg/ml) had the greatest PGE 2 inhibitory effect among the five fractions, and showed a greater extent of PGE 2 inhibition compared to the aqueous extract. In contrast, Fraction E had the greatest stimulatory effect on PGE 2 release.
    CONCLUSIONS: Fraction A of the aqueous extract inhibited the production of PGE 2 from activated HIG-82 cells to a greater extent than the crude aqueous extract. Bioactive compounds with anti-inflammatory activity are likely to be concentrated in Fraction A of E. hirta aqueous extract.
  2. Wong RS, Mohamed SM, Nadarajah VD, Tengku IA
    PMID: 20591169 DOI: 10.1186/1756-9966-29-86
    Various strains of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) have been found to produce parasporal proteins that are cytotoxic to human cancer cells. This study aims to establish the binding affinity of purified Bt 18 toxin for CEM-SS (T lymphoblastic leukaemia cell line), to determine if competition exists between the toxin and commercial anticancer drugs for the binding site on CEM-SS and to localise the binding site of the toxin on CEM-SS.
  3. Mackeen MM, Ali AM, Lajis NH, Kawazu K, Hassan Z, Amran M, et al.
    J Ethnopharmacol, 2000 Oct;72(3):395-402.
    PMID: 10996278
    Crude extracts (methanol) of various parts, viz. the leaves, fruits, roots, stem and trunk bark, of Garcinia atroviridis were screened for antimicrobial, cytotoxic, brine shrimp toxic, antitumour-promoting and antioxidant activities. The crude extracts exhibited predominantly antibacterial activity with the root extract showing the strongest inhibition against the test bacteria at a minimum inhibitory dose (MID) of 15.6 microg/disc. Although all the extracts failed to inhibit the growth of most of the test fungi, significant antifungal activity against Cladosporium herbarum was exhibited by most notably the fruit (MID: 100 microg), and the leaf (MID: 400 microg) extracts. None of the extracts were significantly cytotoxic, and lethal towards brine shrimps. The root, leaf, trunk and stem bark extracts (except for the fruits) showed strong antioxidant activity exceeding that of the standard antioxidant, alpha-tocopherol. Antitumour-promoting activity (>95% inhibition) was shown by the fruit, leaf, stem and trunk bark extracts.
  4. Chan LL, Mak JW, Low YT, Koh TT, Ithoi I, Mohamed SM
    Acta Trop, 2011 Jan;117(1):23-30.
    PMID: 20858455 DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2010.09.004
    During a study on the quality of the indoor environment, Acanthamoeba spp. were detected in 20 out of 87 dust samples collected from air-conditioners installed in a four-story campus building located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Twenty-one cloned Acanthamoeba isolates designated as IMU1 to IMU21 were established from the positive primary cultures. Five species were identified from the 16 isolates according to the morphological criteria of Pussard and Pons; i.e. A. castellanii, A. culbertsoni, A. griffini, A. hatchetti and A. polyphaga. Species identities for the remaining five isolates (IMU4, IMU5, IMU15, IMU20 and IMU21), however, could not be determined morphologically. At genotypic characterization, these isolates were placed into T3 (IMU14); T5 (IMU16 and IMU17) and T4 (all the remaining isolates). To predict the potential pathogenicity of these Acanthamoeba isolates, thermo- and osmotolerance tests were employed; many isolates were predicted as potential human pathogens based on the outcome of these tests. This is the first time potentially pathogenic Acanthamoeba have been isolated from air-conditioners in Malaysia.
  5. Chan KK, Wong RS, Mohamed SM, Ibrahim TA, Abdullah M, Nadarajah VD
    PMID: 22591286
    Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) parasporal proteins with selective anticancer activity have recently garnered interest. This study determines the efficacy and mode of cell death of Bt 18 parasporal proteins against 3 leukemic cell lines (CEM-SS, CCRF-SB and CCRF-HSB-2).Cell-based biochemical analysis aimed to determine cell viability and the percentage of apoptotic cell death in treated cell lines; ultrastructural analysis to study apoptotic changes and Western blot to identify the parasporal proteins' binding site were performed. Bt 18 parasporal proteins moderately decreased viability of leukemic cells but not that of normal human T lymphocytes. Further purification of the proteins showed changes in inhibition selectivity. Phosphatidylserine externalization, active caspase-3, cell cycle, and ultrastructural analysis confirmed apoptotic activity and S-phase cell-cycle arrest. Western blot analysis demonstrated glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase as a binding protein. We suggest that Bt 18 parasporal proteins inhibit leukemic cell viability by cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis and that glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase binding initiates apoptosis.
  6. Mohamed SM, Abou-Ghadir OMF, El-Mokhtar MA, Aboraia AS, Abdel Aal AM
    J Nat Prod, 2023 May 26;86(5):1150-1158.
    PMID: 37098901 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.2c00793
    Cancer is often associated with an aberrant increase in tubulin and microtubule activity required for cell migration, invasion, and metastasis. A new series of fatty acid conjugated chalcones have been designed as tubulin polymerization inhibitors and anticancer candidates. These conjugates were designed to harness the beneficial physicochemical properties, ease of synthesis, and tubulin inhibitory activity of two classes of natural components. New lipidated chalcones were synthesized from 4-aminoacetophenone via N-acylation followed by condensation with different aromatic aldehydes. All new compounds showed strong inhibition of tubulin polymerization and antiproliferative activity against breast and lung cancer cell lines (MCF-7 and A549) at low or sub-micromolar concentrations. A significant apoptotic effect was shown using a flow cytometry assay that corresponded to cytotoxicity against cancer cell lines, as indicated by a 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5 diphenyl tetrazolium bromide assay. Decanoic acid conjugates were more potent than longer lipid analogues, with the most active being more potent than the reference tubulin inhibitor, combretastatin-A4 and the anticancer drug, doxorubicin. None of the newly synthesized compounds caused any detectable cytotoxicity against the normal cell line (Wi-38) or hemolysis of red blood cells below 100 μM. It is unlikely that the new conjugates described would affect normal cells or interrupt with cell membranes due to their lipidic nature. A quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis was performed to determine the influence of 315 descriptors of the physicochemical properties of the new conjugates on their tubulin inhibitory activity. The obtained model revealed a strong correlation between the tubulin inhibitory activity of the investigated compounds and their dipole moment and degree of reactivity.
  7. Kok YY, Chu WL, Phang SM, Mohamed SM, Naidu R, Lai PJ, et al.
    J Zhejiang Univ Sci B, 2011 May;12(5):335-45.
    PMID: 21528487 DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B1000336
    This study aimed to assess the inhibitory activities of methanol extracts from the microalgae Ankistrodesmus convolutus, Synechococcus elongatus, and Spirulina platensis against Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in three Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) cell lines, namely Akata, B95-8, and P3HR-1. The antiviral activity was assessed by quantifying the cell-free EBV DNA using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. The methanol extracts from Ankistrodesmus convolutus and Synechococcus elongatus displayed low cytotoxicity and potent effect in reducing cell-free EBV DNA (EC(50)<0.01 µg/ml) with a high therapeutic index (>28000). After fractionation by column chromatography, the fraction from Synechococcus elongatus (SEF1) reduced the cell-free EBV DNA most effectively (EC(50)=2.9 µg/ml, therapeutic index>69). Upon further fractionation by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), the sub-fraction SEF1'a was most active in reducing the cell-free EBV DNA (EC(50)=1.38 µg/ml, therapeutic index>14.5). This study suggests that microalgae could be a potential source of antiviral compounds that can be used against EBV.
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