Procidentia is uncommon condition altering quality of life of young and nulliparous women. Its management poses significant dilemma and challenges as its associated body image, fertility and sexuality issues. Uterine preservation surgery described by Archibald Donald in 1888 known as Manchester -Fothergill procedure seems best option as alternative to vaginal hysterectomy. Despite its increasing popularity among surgeons and patients, robust clinical evidence is needed. We report a case of recurrent procidentia in a young nulliparous woman who had Manchester repair following vaginal sacrospinous hysteropexy. We concluded that Manchester repair is a useful and safe alternative for uterine-preserving technique.
In the battle against tuberculosis (TB), plasticity of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome is believed to contribute to the pathogen's virulence and drug resistance. Here, we report 10 draft genome sequences of clinical M. tuberculosis isolated in Malaysia as the basis for understanding the genome plasticity of the M. tuberculosis isolates.