The geometry of reactor core, thermal column, collimator and shielding system for BNCT application of TRIGA MARK II REACTOR were simulated with MCNP5 code. Neutron particle lethargy and dose were calculated with MCNPX code. Neutron flux in a sample located at the end of collimator after normalized to measured value (Eid Mahmoud Eid Abdel Munem, 2007) at 1 MW power was 1.06E8 n/cm2/s. According to IAEA (2001) flux of 1.00E9 n/cm2/s requires three hours of treatment. Few modifications were needed to get higher flux.
Thermal neutron beam from thermal column was selected for a Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
(BNCT) system utilizing the Malaysian TRIGA MARK II reactor. Determination of shielding
materials for fast and epithermal neutron was conducted. The materials selected were polyethylene,
paraffin and water. For gamma-ray shielding, lead was used. The objective of this paper is to present
the simulation and verification of an optimal design of BNCT collimation at a beam. line viewing the
thermal column. A collimator was made from polyethylene pipe with 8 cm of diameter filled with